A Queen and Her Kings

By feastsonyourmemes

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Cassandra Mikaelson was many things; a seer, a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, a lover, a detective, defender o... More

Cassandra Mikaelson
To Play God
For the Love of the Moon
Love at First Bite
A Sheep in Wolves Clothing
Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Draco
Our Souls will Never Leave Your Side
Mirror Rorrim
Welcome to the Queen's Domain
Realizations, Opportunities and the Morality of Trying to get Drunk in a Library
Shock, Confusion, and Attempted Arson
The Lamentations of Seven Souls
Mysterious Patrons and Leaky Roofs
Breakfast Debates and Enter, the Two of Spades!
He's a Trampola
If He Doesn't Scare You, No Evil Thing Will
The Patriarch and The Rivalry of the Spade and the Ace
The Beast Hunter and The Hunter of Love
The Trials of Sebek Zigvolt
A Sleeping Prince and The Art of Kicking Ass
The Shadow Man
Emo Big Bird Tries to Assert his Authority and Fails Spectacularly
The Start of an Epic Quest and The Backstories of The Cards
The Sword in The Stone
A Soul Laid to Rest and Mysterious Marks
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part One
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Two
The Mark Felt Around the Universe: Part Three
The Gypsy Boy and The Cat, The Prince and The Popstar
A Plan Most Abhorrently Wonderful, Near-Trial-by-Combat and a Ancient Birthright
They're Only Human
The Legend of Excalibur
Well-Deserved Rest and A Fool's Crime
Magical Mishaps
Unwanted Infamy and the King of Diamonds
Painting the Roses Anything but Red
The Many Morbid Uses of Vines and Kalim's got Game
Play With Fire
Fae-Style Small Talk and The Tart Rebellion
Chestnuts and the Arrogance of a Lion
A Pining Idiot and Deuce Throws Hands
Baking Antics and Sleepovers
Mysterious Dreams and the King of the Mine
Force of Nature
Diamonds and Hearts
A Not so Very Merry Unbirthday
The Cheshire Cat
Knowledge is Power
The Crimson Tyrant vs. The Once and Future King
Down with the Bloody Red Queen
If Walls could Talk within this House of Cards
You and Me
Side Effects May Include
Subject Crimson and Unbirthday Party 2: Electric Boogaloo
Diasomnia Dinner Time! ...We're all Doomed
The Chaotic Dinner Party from Hell
Memes 2
After-Dinner Coffee and Roivoodorus
Under the Pale Moonlight
One Good Woman
Pretty Male Snow White and the Squirrel that Wasn't a Squirrel
Rebel Girl
Why You Shouldn't Make Important Decisions Drunk and a Baker Boy's love


508 16 2
By feastsonyourmemes

Sebek huffed as he stared down at his sleeping dormmate. His lazy upperclassman looked so damn peaceful laying on that bed of moss. He couldn't believe Lady Cassandra had put in the effort to not only summon the moss bed to make that human more comfortable, but also took the time and resources to grow flowers, weave them into a flower crown, and give both that and a large pile of ripe fruit to him. She was worried he had slept through lunch! How kind she was, taking so much time to help his good for nothing upperclassman, even when he brought his circumstance upon himself! How generous!

Sebek wanted to cry. Oh, how jealous he was! He wished more than anything to be in Silver's place! The lucky bastard! And that got him thinking about his other rivals in love. Asim had already moved the Lady to tears with his gift, and those two Heartslabyul students followed her around like lost puppies! To say nothing of those other men in her Court! Oh, his aching heart!

Sebek then slapped himself hard across the face. No, he refused to lose! He would devotely serve his lady as he would his master! He would show her that only he could fulfill her every need! He wouldn't lose those humans!

Glaring down at Silver, a very agitated and determined Sebek lamented about what had led him here.


Sebek stared, wide eyed and gaping at the woman he now identified as the love of his life as she showed the two Heartslabyul students how to do the choke hold she had him in mere moments ago using the strawberry blonde man as a test dummy. His mother had told him tales of the infamous True Love, of soulmates as a child. Of how two people could know each other for barely a day, and know that person was who they wanted to spend the rest of their life with. As he saw his Lady joke around with the man in her choke hold, the strawberry blonde in question making overly exaggerated choking noises, he knew for certain.

'I love her...'

Sebek's face then started to resemble a tomato even more than it already had as he came to terms with the realization. His expression did not go unnoticed by the vampiric members of the Court, who gave him a glance and decided to cross whatever bridge Sebek was building when they came to it. His expression was also noticed by the two youngest members of the Court, who were seated under the same tree they had been sleeping under practically all lunch.

"There goes another one.", Skip said as he popped a candy into his mouth. A caramel and chocolate covered date, apparently. Grim, who was seated beside the child for once and not on top of his head, looked to his companion in confusion.

"What's that supposed to mean?", the familiar asked as he munched on a pomegranate seed. It was good, not as good as tuna, but good. His friend looked at him with a deadpan expression and a raised eyebrow.

"Grim, I'm twelve, not stupid. I know what goes on between two people who're in love. You've noticed how Cassandra acts with the guys, right? With everyone in the Court besides me, you and Griffin?"

Grim blinked, not really understanding what weird human (or vampire) thing he was getting at.

"You mean how they're always around her or touching her, and how their scents are all over her?", Grim answered hesitantly. Skip blinked, surprised by his answer.

"Uh, yeah, that. That means that they are in love with Cassandra. Other signs of this are red faces, shocked expressions, the giving of gifts, and other affectionate gestures.", the dark skinned boy listed off the 'signs of love' as if he were one of the narrators in a drug comercial.

"Oh, so they're like her mates?", Grim said as he ate another seed. Skip grinned.

"Yeah, exactly! She actually calls them that. Her current official mates are Ash, Eiji, Yue and Shorter. Ace and Deuce are likely potential mates, though those two have probably yet to figure that out. Other likely potential mates for her are that Kalim guy and now Sebek. When I said 'there goes another one', I meant he did the one thing that determines whether or not Cassandra makes him hers."

Grim blinked, "And what is that?", Skip smirked.

"He fell like a rock in a pond. He did it faster than most, though. Things like this usually take about a week, but everyone goes at their own pace I guess.", the boy said as he shrugged and popped another date into his mouth. Grim nodded before he tilted his head in confusion.

"Wait, don't you two legged people have some sort of rule that says you can't date more than one person? I saw it on a tv show a long time ago. This lady got super upset that her mate had another lady and she left him. So how is Cassandra dating four guys?"

Skip sighed, he had been expecting that question, though he had hoped someone else would be the one to answer it.

"Well Grim, some people like to think that there is a rule about stuff like that, but there isn't. The reason that lady got upset was because she was unaware of it and lied to, which is what hurt her. If her mate had come to her and talked about adding another person to their relationship, she might have taken it better. Most people don't love more than one person romantically, but Cassandra is in a league of abnormality all her own. She loves all four of the guys and they love her enough to be okay with her loving other people so long as she is happy. This arrangement technically goes both ways, but I don't ever think any of them will find someone they love as much as her. So, in short, Cassie doesn't give a fuck. She does what she wants and lives her life the way she wants, and anyone who tries to make her do otherwise has yet to escape a concussion induced by her louisville slugger- that's a type of baseball bat, by the way.", Skip explains as he ate one last date before leaving the rest for his mother in all but blood and placing them in her box. These were her gifts after all. Grim had a look of awe on his face.

"Wow! Cassandra's such a badass!", he said as he put the pomegranate seeds back in the box as well. Skipper laughed.

"Yeah, you're telling me! Hey, want me to tell you about the time she got into a bar fight and turned three vampires into a shishkebab using only her left hand and a pool stick?", Grim nodded furiously.

"Fuck yeah!"

Meanwhile, Cassandra had finished her demonstration and had made her way over to Sebek, who was still standing there like a fool. Cassandra smirked at his flustered expression. It was hard to tell whether it was from the fight or because he was mad at her for playing dirty. He did seem like a stickler for rules, after all.

"Sebek.", she called out, causing the man in question to jump to attention.

"Y-yes ma'am?!", Sebek cursed himself internally for stuttering. Cassandra laughed.

"At ease, soldier, no need to get all bent outta shape. I know you're probably mad I tricked you, but that's how things go in real fights where I'm from. No hard feelings, right?", the woman said as she grinned at him and punched his left arm. Sebek rubbed it and smiled nervously, not sure how to talk to her after having his little revelation.

"N-none at all, Madame.", why the hell did he keep stuttering?!

'Pull yourself together, Zigvolt!'

"Good. Now, onto the matter of my fourth order...", Cassandra trailed off. Sebek somehow became stiffer than he already was. He had completely forgotten that she had yet to give him his final order.

"I am prepared to do whatever you ask of me!", he declared, bracing himself for his next task. Cassandra laughed nervously.

"Calm down, Sebek, this one is easy. There's this silver haired guy sleeping under a tree near the path to this clearing. I passed him on the way here. If it doesn't make you late, could you go wake him up before his next class? I would hate for him to be late, either."

Sebek felt his eye twitch when she said 'silver haired guy'. He prayed to the Seven she didn't mean who he thought she meant.

"This person wouldn't happen to be wearing the Diasomnia uniform and was surrounded by animals when you saw him, would he?", he asked carefully. Cassandra's face lit up.

"Yeah, that's him! Do you know him?", she asked, genuinely curious. Sebek sighed and reluctantly nodded.

"Yes, he is an old friend of mine, as much as I hate to admit it. He's also my upperclassman, which means if you wish for me to wake him I'm afraid I must leave now."

Cassandra frowned a bit, "Already? Oh, very well. The guys and I have to go visit the school store, anyways. I didn't bring nearly enough clothes to get everyone in the dorm through the week. Not to mention we need potion ingredients and other casting materials.", she said as she walked over to one of the logs and picked up her school bag, before turning back to Sebek.

"It was very nice to meet you, Sebek. I hope to see you again soon.", the red head said, smiling as she slowly stalked over to the green haired young man. Sebek's now at last normal looking face soon grew to look like a tomato once more as Cassandra leaned her face close to his. Reaching out a hand, she brushed her fingers through the strands of hair in front of his forehead. Sebek began to panic as he remembered his disheveled state as a consequence of his earlier beating.

'Why didn't I fix my hair?! Does she think I look unpresentable?!'

Cassandra smiled as she ran her fingers through the soft strands.

"You have such beautiful hair. Why do you push it back? It looks so much better left down.", she said as she dropped her hand, looking deep into Sebek's eyes. He had to restrain himself from getting lost in the expressive pools of molten gold as he felt his eyes widen.

"Y-you think so?", he said, too shocked to bother mentally berating himself for his stutter. Cassandra nodded.

"Yes, I do."

Sebek swore he felt smoke coming out of his ears when he heard that. She thought he had beautiful hair? No one had ever said that to him before. The half fae cleared his throat loudly as Cassandra took a few steps back.

"Then I shall wear it like this always! I thank you for your kind words and bid you farewell, My Lady! May our paths cross again soon!"

With that, Sebek took the box of gifts from Skip, plucked the rest of his uniform off the ground and ran out of the clearing at full speed, a large toothy grin on his face.

'She likes my hair...!'


Sebek ran his hand through his loose hair as he lamented on his reason for it being so. No, he would not lose to anyone.

But to do that, he would need to fulfill his Lady's every wish; even waking up that good for nothing Silver. Swallowing the urge to just let him sleep through his next class, Sebek reached down and shook him.

"Silver! Wake up!", he yelled out loudly. Silver's eyes cracked open.

"Huh? What?", the narcoleptic asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. It was only after he did that and yawned loudly that he noticed Sebek.

"Oh, hey Sebek. Did Dad send you to get me?", he asked in a sleepy drawl, knowing that Sebek wouldn't bother to wake him up unless it was for his dad or Malleus.

"No, Lord Lilia did not send me, Lady Cassandra did.", Sebek said as he crossed his arms and stood back up. Silver blinked.


Sebek growled.

"Lord Malleus's potential friend! The girl from the entrance ceremony with the red hair and golden eyes!", he yelled out, causing Silver to flinch at the sudden noise, before his face lit up in realization.

"Red hair and golden eyes... I think I saw her earlier.", the second year trailed off, causing Sebek to blink. He thought he was asleep when Lady Cassandra found him. Silver continued.

"I thought she was someone I dreamt up... She seemed too ethereal... and her voice was too nice to be real.", he said as he looked down at his moss bed that he knew wasn't there when he fell asleep. As Silver realized this, Sebek grew furious.

'This good-for-nothing got to hear Lady Cassandra's singing?! And what's this about 'too ethereal'?! Has he fallen for her too?! No, I won't lose to this... this...!'

Sebek raged internally as Silver took in his surroundings some more. He noticed other things that weren't there when he went to sleep, like the wild flowers and the fruit. Realizing he had slept through lunch, Silver picked up a plum and took a bite out of it. Silver then felt something fall into his eyes. Picking it up, he saw it was a flower crown made of what his father had taught him were aster flowers. Realizing that no one else but the singing woman could have done all of this, Silver's eyes widened.

'She did all of this for me?', he asked himself, unsure as to why someone would go as far as to cast a high level earth spell and get him fruit to make him more comfortable. Then she went as far as making him a flower crown and singing to him. She even asked Sebek to wake him up for what he assumed was his next class. Silver stared down at the crown and half-eaten plum with a blank expression on his slowly heating face, his blush very prominent against his pale skin. Sebek took notice of this and gnashed his teeth at him.

"Get whatever thoughts you have of Lady Cassandra out of your head right now, Silver! I will be the one to win the Lady's heart!", the half fae exclaimed as he laid a hand over his heart. Silver blinked.


Sebek nodded.

"Yes, her heart! She has proven to be a strong warrior and an amazing woman, and for that she has stolen my heart! I see the look on your face, Silver! I know you're thinking you feel something for her because she was kind to you, but make no mistake! She is a kind person by nature! You aren't special!", he scoffed as he turned his head. Silver looked back at his crown.

'Her heart...', he thought again, feeling the heat rise to his face once more. He could only vaguely remember the woman, his memories of her hazey with a dream-like filter, but he remembered her voice. So soothing and melodic, it had made him want to stay awake just to hear more of it in spite of his body's desire for sleep. He remembered her eyes, too. They seemed to glow under the light of the sun, a halo of light surrounding her hair. She had looked so beautiful. He couldn't recall ever using that word to describe a person until now.

Perhaps that was how the 'love' Sebek kept preaching about was supposed to feel.

"Yes... I want her heart.", Silver said to himself with a nod, causing Sebek to growl at him again.

"Well you can't have it! I swear on my honor as a night of the crown, I will not lose to you, or Asim, or those idiots from Hearslabyul, or anyone else! The gauntlet has been thrown Silver, I hope you're prepared...", Sebek growled out menacingly, his phosphorescent eyes seeming to glow in determination and rage. Silver just stared at him, not understanding why he was kicking up such a fuss. It wasn't some duel between them, it was Cassandra's choice. Fighting with each other would only waste their energy.

Realizing this, Silver decided to just let Sebek tire himself out with his yelling. He would stop eventually, even if it took a while. He always did. As Silver made his choice, it was only then he noticed Sebek's lack of half his uniform and loose hair. Blinking, the lilac eyed man pointed at his friend and apparent love rival as he tilted his head.

"Where's your uniform? And what's up with your hair?", he asked calmly, causing Sebek to sputter.

"That's none of your business!", he yelled out loudly, stomping off to what was likely his next class. Silver just blinked at his apparent rage as a blue bird landed on his head.

"What did I say?", he asked himself. The only response he got was the chirping of the blue bird.


Jamil sighed as he picked up the trash can by Kalim's desk, which was nearly overflowing. He swore that boy had no organization skills, and they had just gotten back yesterday; how had he filled up his trash can that quickly? Lifting the bin up to take to the larger trash can outside the room's door, he huffed as the shaking of the bin caused a crumpled piece of parchment paper to fall out. Sighing a bit louder than before, Jamil set the bin back down and bent down to pick up the paper.

Looking at the piece of parchment in his hand, he was able to make out Kalim's neat but child-like scrawl on it. Curious as to what it said, and not seeing the harm in it, he uncrumpled the paper and began to read it.

I had this box hand carved by my family's favorite artisan. He said it would take a week to make, but when I told him it was for the most beautiful and wonderful girl I had ever seen, the one I wished to give my heart to, he set aside everything else to finish it in less than a day. The carvings represent me. I hope that you use this box to hold all your treasures, as I hope to one day hold you as the greatest treasure of my lif-.

Jamil could make out everything on the note, except the last letter on the last word. It had been covered by an ink blot Kalim must have accidently made, but he could infer what it was. Reading and rereading the note, Jamil felt his face heat up in anger.

Forget playing his role, he wasn't going to let Kalim ruin someone else's life.

Marching out to the common room, he spotted Kalim relaxing on one of the pillows lining the ground. The white haired boy looked happy to see him, until he spotted his furious expression. Shocked and a bit fearful, he didn't resist when Jamil took him by the hand and led him back to his dorm room, slamming and locking the door behind him before giving his master his undivided attention.

"What the hell is this?", he asked with frightening calm as he held up the scrapped note. Kalim flinched a bit.

"It's- uh...", Kalim looked to the side to avoid eye contact with Jamil, who was slowly stalking towards him.

"It's what, an empty promise?", he asked menacingly, his eyes starting to glow red. Kalim blinked at that.

"What?", he asked, genuinely confused and a bit offended.

"You heard me. Kalim, you can't say things like this to her.", Jamil said, barely contained anger in his voice. Kalim couldn't remember the last time Jamil had gotten angry with him.

"What? Why not?", he asked, his confusion growing. Jamil made a noise Kalim could only describe as a growl.

"Because, you'll just get her hopes up. Are all the notes you stuck on those presents like this?"

Kalim nodded, and Jamil cursed and growled even lower.

"You're making promises that you can't keep, Kalim! You've known this girl, what, a day? And suddenly she's the 'greatest treasure of your life'? You're just leading her on! This is a crush, an infatuation! It'll pass in a month or so, two at the most.", Jamil said with certainty, having believed this whole situation to be another one of Kalim's whims from the beginning. Kalim glared at him.

"No, you're wrong!", he yelled out with veracity equal to Jamil's. Jamil raised an unamused eyebrow.

"Oh? Am I now? You're not in love, Kalim, you're in love with the idea of this woman. You have this idealized image of her in your head that is going to get torn down the minute you have an actual conversation with her. You can't meet someone once and know that's who you want to spend the rest of your life with, that's not how love works!"

Kalim glared at him.

"What would you know about love? You've never been in my position!", the noble yelled out, infuriated. Jamil's eyes were practically light bulbs at this point.

"No, I haven't, but I know that love isn't something you feel just like that. That's just physical attraction. Love takes effort, sacrifice and time. You may have put forth some effort with that gift, but what would you sacrifice for her, other than money? Your time, your freedom? You give up these things when you enter a serious relationship, would you do it for her?"

Kalim, to Jamil's shock, nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, I would change the way I live if it would make her happy."

Jamil growled again. This idiot didn't know what he was saying.

"Oh, and what about the social implications, hm? You are the Asim heir, eyes are always on you, even in this school. What happens when the tabloids find out you're dating a strange otherworlder you just met? They'll have a field day! And this girl will be hounded by reports non-stop, to say nothing of the rumors!"

Kalim cast his eyes to the ground, his hair shadowing his eyes and hands balled into fists at his sides. Jamil continued hissing his objections.

"Have you even thought about the long term, either? She's going to want to find a way home eventually, and when she leaves, she might not come back! Even if your relationship somehow miraculously works out, what are you going to do then? You'll be the one left heartbroken."

Kalim clenched his fists tighter.

"Just what made you decide you wanted to get with this girl, hm? Was it because of how she looked, or how she saved you from her familiar's fire? Or maybe it's because she's the first girl you've actually had a chance to date since you got to-"

"It's because I took one look at her and I fell in love! I fell in love with her at first sight! It's True Love, Jamil!"

That made the snake-like young man stop talking. He looked at Kalim in undisguised shock at not only what he had said, but the look on his face. His red eyes were burning with rage and determination. Jamil couldn't recall a time when Kalim had ever had that look on his face.

After a moment, however, Jamil gathered himself and glared back. He had already gone this far, and he wasn't going to stop now. He was too mad to care about what this might mean for him later.

"There is no such thing as love at first sight or True Love. It's all children's stories! Pure myth! It's time you realized that, Kalim!", Jamil yelled out, his fists now clenched at his sides as well. Kalim glared at him harder.

"No, you need to realize something, Jamil! I love Cassandra! I love her voice, her laugh, her strength, her kindness, her everything! That woman is going to be my wife one day, and nothing anyone has to say about it will change my mind! Not even you!"

With that, the Asim heir stormed out of his room and slammed the door shut, leaving Jamil alone with his thoughts. His wife? What the hell was going through that guy's head?! Was he crazy or just stupid?! No, he was both, Jamil realized.

He had sounded so sincere and determined when he said his piece. Jamil knew there was nothing he could do to change his mind now. He could only hope that whatever was happening now wouldn't crash and burn, taking him and that Cassandra woman with it.

Sighing, Jamil took a few deep breaths to calm himself before he resumed his cleaning. Kalim would find him and apologize in a few hours, he always did when he got mad at Jamil. That was, unless this had been his line in the sand and he was taking the steps to contact their families about the argument for the first time in either of their lives.

Jamil shuddered, feeling the long healed scars on his back start to ache at the mere thought of what his father might do to him if he found out about this.

He had broken character once, and for the sake of his survival, he wouldn't do so again until he could set his plan in motion. This Cassandra wasn't a part of it, but he could change his plan accordingly once he knew more about her.

He had tried to help her because he saw himself in her. Maybe when his plan succeeded, he would try again and be successful.

He just had to wait for it.

Okay, so I know I promised Sam, but then I realized I had to establish things with some other characters now because putting it in later wouldn't make any sense. Not to mention the stuff I have planned for Sam deserves it's own chapter ;). Next chapter, we do actually get to Sam, so please don't tar and feather me.

So long and Good Night, Thackery Binx

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