The Jealousy Plot

بواسطة chlo_dance

204K 7.4K 997

We all have that one person in our lives that has a special way of getting under our skin more than anybody e... المزيد

1)Nicole Brooks
2)The Slut Sweatshirt
3) The Water Geiser Fountain
4) I don't like him
5) The Plot
6) A swim in a lake
7) Our fancy dinner at McDonalds
8) The Football Game
9) The Nightmare
10) The Ferris Wheel
11) The Homecoming Dance Part 1
12) The Homecoming Dance Part 2
13) The Tutor
14) Party Time!
15) Christmas Eve With The Evans Family
16) The Argument
17) Back to School Party!
18) Detention With Mr. Evans
19) The Great Gatsby Discussion
20) Father Fights
21) A Different Side of Nicole Brooks
22) Welcome To New York
23) It's Not What It Looks Like
24) 3 Simple Words
25) A Little Letter
26) She loves me she loves me not
27) 'Model' Behavior
29) The End of A Chapter, The Start of A New One
30) The Best Friend Meltdown
31) Defending Luke
32) The Fourth Of July
33) Our Beach Day Takes A Wrong Turn
34) An Unexpected Visitor
35) A Secret Revealed To Keep A Secret Hidden
36) The Fountain Spot
37) The Address
38) Football Fury
39) Hours at the Hopital
40) I Don't Deserve You
41) Sometimes People Don't Deserve Second Chances
42) Somewhere Only We Know
43) Locked In With Woods and Evans
44) Thanksgiving
45) Secrets In The Night
46) Bathroom Talks, Teacher Interrogations and Old Faces
47) Lost Mothers
48) The Cigarette Boy
49) Dark Places
50) Ski Slopes and Taboo
51) Broken
52) Unfriendly Encounters
53) The Ugly Truth
54) Let her go
55) Just Friends
56) Stay
57) Scars
58) Old Flames
59) We Get To Ditch Class For The Woods Part 1
60) We Get To Ditch Class For The Woods Part 2
61) Graduation Day
62) Wishful Thinking
63) Why Did Danny Have To Leave The Door Unlocked?
64) The Wedding
65) Worth It
Final Author's Note

28) The New Girl

3.2K 110 18
بواسطة chlo_dance

As I shut my locker door Friday morning, the sound of a low whistle greets my ears. I turn around to see what is going on and watch as a short brunette with a small frame ducks her head down lower.

'Strange' I think to myself. 'I've haven't seen her around before'.

Just as she is a few feet away from my locker Bryce Nichols, a huge player, steps into her way. "Hey sexy" he says in a low voice that he thought sounded sexy but that Belle and I had both agreed just made him sound constipated.

"You're in my way" the girl bravely stated but kept her head low. Bryce steps closer to her. "Well I couldn't let someone as sexy as you get away without introducing myself. If you're busy we can continue this introduction later at my place" he purred.

Seeing enough I stepped towards them "Bryce, if the girl liked listening to pigs like you, she would have moved to a farm, not Georgia" I snapped.

Bryce turns slowly towards me. "What's it to you stupid little Claire who looks like a bear?" He taunted. His friends laugh at his unoriginal rhyme.

I stepped closer "You like rhymes? Okay, how about this one. There once was a boy named Bryce, who couldn't read a lick, he thought that he was cooler than ice, but everyone knew he had a small-"

"Finish that rhyme Ms. Adams and I will have to give you another detention" my favorite teacher's voice sounds behind me, but is only heard by me over the laughter from my rhyme.

"Sorry Mr. Solender but he was messing with the new girl" I explain. Mr. Solender glances at the now slightly smiling, still nameless girl. "I see" he starts "well, since you are so set on fighting other people's battles, you can be in charge of showing Ms. Willows around".

I open my mouth to object. Belle and I had planned to meet up, but Mr. Solender was already walking away. I turn back around to the girl and smile. "Hey. I'm Claire" I introduce myself.

She smiles at me. "I'm Riley" she says back, in a surprisingly confident voice. I look over at a retreating Bryce and speak "I'm really sorry about Bryce. He's an ass, but the good news is he's one of the worst so the boys don't get much worse than him".

She laughs. "It's okay, I'm used to rude guys. I live with three".

"Three brothers?" I ask shocked. I knew that having no siblings kind of sucked but having three brothers sounded ten times worse.

"Yeah. The good news is that they're all either in college or have a job and are out of the house".

"Well that's-" I am interrupted by a loud voice shouting "Where is that brilliant blondie Claire Adams!". I turn to see Luke turning the corner. "Present!" I shout back.

As Luke's eyes meet mine his mouth turns into a wide smile and his amazing blue eyes brighten. He runs in my direction with a piece of paper in his hands.

I open my arms as he gets closer and he scoops me into a full blown hug, lifting me up so my legs have to wrap around his waist. I laugh as he twirls me around "You wonderful, wonderful, genius girl!" He shouts loudly.

Finally he sets me down and I basically scream with anticipation. "You got an 85 on the English test?" I ask.

Impossibly, his smile widens even more. "Better. I got a 92!" He shouts loudly. I squeal and pull him into another hug. "Yes! I knew you could do it!".

For the past week I had been helping Luke prepare for our English test. We would study for so long I ended up having dinner at his house every night. He really did deserve his grade.

"Yeah! Luke Evans is passing, bitches" Luke shouts, holding out his test paper with the big red 92 on the top out to the observing hallway.

He turns back towards me. "Thank you so- whose the new girl?" He asks, becoming distracted at the sight of Riley.

"This is Riley. She's new and I'm showing her around" I explain. "Oh, cool" Luke starts. "Well word of the wise, avoid the basement at all costs and if you have to choose between starving and eating the mystery soup of the day, choose starvation".

She giggles at his advice. I guess she thinks he's joking. "Well we have to go to class now. What do you have, Riley?" I ask. Riley pulls out her schedule. "Uh, statistics".

"Me too! I can show you the way" I say. She nods and we walk down the hall. Suddenly hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" A deep voice asks.

"Voldemort?" I ask and hear a gasp as Zack turns me around to face him. "You should never say his name you crazy woman!" He shouts.

I laugh. "I must have forgot. I'm sorry". He waves it off. "I can't stay mad at you" and his lips are on mine. Like every kiss with him, my legs turn to jelly.

After a few seconds he pulls away. "I gotta get to chemistry. See you at lunch gorgeous" he flirtatiously sends me a smile that I return and in a flash he is down the hall.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Riley suddenly asks, making me jump. I forgot she was there. "Um, yeah. His name is Zack".

"Then who was the blonde one?" She asks. "Oh, that's Luke" I respond. she raises an eyebrow suggestively at me "you two seem friendly".

I let out an uncomfortable laugh. "No it's not.. he's not... we don't.... were just friends. Really good friends" I finally manage to say. Riley smiles a little smugly "I wouldn't mind being friends with him" she states.

For some reason the thought of Riley and Luke together makes my stomach flip. 'Relax' I say to myself. 'You like Zack, not Luke'.

"Let's get to Statistics" I say and Riley and I walk into the classroom.

After three classes, two which included Riley, I lead her to the cafeteria. "Come on, you can sit with me and my friends" I insist and lead her to our table in the middle of the room.

"Someone looks tired" I greet an exhausted looking Brandon. "I was up all night studying for that English test in Mr. Solender's class yesterday and I haven't caught up on sleep" he answers.

Luke appears "speaking of English tests, guess who scored a 92, 5 points higher than sleepyhead over here?" he practically sings. Brandon shoots him a glare as Riley answers."I'll take a wild guess and say the boy who is asking us".

Luke points at her "Right you are new girl" he states and she giggles. I bite my tongue as we sit down, Riley sitting on the other side of Luke.

"I've had a breakthrough" Danny announces as him and Belle take their seats. He continues "Next year we will be seniors".

"Good observation Einstein" Belle states. Danny sends her a dirty look as he continues "well, I say we take over the fountain spot".

"No way"

"Are you a moron?"

"Have fun dying"

These were Luke, Belle and I's remarks to his moronic idea.

"What's the fountain spot?" Zack asks as he comes over and sits beside me, pecking my cheek. I don't miss Luke's reaction as he turns away, teeth gritted.

Belle is the one who answers Zack's question. "It's basically where all the popular jocks and bitchy girls sit".

"By 'bitchy girls' I guess you're talking about my cheerleading sisters" Nicole comments as she comes up and sits down.

Danny throws a grape into the air and catches it in his mouth. "Right you are, queen of the bitchy girls".

"Well good luck taking the fountain spot away from them" Nicole says, taking a bite of her salad.

Zack speaks up. "But Luke, Brandon and I are football players, why couldn't we get the spot?" He asks. Luke rolls his eyes at the thought of him and Zack being grouped together.

I answer him "Yeah, but by 'football players' Belle means the biggest asses in school, not you guys". Brandon fakes a tear and puts his hand over his heart. "You guys hear that? Claire doesn't think we're asses" he says.

"Not as bad as them" I correct. "Wait, guys" Danny states "are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room?" he asks, turning his eyes towards Riley.

Riley holds out a finger "One, I'm not an elephant and two, hey everyone, I'm Riley Willows, the new girl".

For a total of five seconds, all the boys stare in silence at her, making Nicole roll her eyes, Belle raise her eyebrows and me silently laugh at their expressions.

Anyone that says Riley is unattractive is either lying, jealous, or blind. she had straight chocolate brown hair that perfectly framed her heart shaped face and almond shaped dark brown eyes. She was also on the tan side.

Zack is the first to snap out of it. "I'm Zack" he states, sending her a friendly smile.

"I'm Danny" Danny states with a wink.

"I'm Belle" Belle smiles.

"Nicole" Nicole answers, glaring at her as if daring Riley to cross her.

"I'm Brandon" Brandon states.

"We've met" Luke says. Riley smiles at him.

"Dude, I almost forgot!" Danny states, standing up suddenly and pulling out a handful tiny papers. "Guess which little white boy scored a handful of tickets to tonight's Braves' baseball game?".

"I'm guessing the little white boy holding tickets in his hand" I state. "Correct!" Danny exclaims throwing tickets at each of us "one for you, one for you, and even one for you new girl!" Danny shouts.

"Cool!" Zack exclaims. "What time is the game?".

"Be there at six. We'll all meet inside. Don't be late" Danny shouts as the bell goes off and he exits the cafeteria.


At six o clock exactly, I walk into the baseball stadium and look around. Suddenly a force pushes me forward into a bearded man whose arms are covered in tattoos.

"I'm so sorry I-" I stop talking as he rolls his eyes and walks away and the familiar sound of a troublemaking laugh makes me growl inwardly.

"Really?!?" I ask, whirling around to face a hysterical Luke laughing loudly at my expression. He finally stops himself. "Oh come on sleeping beauty I'm just messing with you".

"You're a riot" I spit sarcastically.

"Aww, you know you can't stay mad at me" he teases, pulling me into a hug, even against my struggles. "That's debatable" I mumble.

Luke finally pulls away and stares at me straight in the eyes. "Have you thought about what I said?" he asks.

I cross my arms over my waist and shrug. "What is there to think about?" I ask. He steps closer. "I'm not over you Claire. I'll win you over. I'm not done yet" he says with a determined look in his eyes.

"Luke please-" I start but he steps closer until his face is inches from mine. Our faces have only been this close 2 other times and those times both ended in a kiss.

"Say you don't want this" He softly says. "Say you want him and I'll back off for good".

I stay standing there, wordless. Just as I'm about to part my mouth he says "I guess you've been saved by the bell" and slowly, he walks away.

I turn around to find Zack standing with his mouth closed. "What was that about?" he asks me.

"Nothing. Luke was just thanking me for helping him with English" I say. It wasn't a complete lie. I did help him with English.

"You promise?" Zack asks me. I manage a smile and a nod. His face suddenly turns happy again. "Well, lets go find our seats then". He drapes an arm across my shoulder and leads us to our seats.

I am seated next to Zack and on my other side is Belle. I am relieved when I see that Luke is all the way on the end of the row. I finally allow myself to relax and enjoy the game and Zack's company.

The game is tied by the last inning and everyone in the crowd is standing up and shouting, but none of them as loud as Danny.

"DEAR LORD SHAVE YOUR ARMS! I DIDN'T KNOW THEY ALLOWED APES ON THE FIELD" yes, this was Danny's version of smack talk.

I turn towards Zack to see his eyes on me with a slight smile on his face. "You're missing the game" I say. He smiles a little wider, showing off his dimples that I loved. "I like this view a lot more".

I laugh at his comment and turn back towards the game. "Claire?" Zack asks. I turn towards him. "I want to give you something" he says.

"Zack" I start to protest but he already pulls out a small box. "Open it" he urges. I take the box and open it. It's a necklace with a pendant shaped like a fountain.

"Zack, it's beautiful" I exclaim at a loss for words, remembering how we ran back and forth across a water geiser fountain. It was the first time I really talked to Zack.

"Flip it over" he whispers. I turn the silver pendant over to the back to see three words that take my breath away. I love you.

"Y-you don't mean that" I insist, pushing the necklace away as if it might grow teeth and hurt me.

"Yes I do Claire" Zack insists, pushing the necklace towards me. "I love you. I think that ship had sailed the moment I saw you. You are unlike anyone I've ever met and I want you to know how much you mean to me-"

"Stop" I state and stand up and as fast as I can. I run away from the cries of my name coming from the lips that just said they loved me.

Suddenly I realize that I'm crying. I don't know when that happened but it did. I run through the crowd until I get to a stretched out lawn.

"Claire!" a voice comes from behind me. I whip around to see Luke standing there.

"No! Stay away from me Luke" I shout loudly backing away. He stops a few yards away and raises his hands in surrender. "This is all your fault!" I shout louder.

"What are you-"

"He loves me, did you know that? Did you know that Zack loved me while you were messing with my head? Did you know he felt that way when you were playing with my heart?" I ask.

His face falls. "H-He said he loves you?" he asks.

"Yes, and like the heartless monster I am I threw his love back in his face and you want to know why? Because of your stupid mind games!"

"Claire I'm not playing mind games. I really care-"

"God, just stop!" I practically scream, getting a few weird looks. "You do this every time! Whenever I feel like I can finally fall completely for Zack you find a way to keep me desperately trying to grasp onto you and it goes on and on, the same routine and the same mistakes!"

"You think I want to feel this way?" he asks loudly. "You think I like not being able to look at any girl without thinking about you. I haven't had sex in six months!"

"You haven't gotten to sleep with a girl in six months?" I scream, outraged. "I haven't been able to actually get a good night's sleep in six months you man whore! I haven't been able to be with Zack without feeling guilty because of your god damned feelings!"

"Well what do you want me to do Claire" he screams.

"Haven't I made it obvious? Leave me the hell alone!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "I'm done with this. I'm done playing games with you and your twisted motives!".

Luke stays silent for a long time while I catch my breath from our screaming fight. "You want that?" he basically whispers.

I throw my head back in laughter. "Were you even listening to me? Yes! God, just leave me alone!" I exclaim.

"Luke?" a voice asks from behind me. I turn around to see Riley standing there. "I'm ready to go home".

"Yeah" Luke says as I turn towards him. "Me too" he says looking me straight in the eye. Riley walks over to him before turning to me. "Bye Claire" she says. "Bye" I respond.

Luke stares intensely into my eyes, making me want to shiver but I stand my ground and stare back, just as intensely. "Goodbye Claire" he says and I know he truly means goodbye for good.

"Goodbye Luke" I say, just as serious and watch as they walk away.

Once they are out of sight I start running back towards our seats, hoping that Zack hasn't left.

I see him standing up to leave. The game is almost over and they are doing the kiss cam.

"Zack!" I shout, running towards him. Before he can say anything I wrap my arms around his neck and crash my lips onto his.

From the whoops around us I am guessing the kiss cam is now pointing towards us but I don't open my eyes to check. Instead, I inhale Zack's scent as I kiss him deeper and more passionate than I ever had before, nothing holding me back now.

He wraps his arms around my waist and only when I am about to faint do I pull away, but stay in his embrace.

"I thought-" he starts but I stop him by tracing my thumb across his mouth "I can't say those three words back and be completely sure about them right now but give me time. Give me time and I will try to be deserving of you" I say.

He smiles down at me. "I'll wait as long as it takes" he answers. I kiss him and fireworks go off.

No, I'm not kidding. Literal fireworks start going off on the baseball field. I pull away and watch as they light up the sky.

Suddenly, I feel a cold piece of metal on my chest. I look down to see Zack has fastened the necklace onto my neck. "You're worth the wait" he whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek and at that moment, I had never felt so loved.

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