Delicious Party Pretty Cure v...

By pokemonjunior

884 4 0

(*Since this crossover is made during the time Delicious Party Precure is airing, there will be speculations... More

Seaside cooking storm
The taste test
The show stealer
Giving you the delicious meal
Never forget the shared tastiness
All the good stuff can't be hoarded.
Adorned in Gentleness and gorgeousness
A shock after another
Someone amongst the tide
A stronger Training regiment?
Strength training
Family Forgotten recipe
Racing against the scars
Watching and dreaming
Truth or spoilers? Part 2
Food for thought
Suprise attack
Trapped by the past
Conquer the present (Part 1)
Conquer the present (part 2)
Embrace the future
List of references and notes

Truth or spoilers? Part 1

13 0 0
By pokemonjunior

(The next day: Day 3 since Delicious party cures entered the human realm)

Rosemary decided to call his comerade, Fennel first thing in the morning and on that special occasion, he invited the hybrid cures over to send the report this time.

This was when he showed the cure the device of communication he had. It was heart cut in half that had a built-in speaker. What housed that small speaker device was a dark pink pearl. With a touch on his stone: the device opened a live hologram showing Fennel on his work desk.  He wore the similar attire Rosemary wore but it had colours of green instead of orange. Instead of a pink scarf and a black tight shirt with long pants, it was a white turtle neck with a brown medieval-like shirt. He looked at the Rosemary and saw the hybrid cures amongst him. Confused, he questioned who they are and made the assumption of disguise.

The energy fairies saw the screen and actively said their hellos in the process.

Fennel: Welcome, Rosemary, Energy fairies, and the Pretty look different.

Rosemary: That's because, Our Pretty Cures and I came to another world by accident. And the ones behind me are defending the world we stumbled across.

Hybrid Pretty cure: Greetings.

Rosemary: I had also met Wild Recipepes in my time here. Bet they didn't know they a name this whole time. I had heard of them but never sawn them before, it's a first.

Taio: They used to be wild?

While the Wild Recipepes flew around while trying to cause a small play of chaos amongst themselves, the hybrid cures tried to focus despite all of it. The "Tears of a Fallen Angel" recipepe came to Rosemary at last and slept on its shoulder. Using this time gap, he made use of it to tell the Recipepes history.

Rosemary: They were. Ever since cooking started 2 million years ago, Recipepes came to life as well. They used to have bat wings and sharp teeth since only a small amount of people were able to make original dishes at the time. They can get very protective and are rough to say the least. When more people started to cook and replicate these original dishes, the Recipepes started to get kinder and have a bird-like-wings, but overtime they also reached a stage where they cry when they get caught. The only rough recipepe I saw for now is the Parfait recipepe. Parfait recipes get experimented on every time and there's no fixed recipe like the rest. Only when a food gets experimented to a certain extreme will these wild Recipepes appear.

He petted the recipepe on on his shoulder using his finger and it bit the finger. It was sharp and painful to the point where Rosmary screamed in pain, dramatically like a diva. Fennel on the other side, sighed in disbelief seeing his comrade yelping over a small bite. He turned to the five teenagers as he ignored Rosemary's bite of pain.

Fennel: So you are the Cures that are protecting this place?

Nodoka: Sort of...we met your comrades the other day and decided to take them in. They would rather like this place actually.

Fennel: I see... is there anything you would like me to hear about?

Takeru: One thing, did you witnessed any Wild Recipepes before?

Fennel gave some thought while the "Tears of a Fallen Angel" recipepe, done with its taunting, sat and listened attentively.

Fennel: There was one time when Ginger, Rosemary and my master taught us about the Durian parfait and how we should make it. Then, we tried making it ourselves and a Wild Recipepe of that exact Parfiat appeared.

Rosemary: That takes me back, I can remember it being very rough and and very difficult to handle. Ginger was trying to clam it down with its cat techniques and the recipepe did nothing but act like Ginger this whole time. And when Ginger had enough, the recipepe just flew around him with its bat wings until he felt dizzy.

Fennel: made us dizzy too.

The hybrid cures and laughed Rosemary at their story despite Fennel giving a spot of blankness and embarrassment. Being by the Pretty cure of emotion, Taio laughed the the loudest, experiencing Fennel's inner feelings.

Fennel seeing this mockery gained his composure back and stared to cough for attention and spoke more.

Fennel: That's why Wild Recipepes are hard to study and adapt to our book, Recipe-bon. I wish there is a way to put all kinds of Recipepes there with no difficulty. Especially the medicine ones they helped Ginger for a long time as well.

After Fennel said that, a five-coloured flash came from the other side of the screen. There the five of them saw a teenage Fennel frantically trying every healing herb there is. Honey, cobwebs, crysanthemums, he tried his best to replicate the herbal medicine Ginger had in his sickbed with no skills of a herbalist at all. A nurse of Ginger's came in and saw Fennel's stress and asked if he can go be by Ginger's side only to be commanded to leave.

The boys and Riko felt the pain while Neko being the calm one analysed the situation closely. Meanwhile, Riko's hand started burning and showed three symbols one at a time. First, an outlined heart, second, paint splat with a hole in the middle and lastly, a ladder.

With the door shut, the young Fennel went back to full on concentration as he experimented with the amount of liquids to cure the cat-human hybrid. Meanwhile tears welled in his eyes as the motion between his wrists and pestle started to become inconsistent in speed. Counteracting his breakdown with rage, he finally has the medicine done as he reached for the door, only to be opened with a teenage Rosemary with a face of solemn in his green eyes.

Gripping the herbed mortar and pestle hard he questioned Rosemary and offered the medicine.

Teen Fennel: Ginger's medicine is-?

Rosemary stoped Fennel before continuing. A long silence came before Rosemary spoke.

Teen Rosemary: Fennel...He's gone.

At that moment the mortar and pestle dropped and broke, splattering the medicine that Fennel crafted for a long time. Fennel's face soaked with tears knelt to the floor in defeat and uttered words of apology. The five cures witnessing became lost in thought until a voice came to them.

Rosemary: Are you guys ok?

Once the five of them are back, they look around. They had read Fennel's memory for two minutes but it became five seconds in real-time.

When Rosemary saw them, their smiles were absent from their faces. Instead they were filled with a sense of shock and uncertainty. The awkward silence continued for a while until Taio broke it out by deducing a reason.

Taio: So that's why you wanted to take those fairies to you. Wanting to be best version of yourself so that you can prove you're worthy to someone. It's not gonna go anywhere if you kept it that way for too long. They are already ok with your abilities. Trust me, I've been there. I always wanted to prove to someone until a little bird told me that I'm just enough with the abilities I have. It's ok to push yourself a little but impressing others because of it should not be first priority.

Nodoka: Taio is right. I know your heart was for Ginger but now maybe it's time to step back.

Fennel: And what does this have to do with the wild Recepepes?

Taio: We won't let you take them. Even it was for investigation or what not. We five might know who you are but that doesn't mean-


Takeru interrupted his friend as he tackled towards Taio from the side, knocking him down to the floor and preventing his freedom of speech for a short time. Nodoka joined for a while to pin him like a criminal caught by two policemen before leaving Takeru to sustain the tackle himself.

While the rest had to experience the three boys' unscripted chaos, the same fire symbols came to Riko's hand. With that in her mind, she asked Rosemary if the five of them were to talk about the matter alone after telling Neko about the symbols in her hand.

To that, Neko called the boys out of the attack and all five of them went to a quiet room talk things out, leaving Rosemary and Fennel alone.

A/N: This flashback here was one of the scenes that wasn't in the Delicious party Precure canon. Again, I'm writing as the series ended with fans mad and me being taught a lesson about being careful of what you say.

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