Christmas Trip

By Kingrexxia

30 4 0

Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are Hogwarts teachers and go involuntarily as supervisors on a Christmas school... More

Christmas Trip

30 4 0
By Kingrexxia

The headmaster, professor McGonagall, looked at the parchment to check if all topics were discussed at the meeting of Hogwarts pedagogical staff.

"There is one more thing, dear colleagues. The Christmas trip. This year we will visit the museum of magic in Godric's Hollow. We have to agree on teacher supervision. Two teachers for every grade."

The Christmas trip was a long tradition, and the pairs of teachers were more or less coordinated. Harry Potter, who taught defense against the dark arts, used to travel with Neville Longbottom, the herbology teacher; only destinations and grades were different each year. This year they were supervising first graders. Harry was not too happy about that; he preferred more responsible students. He was a bit afraid of how he would take care of so many naughty kids.

Hopefully, Neville, who has children, will know what to do. Harry was surprised when professor McGonagall called him to her cabinet one day before the planned trip. He entered the room carefully. What is Malfoy doing here? That's no good.

"Unfortunately, we have a small problem. Professor Longbottom got bitten by a carnivorous plant and is currently at the Hospital Wing. Don't worry; it is nothing serious, and he will be okay soon. But we need a teacher supervisor for the trip to Godric's Hollow, and professor Malfoy is the only one who is free."

Harry swallowed hard. Draco looked at him with annoyance.

"I don't have a chance to refuse, do I?" Harry asked.

"You are right, Mr. Potter. Thank you both for your cooperation." The headmaster smiled mischievously, and the meeting ended.

"Malfoy, I am as happy as you are about it, so spare me your comments," the Gryffindor said.

"The same to you," the Slytherin replied, and both dashed to their dormitories.


They have not talked to each other until their departure. They met in the morning of the day of the trip in front of the purple school bus, which was going to take them to Godric's Hollow. Harry was surprised when he saw Malfoy coming in elegant white clothes. It is just a trip! He wore ordinary sports trousers, a black T-shirt, and a black jacket. Next to dressed up Malfoy, he felt untidy.

"Do you want to be top or bottom?" Malfoy asked in that arrogant tone. Harry goggled at him in surprise. He couldn't think of any acceptable interpretation of Slytherin's question. Draco enjoyed his embarrassment. "I mean, in the bus. Do you want to take care of the upper or lower floor?"

"Oh. Maybe upper one," Harry stammered. Why is that conceited Malfoy constantly making him upset? Soon, the first children started to come, and Draco gave each of them a chocolate bonbon and carefully found a seat for them. Harry realized that he behaved way nicer to kids than to adults, let alone to him. There was something protective and gentle in his behaviour. Some girls looked at him with admiration. Harry got slightly jealous. What did he expect? That he will be a second Snape? Feared and unpopular? Anyway, Snape was much more intelligent. The only impressive thing about Malfoy was his appearance; that is too little, so Harry rationalized.

"Will you keep staring, or will you come to help me?" Harry was interrupted from unproductive thinking by his colleague's voice.

"I am sorry, I am coming." Harry tried to concentrate on his task as much as possible. The last thing he wanted was to look stupid in front of Malfoy. The less he talks to him, the better. Finally, all of them were sitting, and the bus took off. Luckily the driver was not Ernie Prang but an elderly witch who looked a bit like Minerva McGonagall. The journey with her was pleasant, elegant, and safe. And Harry liked one more thing about her. She smiled at him more than at Malfoy. She had a little lion by the front window. Gryffindor!

Harry felt uneasy in Godric's Hollow. The place had a special meaning for him. It was his former home and the place where his parents were buried. He had never been to the museum of magic, and he could enjoy the visit if his companions were Hermione and Ron. With Malfoy, it was much harder, and Harry started to feel anxious as soon as his feet touched the ground. There was no time for analyzing his feelings; counting the children and joining the tour was necessary. "I will go in the front; you will watch over them from the back. Be careful not to lose anybody, Potter," the other teacher shouted at him while dashing inside. Harry thought he felt important because the Malfoys donated quite generously to the museum. Well, let's see what is there. Harry was afraid that there would be some exhibits related to his person. Although Malfoy thought the contrary, he would prefer to be an anonymous wizard and gladly give up his glory.

It turned out that the museum was organized as an interactive amusement park, and the children were delighted. They could try flying on old broomsticks and take photos of themselves on them. Even Harry could not resist, even though Draco scoffed at him. In the house-elves kitchen, the children cooked the famous Hogwarts pudding, which they ate then. Draco ate three portions, and Harry smiled maliciously when he saw a full spoon of it land on his spotless white shirt. Draco did not take it tragically and immediately removed the stain with the flick of the wand.

Some displays were more serious. Harry was feeling a bit unwell while walking through the simulation of Azkaban. Seeing the dementors projected onto the screen, his heart was quickly pounding, and his throat was dry. He was scared when somebody's arm wrapped around his shoulders. Dementor? No, Malfoy. He expected more scoffing, but Draco gently let go of him and silently put a chocolate bonbon into his hand.

"Thanks," he whispered, and without saying a word, he put a bonbon into his mouth. Draco had also his mouth full of chocolate. For him, the walkthrough Azkaban was also difficult, as his father had spent some time there, and he was in danger of being imprisoned too. Thanks to Harry testifying for the Malfoys after the war, he became a potion teacher at Hogwarts.

"Thank you for everything you have done for us," Draco said quietly.

Harry smiled. He was pleased by Draco's words. Both teachers were terrified of the dementors. Fortunately, dementors were not shown to children. That was good. The next part of the exhibit was the preparation of potions. Children were taken care of by the museum potion master, and together they prepared an easy potion named Bonum. After drinking it, only good personality traits manifested in people all day long. It was a safe potion, easy to prepare, and children were promised they would be allowed to drink it when they prepared it well. Then all the kids will behave like angels.

"Maybe even you will be able to prepare it, Potter," Draco sneered at Harry. "I will prepare it, but on one condition – that you drink it," Harry suggested. Immediately, he realized that he was talking faster than thinking. Anyway. It is a potion for kids; for Merlin's sake, he will manage it!

"In that case, I will prepare a potion for you," Draco countered. They shook hands on it and started to prepare the potion with the children. It was easy because they got all the ingredients already chopped, and mixing them was not difficult. The potion master supervised the children, but nobody checked the teachers. As a potion master, Draco did just a minor, harmless enhancement. He mixed a hair of his into the finished potion, which should cause Potter to be especially nice to him. It was not a love potion, and to be honest, Draco did not know what to expect. Maybe Potter will talk to him without having a fight? He handed the ready-to-drink potion to Harry. The latter looked at him a little worried but drank it as promised. In return, Draco drank Harry's potion, which, at first glance, looked correctly prepared according to instructions. Draco observed himself carefully and found no changes at first. Maybe the others were getting on his nerves a little more than usual. It was suddenly hard for him to smile at everyone around him, especially at that stupid Potter, who became very clingy and would not leave his side. Then it dawned on him. Of course, that idiot messed up the potion! He must have stirred it the other way around, and the potion now had the opposite effect!

"I miss your smile," Harry said. "Sometimes I am worried about you. You look lonely."

Draco, who had drunk the ill-prepared potion, could not tolerate such a speech. He had to control himself not to kill Potter.

"If you want, I could keep you company. I know I have nothing special to offer to you, but if you want to play quidditch or chess, I am here for you," Harry went on.

"Thanks for your offer, but you are the last person I would like to spend my time with," Draco said arrogantly. He realized he did not want to say that, but the potion's effect was too strong. For Salazar's sake, he tried to make friends with Potter, so he put a hair of his into the potion, and then it turns out like this? He felt like sending a curse on him. He clenched his teeth not to do it.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked with worry.

"You are the biggest moron in the whole world; you can't even prepare that stupid potion properly! Get out of my sight, or it will turn out bad for you." Draco was breathing hard and had to hold himself back not to say something worse. But Harry was not about to leave.

"Are you feeling sick from the potion? I am sorry; I really tried to do everything right."

"You shuffled it the other way round, you idiot! That potion made me feel even angrier at you than usual."

"Oh, I am sorry for that," Harry said ingenuously. "I will try not to irritate you. However, you are quite cute when you get angry." Harry could not understand why he uttered something like that. Maybe he should keep his mouth shut as well. Both men then decided that it would be better not to talk. Draco did not want to insult Harry further, and Harry was afraid of saying something ridiculously sweet. But the potions would not let them go from their clutches. Harry found himself putting a friendly hug around Draco's shoulders.

"Potter!" Draco looked at him more angrily than professor Snape when Harry's cauldron exploded in the classroom.

"I can't help myself," Harry sighed. "I don't understand it."

They were walking through the exhibition showing documentation of the battle with Voldemort. They were looking at replicas of Deathly Hallows, and to Harry's dismay, there was a photo of him hanging there.

"Enjoying your fifteen minutes of fame?" Draco sneered. "You always wanted attention, to be admired or pitied by others."

"It is not like that at all," Harry argued.

"I don't understand how such a second-rate wizard like you could defeat Voldemort," Draco snorted.

For Salazar's sake, why am I saying this? I don't even believe it, Harry is one of the most powerful wizards ever, and I respect him. Damned potion!

Harry remained silent as he understood that arguing with Draco while his spoiled potion influenced him was like arguing with a drunk. But one could see that he regretted what Draco said to him.

"It is not a veritaserum, Potter," Draco hissed. Hopefully, that stupid Gryffindor will realize that I don't mean the insults seriously.

Harry smiled slightly. "Yeah, that's the truth. It is not so bad, considering that it activated your worst traits."

Now it was Draco who smiled lightly. Is the effect of the potion slowly wearing off? Another part of the exhibition, however, proved the exact opposite. The Mirror of Erised!

What Draco saw in there caused such aggression in him that he thoughtlessly raised his hand and destroyed the shiny surface with one blow. There was now a vast black crack in the Mirror, but the undamaged parts mischievously showed the same scene as before.

Draco turned away, only now noticing that his right hand was bleeding. Harry was by his side, trying to map the extent of the injury so that he could heal him quickly.

"Don't dare to touch me, Potter," Draco hissed menacingly.

"Don't worry, I will do it with my wand." Harry stayed calm. A circle of frightened children formed around them.

"Look, our teacher is bleeding! He is going to die!"

"It's nothing," Draco argued. But Harry was adamant and held Draco's hand tightly until he had performed all the necessary healing spells.

"It is okay now."

"I hate you," Draco growled.

Harry gave him another sad look, but Draco was not moved. Not after what he saw in the Mirror of Erised. They did not come close to each other for the rest of the day.

It was hard for Harry because he was still under the influence of the potion forcing him to take care of Draco. He could see that he was not feeling well, but he was not allowed to help him. Finally, it was time to leave, and both teachers counted the children. It was soon apparent that bickering and neglect had taken their toll. One Gryffindor girl was missing. Harry immediately rushed back to the museum and searched all the rooms thoroughly. Draco, watching over other students, thought it took too long. He was angry at Harry and at himself too. How did they behave? It will be their fault if anything wrong happens to that little girl. Luckily, in a short while, the little Gryffindor girl ran out of the museum gate and headed toward the bus. A stone fell off Draco's heart. "And where is Mr. Potter?"

"I have not seen him at all," Gryffindor replied.

"I'll kill him!"

They waited a few more minutes. Draco's rage was slowly turning into fear. What if something happened to him? Potter was not a responsible wizard. Draco did not want to leave without him, but he had to take the children back to Hogwarts first. He promised the museum's wizards to return for Harry after the children were brought to school. The Headmaster was already waiting for them in Hogwarts. When she found out that Harry had not returned, she got scared too. Her favourite Gryffindor! She would send a whole squad of Aurors to Godric's Hollow. But Draco did not want anybody to accompany him. He made his way outside the gates of Hogwarts and prepared for the apparition as quickly as he could. All the employees searched for Harry at the museum, but without success. Draco tried to relate to Potter's reasoning. Where would he go? Was he looking for the little Gryffindor girl, and then something got in his way? He sure had many enemies among former Death Eaters. Draco regretted the way he was treating him the whole afternoon. That damned potion! After all, he wanted to reconcile with him, maybe even win his friendship. Friendship? Draco recalled with horror what he had seen in the Mirror of Erised. His greatest desire. He and Potter – and it was not just friendship. The intensity of his fear confirmed that the Mirror was not lying. Draco decided to go towards the Mirror again. The shiny surface undoubtedly showed him his feelings.

"Yeah, I guess I like him more than I thought. But first, I need to find him!" Draco stared intently at the crack in the Mirror, which ran just through Harry's image. He reached to touch it when suddenly...

All at once, he was in complete darkness, only a tiny glimmer of light from the crack illuminating the empty room. His eyes quickly adjusted to the dark, and he saw a person huddled in the corner of the room. He ran to him.


Potter lifted his head wearily. "Malfoy, how did you get here?"

"Probably just like you," Draco laughed.

"A crack in the Mirror?"

Draco nodded. He did not want to think about how they would get out of there. He was thrilled to find Harry.

"Are you okay?"

"Since when do you care?"

"Since the effect of that great potion of yours wore off. I am really sorry; I did not mean anything I said to you this afternoon."

"Why am I so naïve as to believe you?" Harry said.

"What did you see in that Mirror that made you want to touch it, and then it drew you in?"

"None of your business, Malfoy."

"If you want, I will tell you what I saw in the Mirror."

"I don't care at all," Harry snapped.

"You should care because it concerns you."

"How it concerns me?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Like this." Draco pulled him into a hug and pressed his lips to Harry's. Harry lost his breath for a moment but then began to cooperate. He opened his mouth and let Draco inside. Harry realized that it was the most beautiful kiss he had ever received.

"I can't believe it," Draco breathed. "You did not push me away. After all that I have done to you?"

"You are right when you keep saying I am a complete moron," Harry laughed, pressing his lips against Draco's.

"We should try to get out of here," Draco said, even though he did not want to let go of Harry's arms. "It is not a Room of Requirement, you know." It took several more minutes before they stopped kissing.

"What did you see in the Mirror?" Draco snapped.

"Well, maybe I will not see anything there now, just reality," Harry suggested, and the clever Slytherin understood.

"So, I granted you your greatest wish?"

"Not quite yet, but I believe you will soon," Harry sighed.

For Salazar's sake! Draco felt like he was dreaming. He would give Harry everything he wanted, right now. And why not? They have known each other for so long... They know about each other more than many couples because of their age-long rivalry. He held Harry tightly in his arms and ran his hand... just under his T-shirt for now. When a flash of light blinded him, Draco realized he was standing on the other side of the Mirror, and all he could see was himself hugging the disheveled Gryffindor.

For a moment, they glared at each other in the Mirror, as if they could not believe what they saw was a faithful representation of reality. They held hands, and the men in the Mirror did the same. They kissed and eyed their reflection before bursting out laughing.

"I see you and Mr. Potter are happily reunited," the voice of the museum wizard interrupted their childish caress.

"Very happily indeed," Draco smiled. "And get this Mirror fixed, its behaviour is unpredictable.

They walked out of the museum and prepared for the side-along apparition.

"Draco, can I ask you something?" Harry whispered.

"Anything." What am I doing again, Draco thought. As if I was again under the influence of some potion. That Potter is going to kill me one day...

"I would like to visit my parents' grave. With you."

Draco swallowed. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Probably not, but I still wish it."

Draco took his hand. "So, let's go."

Harry gave him a grateful smile.

They stood together at the tombstone, and Draco realized how honored he was that Harry had taken him here. Just him. The Slytherin, whose house was once the headquarters of the Death Eaters. He could sense the presence of Harry's parents. "I will never hurt him, I promise," he said quietly. He squeezed Harry's hand tightly in his.

"When will you introduce me as your partner to Lucius and Narcissa?" Harry asked innocently.

Aww, that Potter is seriously going to kill me...

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