A Court of shadows and love

By LJ_McLean

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"Do you think you can stop me shadow singer?" Xander asked in an eerie voice as his eyes glowed. Xander's bod... More



208 11 1
By LJ_McLean

Sweat rolled down Xander's face as he sat cross legged facing Rhysand on one of the balconies of town house. They decided to take his demati practice outside so the if any accident happened no body would get hurt in case he looses control.

Rhys has been teaching him how to build a mental shield since the morning. He didn't know why he trusts Rhys so blindly. If Rhys asks him to jump off from a cliff he would jump and ask questions later. That is the level of trust Xander has for Rhys. He didn't know why. It seemed like Rhys was the father he wished he had. A father who would play with his children, a father who would teach them how to read and write, who would teach them how to wield a sword. It was like that role was finally fulfilled.

"Don't forget to breathe, Xan," Rhys told him. Xander let his loose breath as his spine slumped. He bent forward and held his head in his hands. "Are you alright?" Rhys concerned voice touched his ears. He looked at him through the gals in his fingers. "Yeah I'm fine. Just distracted," Xander mumbled. "Oh" Rhys muttered. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Rhys offered.

No. Definitely not. Not with Rhys. It would feel weird. Too weird to talk about it with him.

Rhys asked him if he could tell Cassian and Mor about his powers. Xander agreed to tell them, since they both could help him. Both the former and latter were completely shocked and worried for him. They knew of course. They knew Xander wielded this strange power inside himself. But they didn't know that he held something like this. But those were not the events that were distracting him. Gods thinking about that makes his body shudder.

After dinner Xander asked Azriel if they could go somewhere silent and quiet for awhile. Azriel agreed with a nod of his head, when he wanted jump up and down in his seat. Xander and Azriel made their way out of the town house and to the streets below. Xander was still afraid. Afraid of hurting someone but he had Azriel with him to keep him under control. They strolled along streets were different vendors were selling edibles for them to eat.

The sweet scent of spices filled his nose upto brim. Azriel offered to buy him but Xander refused. He still hasn't ate meal with an appetite since Hybren. He was afraid he would never do that. Azriel directed them away from the artist corner and towards the other side. Xander's heart clenched at the site of half mangled bridge and restaurant.

They stepped into the street which was packed with children. They were all running around the street chasing each other and laughing gleefully. Azriel and Xander stopped as they saw a group of children playing in a circle with their hands entwined. They kept running in circle and all would fall down together letting out shrieking laughter.

Azriel watched as laughter bubbled out of Xander. His breath heaved as he saw them do it again and again. They made cute faces and sounds when they crash into one another. It was the genuine laughter Azriel had seen since Hybren. It was only the third day. It took Feyre months to crack a smile. But Xander has people supporting him. Azriel didn't know how but Xander has the most powerful high lord of pyrithian wrapped around his fingers. If Xander asked Rhys to play fetch with him Rhys would do so without questions.

A tugging on his pants caused Xander to look down. A small boy with golden green eyes and dirty blonde hair was looking at him with a toothy grin. The boy. The boy reminded him of Robert very much. The Robert he was supposed to protect. The Robert he left behind. Tears threatened to spill as the smile on his face vanished. He willed the tears to go back and crouched to be with eyes level to the boys.

"My mama told me to give this to you," the boy slurred his words cutely and pointed to where a woman was selling sweet treats. He held out a white cover laden with chocolates for Xander to take. Xander smiled and ruffled his hair. "Can you tell your mama I told thank you, darling?" He asked the boy. The boy grinned and took off before Xander could ask what his name was.

He stood up and looked at Azriel who was watching the whole interaction with a small smile on his face. It was no surprise that the people of Velaris knew who he was after the display he put on the other side of Sidra yesterday. He was their high lord's mate's little brother. Who went into the cauldron and came back as a fae wielding the greatest power anyone has ever seen. It was like the folk of Velaris has taken it upon themselves to make him feel better. This is the city of starlight. This is the city of Velaris.

Azriel and Xander continued their walk around the streets of Velaris. When Azriel circled his hand around Xander's waist after a group of children ran into him he was so close to Azriel. His back pressed flush against Azriel's chest. Azriel's chiseled chest pressed into his shoulder blade. Xander turned and looked up at him. Azriel's hazel eyes locked him in place. There was something different in his eyes. A hunger. A hunger for him. He felt something poking his bottom. He pressed further into Azriel. His breath hitched in his throat when he felt Azriel's hardened member against him. Both Azriel and Xander froze as Xander's own member stiffened in his dark pants. They just stood there chest to back looking at each other.

Xander's mind clouded with lust. He turned around and brought Azriel down and slammed his lips. It wasn't the sweet tentative kiss they shared in the training ring back when he was human. It was different. It was pure, carnal hunger. It was undiluted lust Xander has never felt in his entire life. Their teeth clashed and tongues fought for dominance. They both blindly stumbled into the darkened alley. Azriel's shadow went berserk and danced around them both. Obscuring from others view.

Xander slammed Azriel's back against the stone walls of a building. His hands explored the hard ridges of Azriel's steel body. Azriel's hands found their way to Xander's ass. He pressed and kneaded on them to make Xander gasp. And he would use that opportunity to plunge his tongue down his throat. 'Two can play this game shadow singer' Xander thought. His hands rested on Azriel's shoulder as they ground their tented pants against each other. Begging for more touch and friction.

Xander weaved his hands through Azriel's hair. A broken moan slipped past Xander's lip when he felt Azriel flicking his hardened nipple above his white shirt. Xander's hand brushed against Azriel's wings accidentally. Oh what a discovery it was. A sudden gasp escaped Azriel's mouth. Xander used this opportunity to dive his tongue into Azriel's mouth.

Azriel welcomed the intruder with a sigh of pleasure. He sucked in Xander's tongue and kneaded his plump ass. He raised Xander's leg and slammed him against the wall he was just leaning. His mouth descended along his sharp cheekbones and squared jaw leaving wet trails. Azriel sucked on his exposed collar bone which will surely turn into a beautiful mark tomorrow. Xander's hands fumbled with Azriel's slacks trying to get rid of it.

"Wait, Wait," Azriel's hoarse voice stopped his movements. He was breathing heavily, he rested his forehead against Xander's shoulder and stood still. Xander's right leg was still held by Azriel. "You don't want to do this?" Xander asked him. Afraid that Azriel didn't want to do this with him. Afraid that he crossed a line.

A dark chuckle escaped Azriel's throat as he placed sloppy kisses on his covered shoulders. "I can assure you, my love. There is nothing more I want right now. But...." Azriel trailed off. He lifted his head and looked Xander in eyes. Xander's heart was beating so fast. He was afraid it would break out of its cage. Azriel leaned into his ear and whispered. "When I have my way with you, you will not be standing straight like this, you will be on your back, legs shaking and throat hoarse from screaming my name over and over again. I will only take you when you are writhing under me with pleasure, begging for more. I will have you then. Not a single moment earlier." Azriel licked Xander's ear shell. A shudder ran down his spine and straight to his cock. Making it twitch in his pants.

Before he can say something shadows surrounded both of them and Xander and Azriel was back in his room. He placed Xander on the bed with a final firm kiss to his lips. Xander watched as Azriel lingered on his door. "Sleep tight, my love" he smirked. Bastard. Xander wanted to scream. He huffed and stripped of his dress and got into the bed in only his boxers.

He raised his arms when he felt a tingling sensation. A single shadow of Azriel's was curled around his forearm all the way to his wrist. Writhing. Azriel's words echoed in his ears. He groaned and buried his head deep into his pillows.

Xander didn't have to tell Rhys what was distracting him. Rhys smelled it the moment Azriel and Xander returned to town house from their venture. Both of their arousal hit him like brick. When he later went to Xander's room to watch over him. He was suffocated by Azriel's scent and Xander's arousal. He could smell it right now. But the good thing is Xander told him the he didn't have any nightmares. Rhys has a vivid idea of what he dreamt about. He suppressed the smirk that threatened to take form.

"Ok now think about something solid, something solid you would use to build a wall," Rhys told him. Xander's eyes were closed right now as he tried to picture something solid. "Mine is a wall of black obsidian. Think about something that you will trust to hold strong and keep your mind under lock," Rhys told him. A wall doesn't sound so bad. He imagined himself standing in his mind placing stones all around. He built them brick by brick. Xander looked up. A solid wall of yellow stones. He didn't know where he got the idea of building a wall made of yellow stones but he did. He frowned. Something was still missing.

A sudden weight weighed his hands. His dual daggers. He would know the feel anywhere. He looked down and sure enough he was clutching both his dagger. He slammed the handle of his dagger into the wall until only the blade was visible. He buried dagger after dagger. Till the wall was completely hidden behind the blades of his dagger. At first it would only look like wall of daggers but deep inside the dagger was buried in a seven foot thick wall of yellow stones.

Xander reopened his eyes and nodded his head. Rhys let his talons scrap Xander's newly built mental shield. Rhys raised an impressed eyebrow when he felt the sharp daggers digging into his talons when scraped against them. He dug deeper despite the cutting of blade. His talons bumped abruptly on a solid wall of yellow stones. A double layered wall. Impressive indeed. For the next fifteen minutes Rhys inspected the circumference of the wall and pointed out any weak points.

"Now onto the next part. You have to know how to get inside someone's mind," Rhys told him. Xander felt Rhys's black talons scrap him. "Do you feel that? I use that hand to get inside. Choose something. Something small and efficient. Something you can throw from a distance." The first thing that came to his mind was a dagger with a blue gem stone. To others that dagger may appear deadly. But for him that dagger was a promise. The dagger Azriel carried with him everywhere. "Do you have it?" Rhys asked him. Xander nodded his mind. "Now try to get inside my mind," Rhys told him.

Xander whirled the dagger into Rhys's mind. The dagger's silver tip met the black obsidian wall Rhys mentioned. The moment the tip of the dagger touched it the wall shattered. Wincing sound of Rhys brought him back to reality. "Are you alright?" He asked Rhysand as soon as he opened his eyes. "I am fine. I wasn't expecting that," Rhys said. Xander blinked. "Was it not good?" He asked Rhys. Sounding defeated. "No it was very good and efficient. I was expecting something sensual and softer," Rhys explained.

"Oh. Why did the wall shatter?" He asked him. "It was the amount of power you used. You should use a low amount if you wish to slip inside. You should use a large amount if you wish to shatter the shield. You should use even a greater amount of power if you wish to shatter the mind," Rhys told him. Xander nodded his head. "Now get inside my mind and stay there," Rhys gave his next instruction.

Xander whirled the dagger in a slow pace and scraped Rhys's wall. To add more effect he created the sound of metal against stone. Rhys chuckled. "Good, good," Rhys praised him. "Next we are going to try to breach each others shield at the same time. So it means....." Rhys trailed off. "That I have to maintain the shield and concentrate on slipping into yours" Xander completed. Rhys nodded his head. Xander checked his shield for one last time and nodded his head.

Xander felt Rhys's talon at the same time he whirled the dagger. This time he was standing outside the wall with dagger in his hands. He scraped the dagger along his wall just for dramatics.
Show off.
Rhys's voice echoed in his mind followed by a laughter. Xander grinned. For the next half an hour he felt Rhys pricking and prodding all around him. He paced along the black obsidian wall. That's when he saw it. A small crack. Before Rhys can figure this out he wedged the dagger there and slipped it inside.

He opened his eyes. But he didn't know where he was. His hands were tied above his head. Anger. Anger was the only thing he was feeling. Pure anger. He tugged at his hands. But they were tied above his head. His hands they were pale. Paler than usual. Dark tattoos swirled around his hands and chest. This is not him. This is not Xander. Rhys. He was Rhys.

He saw a woman with dark red hair press herself against him. He felt disgusted. He wanted to curl around vomit. He wanted to kill her. He wanted to make her suffer for the every single thing he did for him. For the people of pyrithian. The woman lifted her self off of him and slammed down. Her hands clasped around his throat. He couldn't breath. He couldn't breath.

Xander opened his eyes with a gasp as his breathing become normal. It was Rhys. It was Rhys when he was slaved by Amarantha. It was Rhys. "I am sorry," he repeated again and again. He didn't know what he was sorry for. For what happened to him or that he had seen what happened to him.

"It's ok. I am out of there now. I am safe," Rhys told him like a mantra. Xander looked up at him. Rhys had tears in his eyes. Xander felt something inside of his twist when he saw that. "Good thing she is dead," Xander told him. His voice filled with venom. "If she isn't I could have practiced how to shatter minds."

This is not a perfect family. Xander thought. They were all broken at some point in their life. They are all survivors. They all survived and lived to tell the tale. He too will live to tell his story. They were dreamers. And Xander also wanted to be a dreamer......

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