Next 2 You{Chris Brown Love S...

By cravinurban

253K 5.6K 415

Camil is a woman who always valued the people she keep around her and with her career she is always on the mo... More

Next 2 You{Chris Brown Love Story}
The Meeting
The Date
What Happens Now
The Truth
The Tour
Here We Go Again
Here Goes Drama
Just My Luck
The Big Surprise
Don't Judge Me Please
Bad Habits
Feeling Weak
Having Fun
Very Curious
I'm Done
Some Friend
The Big News
Back To Me
The Party
Getting Closer
Sisterly Love Pt 1
Sisterly Love Pt 2
New Problems
Sorry Excuse For A Mother
The Birth
A Big Change
Another Surprise
Put Yourself In My Shoes
Birthday Surprise
The Unexpected
Good News Or Bad News
Lies Pt1
Lies Pt2
How I feel
Are You Serious
It Gets Better
Fun Time
Another Mess
What Should I Do
Trying My Best
And It Starts
Sex Crazy
A Deadly Surprise Pt 1
A Deadly Surprise Pt 2
Time Past
Last But Not The Final
Writer's Note

Starting A New Chapter

8.1K 159 7
By cravinurban

Camil's Pov
5 Months Later

Me And Chris have been together for 5 months,and Cierra is out of the hospital but she still don't remember anything,she is living with her mother in Chicago and her and Trav are no longer together because her mom wont let him see her because she blames him for the accident.

Freddy finally got a girlfriend,her name is Brandy and she cool as hell.Chris goes on tour in 3 more weeks and of course I'm going with him,I know it's gonna feel weird because I have to work while I'm with him.

It was 7 in the morning and I woke up naked laying on Chris chest.I kissed him on the cheek and went to take a shower,I feel his hands wrap around my waist and turn around.

"You ready for round 2"he said kissing me on my neck

I chuckled from this ticklness his tongue gave my neck

"No,I got shit to do and so do"I said

"You sure"He whispered in my ear before turning me around

He then picks me up and start kissing my inner thighs and he start eating me out,It felt so good my eyes begin to roll to the back of my head as I scratched his back as hard as I can,when he was done he started to kiss and suck on my breast,then he inserted big Cj inside me and start going slow but after he felt I was use to it he started going fast.

We was at for almost an hour and I didn't want it to end but I had to go to work so after we were done,I went to my room and got dressed,I curled my hair and went down stairs and saw chris talking on the phone,I went to the refrigerator and got some orange juice and he came and kissed me on the cheek from behind.

"Hey beautiful how you doing"he said smiling

"A little sore but im good"I said turning around

"Sorry babe I was just excited"

"I see,Well I have to go before I be late"I said kissing him

"Ok I'll see you later"He said

I got to work and saw Freddy in my office sitting on my desk.

'Hey mils"he said smiling

"Hey Fred,How is your future wife.

"You tell me"he said looking at me up and down.

"I was talking about Brandy"I said

"Aw she good,just getting on my damn nerves,So how is your future husband?"He asked

"Well if you must know he is good,what you doing here so early anyway"I asked sitting in my chair

"I just needed to get away from Brandy ass for a while,All her ass do is complain and beg for shit"He said

After we were done talking he went to his office and Jordan walked in and told me she need me to stay late because she is going to the hospital for a test and she has to get some papers done before tomorrow.

 I called Chris and told him I was working late,I stayed until about 11:30 and called my friend Latoya as soon as I got in the car. I met her and Teya at one of Chris's parties 2 months ago,Latoya was about to fight some girl who knocked her drink out of her hand and me and Teya had to calm her down,we been friends every since as crazy as it sounds.

"Hey Toya,What you doin"I asked her

"Shit just chilling why whats up"

"Well tomorrow is Saturday and I wanted to go out with you and Teya"

"Hell yea you know I'm in girl"

"Ok I will call you tomorrow"

On my way home I stopped by the store and brought me another charger because Chris lost my other one ,when I got home I saw that Chris wasn't there.

I took a shower and put on my night gown and my silk robe.I left my hair down and went downstairs and fixed me a salad because I didn't feel like cooking.I sat on the couch and watched TV until I heard Chris come in.

"Hey babe,where you been"I said kissing him on the lips.

"Just chilling at the studio finally got a few songs and shit done before the tour,How was your day"He sat beside me

"Good just tiring"

"I see well I'm gonna take a shower",he said kissing me then going up the stairs.

I stayed down stairs for a bit and watched tv,then I went upstairs and saw that Chris was still in the shower,I started to get a slight headache so I just climbed in bed and took off my robe and started to fall asleep until I felt him lay on the side of me so I layed on his chest which is my favorite place to lay,he rubbed my head and held me until I fell asleep.

Chris Pov

The next morning I woke up and look down at Camil asleep on my chest,I just stay there and look at her,I moved her hair from her face,She looked beautiful while she was sleep,Then I saw her deep brown eyes looking at me.

"Hey,did you sleep good"I said kissing her forhead

"Yea,just wish it lasted longer"She said stretching

"What you plan on doing today"I asked

"I wanted to go out with Teya and Latoya but idk,Im not feeling too good"She said softly

"Why whats wrong"

"My head and chest hurt and I think I have a fever"

"Aight I'll stay here and take care of you"

"Thanx babe I really do appreciate it but you have done enough"She said looking up at me.

"No its my job to take care of you,besides I don't have shit to do today"

"Okay if you say so'She said going into the bathroom,

Today is the day I wanted to ask her to move in with me,I just hope she say yes because I want her by me always, but I know thats a big step in our relationship.

I went downstairs to make her some soup and I looked outside and saw it was raining,I felt her hands around my chest and she was kissing my back,I turned around and kissed her on the lips.

"What you doin"She asked

"Making you some soup,Yo ass supposed to be laying down"I said holding her by her waist.

"Aww my wittle baby think he can cook"she said pinching my cheek

"Ha ha ha I can cook why you talking"I said

'Who told you that"She said looking on the stove

"Me and besides I haven't got any complaints from you"

"Because I was just being nice"I laughed

"Yea if you say so "

I gave her soup and went to take a shower,when I got out and went downstairs and saw her asleep on the couch,she looked cute with my shirt on and her curly hair all over her head,I sat down on the couch and put her on my lap and watched tv.

10 minutes later I see her struggling in her sleep and I really didn't want to wake her,then she kept saying "Stop!"then she start screaming and I woke her up and she was crying.

"Babe what's wrong"I said holding her.

"Nothing it was nothing it was just a bad dream"

"Well who is Carl"

Camil's Pov

When he said that name my heart almost stopped and I felt like I couldn't breathe,all those bad memories start rushing back to my head.I didn't want to answer him but he knew something was wrong.

"Camil,Who is Carl"He said moving closer to me.

I took a deep breathe and told him.

"Carl is my mom's boyfriend,When I was 10 he use to rape me and my older sister Alex,this went on until I turned 16 and that's when I decided to tell my mom but she didn't believe us so she sent us to move with my aunt.He messed up me and my sister's lives,I always have nightmares about him and I cant sleep in the dark that's why I always have some type of light on"I explained

"What about your sister"He asked

"She joined the military I haven't seen her since I was 18 and I only talk to her every 3 or 4 months,my mom is still with him and that's why we don't have a good mother and daughter relationship.

"Damn babe,why you aint never tell me this"he said holding me.

"Because I didn't want to remember all that shit,it took me 4 years to forget about it"

"Im sorry that happened to you"

"Its ok but can we talk about something else please"I asked

"Well I did want to ask you something"

"what is it"She said sighing 

"Well I was wondering if you would move with me"I sat up

"Really babe,I would love to, Wait are you sure? "I said hugging him tight

"Foreal,I thought you was go say no or its too soon, And yes Im sure,I been wated to ask you but I knew it was too early "He said

"I would love to move in with you"I said smiling 

"Ok well when do we start packing"He said frantic 

"Maybe this coming weekend or something"I said 

"Yes I did forget you were sick,I mean I can hire a few mfs to do the packing and shit for you"He said,I shugged

"Yes that'll save me a lot"I said

"Aight I got everything you just relax for a couple days "I shook my head and smiled 

2 Days Later

It was now 10:00pm and the whole upstairs was empty,The only rooms we had to do was the living room and the bathroom.

I couldn't believe I got this much done in just 2 days,everybody was hungry and tired so I let them go home and get some rest so we can finish tomorrow.

Me and Chris decided to stay in my house one more night since the furniture was still there.I took a shower and put on some shorts with a big shirt and climbed into bed Chris went to go get something to eat for us. I didn't want to go to sleep in the house by myself so I started listening to music through my headphones and went downstairs to look out the window,it was still raining I loved when it rained it feels good and it helps me sleep.I didn't realize I fell asleep on the couch until Chris woke me up.

"Babe lets go upstairs" he said helping me off the couch.

When I went to my room I layed on Chris chest and fell asleep.

Chris Pov

I woke up at 6am and went for a run,I was still kind of pissed that Camil didn't tell me about her stepdad,she should have been told me this shit I mean I get she didn't wanna talk about it but that's not something you keep from someone who cares about you.

When I came in the house and saw Camil with some jean shorts and a tight blue shirt with her hair in a ponytail,she was packing in the kitchen.

"Hey babe where were you this morning"she said kissing me

"Went for a run"I said getting a water bottle from the refrigerator

"Aw well the movers will be here in a hour so I'm tryna get everything packed"

"Ok im gonna go take a shower"I said kissing her forhead


When I got out the shower I was surprised to see Camil was done packing,I know she couldn't have done all this by herself,I saw her sitting on the couch with Freddy.

"Damn bae you done already"I said walking up to her and kissing her on the cheek

"Yea thanks to Freddy"She said 

"Aw whats up Freddy what you been on"

"Shit just getting ready to be a father"He said 

"Foreal Freddy you didn't tell me,congrats "Camil said hugging him

"Thanks ,I jus found out myself"

"You excited man"i asked him

"Yea just the thought of having a little me is exciting,even though I wanted it to come from somebody else"he said looking at Camil

"Well the movers are here"Camil said changing the subject

After the movers left to take everything to my house me and Camil stayed and got the small things and put them in our cars and she followed me to my house since she never been there before,I spent most of my time at Camil's house so I really wasn't surprised to see how messy it was.

Camil's Pov

When we walked into Chris house it was a mess,but it was expected because was barley there ,Chris started cleaning up and I started unpacking,I didn't stop until I fell asleep on the couch.I felt Chris pick me up and take me into the bedroom.

A few hours later I woke up and it as 2 in the morning,I didn't see Chris in the bed so I went downstairs to look for him but he was no where in the house.I shrugged it off and took a shower and put on one of his shirts and put my hair in a messy ponytail.

After my shower he still wasn't here and it was weird,I fixed me something to eat and started unpacking and moving the furniture,making it look like something again.

By 6 I was starting to get tired and needed to get some type of rest before work.

When I woke up at 8 Chris was lying next to me with his arm around me,I didn't want to wake him so I snuck out of bed and got ready for work. After getting dressed I  went downstairs to get some orange juice and fix me some french toast really quick but due to me not knowing where all the dishes were I just figured I could stop and get some on the way to work.I knew Chris was going to be sleep all day so I just texted him good morning and left.

When I got to work I was so sleepy and drained It was hard to keep attention and it was starting to irritate me so i got up and walked around my office for a bit until Freddy came in with some coffee for me.

"Hey beautiful"He said sitting the coffee on my desk

"Heyy"I said dryly

"Still tired?"He asked,I sat back in my chair and sighed while nodding my head

"And why are you still tired"I laughed

"I was up all night unpacking and moving furniture around by myself,I barley got any sleep"I said taking a sip of the coffee

"Didn't Chris help you "

"No,he wasn't even there which was weird because he usually tells me when he's going somewhere"I said just realizing that.

"Well I know if I was there I would have been doing all the work and letting you sleep"I laughed

"But you wasn't so"

"Im serious"he said looking right into my eyes

"Well,I better get back to work and you should do the same"I said giving him a sign to leave

After work I went straight home,the whole car ride I couldn't help but think about what Freddy said and adding that with where Chris could have been,He didn't even text me none today and that was not like him at all.

When I got home I went to the bedroom and didn't see Chris and not gonna lie because it was starting to piss me off. I just took a shower and sat at the dinning room table trying to finish some paper work while I was listening to music.

All of a sudden I feel kisses on my neck,it felt so good I started to bite my lip, I knew it was Chris so I didn't stop it, then I start feeling someone choking me, pulling my hair and throw me to the floor.then all the lights go out and I feel a man forcing himself on me,I kept saying stop when I did I felt a punch to my face,at that point I knew I was being raped,i screamed as loud as I can but it seemed like echos,thats when I saw that it was Carl....

I woke up in a cold sweat and saw that I was still at the table ,It was 1:00 in the morning and Chris still wasn't here,I called his phone like 3 times but he didn't answer and I knew he was sending me to the voicemail.

All I know is that I couldn't stay in that house by myself so I called Freddy and asked him and Brandy if it was ok for my to come over for a while and they said it was ok.

When I got there Brandy answered the door.

"Hey Boo"I said giving her a hug

"Hey,how you doin"

"Im good im just tired as hell,where you goin"I asked because she was all dressed up

"Im going out with my friends"

"This late?"

"Yea it was a last minute thing,Well I better go before they go crazy,Bye Camil and see you in a little while bae,she said giving Freddy a kiss.

After she left me and Freddy watched tv and talked.

"So what brings you here "He asked 

"I just wanted to visit yall that's all"I said smiling

"Where is Chris?"He asked

"I don't know ,I haven't seen him since this morning" I shrugged still looking at the tv

"So you was in the house by yourself,The house thats now your and his?"I sighed


"You had another nightmare didn't you?"

I said nothing and just stared at him as in he saw it himself.

"I can see it in your eyes"

Tears slowly started to formin my eyes and I knew I wasn't going to stop crying until I fell asleep so Freddy held me until I did.When I woke up my head was on Freddy's lap while he was stitting back in a deep sleep and It was 6 in the morning and I had to get home.

I slowly moved from the couch without waking him and grabbed my things before leaving the house also noticing Brandy still wasn't home yet.

When I got home went to the bedroom and saw Chris sleeping comfortably. I took off my pants and got into the bed wrapping his arms around me and fell asleep.

When I finally woke up I smelled breakfast and Chris was no longer next to me so I took a shower and went downstairs in just my towel.

"That smell good as hell'I said wrapping my hands around his chest

"I know right,you hungry",he saidturning around and kissing me on the lips

"Yea starving"I said kissing him again

After we ate Chris was acting weird like he was hiding something from me but I didn't think nothing of it. He just kept leading our conversations away from him not being here last night but at the same time I didn't wanna have to tell him I stayed the night with Freddy. Even though nothing happened I knew how Freddy felt about me and Chris knew also so I just dropped the feeling.

Since I didn't have to work today I thought we can stay in the house and relax and spend time with each other which was very needed right now.....

I was watching tv in the living room when Chris came downstairs.

"Bae there is something I have to tell you"he said with worry in his eyes.

"What is it?"I said looking confused and worried....

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