All-round Mid Laner

By white_lotus108

330K 9.6K 1.6K

Original Title:全能中单(电竞) © to the Author:蝶之灵 (Butterfly Spirit) ( E-sports) After waking from a car accident... More

Vol 1: New World Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Vol 2: New World Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chaptet 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Final Vol: Top of the World Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193
Chapter 194
Chapter 195
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199

Chapter 136

1.7K 61 4
By white_lotus108

•Positional Warfare

   The first round of BP ended quickly. In the end, Tianheng's top laner was [Paladin], who had a strong resistance to pressure. The support was [Time Traveler], [Time Traveler], and the remaining jungler, mid laner, and archer were the classic positional warfare system [Trap Hunter], [Flame Goddess], and [Cannon Hand].

The jungler [King of Fighters] was capable of crowd control and explosive power. The mid laner [Goddess of Destiny] was also capable of insta-killing with one set of explosive power. As for the remaining three positions, the bottom laner was the classic [Forest Messenger] + [Holy Spirit Archer] combination. The top laner was the warrior hero [Vampire Duke] who had the ability to cut people apart.

The commentator analyzed, "Usually, Fire Mark likes to use [Forest Messenger] as a support in positional warfare. They stand together and heal, and there are traps and fire circles everywhere. The opponent can't get through at all, and the healers can heal. In a team battle, the more you fight, the more health you gain. This is also the strength of positional warfare."

"But Tianheng has chosen [Time Traveler] as a support. This support also has the ability to heal. However, the healing from Time Travel is to heal teammates back to 2 seconds ago, which is equivalent to avoiding the opponent's key skills."

"Fire Mark's lineup for this round is very fierce. The top laner, jungler, and mid laner all have the ability to go around and kill people. Obviously, they will keep an eye on Tianheng's two tanks. As long as they kill one of them, they can break the positional warfare system. Tianheng's top laner and support can protect the two tanks from being killed. It will depend on who can find the opportunity first. "

"Both players are ready. Let's enter the first round of Tianheng vs Fire Mark!"

The match officially began.

[Trap Hunter] could only appear in a specific system and couldn't be taken alone. His damage output was relatively weak, and his control of traps was unstable. He needed to cooperate with his teammates.

But the advantage was that his jungle was not easy to be invaded by opponents.

As long as he placed some traps at the narrow crossroads of the jungle, the opponent would be trapped by the traps if they wanted to fight back. If his teammates supported him in time, it would be easy to kill the opponent.

Zhou Jiawen obviously knew that [Trap Hunter] was like a hedgehog and was not easy to bully. Therefore, Fire Mark did not choose to invade in the early stages. They cleared their own buffs first and let the support check the vision to determine Chi Shuo's movement path.

The support said, "The other side is going wild, Blue Open."

If it was Lan Kai, he would first farm the blue buffs and minions in the first half of the map, then farm the red buffs and minions in the second half of the map. In that case, Chi Shuo would appear in the bottom lane when he reached level 6.

Zhou Jiawen gave a warning signal at the bottom lane. "Pay attention to your vision. Archers, be careful not to get caught."

At the same time, Qujiang also reported the position of the opposing jungler. "The King of Fighters is Red Kai."

Our jungle and the opponent's jungle were like mirror images. The direction was opposite. Our blue BUFF corresponded to the opponent's red BUFF. The King of Fighters hit red first, which meant that his movement path was the same as Chi Shuo's.

Not long after the game started, the junglers from both sides met in the middle lane and fought for the first river crab.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang was already Level 2 and had learned two skills, Q and W. When he saw the opponent's jungler appear, he decisively placed a W. Fire Wall next to River Crab, blocking the opponent's path. Following that, he used his explosive hand speed to create a circle of fire — —

In the blink of an eye, four fire circles appeared on the river, and the jungler on the other side had nowhere to land.

Chi Shuo quickly took down River Crab and left.

Flame Goddess used the fire circle card to move the opponent's position. Ah Yan didn't manage to grab River Crab, so he immediately turned around to farm minions.

Soon, both junglers were Level 6 and appeared in the bottom lane at the same time.

Qujiang used "Time Backtrack" to speed up the retreat with Cheng Xing. The opposing jungler wanted to jump over and kill Cheng Xing, but he was trapped by Chi Shuo's trap and could only give up helplessly.

In this wave, neither jungler found a chance, and they were familiar with each other in the bottom lane.

The first dragon spawned, and Ye Shaoyang marked the position of the dragon pit. "Fight the dragon!"

Ye Shaoyang was the commander for this game.

This was because he was the one who came up with the idea of "walking the opponent's path and leaving the opponent with no way to go."

Tianheng had never tried positional warfare before. This week's practice was also under the command of Ye Shaoyang throughout the whole process. He had a thorough understanding of [Flame Goddess] and a tacit understanding with Chi Shuo. As long as Cheng Xing could keep up with the rhythm, Tianheng's positional warfare was actually not weak.

The principle of positional warfare was very simple. Ye Shaoyang used fire circles to block the opponent's position, Chi Shuo used traps to seize the opportunity to trap people, and Cheng Xing hid in a safe position far away and threw cannons where they needed to deal damage.

[Cannon Hand] was a cannon shooter. His life-saving ability was weak and he wasn't flexible enough, but he stood still and dealt explosive damage.

After he set up the cannon in place, the critical hit rate would continue to stack, and the damage of each cannon would be higher than the previous one. His big move "Cannon Impact" could throw five cannonballs in a row in a designated area, and they would explode like fireworks.

The core of positional warfare was actually this cannon shooter. Once he couldn't be dealt with, he would repeatedly blast the cannons. The opponent's front row might not be able to withstand it, let alone the squishies.

Positional warfare was very advantageous in the big dragon, small dragon, and jungle encounters. In these narrow places, as long as you blocked the opponent's position, it would be very difficult for the opponent to come.

Of course, Zhou Jiawen knew that the biggest advantage of positional warfare was the fight for resources in the jungle.

Once Tianheng got the first small dragon, it was very likely that their economy would be kicked out, and they would continue to get the second and third. After the economy gap widened, it would be even harder to fight in the later stages. Therefore, the first small dragon had to be snatched!

Tianheng's five people set up a formation near the Dragon Pit, and Fire Mark's five people quickly rushed over.

The battle between the two sides was about to start.

The two commentators said excitedly, "It seems that neither side wants to let go of the first small dragon! Let's take a look at the situation of the heroes on both sides. On Fire Mark's side, except for the support, everyone else is level 6. On Tianheng's side, the support hasn't reached level 6, and the jungler, mid, top, and archer are level 6. "

"Tianheng's bottom lane got the first river crab, and Little Star's economy is slightly higher than the opposing archer's. This difference is actually not big. In this wave, we still have to see if Fire Mark's jungler can one-shot the archer! "

In the game, from Fire Mark's point of view, Cheng Xing hadn't shown up yet, and they didn't know where he was hiding.

The archer didn't show up before the start of the team battle because archers were too fragile, and they could be one-shot as soon as they showed up. The opposing jungler, mid, and top laner were all staring at you!

Cheng Xing had also learned how to play dirty, and he hid very far away.

When the team battle started, he would sneak over to attack.

Zhou Jiawen frowned. "Find the opposing archer."

The support was helpless. "I can't find him, he's probably hiding in the grass above the Dragon Pit."

Zhou Jiawen: "Go around and find him."

When the top laner heard this, he immediately used a big move to cut in from the side.

[Vampire Duke] could recover HP after using a big move. It was very tanky and wouldn't die so easily. Anyway, even if he used his life to kill Cheng Xing, it wouldn't be a loss.

However, when he went around from the side, he didn't find Cheng Xing.

The audience with God's point of view saw that Cheng Xing was actually hiding in the grass at the bottom of the tower, and Qujiang appeared near the Dragon Pit on the left. That was a trick to deliberately confuse the enemy!

Fire Mark couldn't find Cheng Xing for a long time, but Ye Shaoyang wouldn't wait for them to catch the archer.

He directly clicked on a signal in the game. "Go up and start a team battle!"

Qujiang decisively used Time Back, and Tianheng's group of four quickly rushed over. Old Qin's [Paladin] took the lead to tank the damage, Chi Shuo and Ye Shaoyang stood side by side, and Qujiang protected them from the side.

As soon as they accelerated, Tianheng's group of four rushed directly to the faces of Fire Mark's team members!

Immediately after, Ye Shaoyang's hand speed exploded as he started to lay down fire rings. The Goddess of Flame's fire rings covered the ground in the blink of an eye, and the burning flames would cause people who stepped on the fire rings to lose HP and MP every second.

You want to avoid stepping on it?

Chi Shuo froze you and forced you to step on it!

The two commentators said, "Tianheng's teamwork is still so strong! Wherever Lieyang's fire rings go, Shuoyue's trap will be there. As soon as the support accelerates, Tianheng directly surrounded Fire Mark's backline like dumplings! "

Fire Mark's group of five was quite scattered, but just now, in order to find Cheng Xing, they went around from the side. The top and jungler were on the left, and the mid, archer, and support were on the right.

[Forest Messenger]'s healer in this area must be standing with the archer, so Tianheng suddenly accelerated and surrounded the support and archer.

The archer hurriedly flashed and ran.

As soon as he flashed, his feet suddenly stopped, and he couldn't move anymore — he had triggered the trap!

Chi Shuo guessed that if the archer wanted to retreat, he could only retreat in the direction of the jungle, so he set up a trap in advance on the archer's path of retreat. As a result, the archer flashed into the trap.

Ye Shaoyang's reaction was very fast. At the same time that Chi Shuo set up the trap, he threw a fire ring on the trap.

This series of actions only took 0.1 seconds, but what the audience saw was that Fire Mark's archer flashed to escape, but he was trapped by the trap and stepped on a ball of fire!

The burning flames made him lose HP and MP quickly. At the same time, Ye Shaoyang set up a wall of fire to block his path. Then, a cannon was fired from a long distance —

With a boom, the cannon exploded, and the archer was killed directly.

[Cannon Wielder]'s crisp and cute voice sounded in his ear: "Are the fireworks I set off beautiful?"

The archer: "…"

I've already exploded into fireworks, thank you!

As soon as the cannonball exploded, Zhou Jiawen finally locked onto Cheng Xing's position.

This guy was actually hiding in the bushes on the side of the bottom lane and throwing cannonballs from a long distance. The moment Ye Shaoyang and Chi Shuo controlled the archer, Cheng Xing followed up and killed the opponent with one shot!

The cooperation between the three of them had obviously been practiced many times in private.

The Cannon Wielder's attack range was very long. As long as his teammates controlled the opponent, it was equivalent to hitting a target. It was very easy to kill someone with one shot. Cheng Xing's output environment was very comfortable. Fire Mark's top laner and jungler went around the left side to find him, but they went in the wrong direction. He actually hid in the bushes on the right side and threw cannonballs.

Zhou Jiawen narrowed his eyes and decisively flashed —

Goddess of Destiny released her fancy skills. Black, white, and gold charms of various colors fell from the sky and smashed into Cheng Xing, who was hiding in the bushes.

Seeing that Cheng Xing was about to be killed, the moment Zhou Jiawen went to cut Cheng Xing, Qujiang used Time Back again. Cheng Xing recovered from 1 HP to half HP and flashed over the wall to escape.

In this wave of attacks, the Fire Mark's archer died suddenly, and Tianheng's archer escaped with low HP. He could continue to hide in the distance and attack. Zhou Jiawen used all his skills and had to retreat quickly.

Tianheng opened up the dragon. Old Qin tanked at the front, and Cheng Xing hid in the distance and threw cannonballs to attack.

Ye Shaoyang spread fire circles around to prevent the opponent from stealing the dragon. Fire Mark's jungler tried to steal the dragon, but he was silenced by Qujiang's big move. Chi Shuo directly punished the first dragon.

Tianheng's five players collectively received a gold coin reward.

Cheng Xing returned to the bottom lane and quickly cleared the troops. He went home to replenish his HP and buy equipment. Not only did he get the dragon with his teammates, but he also didn't miss a single soldier line. The opposing archer was killed and returned home, missing half a wave of troops.

It was a huge profit!

Cheng Xing was very happy and continued to clear the troops with Qujiang to push the tower.

Ye Shaoyang was level 6 now. He put a mark on the bottom lane and said, "Let's group up and attack."

Chi Shuo quickly rushed to the bottom lane after clearing the monsters. The opposing jungler also rushed to the bottom lane.

A 4v4 team battle was about to break out at the bottom lane. In this wave, neither side's archer flashed, nor did Zhou Jiawen. Cheng Xing was too far away from him. It was not easy to kill him if he hid under the tower. Zhou Jiawen simply went to kill Ye Shaoyang's Flame Goddess!

He gave Ah Yan a signal, and Ah Yan decisively went up —

The King of Fighters jumped over from a distance and directly jumped onto Ye Shaoyang's face. He knocked him out with one punch, and Zhou Jiawen followed up to attack. The Fire Mark team's jungler was also a first-tier player in the league. They had a good tacit understanding. In this wave, the two of them worked together to kill the Flame Goddess. Qujiang used Time Backtrack in seconds. Unfortunately, Ye Shaoyang had already fallen.

Time Backtrack's calculation was to return to the HP 2 seconds ago.

The opponent's burst was too high. They killed Ye Shaoyang in less than a second, so there was no way to recover HP.

Qujiang said helplessly, "Yangyang, I can't save you."

Ye Shaoyang was all smiles. "Teammates sacrifice to the heavens, and their magic power is boundless. Continue, we can fight this wave! "

Before he died, he set up a few fire rings to block Zhou Jiawen and Ah Yan's retreat.

The advantage of the burst type jungler was obvious. When they worked together, they could destroy heaven and earth and kill people in one wave. But the disadvantage was also obvious. After this wave, the jungler and the mid laner had no skills!

A hero without skills was like a super soldier.

Cheng Xing aimed at the opponent's retreating position and directly fired — Cannon Impact!

For a moment, several cannonballs flew into the air like rockets. They were thrown down from a long distance and exploded at the feet of Zhou Jiawen and Yan Yan!

These colorful skill effects were really like fireworks.

Several cannonballs exploded in succession. The stacked critical damage was quite terrifying. Zhou Jiawen and Ah Yan were instantly left with low HP. Chi Shuo had been crouching by the side waiting for an opportunity. Seeing Ah Yan and Zhou Jiawen retreat down the tower, he rushed over with a W skill. He predicted their position and set up two traps on the opponent's retreat path.

Trap Hunters had low DPS, but it wasn't that they had no DPS.

His traps could immobilize the opponent and cause a small amount of damage. His big move, Trap Explosion, could cause considerable physical damage. Chi Shuo's QR combo, setting up traps and exploding them, directly blew the opponent's HP down to a sliver.

Cheng Xing took the opportunity to throw a cannonball over and took the opponent's head.

— — [Tianheng Fanxing (Cannoneer) killed Houhou (Goddess of Destiny)]!

— — [Tianheng Fanxing (Cannoneer) killed Yanyan (King of Fighters)]!

Cheng Xing was so excited that his eyes lit up. "Double kill, double kill, I got a double kill!"

Ye Shaoyang praised, "Nice."

In the previous wave of attacks, the key was actually Ye Shaoyang's Firewall, which blocked the Fire Pattern Archer and support. The opponent's two players wanted to provide support immediately, but after being blocked by the Firewall, they were late by a second.

One second was enough to be fatal in an esports competition!

Professional players' reactions were calculated in milliseconds. Sometimes, even if a combo was interrupted in a fraction of a second, a teammate could be killed instead. Just now, if the Fire Pattern Archer had kept up with the damage output, Ye Shaoyang would have died first, and then Chi Shuo would have died next. Tianheng would have lost.

However, a crucial Firewall blocked the way, interrupting the opponent's attack rhythm. Even if the Fire Pattern Jungler coordinated and killed Ye Shaoyang first, Chi Shuo immediately counterattacked and cooperated with Cheng Xing to kill the mid-laner and jungler who had no skills.

These were the details.

Even if Ye Shaoyang died, he still had to make a contribution to the team.

His teammates sacrificed to the heavens, and his mana was boundless.

His sacrifice to trick the opponent's mid-laner into using a key skill in exchange for Cheng Xing's double kill was really worth it.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "Push the tower, push the tower!"

On Tianheng's side, it was a 3v2. Although the Fire Pattern Archer had a long attack range, it couldn't withstand Cheng Xing's bombardment. Moreover, after the double kill, Cheng Xing had immediately made the critical hit equipment for Cannon Hand. When the bomb went down, the damage when it triggered a critical hit was very shocking.

The Fire Pattern Archer and Chi Shuo quickly cleared the troops and retreated.

The bottom lane's defense tower had lost half of its health.

Logically speaking, after Cheng Xing returned home, the next wave of mid-laners would come to support, and they would be able to forcefully take out the tower with half of its health left. In a competition, if the first wave couldn't be taken down, another wave would come. This was a common move.

Zhou Jiawen immediately said, "Guard the bottom lane."

However, the moment Fire Pattern's mid-laner and jungler arrived at the bottom lane, Zhou Jiawen suddenly realized that Cheng Xing and Qujiang had actually appeared at the top lane, and the one who appeared at the bottom lane was Old Qin's Paladin!

Zhou Jiawen frowned. "Not good! Be careful on the top lane. "

Ah Yan couldn't help but complain. "They actually changed lanes! They stopped halfway and switched to the other side. This Lieyang really doesn't play by the rules! "

Fire Pattern had made comprehensive preparations and planned to go 4v4 with Tianheng again.

In the end, Tianheng didn't want to fight with you and ran to the top lane?

On the top lane, Ye Shaoyang laid down fire rings to suppress the opponent's lane, pushing the opponent's lane back to the bottom of the tower.

Cheng Xing set up cannonballs in the grass and fired one shot after another at the bottom of the tower. The opponent's lane wanted to cut him, but it was blocked by the fire rings all over the ground. It couldn't pass! Moreover, the troops entered the tower, and he had to defend the tower.

However, the Vampire Duke's speed of clearing troops was not fast. After Cheng Xing's consecutive shots left him with low health, he had no choice but to return home. The top lane and the outer tower were quickly pushed down!

On the bottom lane, Old Qin switched to defend, and Chi Shuo quickly supported.

It seemed that Fire Pattern was going 4v2, and Old Qin and Chi Shuo would definitely win this round. However …

Chi Shuo placed a row of traps on the path of the minions. The minions took a step and were frozen. They took another step and were frozen again. Your minions can't even reach the bottom of the tower, so why are you pushing the tower?

Chi Shuo and Old Qin stood under the tower and watched the enemy's minions walk and stop.

The two commentators laughed and said, "Is Captain Chi reviewing the troops at the bottom lane this round?" "This wave of switching lanes is really well played. Fire Pattern definitely didn't expect this. Tianheng's four players pushed the bottom lane together, but they suddenly ran to the top lane halfway! "

Moreover, why didn't the jungler follow them to the top lane? He didn't take the buffs from the top lane and stayed at the bottom lane to set traps and defend the tower?

Trap Hunter's way of defending the tower was very disgusting. He set traps so that the minions couldn't get over. When the minions reached the bottom of the tower, they only had a sliver of health left. Old Qin cleared the minions with a big move.

On the top lane, Tianheng pushed down the outer tower.

On the bottom lane, Tianheng defended the outer tower.

This sudden change of lanes and the strategy of splitting lanes in 3 and 2 was a huge win!

Ye Shaoyang praised, "Beautiful! Retreat from the bottom lane. Little Star, collect the resources in the jungle. "

Chi Shuo didn't collect the resources in the top half of the jungle. Ye Shaoyang let Cheng Xing collect them without wasting any resources.

Then, Ye Shaoyang returned to the middle lane. Zhou Jiawen crouched in the bushes on the side of the middle lane and waited for Ye Shaoyang to come out to clear the minions. Then, he suddenly went up and killed Ye Shaoyang with a burst.

A familiar voice sounded, "This is fate. Don't try to resist."

Ye Shaoyang: "…"

I think I can still resist.

There was a burst of laughter in the audience. The Demon King was killed, and the bystanders were very happy.

Tianheng's fans weren't sad either. They spammed the screen — —

Yangyang's aggro is so high. Captain Zhou crouched for a whole minute!

Hahaha, who told you to change lanes and secretly push the tower?

The team battle can be lost, but Ye Shaoyang must die. The other teams in the Alliance already have this consensus!

Yangyang, who has a strange way of thinking, must be the one in command this round.

In the future team battles, we'll sacrifice Lieyang first. Tianheng will go 4v5!

The two commentators also laughed. "Goddess of Fate is the nemesis of Goddess of Fire. Her burst damage is very high. It's normal for her to kill someone with a burst. Captain Zhou has been crouching here for a long time. He's very patient. "

"Yes. However, the solo kill in the middle lane didn't have much impact. Lieyang cleared the minions with a fire circle before he died. As for the top and bottom lanes, the fire minions are at a disadvantage, so they can't directly push the minions. "

"The kill ratio between the two sides is 32. Tianheng has the advantage in the tower defense. I wonder what Tianheng will choose for the next wave?"

Tianheng chose to push down the tower.

Old Qin switched to the top lane to develop. Cheng Xing, Qujiang, Chi Shuo, and Ye Shaoyang pushed down the tower again.

This time, Tianheng directly launched a surprise attack. Qujiang used a big move, Silence, under the tower, silencing the opposing archer and support. Ye Shaoyang set up a fire circle to block the enemy, Chi Shuo set up a trap, and Cheng Xing hid in the distance and madly threw cannons.

The advantage of positional warfare was that the enemy couldn't come over after the formation was set up.

You want to kill our archer? Come with the fire circle and the trap. Before you can reach the archer, I'll burn you to a low HP. In addition to burning the opponent's mana, the flame of the Goddess of Flames also caused a lot of damage when stepping on the fire circle. Moreover, continuously stepping on the fire circle would stack the magic damage!

Ye Shaoyang surrounded Cheng Xing with fire circles like a bodyguard. Cheng Xing felt a sense of security and quickly pushed down the tower. He didn't kill anyone. The cannons aimed at the opposite tower and fired. After the cannons exploded, the damage caused the tower's HP to drop. The moment the tower was pushed down, Qujiang accelerated and the four of them immediately retreated.

Although Zhou Jiawen and Ah Yan wanted to find a chance to kill Cheng Xing, [Time and Space Traveler]'s acceleration was too annoying. Not only could it accelerate the team, but it could also restore HP. The two of them couldn't kill him, and Cheng Xing escaped again with a sliver of HP.

Zhou Jiawen: "…"

It was also positional warfare, but the style was completely different.

Tianheng had actually developed a more flexible positional warfare system in such a short period of time?

When the two commentators saw this, they also understood Tianheng's thinking. "Huowen's positional warfare is mainly about fighting a team with you, using the tacit cooperation of a team battle to advance steadily and slowly snowball. But Tianheng's positional warfare is a bit like … a quick guerrilla positional warfare?"

"That's right. After changing [Time and Space Traveler]'s support, they rely on the support's acceleration, HP recovery, and quickly change lines to push the tower. Tianheng's positional warfare is actually a bit of 'dissuasion'. They put fire circles and traps on the ground so that the opponent can't come over. It's as if they're saying: Don't come over, I just want to push the tower? "

The two commentators' teasing made the audience burst into laughter.

A large number of bullet screens were replicated in the live broadcast —

Yangyang sets fire circles: Don't come over, I just want to push the tower!

Shuoyue sets traps: Don't move, wait for me to push the tower first!

Xiao Xing throws bombs wildly in the distance: I only have eyes for the tower?

The essence of the dissuasion style positional warfare was: Don't come, don't disturb, I want to push the tower?

This tactic was thought of by Ye Shaoyang, and it was tested by the coaching team before they tried it out.

The key to the dissuasion style positional warfare was to use all kinds of fire circles and traps to stop the opponent, pull out the defense tower as quickly as possible, and accelerate line changes with the support. Relying on the flexibility of the lineup, they built an advantage and snowballed.

Huowen liked the team battle type positional warfare. The more he fought, the more HP he gained, and he could crush the opponent. However, the support [Forest Messenger] was relatively clumsy, and Tianheng's current teamwork was not so tacit.

Therefore, Tianheng changed their thinking and used today's new positional warfare system.

I won't fight with you in a team battle. I'll only push the tower and run after pushing it.

It was commonly known as the dissuasion style positional warfare.

This kind of rapid tower pushing formation made it difficult for Huowen to deal with. It was like he had practiced martial arts all his life but punched cotton. Although Zhou Jiawen had killed Ye Shaoyang twice, it didn't affect the situation much.

They couldn't kill Cheng Xing.

The archer, protected by the Time Traveler and the Paladin, was attacking the defense tower from afar. If Huowen's Nakano wanted to kill him, he would be blocked by Ye Shaoyang's fire wall and trapped by Chi Shuo's traps. It would be very difficult to get close!

After Tianheng pushed down Huowen's tower, he immediately pushed the middle, pushing his operation skills to the extreme.

Huowen's two lanes were at a disadvantage. Although Zhou Jiawen had seized the opportunity to kill Ye Shaoyang, his teammate's mana was boundless. Ye Shaoyang was using his life in exchange for his skills.

He deliberately swayed in front of his opponent.

It was as if he was saying: Come and kill me. You won't have any skills after killing me, right?

Our Little Star can push the tower in peace.

Ye Shaoyang lay on his fire circle and smiled. "Push the tower, push the tower!"

These were the words he said the most during this round of command. Cheng Xing quickly destroyed the opponent's defense tower, and then Qujiang used speed to retreat. Huowen didn't know whether to chase or not.

The situation was completely passive.

Next, Tianheng started a five-man guerrilla warfare. Huowen tried to ambush in the jungle several times, but he was stopped by Qujiang's Silence, stopped by Ye Shaoyang's fire wall, or trapped by Chi Shuo's traps.

He finally managed to catch Cheng Xing, but he managed to escape with a flash.

Tianheng's five players huddled together, so it wasn't easy to kill the archer.

20 minutes into the game, Tianheng was pushing the dragon. At this time, Huowen's towers had all been destroyed. He retreated to the high ground, and Zhou Jiawen led his teammates to snatch the dragon.

Chi Shuo had already set up traps in the enemy's path. Once the enemy stepped on the traps, they would be exposed.

Huowen's five players split into three groups. The top laner and jungler circled from the left, while the archer and support circled from the right. When his teammates saw the enemy, Zhou Jiawen directly flashed into the dragon pit!

At this time, Cheng Xing was fighting the dragon. Zhou Jiawen's hand speed exploded, and he used a combo to kill Cheng Xing.

At this critical moment, Cheng Xing's body emitted a golden light. It was the Paladin's Guard skill!

Old Qin used Guard at this critical moment and transferred all the damage Cheng Xing received to himself. Zhou Jiawen's combo didn't kill Cheng Xing, and Old Qin only had half of his health left.

Huowen's players circled from the left and wanted to kill Cheng Xing, but they were stopped by Ye Shaoyang's fire wall and Chi Shuo's traps. Cheng Xing flashed far away, set up a cannon in the grass, and used a big move.

The cannon soared into the sky and exploded!

Colorful bombs fell one after another, and the damage from the explosion completely destroyed Huowen's frontline!

— — Double Kill!

Triple Kill!

Cheng Xing's eyes lit up. "Ah, ah, ah, triple kill!"

Ye Shaoyang laughed. "Chi Shuo and I will chase after their archers. Little Star will take the dragon and push it to the high ground."

The two commentators were excited. "Little Star got triple kill in this wave of dragons!"

"Little Star is using the Cannoneer's Christmas limited skin today. The explosion of the cannon is like fireworks. It's colorful and the effect is very gorgeous!"

"Combined with his colorful backlit keyboard, it's really … gaudy and dazzling."

The livestream was full of laughter.

I've never doubted Little Star's aesthetic.

Colorful lights, ah, my eyes.

With Cheng Xing's aesthetic, what gift would he give Omega?

I guess it's a colorful crystal ball.

The colorful fireworks effect, coupled with the Cannoneer's little shota's voice, the edible effect is even better.

The little shota's clear voice sounded in the game. "Are the fireworks I set off beautiful?"

The Cannoneer's image was a cute little shota, wearing red Christmas-style clothes, carrying a cannon, and releasing colorful fireworks … He was really the most beautiful kid in the game.

Zhou Jiawen helplessly facepalmed.

This game was not only a psychological torture, but also a torture to the eyes.

It's enough to fight a colorful team!

Tianheng led the dragons to push the high ground, and the three waves of dragons operated steadily and finally won the game.

With the new tactic of dissuading and Ye Shaoyang's excellent three-way operation command, Huowen's coordination between the middle and the jungle was not effective. Cheng Xing could not handle this point well, so it was expected that he would lose the game.

The MVP of this game was given to Cheng Xing. The little guy was so happy that he almost jumped up.

The moment the game ended, Zhou Jiawen finally understood how Mitchell felt when he sent him the [Candle] emoticon — he also wanted to light a candle for himself!

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