S2 Clementine x Male Reader (...

By Victor_TheRiper

38K 1.3K 405

Several months have pass now, after loosing their parents, friends, and most importantly, loosing Lee as well... More

Chp.1 On Our Own
Chp.2 The Unpleasant Group
Chp.3 Sneaking
Chp.5 The Peculiar Stranger
Chp.7 The Boat God's Return
Chp.10 Carver's Prison Pt.1
Chp.11 Carver's Prison Pt.2
Chp.12 Carver's Prison Pt.3
Chp.14 Escape
Chp.21 CampFire
Chp.22 It Happen So Fast
Chp.24 Memory Dream
Chp.25 Team Kenny
Final Chapter
-Coming Soon-


1.2K 46 12
By Victor_TheRiper


As we left off, Clementine and (YN) finally manage to escape from Carver's prison building through the herd of walkers, but there was a bit situations that happen during their escape...Carlos's death, Sarah ran away, Luke got shot while going after Sarah with Luke, and Sarita bit as she ran off with Kenny and the others. Clem and (YN) both stick with Rebecca...and Jane as well.
After some hours pass, it was the afternoon, They were walking down through the woods and to go meet up everyone else at the spot where they're suppose to meet...Clem notices (YN) looking at the picture he has with his mom....and the so called "father" that happens to be Carver, in it too...he rips him off the picture and just to have only him and his mom there and to keep it with him for remembering...

Clementine: How you're feeling?

(YN): ..I'm okay, just...gonna need to have time to forget about Carver...you know?

Clementine: Yea, I do. It'll be fine, don't worry.

(YN): ..I hope.

The two notice Rebecca behind them, as she look she's running out of breathes from the walking they've been going, tired as well and couldn't keep up, the two slowed down stay with her...

(YN): Hey Bec...everything alright?

Rebecca: ..No, I'm not alright...but I'll be a lot better once we get to the others. But, more importantly, how are you??

(YN): ...I'm fine.

Rebecca: It'll be alright sweetie, don't worry.

(YN): ...Hopefully.

Rebecca: ...I just hope everyone else made it out, Luke..Sarah..Kenny...god damn it, what if they aren't there?

Clementine: ...

(YN): ....

Jane: If they aren't, nothing much we can do about it.

Rebecca: Don't even say things like that.

Jane: Fine, sorry

Rebecca: ...Jesus, I don't even know if we're safe, what if the here is still following us? It's been quiet but, who knows...

Clementine: ..It's been at least an hour since we haven't seen any of them.

(YN): Yea, no sight of them either, and not even some around here, so we should be good, for now.

Rebecca: Better be lucky......I know I should feel glad that we've escaped from there, but I can't stop thinking about the others. It was stupid.

Jane: What was? Escaping??

Rebecca: Look I know we all agreed to use the herd to get out, but...maybe we should have been a little more patient, came up with something better.

Jane: No we wouldn't, it worked!

Rebecca: If you can call that working! We could've..I don't know.

Clementine: ...Maybe we should have waited a bit, and done something else, maybe then Sarita would've been bit...

(YN): Hey don't, okay Clem?? It wasn't your fault, Kenny will understand, besides he rush and saw you saved her from that Walker.

Jane: Hey look, I know that some of your people didn't make it, but Carver-

Jane notices (YN) glaring at her for mentioning his name...

Jane: ...I mean "He" was crazy, staying longer would have prolonged the inevitables I'm just saying, if they haven't panicked, thing would have turn out better.

Rebecca: What did you think?! Of course we panicked! We were scared!

Jane: The plan was good, but the execution part was the mess.

Rebecca: That sounds an awful lot like you're saying it was their fault?!

Jane: What?! No that's not what I'm saying, it's just-

Rebecca: Nrg!!

Rebecca started to feel pain from her belly, her baby...

(YN): Rebecca??!

Clementine: Are you okay!??

Rebecca: I'm fine kids, it's just...I need to stop, rest a bit, I don't wanna slow us down, but can I have a minute?

Jane: ..Yea sure, take a minute.

Rebecca: Thank you.

Rebecca holds her belly, and to slowly pace around and to then get emotional the fact she keeps forgetting her husband, Alvin, is no longer with her, thanks to Carver of course...

Rebecca: ..Alvin was suppose to be here for this.

Jane: ...Is Alvin-

Rebecca: He's dead, is what he is, no thanks to that fucking madman there.

(YN): ..Kenny might know what to do, he had a family.

Jane: Well, let's hope he made it up to the meet up point then.

Then...Jane observes Rebecca, and to her holding her baby inside...and says...

Jane: ..So, what are you gonna do with it?

Rebecca: Excuse me??!

Jane: I-Uh, sorry, just..trying to make a conversation here-

Rebecca: No, what do you mean by that?! Do with what, My baby?!

Jane: Hey I'm just looking at the worst case of scenario. You Clem and (YN) won't be able to raise a baby by yourselves, not out here. I just mean, it's gonna need food and...other stuff.

Rebecca: Yeah, and??

Jane: A-Aaaaand...

Clementine: We can't abandon it, that's cruel.

Jane: Heh woah! I never said you should abandon it.

(YN): Really? Cause it sounds like it. Like it or not, we won't let nothing happen to her baby, we will all look after it.

Clementine: Yeah, for Rebecca and Alvin.

Rebecca smile in relief to here that from (YN) and Clem...

Jane: Look, what I meant is that sometimes you can't protect everyone you want to.

Rebecca: And you assume I won't be capable enough? Just because your some angry loner who doesn't care anyone but herself, doesn't mean you know better than me!

Jane: Hey I've seen it before alright! Back when it all started...me and my sister-

Rebecca: What, she died?! I don't need your pity!!

Jane: !!!

Clementine: ...

(YN): Easy Bec.

Jane got upset, the fact what Rebecca said about Jane's sister...

Jane: ...You don't have the right to say that!

Jane then stomps away, which left Rebecca feel a bit guilty and bad, and didn't even mean to say those things...

Rebecca: Shit..I didn't mean it...shit...

Clementine: I know you didn't.

(YN): Look, let's just keep walking.

Rebecca: ...Damn it.

Half an hour pass, Clem (YN) Rebecca and Jane then walked out of the woods, and to finally spot Bonnie and Mike at the meet up point...

Mike: Holy shit, y'all made it!

Bonnie: It had been so long, we were starting to get worried nobody else made it out.

Mike: Well, besides...

They all notice seeing Kenny sitting at a fountain, with Sarita laying on his laps...

Clementine: ..How's Sarita?

Mike: ...I tried to talk to Kenny, but flipped out on me, started talking crazy shit, scary too.

Bonnie: But he probably didn't mean it, but it was scary.

Both Clem and (YN) look over to Kenny, as they can see he wasn't looking good at all with Sarita with him...and knew this wasn't the first time he's been through something like this...

Mike: ...I hate to say it, but Sarita's on her way out, she's probably gonna turn soon.

Jane: So...is he..gonna take care of her then?

Rebecca: Jane!

Jane: I know it's not pretty, but it's better than the alternative.

Rebecca: But not our decision to make!

Mike: But it's the one that's gotta be made. We're already up to the creek enough without a Walker to deal with.

Clementine: ...We know Kenny, this wasn't his first time experiencing this.

(YN): ..He had a family back then when we were in a group, a wife and a son.

Rebecca: ..What happen??

(YN): ...What always happens here.

Rebecca: ...Poor Kenny.

Bonnie: ...Well, now that you two are here, I was thinking maybe the both of you could talk to him?

(YN): ..Yea sure, we'll handle this.

Clementine: ..Yeah.

The two then walk over to Kenny and can hear him talking with Sarita, as they notice her body being paled...

Kenny: It's alright Sarita, it's gonna be okay, I'm gonna be with you here. Right till the end.

Kenny then notices the two stood informer of him, as he slowly lifts his head and stares at him, which made them feel a bit uncomfortable...and Kenny notices the others passing by behind him...

Clementine: ..Hi Kenny.

(YN): ...Hey Ken...Look, we want to be on your side, and make sure you're-

Kenny: You think I don't know what y'all are whispering about back there? I said we just needed a little fucking time alone, to say goodbye...

Sarita began grunting, trying to speak...

Kenny: Shh Shh Shh, it's okay babe, it's okay. We'll get through this, we will do what we got to do.

Clementine: Kenny, I'm so sorry about Sarita-

Kenny: You hear that babe? Clem says she's "sorry", heh, don't that make you feel better?!

(YN): Heh woah! The hell Ken?? Why are you being like this?

Kenny: Oh I have many reason why I'm like this, SHE knows why I'm like this! Don't you, Clementine?!

Kenny started to become a different person for some reason, as if she's starting to blame Clementine for Sarita's death...

Clementine: Th-There was nothing for me to do,I-

Kenny: Seeing how things turned out, I think I've might've preferred you do nothing.

Clementine: K-Kenny, I really tried to save her-

Kenny: Look at her, look at her!! She is going to die, because of YOU!

(YN): Hey! Stop it okay?! It isn't her fault Damn it!!

Clementine: I...I-

Kenny: You think cause your just a little girl you can just get people killed and no one will care?! And then cause you're "sorry" it'll all magically be away?! That's not how it works Damn it!!

He raised his tone to Clem, and yet started to get more aggrieved to Clementine for blaming Sarita's death, Clementine slowly began wrapping her arms around her, as she quietly began to whimper and she'd tears and to run off with the others...

(YN): Clem wait! He didn't..mean it..

(YN) tried to patch things up, but how?? Kenny out of nowhere was being violent and mean to Clem, and made her cry...he then clenches his hands and to confront Kenny again...

(YN): What the fuck Ken!?!

Kenny: Oh don't you start boy..!

(YN): Oh the hell I will! Why the hell are you acting like this?!

Kenny: Oh You know why, SHE knows why!

(YN): Clementine didn't do anything wrong! She literally saved Sarita! It could've been worse if Sarita was being eaten alive!

Kenny: Watch it! ...You think Im stupid?! As soon I saw what happen, all Clementine did...was just standing there, and just let Sarita get bit! And what does she does?! She just decides to stand there, let her get bit and then save her afterwards she gets hit?! She could've been faster than that!

(YN): She was scared Kenny! Jesus, the hell you wanted her to do?! Chop off her hand off!?

Kenny: ...Oh what? Would you?!

(YN): What?! No I wouldn't, look I'm saying-

Kenny: No you will not! You won't even do anything either, just like you didn't even do anything to save Omid!!

(YN) then gave a unanimous reaction what Kenny said...afterwards, Kenny felt a bit bad, and started to realize how he's been acting, and the fact he's losing it and just pointing fingers and just being so aggressive and hot headed...and can see (YN)'s face feeling sad the fact he mentions Omid....

Kenny: (YN) I-

(YN): I wish we'd never fucking found you.

And that made Kenny feel guilty after that response from (YN)...with that said, (YN) walks away, leaving Kenny feeling guilty and sad...(YN) approach with the others as he then leans toward a wall, grunting and then so slowly slide down and sat on the floor...Clementine then approaches to him and sits down next to him...

Clementine: ...Want to talk about it?

(YN): ...No.

Rebecca: Don't get it to you hon, don't expect him to just bounce back easily...what that man's going through...at least you and Clem tried

Clementine: ..I hope.

(YN): ...

Mike: Still, doesn't exactly help us figure out what we're gonna do now. We got no food, water, and getting damn cold now, and loosing daylight fast.

Bonnie: So we wait for the others then, Luke has a plan.

Mike: And here I thought Kenny has one...

Rebecca: Mike..Bonnie...

Jane: Mike's got a point, can't just sit around and keep waiting. Things are being difficult right now and soon you'll have a baby on the your hands too.

Rebecca: Oh what? You're now suddenly pretending to be concerned??

Jane: Well seeing you people floundering the minute things don't go according to plan just got me on edge alright?

Clementine: But this is our meeting spot, we have to make it safe and not have any problems.

Rebecca: Clem's right, if we do leave here, they'll never find us.

Jane: Okay, fine...In the meantime, I'll take Clem and we can go look that way, see if we find them. She took good care of herself back at Carver's, I want her watching my back.

Clementine then felt a bit relief to hear something from Jane that she don't see her as a kid anymore...so Clementine decided to go with her, and (YN)...

(YN): I'm coming too.

Clementine: ..You don't have to-

(YN): I want to, wanna make sure you don't get hurt.

Jane: Why even bother? She can take care of herself-

Clementine: No it's okay, he can come too.

Jane: ...Fine by me then.

Rebecca: Are you sure you're gonna be okay (Yn)?

(YN): I'll be fine...don't worry, We won't take long. Besides, the others can't be too far, we can find them, one way or the other.

Rebecca: Of course...and thank you.

Jane: Well, let's go then.


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