Spider-man and Fubuki/Spider...

By Omegaknight14

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After being removed from the Hero Association to save Garou's life and marrying the man she loved since she t... More

1. First time in the suit
2. Nightmares again
3. Random Attack
4. Lost Kids
5. A Helping Hand
6. The Young Hero
7. Promise
8. Car Accident
9. Feeling Better
10. The Right Choice
11. Night talk, Bet
12. Beach Arrival
13. Struggles and Opening Up
14. Chicken Mayhem
15. What Happened?
16. Hospital visit
17. Dr. Wilson
18. Fubuki Meets Carnage
19. Another Nightmare
20. A Broken Awakening
21. Spider-man Meets Old Friends
22. Spider-man and Deadpool
23. Spider-man Meets The Punisher
24. Need Help?
25. Finally Free
26. Need A Ride?
27. Revenge
28. December Funtime
29. Christmas Day
31. How'd It Come To This?
32. I'm In Hell
33. Journal Entry
34. I'm Done
35. Not Alone
36. Heal Old Wounds
37. Drug Bust
38. Old Villains but First Encounter
39. Final Battle
40. Moving Forward

30. Party Time

23 3 4
By Omegaknight14


From time to time, a siren would ring throughout the city at nighttime. "Emergency alert!" it cried. "A monster has been spotted within the city. Disaster level is Demon! All citizens, please seek shelter in the nearest building!"

As Spider-Blizzard approached the street where the monster was supposed to be located, she started to become more alert.

Spider-Blizzard suddenly paused as she heard a scream. It came from the next street over. It was quickly followed by another one. Spider-Blizzard just clenched her teeth as she quickened her pace towards the source of the noise. No doubt that it came from where the monster would be waiting.

Sure enough, as soon as she turned the corner, she had found what she was looking for. The street and the surrounding buildings had been considerably damaged, as shown through large cracks and small piles of rubble. Several scared citizens were dotted throughout the street. Unfortunately, it seemed like they had been unable to make an escape from the monster. Perhaps they were just too frightened to make a move.

While Spider-Blizzard silently took all of this information in, she continued to scan the area. She would not be satisfied until she found what she was really looking for. Needless to say, it was not long before she spotted the monster off to the side.

Spider-Blizzard eyed the monster from head to toe. From what she could tell, it appeared to be some kind of rhinoceros. It had a large horn on the front of its snout, and it even had the familiar thick gray hide. The only real differences were that this monster stood upright on two feet, and its front legs were actually large arms that ended in human-like hands.

"How about a guy dressed up like a Teddy Bear who gives hugs. Why can't we have that? Just once? A huggable bear that's not a big Rhino or Scorpion." Spider-Blizzard said to herself as she continued to stare at it. Apparently, it had yet to notice her arrival. It appeared to be preoccupied with terrorizing a frightened group of people that cowered before it.

However, even though the monster had yet to notice her, it was not long before the other remaining citizens did.

"Hey, I know you!" cried a man who stood not too far from the girl. "You're Spider-Blizzard!"

Upon hearing this, the other citizens began to perk up.

"A hero is here?"

"Did he say Spider-Blizzard?"

"It's really her!"

"Somebody came to rescue us!"

"We're saved!"

Despite her current situation, Spider-Blizzard couldn't help but smile a little bit under the mask. She actually enjoyed the small amount of praise and attention.

Meanwhile, it seemed like the citizen's cries of happiness had finally reached the ears of the monster. "What's that?" it grunted as it turned around. "A hero?"

Spider-Blizzard saw the monster notice her, and she immediately became alert again. She glared back at the rhinoceros.

In return, the monster just curiously stared back. "You're a hero?" it asked.

Spider-Blizzard confidently crossed her arms as she responded. "That's right, I am Spider-Blizzard." She then paused before continuing. "And you are?"

The monster was silent for a second before it raised its arms up and flexed. "Call me Rhino!" it roared. "My obsession with Rhino's ended up turning me into one!"

Spider-Blizzard's head tilted slightly as she listened. "Rhino, huh?" she repeated to herself. 'Spider-man did mention a guy named Alexander O'Hirn who wore a titanium suit made to look like a Rhinoceros but it looks like this other guy went through a regular transformation instead.'

Spider-Blizzard could only give the monster a confused look back. "What, is that supposed to be like a joke, or something?"

Rhino just ignored her as he raised a question of his own. "Are you really a hero? I find it hard to believe that a scrawny woman like you is actually strong."

Spider-Blizzard stared right into the monster's eyes, completely unafraid. "Why don't you come over here and find out?"

Rhino grinned at this. "Ha ha, I would love to."

Spider-Blizzard slowly unfolded her arms and brought them out in front of her. She then raised her voice so that the surrounding citizens could hear her. "Listen up everyone, please evacuate this street immediately! Go and seek shelter somewhere; I'll cover your retreat."

The citizens immediately looked relieved to hear her say this. They gave her their thanks as they began running as fast as they could.

"Thank you, Spider-Blizzard!"

"Kick that monster's butt!"

"Don't let him get the best of you!"

"We'll be rooting for you, Spider-Blizzard!"

As Spider-Blizzard naturally began to smile again, Rhino began to grow angry. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" he asked loudly. "I was having fun playing around with you guys! Do you really think you can get away?"

Using all of his strength, Rhino picked up a nearby car and held it over his head. "Get back here!" he yelled as he hurled the car at a group of fleeing citizens.

Spider-Blizzard quickly web-zips to the citizens as the momentum of the flying car was heading straight for them.

The car simply slammed into delicate hands which formed blue fluid waves before the vehicle fell back to the ground.

"Keep moving!" Spider-Blizzard ordered the citizens. They each gave a quick nod before doing as they were told.

Meanwhile, Rhino simply stared at the now smashed car. "What the hell was that?" he wondered. "It looked like it stopped in midair..." He quickly turned to Spider-Blizzard. "How did you do that?" he demanded.

In response, Spider-Blizzard simply raised her arms up in front of her again. "That's for me to know and for you to shut up." she said with a serious expression which mostly showed in her eyes.

This just made Rhino growl in anger. "Damn woman," he muttered through clenched teeth. "It looks like I'm just going to have to fight you."

"Be my guest," she challenged him.

Without another thought, Rhino charged at Spider-Blizzard as it gave a great roar. Spider-Blizzard immediately used her webs to propel herself out of the way, landing on the streets behind Rhino. She then watched as it ran past her.

"Yeah, charging in one place isn't a good strategy, big guy."

Rhino quickly skidded to a halt before whipping back around. He then ran at Spider-Blizzard again, only to end up jumping into the air before falling straight towards her.

Once again, Spider-Blizzard just used her agility to sidestep the attack. As Rhino landed, the pavement began to crack under the force of his weight.

"What'd I tell you about aiming your fists at innocent people! Bad Rhino! Bad!"

"Shut up!" Rhino yelled out

Rhino then started throwing a series of rapid punches at the nearby girl, but she easily managed to evade his movements with her flexibility. No matter how hard he tried, Rhino just couldn't land a hit on her. Eventually he stopped as he tried to catch his breath.

"Grr...she's using some particular set of skills," he muttered to himself. "Skills she has acquired for a very long career."

"Are you tired? Cause we can stop if you're too tired." Spider-Blizzard asked.

The Rhino became enraged upon hearing this. Without thinking, he charged at Spider-Blizzard again.

Spider-Blizzard just swiftly dodged it once more, causing the monster to run straight into a nearby tree. The tree easily snapped in half upon impact.

Rhino, still growling with rage, suddenly did something unexpected. He quickly picked up the severed tree trunk and hurled it at the Esper. This caught Spider-Blizzard by surprise, and she just barely managed to dodge it by bending 90 degrees.

As soon as she got up to look straight a fist collided with her chest. Sending her crashing into a building as rubble was covering her body.

'Ok, that definitely hurts.' She thought with a cough. She then slowly looked up before an arm suddenly reached out and grabbed her by the throat. Spider-Blizzard was then hoisted off the ground.

"Ha, got you," said Rhino with a smirk.

Spider-Blizzard just glared back as she grasped at the monster's arm. She couldn't breath.

Rhino continued taunting her with a grin. "It's no use," he said.

The monster's grin grew wider as it formed a fist. He then pulled back his arm as he lifted Spider-Blizzard up a little higher. Spider-Blizzard's eyes widened out of fear.

An idea suddenly struck Spider-Blizzard. Without a second thought, she used her web shooters to put webs in his eyes.

Rhino cried out as his vision darkened, using other hand to tear off the webs from his eyes.

Using all her might, she knees Rhino's forearm as a blue streak followed with her movements as the massive arm dislocated completely. Rhino immediately cried out in pain before releasing his grip. Spider-Blizzard gasped for air as she dropped to the ground.

She thought to herself. 'I need to get some distance!'

Without any concern for her own safety, Spider-Blizzard simply swung backwards out of the way. She ended up landing a light pole putting a short distance away from the Rhino.

"They say opportunity only knocks 'em once but me, as often as I can." Spider-Blizzard said with confidence.

The monster just glared at her as he cradled his arm in his hand. "That hurt, you bitch."

Spider-Blizzard managed to get to her feet before taking a deep breath, "Yes, it was supposed to."

Rhino remained still for a moment, before slowly dropping his arm. Surprisingly, the monster was grinning again. He then started chuckling to himself.

"Ha ha ha ha, was that seriously it? Was this the worst you could do to me? I'll admit it hurt quite a bit, but it's nothing I can't handle."

Spider-Blizzard just eyed him with a straight face. She next hung upside down on the light pole as a web line was supporting her weight.

"Well too bad for you," Rhino continued. "It looks like you can't finish me off. I guess that means this fight is mine!"

"Sorry, but I'm not done yet," Spider-Blizzard told him plainly. "I think you might have made a few too many assumptions. I'm far from being done for."

"Say what!?" Rhino barked as he glared at her. "You mean you still have power remaining after such an attack?"

Spider-Blizzard glanced at him very calmly. "Of course I do."

Rhino's eye twitched. He couldn't believe what the woman was telling him. "Y-you lie!"

"Unfortunately for you, I'm not," Spider-Blizzard told him honestly. "You are clearly outmatched by me."

Without another word, Rhino charged at Spider-Blizzard once more. As the monster approached her upside down form getting ready to jump to her, horn first, however, Spider-Blizzard did not attempt to dodge. Instead, she began concentrating again as her heartbeat was slowing down, "Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock."

At that moment, Spider-Blizzard swiftly kicked Rhino's face to the side. At the same time, Rhino was sent straight into the side of a building. He gave a small groan before coughing up a little blood.

Rhino was now more bloodied and bruised than ever before. The poor creature almost looked lifeless. All he could do was grunt out of pain.

Spider-Blizzard looked to the side of the abandoned building still upside down, "Yay!"

To her surprise, its eyes opened wide and it suddenly spoke up. "Ugh...this hurts so much...I can't move at all..."

Spider-Blizzard just eyed him curiously. "Still alive, are you?"

Rhino calmly looked up at her. "I think you might have broken every bone in my body."

A vibration was going off on Spider-Blizzard's belt, someone was calling her, "Oh will you excuse me for a second? Gotta take this."

Rhino groaned in annoyance, "Oh no, take your time."

"Aw, such a gentleman." Fubuki playfully cooed. She placed the phone to her ear, "Hello?"

"Hi, Miss Blizzard." It was Lily calling her.

"Hey, Lily. How's it going?"

"Oh nothing much. We and the ground wanted to have a little get together. Pretty much a party since we really miss you."

Fubuki chuckled, "Aw, that's really sweet. Know what, may as well stop by. I'm actually like 30 minutes away."

"Oh no way. That's very lucky. Want to invite Spider-man?"

"He's actually relaxing back at home taking care of Rover. He's still having a lot of nightmares here and there so I decided to take his place patrolling the cities."

"Aw, hope he gets better with the nightmares. They never tend to leave him no matter how hard he tries?"

Fubuki looks down at the ground, "Sadly no, it's almost like an endless torment for him. Something that he can not mentally control, in a way it's like Nightmare disorder. It's connected to his past because of it. One day you'll understand, Lily."

"One day. See you soon, Miss Blizzard."

Fubuki smirked, "Can't wait." Her focus turned back to the Rhino monster again as she cracked her knuckles.

Rhino whimpered in fear as he cried out silently to his mommy.

Fubuki lets out a devilish glare looking into the monster's soul, "Don't worry. This will only take a minute."


Fubuki soared across the night sky, feeling the wind against her body as she made her way to Blizzard Headquarters. The lights were on and flashing wildly like a disco ball was being used.

"Damn they might be really excited." Fubuki grinned as she stretched her arms behind her back.

Fubuki makes her way up to the front entrance as she opens the door.

The sight before her was indescribable. She was sweating and breathing heavily... yet she could hardly feel that as her brain understood the sight in front of her.

The party was absolutely nothing more than a blood bath, everything screams nothing but hellish nightmares that came out of hell itself.

She saw the dead bodies of the members of the Blizzard Group on the floor but also impaled on the walls and ceiling. Every single member's limbs, heads, eyes, and organs were torn apart, their jaws removed, white teeth which was now drenched with blood on the floor.

Mountain Ape's head was on the dinner table as the rest of his severed corpse was hanging by webs much like the other members' upper body parts leaving their own organs hanging.

Eyelashes hanging on the wall with red and black spikes on his body. He has no eyes, mouth, nose.

Piko with a hole in his abdomen. His own head was smashed into a pulp as his entrails or someone else's were placed on the table and on the walls. Some of his other body parts were scattered such as fingers, torn nails, or eyes, and were mixed with the scattered food and appetizers on the bloody floor.

There are no words. There are no words. The death of innocents and the death of innocents. Rage compounded upon rage. Rage enough to block out the sun and moon. And the air filled with millions of questions.

The back of the room had a carving hanging off the wall as each letter was carved out only the Blizzard Group bare limbs.


There was a writing on the right side of the wall, a writing carved out of blood, IS THE ANSWER.

Fubuki's eyes were twitching due to shock at the horrific sight before her, she was chuckling in disbelief, "No no no no no, this isn't real, it's not real."

"~The itsy bitsy Blizzard went up the water spout. Down came the Carnage and took the Blizzard out~"

She shuddered in fear as her mask's white eyes began to twitch. Her own heartbeat starts accelerating to the point where it might just burst out of her chest. Getting goosebumps every inch of her body. She refused to look at what was behind her.

The figure was at the front door looking directly at her back as her guard was down.

Fubuki couldn't move her limbs, she was trying so desperately to move an inch but she simply couldn't because she was paralyzed by fear, the same fear that she felt when he first entered her home and up on the rooftop.

She was in a complete daze, she couldn't even think straight at all, she was having trouble breathing due to what she had seen in front of her.

Fubuki suddenly felt two hands gently grasping her shoulders from behind causing her to shiver, "We... had... a deal."

"Yes, we sure did. But I couldn't help myself. Oh well. Guess some things aren't just meant to be. Ahahahahaha."

The sound of police sirens were being heard in the distance outside as they were closing in.

Before Fubuki could even think to say or do anything else something collided with the back of her head, her vision blackened as she slowly drifted to unconsciousness.

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