Damien Tee

By booksbyimara

1.9K 159 503

โš ๏ธ ๐Ž๐ ๐‡๐Ž๐‹๐ƒ โš ๏ธ โ€ข ๐ˆ๐๐’๐๐ˆ๐‘๐„๐ƒ ๐๐˜ ๐“๐‘๐”๐„ ๐„๐•๐„๐๐“๐’ โ€ข "What's your name?" I asked. "Damien," he... More

00 | Cast
00 | Quotes
00 | Epigraph
01 | Inez
02 | Inez
03 | Inez
04 | Damien
05 | Inez
06 | Damien
07 | Inez
08 | Damien
09 | Damien
10 | Damien
11 | Inez
12 | Damien
13 | Inez
14 | Damien
15 | Inez
16 | Damien
17 | Inez
18 | Damien
19 | Inez
21 | Inez
22 | Damien
23 | Inez
24 | Damien
25 | Inez
26 | Damien

20 | Damien

37 4 22
By booksbyimara

20 | Damien

The bell had just rung again for the fifth time? I sincerely have no clue why they have to ring the bells so many times like once or twice is more than enough.

I was trying my hardest to concentrate in class until I noticed one of my juniors, who also happens to be my nezzy's annoying bratty cousin. He appeared to be gesturing about a key? I was perplexed until I remembered he had asked for the key the day before. Before I could say, I don't have it from my class, I noticed my her walking pass and standing directly beside him.

She appeared to be questioning him about something I couldn't understand from my seat in class. They were gone before I knew it. I was perplexed as to why she had accompanied him. She's not even a member of the scouts. I was enraged because he brought her in without our permission. Like who does he think he is? We are the seniors, and he is a junior.

Our scout team decided to check on our store room later, just in case anything had happened. We noticed the lock was broken as soon as we went downstairs. We were all shaken and perplexed at the same time. I snapped a picture of it with my phone and went to meet my teacher.

I suspect that this was done by Nezzy's cousin. The sheer boldness of him doing this is extremely rude. We were all filled with vengeance. We had been looking after that room, and then someone out of nowhere decided to break it?

She said she would handle it after laying out what happened to the teacher. We all insisted on filing a disciplinary report on him because he had broken our possessions. That is truly heinous of him to do. My scout leader said we should go and report it right then and there, so we did.


We had just completed the report and the teacher asked a prefect to call him to the discipline room. Shortly, my her came into the room looking all confused. She took a glimpse at her cousin then looked at me. She looked so confused that I wish I could tell her, but I'm too pissed right now.

She asked her cousin why he was there, and he briefly told her he would explain later. She looked at her cousin then at me in utter confusion. After she had done whatever, she was doing she left. I took out my phone and placed it on the table and began asking him questions. I had opened the recorder app on my phone so I could record everything.

I'm pretty sure he realized it because he didn't speak a word and quietly waited for the teacher. As soon as I heard footsteps, I hid my phone as I didn't want to raise any suspicion.

The teacher called us in for questioning then called her cousin in. She told us she will explain and scold her cousin. Before we left, she apologized for the inconvenience.

I decided to stay back just in case her cousin decides to pull another one of his stupid stances. I'm so mad at him that I want to choke him till he begs me to stop.

Before I knew it, I saw everyone coming down? I checked my phone and realized now it's already recess for the afternoon session. I saw my her approaching me? Uh am I dreaming? Hallucinating? Is my her actually coming towards where I'm seated??? This must be a dream, right?

She came up and sat beside me? Am I being delusional, or did she ACTUALLY SEAT BESIDE ME? "Damien" She spoke, and it made me snap back to reality. God the way she say's my name is just so fucking sexy.

"I need to talk to you about something...." She took a deep breath before continuing. "My head prefect is blaming me for breaking your lock...but the problem is I did not. She wouldn't believe me anyway and my prefect rank is already at risk because of her shit talking about me. Worst part me and her have really bad history." Does she trust me that much that she told me about her past?

"Don't worry just tell her you did nothing and if she reports to teacher just say you don't know anything, or you can call me, and I'll help out" Before I could realize I blurted out all of that at one go but I looked at her for any reaction but she felt relieved? So, I didn't mess up?

"Thank you and sorry once again" she said and left feeling relieved and reassured. Well, I'm not entirely sure if she's relieved and feels reassured but her expressions says that so. I couldn't help but smile because I had finally done something right and made her feel relieved? That's a major huge success for me.

To be honest I was really glad and relieved at the same time that she was not in this mess because if she was then I wouldn't know what damage would happen to her. She could have lost her prefect rank and she really value it more than anything so I'm glad she's not in this mess but her cousin on the other hand is a total jerk. Couldn't he tell them that she was not involved? Like what type of a cousin are you?

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