New Beginning | Teen Wolf

By beyond-reality

190K 5.8K 935

[ Currently Editing] Katherine Pierce, a curious, funny, sassy 17 year old who's past is dark as the night... More

The New Girl In Town
Cold Blue Eyes
The Snake Has A Name
Guns VS Claws
Walking Dead
Miss. Katherine Pierce, Real State Realtor.
Beach, Isaac. Isaac, Beach.
Back To School
Howls Of Pain
Linked To The Alpha.
You're Alive.
Sassy & Stubborn 101
Told You So
From Cold Blue To Ice Grey
After All... We Don't Need Lights
Neon Lights
The Pain Is Worth It
Midnight Calls
Save Him
Not My First Time Inside A Cell
Three Words, Eight Letters, I'm Yours.
Let Your Hair Down Rapunsel... Or Just Leave The Window Open Kat.
There For You
See You Soon, Brother.
New Years Eve
Mexico And It's Surprises
Young Love
Your Past Always Catches Up
The 18th Birthday
The Other Pierce
Family Business and Learning To Bend
Not More Lies
Plans For The Future
Sister Bonding
How Quick Things Can Change?
Heart Break
The Truth Behind The Lie
The Interview
The Set Up
Excuse My Impulsive Werewolf Senses
His Loss, he says.
Home Sweet Home
Broken, Again.
The Truth Always Raises
Welcome Back
Another One?
Get Away
Tropical D+K.
Annoying Sibblings
Outlaw Chick
Making Deals With D-Bag.
D.H. + K.P.
I'm Far, Far, Away.
Supernatural Issues Are Back In Town
Officially- Vacations Are Off.
I'm Brilliant Like That
Unwanted Memories
Late Night School Special
Something Is Coming
Super Moon
Super Moon - Part II
Autor Note
Better Things Are Coming
Moving Day
Werewolf's Have Dinner Parties.
Werewolf Comunity
You Learn Something New Everyday
Halloween Special
School Days Are Ending
Dress Hunting
The Hunted Becomes The Hunter
A Very Special Night
Don't Forget The After Party
Author Note
[ Not a chapter, sorry ]
Valentine's Day
Blacked Out
Twisted Truth
Desicions of Life or Death
Mr. & Mrs. Hale
New Home
Fighting Skills 2.0
Back Home

I am leader material?

1.2K 52 7
By beyond-reality

"Staying the night at Derek's." I send my sister a text while I walk my way into Derek's loft. Is a full moon tonight and we made plans to stay here, even tho I'm pretty sure we'll be leaving to his house at the woods. I leave my bag over the table, glancing quickly at the sky. There's still time till the full moon is high enough. My Luna's senses told me there was someone sneaking up on me, Theo. Smirking I turn in a rush and pinned him against the wall. "I thought you learned not to sneak up on me."

He chuckle and smirked with so much arrogance, "Maybe I like meeting you like this."

Letting go of him I walked back to the table and sat on top of it. "Where's Derek?" Theo fixed up his shirt and shrug, walking towards me and standing couple feet's away from me. I glare at him, I don't trust him neither Derek. There's something about him that just don't click to me.

"What?" He said

I raise my chin, "You know I don't buy the whole 'I'm waiting for my father to pick me up' story right? There's something more that you want, I just can't put my finger on it."

He glare at me with a smirk, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I fake chuckled, "Don't play dumb." I stood up from the table and took two steps forward, crossing my arms and glaring at Theo with my intimidating look. "You're a lone wolf who mysteriously appeared out of nowhere in Beacon Hills. I believe you're a Hale- is obvious, you have the features but you guys also know better."

"I can see why my brother digs you." He smirked it

I smirked too, "He also loves my bad temperament and how I always know when someone is hiding something."

"And what do you think I am hiding?" Theo step forward, narrowing his eyes as he glance at me.

"I'll give you five seconds before I beat it out of you." I responded freshly

"And what will my dear big brother say?" he turned walking around me

I turned to face him, "Well done."

"Why? Because he loves you? Or because he's in your pack?" Theo said

I tilt my head, "Pack..." There's when I realized it and remember that Theo has been talking to Scott and also Theo's a lone wolf, an omega. "You're looking for a pack." Theo smug smirk transformed into a flat thin line in matter of seconds. "You seriously want to get into Scott's pack?" I chuckled

Theo clenched his jaw, "So? What if I want to get into his pack?"


"Because the police is looking for him." Derek strolled in, I turned to see him reaching my side. I notice the file on his hands, he passed to me. Quickly I took a look of it. There's lots of pictures of motels wrecked down, also a two persons one's dead and the other is very injured.

"You really did this?" I ask him

"Theo." Derek snapped in a demanding tone.

"All right, yes I did it but it wasn't my fault." he exclaimed

I raise an eyebrow, "Wasn't your fault? This is your damn record."

"It was a full moon okay? I'm a born wolf and I'm still struggling." Theo turned and sat down by the sofa

I follow Derek who sat on his coffee table, "Didn't your father taught you control?"

Theo gave Derek a death stare, "I fully turned on my sixteen birthday. Dad only gave me two lessons before disappearing."

"And that's why you want to be in Scott's pack? To learn control?" I ask him

"Both of you know that lone wolfs don't make it long on their own. But yeah that's one of the reason." Theo said to us, Derek and I glance at each other. Theo scoffed, "But what do you guys know about pack, you don't need one."

"Because I'm a Luna." I said, Theo looked at me and nod. I turned to see the sky who's already dark and the full moon is raising. In that moment Theo let out a big groan. Derek and I looked at each other, "Looks like we got to chain him up."

Quickly Derek and I got Theo to the basement of the building and chained him up but Theo's a born wolf, they're a bit stronger then bitten.

"You don't feel anything?!" Theo yelled at us

"We feel every second of it but we learned control, that's what you have to learn too." Derek told his youngest brother as he hold his chains.

I stepped in, "There's this mantra, maybe it helps you with to remain control of your human side." Theo looked at me, this was the first time his look didn't yelled arrogance, he's vulnerable and scared. "What are three things cannot be hidden?"

Theo pinched his eyebrows as he got more savage, "What?!"

"Focus!" Derek yelled as he hold him tighter

"Hey, stay with me. What three things cannot longer be hidden?!" I told him

He glance at both of us, thinking. "The moon, the sun, the truth."

"There you go, repeat it, slower. You get calm with every word."

Theo started breathing normal as he repeated those words, his werewolf features even vanished as he got calmer and calmer. By the ten time he repeated again he was totally calm. I flashed a grin, "And that's how you control it."

"How do you guys control it?" Theo asked, Derek was about to take off his chains but he stopped him, "Just in case."

Derek nod and looked at me, "I got her- Katherine's my anchor."

I gave him a little smile, "He's mine too but I am my own anchor as well."

We stayed there a little longer till we knew it was safe for Theo out. Upstairs I took a quick shower then went to bet with Derek. Instantly I got my place wrapped in his arms and read the same pages he's reading from one of his old books. This page is about pack, "Here I thought you knew plenty of stuff about packs."

Derek let out a small scoff, "Is always good to know more."

"What are you going to do with your brother?" I ask him, slowly raising my head to be able to see his eyes.

Derek gazed at me and shook his head, "I have no idea, I don't even think his father will be back to get him."

"Your father." I said

"He left when I was young, the only thing he left us was his last name." Derek said.

I look down at the book, "How were things before he left? Is he a born wolf? Did he turned your mother?"

"No, my mom was a born werewolf too but she was the next to be alpha of her family. My dad was also the next to be alpha of his family... It was a rare match but they made it work for a couple years till he left." Derek told me

"Do you think if we ever have kids, they'll be wolves too?"

I felt Derek's smile over my head, "Yeah, there's a big chance we'll have lots of temperamental kids with anger management issues but you were bitten so there's also a big change maybe one of them won't have the gene."

"Did you read that on the baby wolves section?" I ask him with a bit of a mocking tone.

Derek chuckled, "Something like that."


It was a school week so I got up early and got ready for school. On my way out I sensed Theo walking next to me. "Can I help you?" I asked as I kept walking my way towards Isaac's car since mine is still by the shop and it's suppose to be out by today.

"Actually I was going to ask you for a ride to school." Theo asked

I quickly glance at him and sighed, "Get in." Both of us got inside the car and I started driving to the school. At first it was silence but then Theo started to make some weird noises, like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to start. I rolled my eyes and exasperatedly sighed, "Just spit it out, Theo. I won't bite."

"Uh-" he cleared his throat, "I just wanted to say thank you... For helping me get control and stuff."

Biting the inside of my cheek, I shrug. "It was nothing, you're my boyfriend brother and even if I'm not a big fan of you- I'll help you to get control and stuff. Just like your brother taught me."

"Like he taught you?" Theo asked, his tone sounds kind of confused.

I glance at him, "Yeah, he turned me and taught me how to be a good werewolf..."

"He's not an alpha." he said

"He was, he gave up his power to heal Cora."

The car went silence for a moment, "So he taught you everything? How to fight? How to be in control?"

"I knew how to fight and protect myself before I met Derek." I replied pulling over at the school's parking lot. "But yeah, he taught me how to be in control."

"Hmm." he said before getting out of the car, I watched him walk away then I got out.

Instantly as I strolled in I met with Amelia who's holding up my key-chains. "Fixed." I glare at her for a moment and grab my keys, then gave her Isaac's. "You don't hate me anymore right?"

"I'm still processing the fact that my car got vandalized." I told her as we walk down the hall.

She looked at me, "It wasn't my fault but I'm sorry."

Sighing I clicked my tongue. "Is okay, where's your boyfriend?"

"Early practice, you're coming tonight right?" Amelia asked

"Sure, what's tonight?"

"The game!" she exclaim

My eyes got wide open, "All right, all right. Geez, I'll be there." after that I walk inside the classroom.

Couple hours later and it was one of my favorite times of the day, lunch. Strolling in with my sassy walk I spotted the couples sitting on a table and then there was Lydia reading a book.

"I gotta say" I spoke having a seat next to her, "Is so weird not seeing you with someone, I mean- even Stiles has Malia."

She around frowning and her usual pout, "You're right... It is kind of weird, I'm the only single."

"Not she's not" Stiles said with a grin, "Little Liam is single too."

I chuckled softly, "True." Looking down at the book Lydia is reading I noticed it has some weird drawings of creatures. "What's that?" I asked with my eyes still on the book.

"The bestiary, has every single supernatural creature in it." she reply

"Hmm" I tilt my head, "Nice thinking, having a hard copy around. We never know where's the next chaos happening."

"Hey! Don't call it." Scott shouted

I roll my eyes, "We all know there's always going to be something. Maybe things are quiet right now but- there's always something."

"Well... Till that something comes around, we should enjoy this good times." Kira said

I smiled, "That's the spirit." I turned back to Lydia and her book, "Why are you reading about?"

"I still haven't found what Parrish is..." Lydia sounds very frustrated.

"May I?" I ask her, she nodded and I took the book reading it's pages, "He was set on fire and nothing happened to him right?"

"Yeah" she said

I bite my lip, "Maybe he's a dragon?" I turned to her and she's glaring at me with a death stare, "Not humor? Okay." I said and kept reading through the pages, I stopped when I found the werewolf section, something that caught my attention was a picture of two wolfs, "If a werewolf with the chance to shift into a wolf get's mated with a Luna, his Luna has a possibility of shifting into a wolf's form too." I didn't knew I was reading out loud till I sensed the stares on me. Slowly I lift my head, passing my look through the table.

"What the hell?" Amelia was the first one to speak.

Lydia gave me a look, "Aren't you already with Derek?"

"Yeah... Maybe it means another type of mating." I said closing the book and sliding it over her.

"Like what? Marriage?" Stiles said with his high pitch of sarcasm.

"Yeah- that's a type of mating." Kira said

Stiles instantly looked at me, "Don't tell me you and Derek already had the marriage conversation?"

Instantly I felt uncomfortable, lots of interesting eyes on me. Less Amelia who's the only one I'd talked about when I had that conversation.

"Please, she's a teenager, is ridiculous." Malia said with her usual 'i don't care' tone.

"Exactly." I said before standing up, I look down to Lydia. "If you need help with finding out what's Parrish or have any leads, call me." After that I was out of the lunch, suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore. I spend the rest of the lunch hour outside sitting on top of a table. Is it really possible that some day I might be able to shift into a wolf? If one day I get married with Derek? I shook my head, I'm eighteen, why I am thinking about marriage anyway... I love Derek, he's the love of my life, my mate and I'm his Luna. But I'll ever be ready for marriage? To have a family on my own? What if I'm not a good mother, is not like I had the biggest role model of one.

The annoying bell made my inner thoughts fly away. I sighed as I got off the table and walk back inside the school, just to be pulled away by some arms. In that exact second I turn us and got him pinned against the wall. "I'm going to kill you." I told Stiles who's with his arms raised and eyes wide open. Letting go of him, I fixed my jacket. "Why-"

"Shhhh- follow me." he said running towards the lockers room

I rolled my head yet followed him, curious of what's going on. "What's going on?" I hushed

"That's what I want to know." he whisper and lift his head forward.

I turned my head and saw down the hall Scott talking with Theo. I look at Stiles amused, "Do I sense some sort of jealousy?"

Stiles gave me a death look, "Yes I'm secretly in love with Scott."

"It doesn't surprises me." I replied playing along with his sarcasm.

He rolled his eyes, "Why is the new wolf talking with my best friend?"

"Why should I know." I replied with a non-bother tone.

"Uh- I don't know because you're the one with super hearing." Stiles said almost yelling.

I roll my eyes and focus on their conversation, Theo is talking about how hard is to be an omega and that he wants to be part of Scott's pack. I sighed hard, didn't knew he was going to ask this fast.

"What are they talking about?!" Stiles asked

"Theo wants to be in Scott's pack." I reply

Stiles eyes got wide open and his jaw dropped, "Why?!" Instantly I cover his mouth because I knew they would hear if he kept talking loud. "What did Scott said?"

I tilt my head, "I'll think about it."

Stiles eyes got wider and creepy, in that moment Scott and Theo started to walk in our direction so we had to run.

"I can't believe he told him that he'll think about it." Stiles exclaimed, walking back and forth.

I'm leaning against the wall with my arms crossed onto my chest. "Is not that unbelievable, Theo is not that bad."

"We barely know the guy." Stiles said

"He's Derek's little brother." I said back

Stiles snorted, "Please, like you actually trust Theo."

"You're right I don't trust him but he's an werewolf, any werewolf needs a pack."

"I thought the guy was in your pack" Stiles said, standing in front of me.

I pinched my eyebrows, "What pack?"

"Katherine, in case you forgot; You're a Luna, that makes you practically an Alpha."Stiles said holding his fists together.

"So?" I arched an eyebrow, "I still have no pack."

"You're wrong." Stiles said

"Is that so?"

He nod, "You have Derek, Isaac and your sister."

"Derek is my boyfriend, Isaac have made it clear he's in Scott's and my sister isn't a werewolf." I reply

"It doesn't matter, I'm human yet I'm still a member of Scott's pack." Stiles said earning a eye roll and sigh from me. "You just don't want the responsibility."

I look away for a moment, "I do actually, last time I felt like I was part of a pack two members of it got killed."

"What happens when you form your family with him?"

Stiles words made me froze a bit, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh please, Kat. Every one knows Derek and you are crazy for each other. It wouldn't surprise us if you two ended up married and with some little wolfs."Stiles said

I chuckled softly, "I thought that was a sarcasm back in the table."

"Most of it but- I don't know, you and Derek have something special. You shouldn't be scare of the responsibility that comes with a pack also." Stiles said in that moment the bell rang, "See you around." I watched him walk away. That was the first serious conversation I had with Stiles and it felt really weird.

I took two classes before humping on my car and drive to Derek's, the house. He sent me an text to meet him over there. Pulling over I caught his scent inside the house, I also knew there was food in the making. Couple steps up and I was inside this beautiful house and Derek was waiting for me in front of the stairs, holding an bucket of roses and wearing a button black shirt with the sleeves up. I bite my bottom lip, "God he looks you so handsome."

Derek smirked, I step forward- we kissed passionately for a long moment then I broke the kiss and caught my breath.

"Hey" Derek said, his voice low enough to make me sigh.

"I didn't knew we had a date." I said smelling the roses. "They're beautiful."

He smirked, "Is nice to surprise you every time or so."

"Yeah it is" I poke another kiss on his lips, "Did you cook?"

"Follow me." he hold my hand and drag me to the kitchen.

After dinner we ended up making out at the living room, one thing lead to another and we end up in the master bedroom, naked inside the sheets of a brand new bed. Derek's giving me the back, I'm tracing his tattoo with my fingers as he sleeps. Somehow the thought of me being a leader of a pack never bothered me so much, till today. Suddenly Derek rolled over and looked at me, by instinct I place myself closer to him and he wrapped me around with his arms.

"What is your mind?" he asked, caressing my back.

I sighed, "Do you think I'm leader material?"

"Of course. Why?" I sensed Derek's eyes on me.

I shrug. "Today Stiles made me sneak up on Scott and your brother, Theo was asking if he could be in Scott's pack. Obviously Stiles got kind of jealous." Derek chuckled, "Then asked why he wasn't in my pack."

"What did you told him?" Derek ask

I look up to Derek's green eyes. "That I don't have one."

"Yes you have, you have me, Isaac and Amelia." Derek said

"That's what he said." My eyes went down to the wall

"Hey." Derek said softly, his hand over my chin raising it slowly. He looked me in the eye, "You're a powerful Luna and amazing leader, friend and girlfriend. You have your little pack, someday it'll extend up."

I sat up, holding the sheet over my breast. "When? When we get married and have kids?"

"Yeah." Derek said

I sighed, it sounded more like a chuckle of unbelief. "We had this conversation, you know I don't know how to be a mother, is not like I had the best of role model."

Derek sat up also, his shoulders and biceps flexed because of the movement. He looked me in the eye before kissing me, then kissed my forehead. "I love you and I know you'll be an great mother. Wanna know why?" I kept my silence and nod. "Because, you're caring, kind, smart and loving."

"I'm also an impulsive bitch sometimes." I said with a minimal smirk.

Derek smiled, "Another reason why I love you."

As always Derek knew how to make me laugh and forget my insecurities. I lie back how I was before sitting up. "You're also impulsive, serious and anti-social, sometimes... The only time when you're not serious is with me."

"It's true, you're the light of my life." he said in a dramatic tone.

I laughed and got closer to him, laying my head over his chest.


After almost two weeks, here's a new chapter! Let me know in the comments what do you guys think :)

PS, I made a ASK.FM;

I'll love if you guys send me question about... Everything tbh :)

Till the next update, xoxo.

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