The Sins of Tomorrow: Book #2

By micahstarks

69 9 40

"A devastating death, a shocking abduction, an unexpected overdose, and a long awaited arrest.😈" Craig DuP... More

Chapter 1: "The boiling point Pt. 2"
Chapter 2: "Twists and turmoil"
Chapter 3: "Secrets in mourning"
Chapter 4: "Power plays and heartbreak"
Chapter 5: "Drifting"
Chapter 6: "Hurtful truths"
Chapter 7: "Too little, yet too late"
Chapter 9: "Searching & Nurturing"
Chapter 10: "Kill or be killed"
Chapter 11: "As normal as we'll get"
Chapter 12: "Sinners will sin"
Author's Note

Chapter 8: "Disrutpions and assumptions"

3 1 4
By micahstarks


Original DuPoint Manor/Craig Sr's House - Private Family Room

11:47 AM

Ramiro, Cierra, Craig, and Craig Sr. have all gathered at the original DuPoint Manor to have a much-needed intervention for Chelsea. "She should be here any minute..." An anxious Cierra announces to the group. "Alright." A shaken Craig responds. "Grandpa, I'm here. What do we have to discuss that is so urgent, you couldn't tell me over the phone?" Chelsea says from a distance as she approaches the room.  "Everyone get ready!" Cierra whispers to the group, as they await Chelsea's presence.

Chelsea enters the room and immediately becomes confused. "What the hell is this?!" She asks them all in a heated tone. "Chelsea, sweetheart, just take a seat." Craig tries to tell her. "No, dad. I demand to know what the hell is going on!" Chelsea replies. "Babe, what the fuck is this?!" Chelsea turns and asks Ramiro. "We know your doing coke damn it! We know about your habit and this is an intervention to stop you crazy ass before it's too late!" Cierra jumps up and yells at Chelsea. Caught off guard, Chelsea scoffs as she stands there dumbfounded...

Carter Law - Rebecca's Office

11:50 AM

Mitchell Jr. and Rebecca are making passionate love on her desk. "Ahh, yes! Don't stop!" She moans in his ear, as the two relish in the moment. KNOCK-KNOCK! Michelle knocks at the door and Rebecca comes to from her dream about Mitchell Jr. "Um, come in." She says, as she pulls herself together. Michelle enters. "Michelle? What a pleasant surprise..." Rebecca tells her. "Hey, I was just stopping by to have a quick chat with you about yesterday." Michelle explains.

"Oh, look whatever you thought you walked into... I'm telling you right now it wasn't." Rebecca lies. "Are you sure? Because, what I saw was you waving your boney ass in my brothers face and him enjoying it. And you know we cannot have that in this work environment." Michelle becomes stern. "I fully understand that, Michelle-" Michelle cuts her off. "I'm glad you do. I want to make sure that we never have to have this conversation again, okay? So, if I even catch you smiling at him to hard... You're fired. Understood?" Michele continues.

Shocked at Michelle's tone, Rebecca scoffs. "I'm sorry, but last time I checked you weren't my boss... He was. And if I was a little flirty with him, he sure didn't have an issue with it. So, I think you better leave." Rebecca snaps back, as she walks over the door and lets Michelle out. "Remember what I said..." Michelle tells her in a condescending manner, before she slams the door in her face. "This bitch!" Michelle says to herself, as she walks off...

Original DuPoint Manor/Craig Sr's House - Private Family Room

11:53 AM

"So, what is this? Some intervention for me?! You guys think I have a problem?!" Chelsea asks the group angrily. "Yes, Chels! Yes! That's the entire point! You have a problem! This is not normal. Your erratic behavior lately it's just getting out of control." Cierra counters the shouting. "So what I snort a little coke here and there! What successful person you know that doesn't?!" Chelsea replies. "God, babe. Is that really how you feel?" Ramiro chimes in and asks. "Yes, Ramiro. That's how the fuck I feel!" Chelsea lashes out at him. "Chelsea, sweetheart, why? Just why?!" Craig asks.

"Why, dad? Why?! I have been handling mom's death on my own! You've not said two words about her since she's passed and Cierra just fucking moved on as if she doesn't even care. It's almost like you killed her..." Chelsea rants. Cierra, knowing what she's done, sits quiet and tries to deflect. "You could have talked to us, Chelsea. Drugs are NEVER the solution!" Craig Sr. tells her. "Oh grandad, please. As long as it's keeping up your perfect family image you're not concerned." Chelsea responds to him. "Wow. You are truly broken, Chelsea." Craig Sr. goes. "You know what... I don't need this shit right now! I'm done!" Chelsea shouts, before jumping up and stroking off. 

"Chels!" Cierra yells, as she chases after her. Everyone else follows after the two. She finally catches up to her in the foyer. "Chelsea! Stop acting like damn child and come back. This is serious." Cierra puts her foot down. Chelsea immediately turns around and smacks the taste out of Cierra! Everyone arrives in the foyer behind them. "Chelsea! That was out of line!" Craig screams at her. Craig Sr. tries to console Cierra. "It's fine, grandad." Cierra tells him. "You know we only want what's best for you, Chels. That's all." Cierra tells her, holding back tears. "Family, respectfully, fuck off!" Chelsea shouts at them, before walking through and slamming the front door. Saddened and afraid, they all stand there shocked at what just happened.

Carter Law - Mitchell's Office

1:00 PM

Daydreaming about his flirtatious encounter with Rebecca, Mitchell Jr. sits at the desk's edge. As she was bent over in front of him, he remembers and fantasizes about the feelings he experienced. RINGING! His attention is soon diverted when his cellphone starts to ring. He instantly responds after reaching over the desk to get it.

"Hello? Hey, Doc! What's up? Oh really? That's amazing! So can Michelle and I drive up there to see him or? Okay, perfect. Well, I guess we'll be seeing you soon. Alright, thanks!" He goes. Mitchell Jr.'s spirits have increased a little following an excellent health update from the doctor regarding Mitchell.

Michelle's Car (Sitting At Red Light On Main St.)

Sitting at what feels like the longest red light ever, Michelle digs into her purse and gets out her cellphone. She then calls Mitchell Jr. After two rings, he answers. "Hey, you called me few minutes ago?" She asks. "Hey, and yeah. Where are you right?" He replies. She pauses for a second, as she looks at her surroundings. "I'm home, why?" She lies. "Just asking. Anyway, uh, I was calling earlier to tell you the hospital called me..." He teases.

"And?!" Michelle becomes a little frantic. "Calm down, silly. They said that dad's progressing amazingly. And he should be coming home sooner than expected." He tells her. "Ah, thank God!" Michelle takes a breath. The light turns green and Michelle continues on her path. "Well, I'm about to, uh, take a nap. I'll call you later.." Michelle says, before hanging up the phone. After that, she turns right and carefully travels down the same downtown alleyway Karen used to visit Marie, the private investigator...


The Marlton Place - Ramiro's Condo - Living Room

5:35 PM

Earlier today, Amyra sent Ramiro a message asking to talk to him urgently at his place. They are now meeting in his living room. "Amyra, what's all of this about?" A confused Ramiro asks. Amyra, very hesitant and anxious, prepares to lay it all on him. As she begins to talk, she gets overwhelmed with emotions. "Are you okay?!" He asks, as he consoles her. "Um, I overheard mother talking to father, right?" Amyra goes. "Yeah?..." Ramiro tries to follow along. "She said she's dying from breast cancer." Amyra blurts it out. Her words are instantly followed by an angry cry.

Now shocked and devastated, Ramiro replies. "What?! No! That can't be true. She going to be okay, right?!" He goes. Amyra attempts to stop crying. "I d-don't know. But, we need to be there for her and support her through this." She responds, still bawling. "I don't understand how this could be happening... She's always been so strong and healthy. And since when did she even have fucking cancer?!" Ramiro says, as he fights back tears. "I have no idea, b-but sometimes even the strongest people face challenges they can't overcome. We have to stay strong for her and cherish the time we have left with her." Amyra tells him, as she tries to control her emotions.

"I can't imagine life without her. She's always been there for us." Ramiro responds, practically sobbing. Amyra consoles him and holds him tight. "I know, but we have to be there for her now. We'll get through this together." Amyra says, as they both cry in each others arms. "Oh, and-" Ramiro cuts her off. "Please, don't tell me any more bad news!" He goes. "I'm pregnant!" She discloses. "Is it for-" She cuts him off. "Yes." She then answers. "Oh my, god!" Ramiro says, before scoffing.


Marie's Hideout

8:30 PM

"I don't know where she is, what she's doing, o-or what she has planned... But it know it's something no good. Please help me find her! Please!" Michelle, in tears, begs Marie. "It's okay, honey. We're gonna find her. Trust me." Marie responds, determinedly...

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