Transformers Prime: fanfictio...

By SilverJetPrime

333 16 0

I do not own the photo. or the characters. but I do own BlackMoon. I just thought of this story. but this sto... More

Here Are Photos Of What BlackStar And BlackMoon Will Look Like


27 2 0
By SilverJetPrime

M.EC.H'S Headquarters: Silas Office:

Silas was working away trying to finish and complete things. "Sir. What do you want us to do with this uh t-cog." The guy replied. Silas looked up. "Set it over there. You said you got it from a Cybertronian femme is that correct." He asked him. "Yes sir. We did. But this femme looked familiar somehow but I think I may be wrong." He said to Silas. "Hmmm. Yes you could be. Just set it over there." Silas replied.

But what they didn't know was that the t-cog had a tracking device on it. And what they didn't know was that this t-cog belonged to none other than BlackMoon. The daughter of the All Mighty Megatron and who is also the leader of the Decepticons. And they will be in a world of hurt once her father Lord Megatron gets his servos on them or on the person who took the t-cog.

Experiment Room:

"Guys. We need to get this done." One guy said. "Uh. We know. We just can't get this stupid piece in." The second guy responded back. Soon the doors burst open and they were blasted open. They quickly turned and saw Cybertronians. And that's when all hell broke loose.

Silas Office:

Silas was working and everything until he heard shouting and yelling. Soon his doors opened. "Sir. We are getting attacked." The guy said. The guy quickly turned. "No, wait please I'll do anything. Wait, please stop. NOOO!!!" The guy shouted. Silas eyes immediately widened. But soon he saw peds and he then saw the figure bent down. He then saw the figure staring right at him with his red and bloody optics. And it felt like his red and bloody optics were piercing through his own human eyes. And the figure who was staring at him was none other than Lord Megatron himself and he wasn't happy. They have something that rightfully belongs to his little princess and he wasn't leaving until he got what he wanted. Megatron growled and hissed at the fleshing that he was seeing. "Where's the item that belongs to my daughter that you rightfully took from her?" Megatron asks him. Silas blinked. "I have no idea what you are talking about." He replied back to Megatron. Megatron growled. "Wrong answer, fleshling and that wasn't what I asked you in the first place." Megatron replied back. Soon Silas saw the figure transform into a human.

Megatron walked inside in his holoform with his hands behind his back. Megatron growled and gave a warning to the fleshling. "Beware fleshling if I find the item that belongs to us I will kill you." Megatron says to him. Megatron walked forward and he pulled out a scanner that was only used to scan for t-cogs. Silas saw the guy walking. Megatron turned on the scanner and he placed the scanner in one area and he looked at it until it pinged, leading Megatron to just one specific area. Megatron hummed. He walked furthermore until it got louder. Megatron chuckled evilly. "Excellent." He said and whispered to himself. He went and he reached the area that the scanner was leading him to. He then opened the doors. His eyes and his smile were grinning with delight at what he was seeing. Right there in front of him sits and lies his daughter's t-cog. He was more thrilled than ever. Because he gets to make his little princess happy. "Mmmm, mmmm. GUARDS! GET IN HERE!" Megatron yelled and shouted to his men. He looked and saw Steve walking in his holoform. Steve walked in to see what his master wanted and needed. "Yes my Lord." Steve replied. "Steve, take this human. And I have found the princess's t-cog. Take care of him while I finish and attend to my own issues." Megatron said. "Yes my Lord. As you command." Steve replied back. Megatron walked out and he com-linked Soundwave. "Soundwave. I need a bridge." He said to Soundwave. Soon a bridge opened and Megatron walked and he stepped through the portal.


Throne Room:

Soundwave was standing next to you trying to comfort you. "I hope he finds my t-cog Soundwave. I want to fly again. I miss flying." I said to Soundwave. "Soundwave understands what you are saying, princess." He replied to you in a voice recording. Soon the bridge opened in the throne room. I looked up and saw my father walking out. "Daddy. Did you find it?" I asked him. Megatron smiled. "I sure did, my little princess. And here it is, and here you go." Your father says to you. My eyes immediately widened. I quickly got up from my father's throne and I immediately ran to him. Megatron's eyes immediately widened and before he could react to what was happening. It was too late. *crashes* . Soundwave watched the whole thing unfold right in front of him and he recorded everything. Megatron shook his helm but purred feeling you. "Mmmm. Thank you daddy." I said to my father. I quickly took my t-cog and I ran to the med bay. I then went and I stopped and I quickly ran back to the throne room. I ran inside and I quickly grabbed my father's arm.

"Woah! BlackMoon." Your father says to you. Megatron chuckled at what was happening. "I want you there when my t-cog is put back in daddy." I said to my father. Megatron was laughing but he kept it inside. "BlackMoon. Stop." Your father said out loud to you. I then yanked and kept pulling my father's arm until we both approached the med bay. Soon the doors opened to the med bay. I then pulled and yanked my father's arm. Megatron kept on laughing and chuckling. He couldn't stop because of what you were doing to him.

Med Bay:

Knockout looked up and saw you pulling his master's arm. He lightly chuckled. He then saw you walking towards him. "Knockout. Can you please put my t-cog back in. And I am not waiting." I said to Knockout. I then walked over and laid on the med berth. Megatron walked over and sat down next to the med berth that you were lying on and he went and he held your hand. I looked at my dad. "I can't wait, daddy. I get to fly again. I get to fly with you." I said to my father. Megatron smiled. "I know. And I can't wait to fly against you, my little warrior." Your father says to you. I looked over and saw Knockout walking over. "Okay princess. I will have to put you in stasis in order to put your t-cog back in." He says to you. I nodded. Soon I felt my dad kiss me on the top of my helm. I looked up at my father and I smiled at him and he smiled back at him. "I'll be right here when you first wake up. I am not leaving your side until you wake up." Your father says to you. I smiled. "I love you, daddy." I said to my father. "I love you too, kiddo." Your father says to you. Before I knew it, everything went black.

Megatron was watching Knockout working and putting your t-cog back into place. He was glad that you were happy. He didn't like seeing you being sad and upset. Knockout went and he reached for a tool and he then went and started putting your t-cog back into place. "My Liege. It's a good thing that her t-cog had a tracking device on it." He says to his master. "Yes. Indeed Knockout. Or Soundwave wouldn't have been able to locate it and my little girl wouldn't be able to transform or fly anymore. And I couldn't imagine a world like that for her." He said to Knockout. Knockout nodded and continued with the process.

Megatron got up and started walking around. He then went and stretched his biceps and digits. He didn't expect this to take this long. But he wanted everything to be perfect and right. Before Megatron knew it, Knockout was finished. "My Liege. It's done. She should be waking up in the next 5 hours. But it just depends if she is ready to wake up." He said to his master. Megatron nodded. "Thank you Knockout. You may go. I need and I want time alone with my daughter." He said to Knockout. Knockout nodded and he left.

Megatron took his pad and started looking at the results of everything. He walked and he was looking through his pad. He was looking when he heard something. He glanced up and saw you moving and shifting a little. He sat his down pad on the berth and he walked over to where you were. He then sat down. "BlackMoon. Sweetie." Your father said. You moved a little until you started to open your optics. Megatron smiled. He went and he gently caressed the side of your face using his digits. You lightly smiled and purred. You then looked over and saw your father. "Ddd….daddy. Did it work?" I asked him. Your father nodded. "Yes. It did. But you'll need to rest more until you use your t-cog." Your father says to you. I groaned. "Tomorrow. Can I fly with you tomorrow?" I asked him. Your father laughed. "You won't take a no from me will ya." He asked you. I shook my helm. "Nope." I said to my father.

Megatron sighs. "Fine. Yes, tomorrow. We will test your t-cog tomorrow and we'll fly together. Just the two of us. Like we used to do back on Cybertron." Your father says to you. I smiled. "Thank you daddy." I said to my father. *Yawns* . Megatron chuckled. "Looks like someone is getting tired." Your father says to you. I shook my helm. "No. I am not *Yawns* tired." I said to my father. Megatron shook his helm. "Oh yes you are. Now get some rest, my little one. Tomorrow is a big day for you." Your father says to you. Megatron went and he kissed the top of your helm. "Night kiddo." Your father says to you. *Yawns* . "Night daddy. I love you, and thank you for getting my t-cog back." I said to my father. "I love you too, kiddo. And you're welcome. I will do anything to make you happy." Your father replied back to you. Soon Megatron walked out and headed to his room for a well deserved recharge. After your father left you immediately fell into a deep recharge.

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