A journal I guess

By Rosieposieboo2

815 88 4

A journal of my experiences, findings, and overall hell that I've created for myself. More

Something's Wrong
The Tree and the Path
Random ass dream + something I found
My old tablet
I want to survive
Children and the "experience" Community (?)
Servants and why they do what they do
What happened to me
Photos I don't remember taking
Common sense and when to apply it
The placebo effect and how it changes experiences
Take us with you, I beg
Discord server.
The Chapters and the Order.
Associated symbols and Organizations.
Red Mist demon bitch
The world of "Creepypasta"
Why my behavior has changed
I miss it.
Suffering awaits you.
Don't know what to do.
A fate.
The transformation of Them.
And then there was one.
Evolution of Them throughout the ages.
What a sorry life.
A message of hope.
Mostly just an update.
The Sanctuary Magazine.
The situation at hand.
What now?
Parasites come in all shapes and sizes.
This is most concerning.
A small story.
What is being a servant really like?
It's the hard knock life for us.
It can never be the same.
On the topic of Revenants and the Loop.
I am not dead.
The comprehensible history of Servants (I).
Declassified Archives: P-series
The Three Sages.


18 2 0
By Rosieposieboo2

I know most of you have been wondering what the Seers I've been mentioning are. Although I can only answer some of your questions, I thought I could offer at least some basic information.

Seers are not psychics, nor are they fortune tellers. They have the ability to see beyond the veil. Beyond space, time, and the physical. A long time ago, Seers were a non-human species descended from gods. Or so they say. They had powerful, piercing, but sensitive eyes, which they kept covered. There was no need for them to open their eyes, for they could see without them anyway.

But the Seers faction was outnumbered against other species. Many did not like hearing what they had to say. Their once pure bred bloodline was demolished. Somewhere along the line, human descendants were born. And with them, the abilities of a Seer were muddled forever. There are no more Seers left in this timeline. They are hidden away, dead, or changed. Seers were once the only truly neutral faction in the grand game. They helped and gave sanctuary to anyone who asked for it. But without them, the weights shifted. Humans had no shelter to seek out, no one to come to their aid. The delicate balance Seers had worked so hard to maintain was gone in a fortnight. You see, they warned that without this balance, there would be no time, no space, no physical world. Everything has its role in the world and must strictly follow that role. But the Fears were greedy. They wished for more. They wished for chaos and control.

After the death of the Seers faction, the Rift opened. Many though it a coincidence, but truly the Bleeding Tree had fallen to ruin along with the balance of our world. Its roots reached to all time and space and if those roots were to be corrupted, Rifts would tear up everything. See what has happened with just one?

The human descendants did not have the same abilities their ancestors did. They could not maintain balance, and they knew they could never return to their non-human forms. As generations passed, the power was divided amongst them until there was so little left, it took the shape of intuition and precognition. Of witchcraft and magick. Harnessing the powers of nature and the world were always what Seers had to do.

Sometimes, if you listen closely, you can hear the whispers of what once was. It calls you, the buildings which once housed our ancestors, the instruments which they once used. If you listen, you might wander inside a reflection of the past which is not visible to the usual passerby.

Ah, how forgetful of me. It seems I forgot to explain what the veil exactly is. Our world is divided into layers, or veils. Somewhat like atmospheres. These layers are illusions prevention us from seeing the true reality before us. It can be interpreted as anything, such as not being able to see cells and atoms, which everything is made of. Or being ignorant to the problems of our world. In truth, these illusions are created by the limits of our mind and its capacity to perceive. Someone that is not a Seer cannot perceive beyond the illusion they have created. In simple terms, they feed into lies, half truths, and warped perceptions. Of course, anyone is able to break out of this state. But Seers already have, or are close to doing so. I believe I've mentioned this before, but it's akin to what you hear from others who say they've "opened their third eye." Which is another term for breaking away from the limits of the mind and the physical.

In the current state we all are in, we can barely see beyond the veil. Creatures who exist away from our prying eyes seem warped, strange, and disproportionate. We may even not be able to perceive them at all in our current reality, like Habit. They can choose to show themselves, but we would not see them as they truly are. What I'm describing, is in scientific terms, the dimensions or planes of existence the world is made of. We exist in the third dimension, and these creatures exist in higher planes. We cannot perceive beyond this dimension, but Seers can.

I have mentioned that I am a Seer. But I am a human descendent, and my abilities are limited. I will say again that Seers are not all knowing or all powerful, even in their non-human form. I am not wise nor all knowing. Having experienced so much in life doesn't automatically make me knowledgeable. If you ask me how your future will be, I will not be able to answer. The future is ever changing and I cannot predict what decision you will make. And neither can I control what I can perceive. Sometimes I will be able to describe your entire life, and sometimes I can only tell you the color of your clothes. I am not psychic, I can only see beyond the physical world. And this is not always a guarantee. It happens suddenly and without warning. I could be speaking to someone about something completely irrelevant and suddenly see their room, or what they are doing. It happens subconsciously and I cannot do it consciously. I can also tell the intentions of others, and sense when they have seek to harm me or those close to me. It's one of the many reasons I'm so cautious. Because I struggle with picking out the difference between the feelings of others and their intentions. Seers have evolved to rely on instincts only and I can rarely defy it. I cannot sit back and watch others spout nonsense when I know the truth, or go against what I believe. This of course, runs in my family. My youngest aunt is able to perceive entities, and they are naturally drawn to her. My oldest aunt has dreams of events before they happen, and not a single dream has been wrong. It is indeed inherited, and Seers cannot be created if they don't have the genetics of one. One might think it is quite lucky to be born into a family of Seers. But it's far too much responsibility for my tastes. Human lives are difficult as it is. But, to you, it must seem like a blessing.

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