Fu Lang Called Me Home For Di...

By LiannQ

139K 3.9K 399

Title: 夫郎喊我回家吃软饭了 Author: 岛里天下 Status: Completed Description: Du Heng transmigrated into a cripple. He's a cr... More



1.7K 43 1
By LiannQ

    "This time I spent more than 2,000 yuan on the table and food. If my second uncle hadn't sent the pork, I would have spent an additional 1,000 yuan." After returning the tables, chairs and benches, the couple returned

    home Start doing the math.

    Qin Xiaoman paid all the money for the table, compared to Du Heng's expenses, it is really nothing.

    Du Heng bought a cow and a wedding dress, the big head went for more than a dozen taels, and the remaining money was running out. He originally thought that the two of them would live together and give it to Qin Xiaoman for safekeeping, but Qin Xiaoman didn't want it.

    "That's the money your uncle left you. You can keep the flowers for yourself. If you want to do something, you don't have to reach out to me."

    Qin Xiaoman knew that his temper was a little straight, and he really controlled the money too much. Time makes Du Heng feel uncomfortable.

    Getting married now is naturally a hot new marriage, everything is fine, what if the time is long and the enthusiasm is not so hot.

    In the bottom of his heart, he was still afraid that Du Heng would feel uneasy about living under the fence of others, so he turned around and ran away.

    I often hear people say that businessmen value profits and neglect separation, and the worst thing to keep is the businessman. It doesn't seem that farmers are tied up by the land, and they can't get away even if they want to leave, and they are reluctant to leave.

    "Alright then."

    Du Heng didn't argue about this matter.

    After sorting out the accounts, it was time to settle the gifts from the people who came up to the table.

    Poultry, chicken and duck are the most common items that are given away most by villagers. There are also strips of meat and jerky, as well as a lot of eggs.

    In short, those who can not take money will not take it.

    The gift money received at this meeting was only sixty cash.

    They received eight chickens and ducks weighing two or three catties, three or four pieces of meat strips weighing one catty, and one hundred and twenty chicken, duck and goose eggs.

    There are also some relatives who have given rice noodles, oil lamps and salt, but there are not many here and there.

    Qin Xiaoman calculated hastily, and the recovered items were worth more than one thousand yuan, which means that half of the money for the banquet was paid by himself.

    He wasn't annoyed, anyway, he was mentally prepared to prepare things before the banquet.

    Du Heng thought it was quite fresh, so he kept the chickens and ducks in his own yard. The meat of these free-range poultry is very delicious, and it would be great to eat when they are raised and there are festivals.

    In short, this meeting can be regarded as a perfect conclusion, and both of them have a big event in their hearts.

    After the wedding, the family also tended to be calm, and this morning's marriage is not much different from before.

    If there is any difference, Qin Xiaoman feels that if he sleeps with Du Heng, he doesn't need to find anything to say, he will ask him to sleep in the room.

    Although it was a big event for the family, they didn't dare to be idle. Now that it's February and the weather is about to warm up, it's time to sow seeds one after another in March, and they have to dig out the fields now.

    The springtime goes by very quickly, and any idleness will directly affect the autumn harvest, and the harvest of the year will be busy from then on.

    The newlyweds were about to devote themselves to the busy spring farming before they got tired of it, but they didn't complain. The two got up early in the morning with a tacit understanding. One was in charge of cooking, and the other fed the animals.

    Qin Xiaoman carried the plow for plowing the ground on his shoulders, and gave Du Heng the easy job of raising the cows.

    With cattle, he has long been looking forward to plowing the land.

    "My family has 30 mu of land and 20 mu of land. I only planted 10 mu of fertile land last year, and the remaining 40 mu of land was left uncultivated. I have already plowed the 10 mu of land. Dig out the thin land."

    Qin Xiaoman said: "How much do you think we should turn over?"

    Du Heng pulled the strong scalper: "If it is based on manpower, one or two acres of land can only be dug out if you don't dodge in a day, but there are You can turn over two to three acres of land when you have cattle, and you can do the work as soon as possible, and the field can be turned over when the seeds are planted."

    Having a cow this year, Qin Xiaoman just wanted to plow all the land at home, otherwise the cow would not be ruined.

    But although there are cattle, plowing the land is also tiring work. He himself does not find it hard to work day and night, but he is afraid that Du Heng will not be able to bear it.

    "We can plow as much as we can. In short, we can plow more land than last year."

    The two happily took the cattle to the field first, and planned to turn over all the fields first, and then all of them could grow rice. Time When he had time, he dug up the land. Qin Xiaoman had no idea what else to plant besides the previous year's crops.

    Du Heng put the plow on the ox. He has only seen people drive the ox to plow the field, but he has never done it himself. The so-called theory has no practice.

    Looking at the strong cow, he rolled up his trousers and was about to move, but he heard a bang, and the cold water from the field splashed on his face.

    "What are you doing?"

    Qin Xiaoman stepped on the field, looked at Du Heng who was hunched over and rolled up his trousers, he let go of the plow, and took a few steps to tear off Du Heng's rolled up trousers, and gave his fair and well-proportioned calf Cover up.

    "I don't roll up my trousers and go to the field to get wet."

    "It's spring and the snow has just melted. The water in the field is deep, and the water freezes your feet, and the mud also freezes your feet. How can you bear it with your delicate skin and tender flesh?"

    Du Heng bent over He was going to pull his trousers again: "Where are you so delicate?"

    Qin Xiaoman stopped him from going down: "Your foot was broken before, although the bone has grown back, but it is not as good as the original one, and it will hurt when soaked in snow water. "

    The small field beside the field belongs to our family too. You dig the field, not the field."

    Du Heng stood on the edge of the field, looked at his brother who was blocking him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stretched out his hand to pinch his face: " It's up to you."

    Qin Xiaoman got up from the field, and he handed the small sickle to Du Heng: "This land is only half an acre, and it has not been cultivated for two years. Weeds grow everywhere. Cut the weeds and turn them over."

    Du Heng took the sickle: "I know."

    Looking at Du Heng who was mowing the grass, Qin Xiaoman showed his teeth with a smile: "Rest when you are tired, don't hurry up, and be careful to hurt your waist."

    Du Heng coughed dryly when he heard this, He hasn't even used his back yet, so Qin Xiaoman doesn't need to say that he knows how to protect him.

    The sharp iron plow was pulled by the yellow ox at the front, and Qin Xiaoman pushed it behind. The plow was stuck in the mud, and the ox dragged it effortlessly. The dry mud was turned up, and the paddy field became muddy after a while.

    Qin Xiaoman has strength. In the past, he had no cattle to plow the land, and unlike other families who had more than two laborers, he could use plows and rakes. He could only use a hoe to dig the ground.

    This can save a lot of effort.

    He swung his whip and ran fast.

    While Du Heng was squatting in the field to mow grass, Dong Xuehan had killed a lot of weed roots, and even though the grown and blooming mugwort was dead, it was still standing in the soil, one as big as a finger.

    He mowed half an acre of grass next to each other, and piled up the hay roots, which he could carry home to make matches for burning.

    This third of the land has not been planted, not only because there are too many fields at home, but Du Heng squatted in the field and cut down the old grass with deep roots. many.

    Du Heng has been to his family's fertile land to pick vegetables. The soil is fertile, soft and deep, with a good humus layer, which is quite different from this land where the roots of weeds are deeply rooted in and have not absorbed much water.

    "There was so much free land in my family before, why didn't you rent it out?" "

    I thought about renting it out before, but it's not that easy." "

    Most of the rented land in the village is It is the landlord who is doing it. If ordinary households want to rent out the land, they will have to offend the landlord. Maybe they will secretly punish you. I used to have a bad reputation. If I rent out the land, I will go to the landlord to gossip. It will be even more difficult to offend the landlord at that time."

    "It's better to earn less money, which can be regarded as a waste of money to eliminate disasters and ensure safety."

    Du Heng's eyebrows twitched, he was innocent and guilty, thinking that Man Ge'er had been guarding these fields by himself, and he was really cautious in every way until now.

    "Master, let's have some bread."

    Du Heng put away his hoe when he heard the sound, and looked up to see Qin Xiaoman had got up from the field and came over with bread. Before he knew it, he had been working for more than an hour.

    He was sweating a little in his vest, he was really hungry after work, he clearly did not eat less breakfast, but he was already hungry.

    The two sat side by side on the high soil ridge, ate the noodle cake brought from home with their legs hanging down, and drank some water. The wind smelled of new grass and soil, which was very pleasant.

    Eating pancakes after a hard work tastes no worse than meat.

    Du Heng ate the cakes slowly, watching the water in the field become completely turbid, and the cattle flicked their tails and gnawed on the newly grown fine grass on the ridge of the field.

    "Half of the field has been plowed so quickly."

    Qin Xiaoman gnawed on the cake and said cheerfully, "This ox is still strong, and it works quickly. If you continue to plow like this, the family's field can be plowed in five days." "

    Seeing the sweat on Qin Xiaoman's forehead, Du Heng rubbed his head and handed him the remaining half of the pancake.

    "I'm enough, you eat."

    "I can't eat much, eat it while it's still hot, and I'll go back to cook in an hour."

    Du Heng tore off more than half of the pancakes and brought them to Qin Xiaoman's mouth.

    Qin Xiaoman looked at Du Heng with a smile, didn't answer, but opened his mouth wide and bit the cake.

    He lowered his eyes and grabbed Du Heng's hand: "Ah! The palm of your hand is blistered!"

    Du Heng looked at the part of the flattened palm next to the fingers The meat was rubbed red by the handle of the hoe, as if it was about to bleed, but the skin was not broken.

    Qin Xiaoman swallowed the pancakes in two mouthfuls, he grabbed Du Heng's two slender hands, buried his head and blew a few times, but his heart ached for him: "I just said that your hands are not made for rough work, you must Come."

    Du Heng's palms were warmed by the blowing, making his heart itch, looking at the hairy head in front of him, he said: "It will be fine when the cocoons are worn." He took Qin Xiaoman's hand: "Your

    palm Isn't it because

    I have calluses that I don't feel pain?" "I've been working since I was a child, so it can be the same as what you grind out now." Qin Xiaoman frowned, looking like an elder thinking about things: "No, you'd better not come out to work with me in the future."

    Qin Xiaoman turned his head to look at Du Heng: "Otherwise, you can continue to study for scientific examinations."

    Du Heng looked at Du Heng's shining eyes, and he patted his brother's forehead: "It doesn't matter how much money you need to buy books and pens. Once you have to go to the examination room, you don't have much time to go to the field. Although I'm not as fast as you when I don't know how to work now, but the labor at home is changed from one to the other. How busy is it?" Come here."

    "We spent some money getting married, but we still have nearly twenty taels of silver at home, which is still enough for you."

    Du Heng actually thought about studying, and he didn't completely give up the idea, but he used to I have been to school and know how expensive it is to study.

    Moreover, the scientific examination is still a long-term matter, and ordinary children's talents are not worth much, at least they have to take the examination of a family member to stand up.

    This child's birth test can be taken every year, the college test is once every two years, and the rural test is once every three years. If the test lasts for three to five years, the family will not be dragged down.

    He wanted Xiaoman to live a good life, but he didn't want him to just let go of his studies and let Xiaoman do the hard work alone.

    "Let's prepare for this in two years. I will also read and write in my free time. Now that I can save some money from farming, I won't have to worry about studying at home." Qin Xiaoman was silent, and the village also had a lot of money

    . student.

    Some of them have taken the exam for several years without any splashes and dragged their families down. They didn’t study halfway and came back and couldn’t farm. The poor can't open the pot.

    Naturally, there are also those who are good at studying. The second son of the landlord's family studies in an academy in the city, and finds a lady from a wealthy family in the city to marry. Now they have bought houses in the city and live a good life.

    In recent years, there have been fewer noble children from poor families, and I don't know if the world is not good. Those who have no foundation in the family really can't make a fuss.

    His father was also a child student before, and he knows how much money he will spend. If he wants to support Du Heng to study and want to be famous, then he must have good conditions so that he will not have any worries, and he will be sent to a school in the city.

    The money in hand can last for a while, but it can't be good all the time, and if you have money in hand, you can't borrow it if you don't have money.

    Just like Du Heng's foot injury before, the doctor can do things for you if you don't have money.

    It is better for Du Heng to be more thoughtful.

    "Then you take this matter to heart. Now that the family has cattle, I will cultivate more land and grow more food. When the family's situation improves, I will send you to study in the city immediately." Du Heng nodded: "Hey


    " The daughter-in-law who thinks of everything for him.

    Du Heng clasped Qin Xiaoman's palm, lowered his head and kissed the back of his hand.

    "You don't have to worry about it later, you are honest and honest when you do hard work, it's no wonder that you don't want to be bullied." "Your

    own land can be dishonest."

    "I don't care, anyway, you are not allowed to work hard anymore I'll check your hands later."

    "Okay, okay."

    Qin Xiaoman jumped off the ridge with satisfaction after seeing Du Heng's promise, and was about to go back to the field when there was a burst of firecrackers in the distance, and he saw people in the village from afar. A group of people came lively on the main road.

    The person walking in front had big red flowers tied around his waist, and there were two gong players, and a small sedan chair was carried behind him.

    You don't need to be introduced to know that this is a wedding.

    "From our village?"

    Du Heng stepped forward and asked.

    "Today is a wedding from the Zhao family."

    Qin Xiaoman stretched his neck to see the bride in the sedan chair, for nothing else, everyone wanted to see the newcomer when they were getting married.

    "The Zhao family has invited everyone they know in the village, but they didn't invite me. Mrs. Zhao is afraid that I will come and make trouble." "

    The Zhao family is very good at putting money on their faces." Du Heng said: "We got married. At that time, there seemed to be no one from the Zhao family."

    "Second uncle invited, but he didn't come." "

    It was quite lively, I heard that it was a woman from a good family in another village, and Mrs. Zhao had boasted about it in our village. I finally got married."

    Hearing this, Du Heng took Qin Xiaoman's hand and rubbed off the mud on the back of his hand, although he didn't say anything, the warmth of his palm warmed Qin Xiaoman's heart.

    "Then seeing your childhood sweethearts get married now, don't you feel a little uncomfortable?"

    "You are sincerely teasing me, aren't you!"

    Qin Xiaoman glared at Du Heng: "If I really feel unhappy, even if Mrs. Zhao doesn't like me at the beginning, she can Squeeze into Zhao's house."

    Du Heng felt that Qin Xiaoman was as tough and stubborn as the sleeping hair on his head, but actually very soft.

    "Then I'm glad you didn't squeeze into Zhao's house."

    Qin Xiaoman said to Du Heng with a smile: "It's all in the past, and I didn't take it to heart at all. Now I just want to turn our land over." When you come out to sow, there will be a bumper harvest in autumn, and then I will give it to you for scientific research."

    Du Heng nodded: "There will definitely be a bumper harvest."

    As the weather warmed up, the villagers also put their focus on the ground. After the Zhao family finished their wedding, the village never heard of anyone going to do business, but the field became more and more lively, and people digging the ground in the countryside More visible to the naked eye.

    Du Heng followed Qin Xiaoman to go out early and return late to the field for a few days, wielding a hoe every day, with his face to the loess and his back to the sky, he truly realized how tiring the plowing is.

    On the contrary, Qin Xiaoman is used to farm work. This year, he has cattle to cultivate land. Although there are more lands to be opened than in previous years, he is more relaxed than in previous years. Besides, he is thinking about saving money for Du Heng to study, so he is more motivated .

    Du Heng is also glad that he bought the cow back, otherwise he and Qin Xiaoman would not be able to do much work with the labor of him and Qin Xiaoman. There are so many places to spare.

    He looked at the households in the nearby villages who didn't have cattle, and they also went down to the fields when the sky was bright. Old and young, male and female brothers, the whole family was busy working in the fields.

    Plows and rakes are used to plow the ground, and the farm tools are placed in the fields, all pushed and pulled by manpower. Even a man with rough skin and thick flesh has to tear a layer of skin on his shoulders in an hour.

    A day's work of two strong men can keep up with the farming volume of a cow, and they must not be idle.

    For this reason, when they were working together in the fields, the villagers saw Qin Xiaoman pushing the plow with one hand and plowing briskly in the paddy fields, not to mention the envy of the girls, even the men couldn't help it when they breathed a sigh of relief. Live and look in the Qin family's field.

    "It's good to have cattle. The land is deep and easy to plow." "The

    fertile land at home is easy to plow. It is very laborious to dig the thin land. It takes an hour to pull the skin off the shoulders."

    Several men were standing at the edge of the field. Looking up at Qin Xiaoman's cow, Chu half-closed his eyes and spoke in the warm spring sun.

    "Didn't you come over without cattle for so many years? There are many families without cattle in our village, and they can still live well."

    Zhao's wife carried a rake, followed by a healthy young man woman.

    "Ms. Zhao brought her daughter-in-law out to the field?"

    Mrs. Zhao had a smug smile on her face: "Yes."

    After hearing the sound, all the villagers in the area looked at Mrs. Zhao, who was in good spirits and very cheerful. Swinging steps from the main road in the village towards the mountains.

    The Zhao family has a few acres of good fields in the mountains where there is constant water all the year round. Every spring, they have to pick them up carefully. The villagers are as jealous as Qin Xiaoman's cattle.

    "This Zhao Qi's luck is really not small, that woman's figure is so good..." "The

    two buns in the city are not as good as this one."

    It is the desire of every villager to have a cow at home. What the lady said about being relaxed was nothing more than comforting herself.

    But a group of men didn't say this, their eyes fell on the fresh faces, and they laughed and joked some nasty things in the field.

    "These guys talk about everything in broad daylight."

    Qin Xiaoman heard the woman laughing and scolding, saying that the daughter-in-law of the Zhao family had also come out. With a plump back and such a figure, if it weren't for the good fortune at home, it would not be able to support it, so it's no wonder Mrs. Zhao is proud.

    He glanced at Du Heng who was swinging a hoe beside him, only glanced at Qiqi and then ignored him, he was not at all as obscene as the men in the village.

    Qin Xiaoman laughed secretly.

    "That little lady from the Zhao family is pretty good. She looks like a good child. The Zhao family is weak. I heard that they spent four or five thousand gifts to marry such a daughter-in-law. Now it seems that I can share incense with the Zhao family. It’s booming.”

    “It’s a lot of gift money, but the noodles are really not as good as Man Ge’er’s.” “There are

    only four meat and vegetables in total, and one chicken stews three pots of soup. There is no meat on the meat dishes, and all the vegetarian dishes are not enough.”

    “The people who went to thirteen tables that day prepared a total of twelve tables of wine and food, and did not say to open another table. As a result, every table Stools were added to stuff people in."

    "Zhao's family is still a high-class household in our village. It's really a search. There are six meat dishes in the banquet held by Brother Man's house. It's not full of dishes. It’s from a basin. I heard that there is still meat for the last meal to help out.”

    Qin Xiaoman heard the village wives and husbands whispering gossip together, and those who were close to each other in the village were easily pulled out for comparison.

    He has long been used to the strangeness, and he is not happy to hear that his family's restaurant is running well. The reason for the good restaurant is that the family spends a lot of money to go out, which is full of good wine and meat.

    It's not for the sake of a good word from the folks, it's all because he is happy to marry Du Heng.

    All his thoughts were still on what the little lady of the Zhao family said about how to give birth. Recently, he also had some doubts in his heart, but he was not completely troubled when he was busy digging the ground.

    But listening to everyone chatting, the doubts in my heart grew a little more.

    Seeing that no one was paying attention, he gently lifted his sleeve and glanced at his wrist.

    That eye-catching red plant made him feel uneasy.

    When my brother was born, there was a bright red mole on his body, which can be used to distinguish whether the child is a brother or a boy. When the baby grows up, the bones and faces are open, and it is easy to distinguish the brother from the man, but the little baby just Birth is difficult to tell, with pregnancy moles being the only difference.

    His little father told him before when he was still alive that the mole would disappear after he got married. He always thought it was very rare. The mole could still be psychic, but it would disappear if he could see him getting married. ?

    Later, when he saw his elder father and younger father sleeping together shirtless, and having a younger brother, he thought that this thing might not be Changyanchu psychic, but that the couple had to sleep.

    But now he and Du Heng followed suit and did everything, but the thing on the wrist was still there, so he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

    He doesn't know anything else, but if the mole is always there, then there must be no cubs.

    He couldn't get up and down, he didn't know if he had a hidden disease, and he didn't know who to ask about such things.

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