Vampire Verse [Dreammare] ~☆

By NotATeenDemon

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Lord Dream and Nightmare own the land of their mother before them. The land of Dreamtale, which houses a hum... More

Castle Dreamtale
At First Light
The Apple Tree
A Bite of Forbidden Fruit (Smut)
Common People
The Moon Festival
Mortal Filth
Moon Dance
Blood Moon
Public Speaking
Sunrise (Smut)
In Power (Smut)
Real Power (Smut)
A Threatening Government
The Vampiric Hierarchy
Vampiric History
The Morning Star
A Common Traveler
Pages and Words
Small and Dear
An Invitation
New Years
New Friends
Silver Wings
Gold Rings (Smut)
Wings (Smut)
The Capital
A Royal Ball
King Asriel
Home Sweet Home
True Friends
Dreamtale's Magic
Hell's Reign
Hell will Reign

I Love You

265 17 6
By NotATeenDemon

   "Don't you ever fucking leave me again!" Dream hissed with venom in his tone.

   Nightmare gasped to catch his breath, he'd lost a lot of blood from Dream drinking so much of him.
   Dream was desperate to feel Nightmare's love. Finally after three days of Nightmare being gone, he could smell his love right on him, and taste it all in his blood.
   Since Nightmare clearly couldn't love Dream in return, Dream would've done anything to keep Nightmare at his side.

   Dream leaned down with a gluttonous lust in his eyes to bite Nightmare again.
   "Dream! No! Stop!" Nightmare yelped.

   Dream heard him.
   Tears suddenly streamed down his face as he realized what he was doing. What he was thinking. He was willing to brainwash his beloved Nightmare just to keep him against his will.
   Dream cried into Nightmare's chest as he hid his face in his arms. He was completely disgusted with himself. He felt like a hell-bent monster.
   Servants came running at the sound of Nightmare's yelling.
   "I said leave us!!!" Lord Nightmare roared at them as he wrapped his arms around Dream to comfort him as he cried. The staff ran away quickly.

   "Get away from me..." Dream whispered under his breath.
   "No." Nightmare replied simply.
   "I'll make you stay forever if you don't." Dream whimpered as he warned his love of caution.
   "Good." Nightmare responded.
   "Don't you want to be rid of me!?" Dream yelled at Nightmare for being so stubborn, "Go away! Run! I can't follow you in the day! So leave!" He sat up more and pulled Nightmare by the collar of his shirt.
   "I don't want to leave you!" Nightmare yelled back as he was pulled up by Dream's strength, his back was lifted a few centimetres off the ground by Dream's grip.

   Dream wanted to argue, but Nightmare's cent was undeniable. He spoke the truth. Otherwise, Dream would've smelt the guilt of lying.
   Dream collapsed into sobs again, letting Nightmare's back fall to the ground with a light thud to the stone floors. They lay in silence for a moment as Nightmare held Dream to his chest tightly.
   "I thought of you every minute I was gone..." Nightmare whispered in Dream's ear.
   "You did?" Dream finally whispered back after pulling his face away from Nightmare's shirt, though he still tried to avoid eye contact with Nightmare.
   "The further I was away from you, the more I couldn't stop thinking about you." Nightmare confessed. Dream tried to smell the lie behind his words, but Nightmare's hand stroked gently along his cheek and pushed his gaze to face Nightmare's soft eyes. "Why do I get the feeling that you're doubting me?" Nightmare asked as a sting pierced his heart that Dream didn't seem to trust his word.

   "Do you love me?" Dream could smell Nightmare's love, but perhaps his nose was playing tricks on him. Maybe Dream really didn't know what love smelled or tasted like... What if it was just in his head.

   Nightmare's stinging grew deeper in his heart at that.
   "More than anything." It was as if Nightmare had to fight to keep Dream in his arms, as if Dream was slipping through his fingers as doubt plagued his poisoned mind.
   "You never say it..." Dream muttered shamefully, as if, even he thought of it as a silly excuse for doubting Nightmare's love.

   It was obvious now. Even a mortal like Nightmare could smell it on Dream. Anxiety and depression poisoned Dream's soul, and made him doubt everything that was good.

   "I love you." Nightmare decided right then to fix his horrible mistake. Dream hid from Nightmare's praise at first, "I love you." His arms squeezed Dream, "I love you." He repeated, each time with more intensity as Dream blushed and hid from it.
   Nightmare kissed his cheek, "I love you." He turned them over so Dream would be trapped under his truth, "I love you." He placed a kiss on Dream each time he said, "I love you." Dream was crushed under the smell of Nightmare's overwhelming love, "I love you so much." The kisses lingered as Nightmare remembered just how long it had been since his mouth last tasted Dream's bones, "I love you so so much." Nightmare breathed as Dream started to squeak and hum softly from Nightmare's kisses.

   "You're too much!" Dream said as he pulled Nightmare's face closer to his, clearly not wanting him to stop.
   "Good. I've clearly not been enough for far too long. So now, I plan on drowning you~" Nightmare spoke deeply as he stared into Dream's tear-filled eyes.
   Dream shuttered at his promise before both of their mouths naturally formed together like magnets.

   "Nightmare," Dream pushed Nightmare away to confess a sin. Before Nightmare could even ask what was wrong, Dream spoke in an ashamed whisper, "I bit a maid..."
   Nightmare found himself at a loss for words, he felt shocked to hear the news but also slightly jealous somehow...
   "What happened?" Nightmare asked as Dream's anxiety tried to return like an infestation of plagued mice.
   "I needed to taste your love... I was so desperate for it, and... but... she was the only one there... cleaning... and I..." Dream shrunk in shame and guilt, "I only stopped because she tasted disgusting... like fear." He confessed with a horrified look on his face. Terrified of his own magic.
   Nightmare cupped and stroked Dream's cheek in an attempt to comfort him.

   "I would have killed her if she tasted any different." Dream whimpered as he tried to resist Nightmare's soft touch.
   "You don't believe that, do you?" Nightmare asked.
   "I am hell-bent... an evil bloodsucker." Dream nodded softly as he avoided eye contact with Nightmare.
   "You think you're so wicked? If you were, then I would already be dead." Nightmare tried to reason with Dream, "Perhaps you have grown a little too dependent on the taste of my blood for love, but you can control yourself much more than you think you can. Or you would have drained all my blood several times over."

   Dream hid in fear at the thought.
   "I'm not going anywhere." Nightmare said sternly, "And seen as I can't live without you, if I do ever try to leave, I give you full permission to kill me."
   Dream stared at Nightmare,
  "Sword or fangs. Kill me." Nightmare held Dream's hand to his chest until he could feel the beating of Nightmare's love filled soul.
   "Bow and arrow?" Dream had no choice but to believe Nightmare, or else they would lay there all week until Nightmare could make Dream believe him. "You really can't live without me?" Dream wanted Nightmare to say it again.

   "I can't live without you near me, because I love you more than anything else." Simple words are all that's needed if they're the simple truth.
   There's no need for poetry or grand gestures when they'd been together for so long already. They just needed to get used to openly saying it, now that they had the castle all to themselves.

   "Would marrying you make you feel better?" Nightmare asked.
   "What?" Dream stared at Nightmare, thinking perhaps he misheard what he said.
   "I don't want to be with anyone else in the Multiverse. So it seems simple to me..." Nightmare trailed off with his explanation as Dream slowly pulled Nightmare down and to connect their mouths again.
   Dream held Nightmare in place as his golden heart fluttered along with his pale white wings. Joy ate up Dream's anxiety as Nightmare's hands trailed along Dream's back and held them flush against each other.
   Nightmare grew dizzy from the passion Dream gave off from his body, and from the lack of air that reached their mouths while they were preoccupied.

   "Marry me." Dream breathed as they had to pry each other away.
   "As you wish, my love." Nightmare smiled to his beloved.

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