Always the Bestfriend Never t...

By codisugihara

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One word to describe my life? Complicated. Now you might ask, "why does she think her life is complicated?" H... More

Chapter 1: My little Five year old
Chapter 2: Bi-polar Birthdays
Chapter 3: Jealous much?
Chapter 4: Stupid Boys
Chapter 5: WTF just happened?
Chapter 6: Dylan O' Brien's Twin?
Chapter 7: Date? Say What?
Chapter 8: Let the games begin.
Chapter 9: It worked! (short)
Chapter 1o: Changing our names and moving to Paris
Chapter 11: The Principals Office?
Chapter 12: Sex God
Chapter 13: You Changed
Chapter 14: I want you.
Chapter 15: Stupid Traps and Girl Germs
Chapter 16: Gone.
Chapter 17: Have Mercy.
Chapter 19: Peter Pan from Neverland
Chapter 20: Bad. Nicky. Really Bad.
Chapter 21: Poor Baby
Chapter 22: I couldn't be happier
Chapter 23: Epilogue

Chapter 18: Trouble in Paradise

323 12 1
By codisugihara

Nicole's POV

"Babe?" I call out from the top of the staircase

"Here!" He responds and it sounds like he's coming from the kitchen

As I walk towards the kitchen I smell bacon and eggs.

"Hey" I come from behind Emmett and hug him

"How'd you sleep?" He asks still making the eggs

"Okay." I shrug

"Hungry?" he turns around and points the spatula at me

"Yes" I giggle and right on queue my stomach grumbles

Emmett chuckles and grabs a plat behind him stacked with Bacon and Eggs

My eyes widen at the heavenly goodness right in front of me and look back up at Emmett

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you and what a great husband you are?" I ask him smirking. Emmett pretends like he's thinking and shrugs

"Once or twice..." He trails off then grabs my waist to pull me closer

"But you can say it again." He whispers

"You are an amazing husband, and I love you." I whisper back and he starts to lean in....

I immediately wake up before Emmett and I kiss, and I can't help but feel disappointed that it was just a dream. I don't remember falling asleep last night but I can't help to wish that I didn't, because that dream was just too much to handle.

What did that dream even mean?

Did it mean that I wanted to have a future with Emmett? No, that couldn't be it. Right?

I quickly shake my head trying to get rid of that thought. All I need to do is not care. I only have about a month of summer left and I intend to spend it drama free. Although, with Emmett around my wish to have a drama free summer will most likely not come true.

I let out a sad sigh and start my morning routine.

Once I'm done I put on shorts and a t-shirt from my favorite store Pacsun. As soon as I exit the room I'm met with a delicious smell of bacon and eggs, and start my way towards the kitchen.

When I walk through the kitchen door, I immediately see Emmett by the stove making eggs.

Okay, I'm sensing a serious case of dejavu

"E-Emmett?" I hesitantly ask. He turns around and his eyes widen as if he wasn't expecting me to be here.

"Well don't look at me like you didn't expect to see me in my kitchen" I scoff and roll my eyes

"I-I-um Hi? So are you speaking to me now?" He asks shyly

I shrug in response and sit down

"Where's Kyle?" I ask

"I took him to guitar practice... Man he got taller since the last time I saw hi-" He cuts himself off, probably realizing he shouldn't have said that. But it pissed me off because the last time he saw Kyle was before he left.

"Since the last time you saw him yeah? Before you completely up and left?" I ask through gritted teeth.

"Yeah" Emmett looked at the ground

"Did you know that when you left he was heartbroken Emmett? Oh wait you didn't because you didn't bother calling." I rolled my eyes

"I didn't call because I thought we both needed our space!" He bursted out taking me by surprise

"But that didn't mean he needed space from you! You were the only guy he really connected with! And when you..when you left you not only broke my heart. You broke his too." I whispered the ending because it was too much

"I left because we were always fighting Nicky! Like now! We always fought over the stupidest things! I couldn't take watching you cry anymore!" He groaned in frustration and I scoffed in response and shook my head at him.

"What?! Why are you shaking you head at me?!" He pleaded in frustration

"I'm going to give you a scenerio okay?" I asked him and he nodded

"Let's say you're me okay? Everyday you get up, just so you can see you bestfriend who lives just a couple doors down from you. Oh and you love him. He knows and he continues to play with your feelings and constantly sends you mixed signals. Then when you try and confront him, it blows up in your face, and in the end your always the one who ends up crying. Then let's say one day you guys have big fight. He says some stuff, you say some stuff back and then he walks out. The next day you see all of his stuff is moved out. You don't see him for weeks after. Then one day you clumsily stumble upon him, just for him to say he wants nothing to do with you. You almost put a razor blade to your wrist, because you love him so much, then he comes back just to send you another mixed signal, and you cry. You wake up the next day with a lot of missed calls from the guy and one voicemail. A voicemail that basically says that even though he loved you, he still flew all the way to fucking London claiming you both need space. Then suddenly in the middle of your summer, he comes back. All those months of crying and saying you'll move on go to waist as soon as you make eye contact with him, and all your walls that you've built come crashing down. Oh and not to mention you were stuck with Bailey and her boyfriend all year wishing you had the same kind of love they do, but you can't... because you're still stuck loving that same guy who broke your heart when he left." I finish looking him straight in the eyes the entire time.

"Nicky..." He trailed off

"Tell me Emmett, does that scenerio sound like something a girl like me should go through? Or am I just special?" I ask

"You shouldn't have." He answered

"Then why did you leave me!" I yelled and then covered my mouth. Great now I'm crying.

"I left because I wanted a break from everything. I wanted to stop the fighting nicky! I told you that already!" He yelled in frustration

"Well congratulations!" I yell standing

"What?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows

"You stopped the fighting. And any possible way of us going back to atleast being friends" I finish

"No.. Nicky...We can work this out..." He tries to convince me

"Oh so now you care if we work things out?" I scoff again.

"I've always cared! Did you ever wonder how I felt when I left? How hard it was for me to leave?" He asks

"Hey, No one said you needed to leave." I say and walk out of the room and grab my car keys. I need some starbucks. I take out my phone and Dial Bailey's number.

"Hello?" she answers

"Hey meet me at starbucks please, I need someone to brighten my mood" I ask

"Trouble in Paradise?" She asks

"You could say that." I return

"Okay I'm on my way" and the line clicks dead

Trouble in paradise? Hm. When was it ever Paradise?


Quick A/N:

Hey guys! Sorry it took me forever to update! Well to me it was forever, but yeah I've been sick and my banquet is coming up and I don't know I've just been busy... Anyways call this chapter short if you must or don't? I liked this one alot actually. But hey another chapter out! Yay!

*signature happy dance*

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