Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wed...

By cookiekid789

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[Sherlock/Harry Potter/Wednesday crossover] Book 4: The Goblet of Fire After the events of the summer, Y/N an... More

-- Cast --
Not Exactly Match of The Day
The Quad-wizard Tournament
The Announcement
Mysterious Moody
The Very Definition of Calm
Schemes and Skeeter
The Next Morning...
Attacked and Discovery
Combined Intelligence
Self Defence
Warming up...
The First Task
All for One and One for All...
"The Blasted Press!"
Dancing Lessons and The Final Piece
The Yule Ball (Part One)
Yule Ball (Part Two)
Yule Ball (Part Three/End)
Morning After
Bath Time Discovary
The Truth
The Second Task...
Body In The Woods
Into The Maze
The Graveyard (1/2)...
The Graveyard (Part 2/2)...
Voldemort's Back
Back To Baker Street...

The Lead

497 38 0
By cookiekid789

As Fleur guided Y/N to the tower that the Beauxbatons were living in, she noticed he was looking around, like his eye was cocked over his shoulder constantly, Y/N noticed people looking at him as he walked alongside her, they were glaring at her as she walked with confidence Y/N had only seen on occasions when his mother walked into a room like she owned it.

They walked through the portrait door and found all of the Beaxbatons studying their own work, Y/N looked around, beginning to mentally take notes, in his mind the word suspect was next to everyone.

"45 veela, yet the effects don't match, one of them isn't a veela. Let's see." Y/N thought to himself as he looked at everyone of the girls. His eyes scanned over every single one. noting their measurements, the slightest twitches and some had tiny calluses on their fingers from typing all day everyday.

His mind went fuzzy as the effects of 44 veelas and their allures hit him like a truck, though his face displayed no sign off being affected.

"Focus!" Y/N reminded himself as he looked at them all. "There has to be something you're missing. They're pretending to be veela, they'll be trying to make it look like they have the allure by having boys throwing themselves at their feet, so they'll be trying to look pristine, like a goddess." 

Y/N looked over all of the girls as he was sat with them all, but there was one flaw with his thinking. They all looked like what most boys would call a goddess, he only ever had one girl that he would consider to come close to that description, and he doubted Wednesday was working for Moriarty.

He looked at them all, their eyes, they all looked at Fleur with familiarity, none of them were new enough to have just arrived before they were hired, this plan has been years in the making.  

"Think! Let's see if this works." Y/N thought to himself as he turned to Fleur.

"I shouldn't be in this tournament. Someone put my name in that cup, and I'm close to finding out who." Y/N said as Fleur looked at him.

"Pardon?" She asked with her French accent, but he simply dismissed it as a laugh as he analysed everyone, looking for even the slightest twitch that would give away his opponent. There was nothing even to his deeply analytical eyes. He was almost happy that whoever this assassin was, they were providing him with a worthwhile adversary, or at the bare minimum, a good distraction.

"Which one is the assassin?" Y/N could hear Michaels voice in his head. "Figure it out? Which one!?"

"Y/N?" Fleur asked as she saw Y/N was a thousand miles away.

"Désolé. Mon esprit y a vagabondé un instant. (Sorry. My mind wandered there for a moment.)" Y/N said as he looked to Fleur who smiled at him.

"Are you okay?" Fleur said as Y/N was taken back by the question.

"Yes. It's nothing to worry about, there is an easy way for you to get past the first task, use your charm on the dragon." Y/N said as Fleur looked at him, surprised.

"Ees zat what you were zinking about?" Fleur asked as Y/N smiled and nodded.

"Yes." Y/N said, playing up to the cover.

"Merci. (Thank you.)" Fleur said as Y/N checked the time. 

"I'm sorry to dash but I had best get back before curfew. I want to be ready for tomorrow." Y/N said as he stood up and left, looking at Fleurs adoring eyes and then at the dorms up the stairs, the best place for the assassin to hide their weapon and orders, he made a touch choice, he leaned in and gave Fleur a peck on the cheek, imagining she was Wednesday. Smiling at her before walking out, leaving her in blushes, as soon as the door closed behind him Y/N ran off to the Room of Requirement.

When he arrived in the Room of Requirement he saw Wednesday had summoned an evidence board. She had photos and notes on every Durmstrang student currently in Hogwarts.

"You find anything?" Wednesday asked as Y/N gave an affirmative hum before walking to the other side of the board and began making his own evidence board with his pool of suspects.

"45 people from Beauxbaton academy, and this class is meant to be consisting entirely of Veela."

"So?" Wednesday asked as Y/N chuckled.

"There are only 44 Veela amongst them all. One of them is lying." Y/N said as Wednesday looked at her side of the board.

"And you think that they're the Beauxbaton assassin." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes. I just need to work out who. If we arrest the wrong person then someone will die, or an incident will be caused." Y/N said as he lit his pipe. "I even tried to make the assassin betray their identity to me but nothing, whoever they are, they know what they're doing, not even a nervous twitch."

"How are things on your end?"

"It seems that when one of us has a breakthrough the other comes up empty." Wednesday said as she looked to Y/N. "Nothing, not a morsel of information. I've been here for around an hour trying to think of something I've missed, it's about as useless as a condom machine in the Vatican."

Y/N chuckled at the remark.

"Yes, I don't know whether to be frustrated at the difficulty or happy at the challenge." Y/N said as Wednesday chuckled.

"I'm going to bed I need to sleep on it." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

"I'll be working late on this board." Y/N said as he saw Wednesday transfigure her black and white ravenclaw robes into her black silk pyjamas, Y/N began thinking, eventually going to his mind palace for anything he missed during his times with the veela's. Wednesday was awake for 50 more minutes as she lay on the bed the room had summoned, thinking, she was silent for those 50 minutes, not a word was said between them until Wednesday finally broke the silence.

"Come on. You're fighting a dragon tomorrow, I don't want you to die because you passed out mid fight." Wednesday said as she lifted the quilt to the bed and patted on Y/N's side of the bed. Y/N smiled and put out his pipe before transfiguring his clothes into his normal pyjamas and a dressing gown, he walked over to Wednesday and went to sleep next to her, the two of them sharing a passionate kiss before both smiling at one another and falling asleep...

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