Time Bound Love

By CaptainCloudPuff

217 14 0

Son Seung Wan (Wendy) is currently on Cancer stage 4 and her only wish to spend her final 3 months with her b... More

Best Friends Forever
Night Walk
The Date Begins
The Date Continues
Love & War
Una razón
Prelude Of The Special Day
sous le ciel nocturne
An Everlasting Moment
But Love Does
Xing The Rubicon
An Unforgettable Smile
The Feeling That Connects Us
Hope That Came With The Sunrise

The Start Of A Story

18 2 0
By CaptainCloudPuff

The movie was finally over and Wendy let out a huge relief walking out of the screening hall. Baekhyun was teasing her how she was constantly jumping at every moment the ghost appeared. The awkwardness between them slowly is starting to fall apart.

After the movie they decided to spend more times together so they went out for lunch together, Baekhyun got burgers for them both and when Baekhyun handed Wendy her burger she smiled at him. Baekhyun then smiled back. The moment was captivating and will forever be carved in Wendy's memories.

Finally they reach the end of their first date together, it was already night time at that point. They both were walking together in the park nearby Wendy's house.

"Today was fun you know thank you." Baekhyun said.

Hearing that Wendy felt happy and appreciated. She felt something new with Baekhyun. Now she believed that the feeling came to her was not a mistake.

"Thank you too baekhyun, I never thought I would go on a date with anyone." Wendy chuckled.

"You are pretty though why hasn't anyone asked you out already?" Baekhyun was confused how could someone as beautiful as Wendy be single. Then looking back at it her bestfriend is Irene so naturally Irene will outshine her. Maybe that's why she asked me to go on a date with Wendy but that's all just a hypothesis.

Suddenly Baekhyun stopped.

"Could you wait a minute?" Wendy just nodded to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun then ran to the side to the ice cream stall. He bought two ice cream one is chocolate and one is strawberry. He offered the strawberry ice cream to Wendy.

"But I like chocolate more..." Wendy pouted.

Baekhyun quickly swapped the ice cream and Wendy laughed at him. For some reason her laughed made baekhyun blushed. Wendy noticed his cheeks was slowly turning red but then Baekhyun just quickly walk away from her.

Wendy caugh up with her and just ate her ice cream. They didn't say anything to each other for some moment until suddenly Wendy got an idea.

Wendy willingly put the ice cream up on her nose so that the ice cream would be on her nose. Baekhyun then noticed it and stopped her. Baekhyun didn't hesitate he wiped the ice cream from her nose and continued to walk down the street. Wendy once again smiled at it because she thought it was simple and cute. Wendy hasn't smiled as much as she did today in her life before.

Finally they reached Wendy's house. Irene was seen from the window looking at them.

"Thank you for today." Wendy said.

"You're most welcome."

After Wendy waved at him she opened the gate and walked inside.

"Wendy..." Baekhyun was nervous.

"Yes?" She turned back.

"If you are free anytime soon... Would you like to spend time with me again?" Baekhyun asked.

"I would love to." Baekhyun smiled at her answer.


Wendy opened the door to her room and saw Irene was there waiting for her.

"So how was your first date?"

"It went well."

"Oooh someone's has fallen in love and it's not me." Irene then jumped on the bed and hit the sack.

"Oh wait I just realized I didn't get his phone number, Irene do you have it?"

"I do but why would you want it?"

"Uhh he asked me if I was free would I like to go out with him."

"Sweet, but I think you should ask for it yourself." Irene giggled while her eyes was closed on the bed.


Back in school Wendy was constantly watching Baekhyun's studying. He likes to study and he studies hard as he wanted to be a challenging rival for Irene.

"Hey you need to study too don't forget that." Irene teased her bestfriend.

"I know I know."

"Did you asked for his phone number yet?"

"No... I'm too shy too ask..." Wendy turned to Irene."Could you please?" Wendy begged at Irene.

"Nope I am busy hehe."

During break Baekhyun and Minho walked up to them who were eating sandwiches under a tree.

"Looks like he came for you haha." Irene said to Wendy.

"So what's the thing you wanted to asked from me Irene?" Baekhyun asked Irene.

"Oh I don't have anything to ask from you but Wendy here she has something to ask, right Wendy?" Irene said that as she laughed at Wendy.

Wendy panicked, she was shocked with what Irene just did. A lot of things is going back and forth in her mind as usual. She was nervous but she took a deep breath.

"I actually... Forgot to ask that day... But could I have your phone number?" Wendy nervously asked Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smiled and took out a paper and a pen. He wrote down his phone number and gave it to Wendy.

"I'll be waiting." Baekhyun then waved at them before leaving.

"See it's not that hard." Irene added.


That night Wendy was sitting at her desk staring at his phone thinking whether she should call baekhyun or not. Apart of her wanted to but another part of her doesn't for some reason. Then she got a text message from Irene.

"I know you are shy but just do it, you won't die of anxiety... Hopefully..."

Seeing that text message Wendy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It's a simple process, she just need to type in the number and then press call and it's done but then again what is she going to talk about? She had thought of asking how the weather is but then she remembered it was already night time. She pushed all her thoughts to the side and just dial the number. She pressed the call button and it was dialing.

It kept on dialing for a few more moments. Thoughts were flooding her mind right now both good and bad. Suddenly the dialing stopped. Baekhyun picked up the call. Wendy slowly took the phone and put it on her ears.

"Hello." Baekhyun said

𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙...

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