
By vikinx

24.2K 676 158

You were abandoned at the doorstep of Trollmarket as a child and the year you turn sixteen, many interesting... More

under the bridge
the loss of a warrior
first time
the hero's forge
the walk home
an unfair fight
watch me
one hit
mr strickler
after school
the promise
bagdwella's problem
the spanish exam from hell
how to catch a gnome
gnome chompsky/night at the museum
three more rules
painting at the museum
the search
goblin mania
toby's room
waka chaka
a lot of feelings
new teacher
bridge or boat
babysitters' troubles
bittersweet sixteen

how to catch a changeling

329 8 14
By vikinx

You hadn't been completely lying. You did go to the bathroom. And you hid in one of the stalls until the ball rang and you could hear other students walking to their next classes. 

"Where is she?" you could hear Jim's voice nearing the girls' bathroom. "Maybe she was kidnapped by Strickler!" Tobias burst out. You opened the door slightly, getting in a sliver of sight from the outside. Jim and Tobias coming closer and closer, ready to pass. "Maybe she just felt sick and- AA-" Jim yelped as you dragged him and Toby straight through the door before locking the door. 

"What are you doing?? This is the girls' bathroom!" Tobias exclaimed, clasping his hands over his eyes. "In Trollmarket, we all pee in one river, big deal?" you snapped a reply, not willing to waste any more time. "Y/n, we'll get in so much trouble if anyone finds out!" Jim tried. "Shut up!" you snapped. "Strickler's a changeling and I know it!"

The boys fell silent. "Strickler's a changeling? How do you know?" Tobias asked, looking puzzled. As you explained, Jim's eyes looked as if they.. deepened, in a way. Like he couldn't belive it. "No, he can't be a changeling. I would have known," he refused. "You would have known?" you replied, folding your arms. "I'm just saying that throughout my whole high-school experience, I haven't once taken him for anything else than a-" Jim begun, but you grew too impatient. "You know what? Nevermind," you snapped. "We're getting through all our classes, and then we're going to Trollmarket. Got it?" The boys shared looks before looking back at you and nodding. "Good, now get out of the girls' bathroom."

"The matter at hand, master Jim," Blinky said, currently going on and on about the history of changelings. "Master Jim?" he repeated, noticing Jim's head in the clouds. "Master Jim!" AAARRRGGHH thundered right next to Jim's ear, making him scream. "Yes, sorry. Paying attention. Paying attention!" Jim replied, smiling nervously. "As I was saying, assuming that Killahead Bridge was in Arcadia, and it was indeed, as you say, delivered to a clandestine location, that would mean more changelings, scavenging, assembling and dissasembling," he explained, whispering the word 'changeling.'

"If we prove that the museum curator wasn't working alone, then Vendel might start believing that you saw the Killahead Bridge," he said. "So, we find another changeling," Jim replied. "We already have! I'm telling you, Strickler's a change-" you begun, but Blinky cut you off. "Stop saying that so loudly, both of you," he said, covering his mouth to whisper something, but stopped as he felt the same orange troll you'd met in the pub evesdropping on the conversation. "Do you mind?" Blinky scowled at the troll. "Whatever," the troll rolled his eyes before walking off. Blinky scoffed.

"Changelings have not been heard or seen in Trollmarket for centuries," he whispered. "The mere word could cause hysteria." "Then how do we find one?" Jim asked as the fellowship reached the hall's end. "RotGut's," AAARRRGGHH said, his eyes nearly sparkling. "Woah!" Jim and Toby marveled as the giant stone carving of a troll with a thick jaw loomed over you. RutGut's store sold everything you could ever need for any quest with little to no questions asked. The perfect place for resources during times like these.

"Purveyor of fine charms, totems and spells," Blinky told, as the five of you approached a heavily decorated metal wall with carvings, colored windows, around three metal trapdoors and one large knocking handle sculpted as the face of a livid troll with green eyes placed right in the middle.

"Follow my lead," Blinky whispered with a smile as he knocked on the door of RutGut's. You'd stopped by just a couple of times in the past to either have a chat - you found it funny when the two trolls on the other side of the door faught - or to buy something. Blinky took a step back as he kept smiling confidently. Then, one of the windows with orange colored glass slid upwards, revealing a red-ish troll with one blue eye visible. It was Rot. The trolls at RotGut's were large fellows, hence why nobody (besides themselves and possibly Vendel) had seen their full faces.

"Ailment or curse?" Rot asked in a deep, yet innocent voice. Then, one of the metal trapdoors were drawn aside, revealing the second troll employed at RutGut's. He had green-ish skin, his blue eye matching Rot's That was Gut. "Oi, numbskull! I'm supposed to answer it!" he scolded his brother. "But I already did answer it," Rot answered genuinly confused. "What is not clear about 'I deal with customers, you handle the wizardry'?" he continued, agrresively sliding his trapdoor shut, muffling his voice. Rot looked back at the group anxiously as his brother's muffled voice kept on going. "Hold a tick," he said before he slid his window back down. Blinky laughed as he looked back at you. Jim and Toby exhanged looks as you held back your laugh.

"Good, Rot. Stick with that," Gut finished as he reopened his trapdoor. "Welcome to RotGut's. How may we service you?" he asked, his tone changed completely. "Totem, my good troll. We suspect one of these fleshbags may be a changeling," Blinky replied just loud enough for you, Jim and Toby to hear. "Hmm?" Rot's window slid back up. "Her too?" he asked, his eye gesturing towards you. "Other fleshbags," AAARRRGGHH grumbled as he moved behind Jim and Toby, playing along. The boys suddenly looked very nervous, as if they belived that was what Blinky and AAARRRGGHH really had come for.

"You're gonna need a gaggletack," Rot said, making Gut chuckle akwardly. "Unfortionately, you see, we're running a bit short on those. Very hard to get," Gut quickly added. Rot looked confused. "But I've got a bag om them right here," he truthfully said. "What in the world?" Gut exclaimed. "If you'll excuse us for one moment," he quickly asked before snapping his trapdoor shut for the second time. "Ey, what are you doing? I'm trying to drive up the price over here," he shunned from the other side of the wall. You could see by Rot's eye, that he was extremely caught off guard and even more confused. "I thought we were trying to help these nice lads," he said, gently sliding his window shut as his brother continued his frustrated explenation. 

"Gaggletack?" Toby scratched his head. "Rare artifact," AAARRRGGHH replied. "Exceedingly rare. An object of great mystery," Blinky said as he turned, his six eyes sparkling at the thought. "Well, not really if they have a whole bag full of them," you mumbled, gesturing towards RotGut's. Blinky side eyed you before continuing being the only source of information this group has: "With physical contact, it reveals the true nature of a changeling."

"Why don't you open the door and.." Gut's faint voice spoke as Rot's blue eye returned. "Step back, please," he said. "..our hard-earned bits and bobs?" Gut finished. Then, a drawer-like thing opened from the metal door, and out shot an object straight into Toby's face. You clasped your hands in front of your mouth, trying as hard as ever not to laugh. The gaggletack fell to the ground, and so did Toby. "It hurts!" he groaned. "It's a horseshoe," Jim said, picking up the artifact. "Made of pure iron," AAARRRGGHH said. "Why would you put such a precious thing on ta horse's foot?" Blinky exclaimed, thuroughly shocked. "Huh?" Jim said, exchanging looks with Toby once more.

"Beware," Blinky began in a grave whisper. "Changelings are swapped with heir human counterparts at birth. So, it is likely these troll-pretenders have dwelt amongst you for decades. They could be anyone. used car salesmen, tax collectors, television executives." "Dentists," Toby determindely shot in, his green eyes gleaming. "Yes, especially dentists," Blinky agreed. "So, who do we start with?" Jim asked. "Oh, I've got a few ideas," Toby smiled maliciously, seizing the gaggletack from Jim's hands.

Later, when Jim and Toby had gone home for the day, you were called on by your Vendel. "Yes, father?" you said as you peeked at his heartstone office. "Y/n. Come sit," he replied, tapping at a stool next to his chair. He was working on something you couldn't really put your finger on. Some potion or something. You did as you were told and sat down next to him, waiting for him to begin talking. "How do you think the Trollhunter is doing?" he asked, still fixed on his project. "I have first-had experience of him doing well! He's been face-to-face with many dangers and-" you were cut off. "He vandalized a museum," Vendel said, stone-faced. "That is somewhat true, but-" "And this chubby little friend of his, what does he do?" Vendel asked as he turned, his grey eyes piercing into you. "He- um. Emotional support? He did take pictures of Killahead Bridge! Remember?" "You mean, what turned out to be a boat?" "Father, will you just listen?" "The Soothscryer haven't even made up it's mind yet. Y/n, this is unusual." "The Soothscryer will make up its mind!" you stood up, at the verge of screaming in your father's face.

He looked at you with shocked eyes. "I'm- I'm sorry, father," you stammered, softening. "You may leave," he replied, eyes hardening. His gaze stung in your chest. "But father-" "You are dismissed," he ordered. You nodded before you turned and left his office, fighting angry tears.

You made your way over to Draal's previous housing, tears slightly blurring your vision. It was covered by a filthy rug. No troll had dared to claim ownership over it like they usually do, caused by the great dishonor brought upon poor Draal. You lifted the rug slightly and entered. You lit up the oil lamp hanging on the wall, lighting up the room. His belongings were still there, npbody had dared to claim those either. It was sad, really. You lifted the lamp off the wall and moved it to another one. The flame shone upon flat, stone wall until there appeared a large spot of darkness. You instantly knew what it was and stepped in.

You followed the passage, forged by your best friend, until you saw a vauge light coming from the other end. When you reached what was covering the passage, you saw small lines of light shining through some cracks. You knocked on the material, the sound of wood echoing through the tunnel behind you. You heard gruffing coming from the other side, followed by muffled stone footsteps. Draal knocked back. You chuckled and knocked once more. He then, removed the flat wood, revealing Jim's basement.

"Y/n?" his eyes lit up when he saw you. "Draal!" you smiled a reply, hugging him as your eyes adjusted to the light. "How did you know where the passage was?" he asked as you sat the oil lamp on the floor. "It was so obvious, stone-face!" you laughed, punching him jokingly in the chest. "Bushigal!" he replied, looking downright offended. You smiled widely. 

"Why did you come here in the first place?" he asked, thumping back to his furnace and sitting down. "Father again," you replied, sitting down next to him. "Suspicious about the Trollhunter?" Draal assumed, and he was right. You nodded as he opened the furnace and grabbed a handfull of red-hot coal. "Must be tiring with such a snoopy dad. My father never had time for me, of course," he said, spreading the coal onto the ground in front of him to cool down. "Not your fault, by the way," you added, smiling up at him.

"We have a lot in common," he said, still focused on his coal. "Yeah?" you hinted for him to elaborate. "No mom, shitty dad," he shrugged. "Outcast," he chuckled. You laughed as you playfully pushed the blue troll. "We aren't outcasts! We're basically the future of Trollmarket!" you replied. Draal looked down at you, raising an eyebrow. "Come on, son of Kanjigar and daughter of the literal chief." "Maybe, but we're still outcasts," Draal replied, picking up a piece of coal and trowing it in his mouth. "I mean, look at me. I'm definitly an outcast." After Draal finsihed crunching his coal, there was a silence for a moment.

"Do you think they'll ever let you back into Trollmarket?" you asked, resting your head on his large, stony arm. "Maybe when you're made chief," he replied. "Or when the Trollhunter dies." You chuckled, hitting him once more. Your hand was starting to hurt. "I belive in you," you said, looking up at him. He was already looking at you. "Thank you, Y/n," he said softly. "Thank you, Draal."

The next day at school, Toby tried the gaggletack on everyone, everywhere. In gym, he strained down a rope, towards Coach Lawrence with the gaggletack in his mouth. It was quite amusing to watch, really. When he was close enough, he used his hand to bring the horseshoe to Coach's cheek. He immideately jerked before he turned around to Toby with an akward smile printed onto his face. Exhausted, he let go of the rope and dropped down to one of the blue mats on the gymnasium floor. "Domzalski! Drop down and give me fifty!" Coach Lawrence roared.

In between classes, he helped Jim sneak up on Eli by looking suspicious near his locker as Jim approached causiously with the gaggletack in his hand. Eli looked extremely confused at Toby, but yelped when Jim touched his arm with the cold iron. Immideately, Jim acted like nothing. "Um.. Hi, Jim!" Eli said. His eyes caught the horseshoe in Jim's hand and he smiled. "Thank you!" he said as Jim ran away.

During lunch, Toby had set up a horseshoe-toss booth. He had a large plank standing up with a red circle painted with a nother smaller circle in it and five nails in the positions of a small cross. He'd also found himself a table somehow, and had taped a "Horse Shoe Toss" sign to it. Naturally, everyone found themselves "too cool" for it and ignored him. "Y/n, you take it," he groaned after a long while.

In Spanish, you sat next to Steve almost at the back of the classroom. He'd already sated himself and was smirking at you from the moment you entered the room. Did he never give up? Regardless, you made your way for him. "What's up, hot stuff?" he asked. You had a plan, but his comment just made you drop the gaggletack right into his lap, hitting his mini weenie. He groaned loudly, grabbing the edge of his desk so hard that his knuckles turned white. "I'm so sorry, Steve!" you said, acting innocent. "It's fine," he groaned, clenching his teeth. "Let's get you to the nurse's office, okay?" you said as you helped him out of his chair. The gaggletack fell to the ground, but you quickly picked it up again. As you followed Steve to the door of the classroom, you couldn't help but grin to yourself.

Finally, Toby just started walking around with a drousy expression on his face as he put the gaggletack on anybody in his way. "Nope. Nope. Nope," he groaned. Natrually, he managed to recieve weird stares from basically everybody in the school. "Any luck?" Jim asked as Toby approached him and you near his locker. "Nope," Toby replied. "Yeah, I struck out, too," Jim said, closing his locker. "We've tried everyone in this entire school!" Toby complained. "Maybe we were just paranoid," Jim said. "No. There's still one person left," you said, turning around to face Mr Strickler. "I don't belive that's appropriate school attire," he commented as he walked past Mary Wang and her friends.

"You, uh, try this out on Mr Strickler?" Toby suggested, his expression not so drousy anymore. "Come on. You really think he is one?" Jim asked, still defending his favorite teacher. Toby looked down at the gaggletack, then bacj up at Strickler before he began walking towards him. "Woah, woah, woah! Now? I don't want to embarrass ourselves," Jim said, grabbing one end of the horseshoe. "Jim! He is one!" you nearly yelled, tired of his need of Strickler being innocent. "How do you know?" he replied, straining for the gaggletack. "Have you forgotten everything I've told you so many times about him? The horngozel, that class where he obviously brought up Killahead on purpose?" you replied.

"You just don't wanna admit stat Strickler is-" Toby begun. "I don't want to upset anyone who grades our final exams!" Jim interrupted. "Fine! Okay, we'll do it later," Toby reasoned, letting go of the gaggletack, leaving it in Jim's hands. Jim looked confused at the horseshoe in his hands, when suddenly, Toby grabbed it and flang it towards Strickler. It landed just in front of his brown, pointed boots. The school bell rang. "Whoopsy! Slipped," Toby smiled innocently. You fistbumped him subtly.

"Sorry," Jim said. "Uh, mind picking that up for us, Mr S?" Toby asked, playing it off. Mr Strickler scoffed. "And waste such idle hands as your own, Mr Domzalski? Miss Y/n?" he replied, shooting you a quick, yet deadly glare. "Our backs. Coach Lawrence put us through the wringer this morning," Jim chuckled, playing along. "Oh yeah," you managed a fake groan, the three of you rubbing your backs. It must have looked so strange.

"Can't you just scooch it over with your foot?" you asked, your suspision growing even more. "I'd rather not, I just polished my shoes," he smiled. He was taunting you. The four of you just stood there in silence for a moment. Why did he refuse to touch it? Did he think that high of himself or was he really a changeling? 

"You three better get to class," he said as he took one last glance at the gaggletack. "Wouldn't want detention, would you?" You looked around and noticed there were nobody else around anymore. The three of you exhanged looks before you all scratted up to him. Jim bent down and picked up the iron horseshoe from Strickler's feet. "Hurry off now," he grinned. You walked away, but as you did, you could feel his eyes at the back of your neck. And you could feel his evil smile.

"You guys saw that, right?" you whispered anxiously. "There's no way that man's not a changeling. He wouldn't even touch it with his shoe." "We can't know for sure," Jim replied as the three of you rounded a corner. "You're still defending him?" Toby asked. Jim didn't reply, for he had already opened the door to algebra, and you were late.

The rest of the day went as usual - with a scolding from Miss Janet - and after school, Toby said he'd try the gaggletack on his hispanic dentist that he was sure was a changeling. The three of you told Blinky and AAARRRGGHH in case anything happened and his dentist was, in fact, a changeling. And now, Blinky and AAARRRGGHH were shadowing Toby at his dentist appointment, so all you could do was hang around in Trollmarket with Jim. Alone.

The two of you had sat down at the pub to talk. "How was it? Growing up here, I mean," Jim asked. "Special," you smiled. "You're taught a lot here that I was surprised they don't teach you up there." "Like what?" the boy asked, leaning closer, seeming interested. "You know.. Troll anatomy, rituals, how to slay your enemy. Those things," you told, resting your head in your hands. "I've noticed some of you are pretty brutal," he chuckled nervously, obviosuly getting flashbacks. "How was it growing up up there?" you returned the question, genuinly wanting to know. "Different than here, that's for sure," he smiled a crooked smile. Suddenly, the whole atmosphere seemed to change. You were suddenly lost for words, and Jim seemed in no rush to say something either. It was like he'd forgotten how to speak too. It was then you noticed that you'd subconsciously leened closer to eachother. He didn't back away though. He just sat there, looking into your eyes.

You flushed red and snapped back to reality. "Jim!" you gasped suddenly, making Jim alert. "What?" he replied, looking around as if he expected to be beat to death by some troll. "You've never seen Heartstone up close, have you?" you asked. "No, not up close. Why?" he replied. You smiled widely before you grabbed his wrist and dragged him out of the pub. "You have to see her, she's beautiful!" you beamed as you lead Jim towards Heartstone. The boy had no time to reply, for you made a sharp turn left, leading him up a set of swirled stone-stairs. "Y/n, take a breather," Jim panted behind you.

You reached the top and stopped. You'd led him up to one of the stone ledges closest to Heartstone. The best spot to take in all her beauty. "There she is," you breathed as you stepped further out on the ledge . "Be- careful-" Jim breathed heavily before swallowing hard. You admired the large crystal as you sat down on the stone. She was so close. "The view is nice up here," Jim said when he'd finally caught his breath, sitting carefully down next to you. You nodded. Her warm glow of orange, red and yellow reflected in your eyes. "Isn't she so beautiful?" you asked. "She really is," Jim replied in a sudden low tone. You turned your head and noticed he wasn't looking at her, but you. It felt like your eyes sparkled when they met. He quickly glanced down at your parted lips, it felt natural to do the same. Your eyes slowly closed as you leaned in for eachother.

Suddenly, Jim's phone buzzed. I am Gun Robot. Pick up your phone. He silently groaned as he pulled away. Your eyes opened and saw his irritated look. What was that you'd just experienced? Had he felt the same? Jim fished his phone out from his back pocket. "Hey Tobes. Everything alright?" he answered the call. You could tell something was wrong, for it was as if there was a hurricane speaking to Jim on the other side of the phone. Incoherent murmuring and laughing backed up your suspicious. Either he was really high, or something bad had happened. You and Jim locked eyes, you could tell you were thinking the same thought. "We're coming, Tobes," he said before he hung up. Before another word was spoken, you were already out of Trollmarket.

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command!" Jim hurried as you two pedaled your feet off on your bikes, rushing for the dentist. With a glow of blue light, he was armored up in his shining suit of Daylight. "I see the building!" you said, pointing to a brown, flat building with a huge set of gums on the roof. This was only an assumtion though.

You reached the building and threw your bikes and helmets to the ground in front of it. You rushed inside the building and found a brown door with muffled screams, thuds and laughter coming from behind it. "Come on!" Jim urged as he opened the door, panting. What you saw in that room was something you wouldn't easily forget.

Blinky laughing his face off, Toby hanging onto a metal lamp- attached to the roof, who you assumed was the female changeling was was standing opposite to Blinky and AAARRRGGHH literally hung from the roof. There was a vauge mist in the room, making it look like chainsmokers had inhabited the room before them. Your eyes traveled down to two blue - almost empty - tanks in the corner of the room, close to the door. Laughing gas. "What in the world?" Jim mumbled and you couldn't help but snicker. "Guys!" Toby smiled, his face halfway numb from whatever demonic painkiller the dentist had given him. "Uh.." Jim chuckled, confused. "Does this usually happen?" you asked, but just then, the green changeling, with a simular build as Bagdwella, spotted Jim and launched herself for him. "The Trollhunter! Die!"

Jim ducked away from her, falling to the floor and hitting the two blue tanks. Blinky and Toby burst out laughing, making Toby lose his grip around the lamp and fall to the floor, making Blinky laugh even more. The changeling let out a high-pitched laugh before she growled and launched for Jim once more. Jim summoned his sword of Daylight. He swung his fist and hit her in the face as a distraction before he swung his blade. She groaned and backed up, going for another lamp. She grabbed it and turned the light to blind Jim. He squinted, and she took this opportuinity to grab his foot and get him back on the ground. She pinned his arms down as he squirmed and grunted beneath her. She snarled in his face, her rotten breath escaping her mouth.

You realized you had to do something. Your eyes scanned the room for anything that could help. Sharp dental equipment that would still be too dull to pierce her skin, the broken lamp, a painting?? Your eyes looked behind Jim and found the blue tanks behind him. The perfect thing to knock her out. You leaped for the changeling, put your arms on her back and lifted yourself over her. Then, you grabbed one of the blue tanks from the ground. She was too busy threatening Jim with her sharp teeth that she didn't notice you raise the tank above her head and hit her right in the head with it.

But that didn't go as planned. She snapped her head towards you with a livid look in her yellow and red eyes. He growled and let go of Jim. Fear spread through your whole body as you watched her come closer and closer, unable to move yourself. You noticed that Toby, AAARRRGGHH and Blinky had stopped laughing. "You worm!" the changeling bellowed as she leaped for you. You shut your eyes tightly, waiting for the pain. 

You opened your eyes to the blue shine of Daylight planted in the middle of the changeling's stomach. Jim stood behind her with his sword in pierced straight through her. She grunted in disbelief as blue sparks shot out from her before covering up her whole body. Daylight even shone from her yellow eyes and mouth. You backed up towards Toby and Blinky, who were already backed up in a corner, protecting themselves with a lamp. The changeling's eyes were round as dinnerplates and her mouth wide open as the impact of Daylight became too much for her and she exploded into Daylight with a wave of light blue. A soundwave followed the explotion, setting off a car alarm somewhere.

The remains of her had turned into a powder, which was spread around the room. You turned to Jim and saw his face coated with the grey-ish powder. "There goes proof," AAARRRGGHH said, still hanging from the roof. Blinky looked sad and Jim looked baffled, but Toby looked absolutely horrified. "Oh my gosh! She's in my mouth!" he frantically yelled as he dropped the lamp and tried to cough her out of him. "Oh my gosh!" he continued as he tried scraping the powder off his tongue.

"God, I killed our only evidence of changelings in Arcadia," Jim pouted, his armour returning to the Amulet. "And my dental hygenist!" Toby shot in, still frantic. "You finished the fight, master Jim. And doing so for the protection of a friend, for that matter," Blinky smiled sympathetically, placing a hand on Jim's shoulder. You smiled at Jim. The boy who'd just saved your life. He smiled back. "Vendel may continue to have his doubts, but we continue to have our lives. A fair bargain, I'd say," Blinky said. Toby had finally calmed down, but the whole building shook as AAARRRGGHH managed to struggle his way in from the window in the ceiling.

"Hm, this place is a wreck. We should depart," Blinky decided as AAARRRGGHH began toying with the dental tools and educational figures of gums and such. The crew followed him out of the room, AAARRRGGHH, of course, getting stuck in the door. He groaned, a confused childish look in his eyes. "I really thought we'd convince Vendel this time. I'm sorry," Jim mumbled. "It's not your fault he's too close-minded to belive us," you tried cheering him up, but it didn't really seem to work as well as you'd hoped. He sent you a soft smile as a silent 'thank you.'

"Hey, this powder is real gross. Why don't we take a dip in the river?" you suggested. Jim laughed. "The river?" he smiled in confusion. "Yeah, we do it all the time. Don't you?" you asked. "It'd be a first," Jim chuckled. "Come on, it'd be fun!" Jim thought for a second before his eyes sparkled, and you already knew it was a yes. "Tobias, come on! We're going swimming in the river!" you called behind you. "Coming!" Toby replied.


At the darkly lit museum, goblins were huffing and puffing, carrying rocks around for Bular and Strickler. The sound of tiny grunts were outruled by Strickler's footsteps, closing in on the large, black troll whom was admiring the unfisnished glory of Killahead bridge.

"I've just confirmed the worst," Strickler spoke. Bular growled as he turned to face him. "Gladysgro has been slain." "Well, the impure served her purpose. She already brought the stones from Madagascar. Her job was done," Bular replied and turned back around like it was nothing. "I'd advise you to care for those you employ," Strickler spat. "Care?" Bular echoed, closing in on the bridge. "I only care to find the stones so my father can escape this wretched prison."

Once we have them all, I will crush this troll-defender myself. And then every fleshthing in the horrid world will know.." He turned to a fetch, glowing in a strong lime-green, ready to be used. It let out a bright glow before spitting out another piece of stone, sparks green electricity lingering on it. Strickler bent down and picked up the stone. On the back of the rock, there were markings carved in Troll, glowing green. Strickler read is Bular walked up to him. "It appears Nomura has gotten her way. Another changeling has been chosen," Strickler grinned, the green light from the stone, resting on his face and reflecting in his eyes.

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