Little Sanchez // USWNT

By uswnts_fav2021

85.8K 2K 196

{COMPLETE} Ainsley Sanchez is the 18 year old younger sister of USWNT and NWSL star Ashley Sanchez. The two h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 30

1.5K 32 2
By uswnts_fav2021

Ainsley's POV

I talked to Ash, updated her on what's been going on in the world. Trinity and I went on for almost a half an hour before she told us that she heard every word I said to her the whole time. 

I fell silent immediately, remembering how fucking sad some of the things I said were. 

They both just watched me quietly as I got my water bottle. 

"The only thing you didn't tell me is what everyone's saying about me." Ash said finally. 

"No, I told you. Mallory said she'd fly in after international, Tara's been here, Abby-" 

"I mean the media. They have to think its weird that we skipped out on this camp, right?" 

"Well, it was reported that you were in an accident, but I've refused to talk to anyone except the Spirit team and front office, and a few national team girls." 

"Did they say what happened?" 

Trinity pulled something up on her phone and handed to to Ashley, who read through it and silently handed it to me. 

It was recent, from today actually. 

After the reports of U.S. Women's National Team and Washington Spirit player Ashley Sanchez getting into a dangerous car accident 4 days ago, there has been almost no update on the status of the midfielder. 

Many media stations reportedly tried to get in touch with Ashley's 18-year-old younger sister and teammate, Ainsley Sanchez, but none heard back. The most recent update comes from the U.S. Women's National Team, who has had to replace both Sanchez sisters on the roster for the SheBelieves Cup, as well as their Washington Spirit teammate, forward Trinity Rodman. Neither Ainsley Sanchez nor Rodman's absence is not confirmed to be linked to the older of the Sanchez sisters, but it is a safe assumption made, especially for the younger sister. 

"God damn it." I looked up from the phone. 

"So what are you gonna do?" Trinity asked. 

"Well obviously people want updates on the status of Ash. and that's understandable. As soon as the doctors give me the full rundown of how she's even awake right now, I'll have to call the front office and ask someone to make a statement. Because I'm sure as hell not doing that shit." 

"I get it." 

"Just call the nurse in now." Said Ash. "Get it over with." 


The next day, I was reluctantly at Spirit's training facility, hating that they forced me into this shit. 

This is the first time I've left the hospital in 5 days, which now that I think about it was kinda nice. I even took some time to get some touches on the ball before the stupid ass press conference. 

I went back to the locker room, let down my dirty blonde hair, put on a Spirit warm up jacket and headed outside to the table, where a million people were waiting. 

Usually I felt flattered by the presence of the cameras, but this time I couldn't let much of a smile creep onto my face no matter how hard I tried. 

"Ainsley, could we please have an update on the status of your sister please?" 

"Of course. I mean, I think that's the reason why you're all here." I said.

There was a little giggle from everyone, but it wasn't supposed to be funny. 

"Anyway, um, she is officially out of the ICU, she's awake and talking, and is making positive progress for being ready to come home. I've been with her every day,  and so has Trinity Rodman. Mainly to keep me company though." I smiled a little bit. 

There was another laugh, and then questions came flying at me. I guess that's what I get for leaving it that open ended. 

"So you and Trinity gave up your SheBelieves Cup to stay with her in the hospital. Why did you do that?" 

"For me, being with my sister is more important than anything, by miles and miles. She's my best friend. And especially because she was in the ICU until today, there's absolutely no way I'm leaving her. I don't think anyone would leave." I said. "And I can't speak for Trinity, but I think I can safely have friends, you have family, and you've got friends who become family, and considering how little family we really have, I think Trinity's certainly a friend who became family." 

"Any timeline on Ashley's return to the field?" 

"Are we really gonna go there?" I asked. "That's not your best question, sir. She was just moved from the ICU literally today. For all I know, she could be back there right now. I haven't had any form of communication with Trinity in about an hour. She's still there." 

"There was a video released yesterday of-" 



"I will not be saying anything about the video."  

"Ainsley, I have a question regarding the SheBelieves Cup." Someone said. 

"Alright. I'm happy to answer" 

"Is there a reason you and Trinity stayed in the hospital with your parents? She wouldn't have been alone." 

I looked down at the table, ran my hand through my long hair, then looked back up, reminding myself to show no emotion.  

"Well it's no secret that Ash and I lost our dad roughly 2 years ago. Not a day goes by that we don't miss him." I paused, blinking back tears and trying not to make my little sniffle noticeable. "He was always there for us. But I think, I still would have stayed here anyway." 

"And what about your mom?" 

"No comment." I laughed a little bit, causing a few others to do so as well. "And not to know, but that question had nothing to do with the SheBelieves." 

The lady sat back down quietly and nobody else had anything to say, so they ended the conference. 

"Good job. Good job. You did good." Said coach, putting his arm around me and leading me out, shielding me from some press to my left. 


"Now go back to your sister. And watch out. There might be people outside." 

We said goodbye and he went off in another direction. Before I could walk out the door, Tara came running into the building, followed by Aubrey. 

"You can't go out this way." She said. 

"Why not?" 

"There's about 40, maybe 50, people out there." Aubrey said. 

"Aubs, that's more like 70." 

"70?" I backed away from the door. 

"About that." 

"Is there a fucking back way outta here?" 

"You could try to get out from the practice field." Suggested Aubrey. 

"I like that." Tara said. 

"But your car is out front and you're my ride back." 

"Aw shit." 

"I say you just brave it." Said Aubrey. "We can block you, you just put your head down and keep walking." 

"I feel like a celebrity." I laughed.   

"As of right now, you are." Tara said. 

"For this like 30 seconds." 

"No, social media is going nuts over you." 


"Have you been on ANYTHING?" 

"Clearly not." Aubrey said. "You missed a lot." 


"When you get a chance, open up social media." 

I just sighed. 

"Ready to go?" Tara asked. 

"Never been more ready in my life." 

I grabbed my coat, and my phone was buzzing but I ignored it and I decided to check it when I got to the car. 

Aubrey walked to my right and Tara to my left, who linked arms with me. 

I held my breath as we walked down the path, and at the bottom of the steps were probably 100 people. 

"They've multiplies." Whispered Tara. 

"Shit." I said, looking at the cameras as I walked down the steps. 

"Head down." Said Aubrey. 


Chirps of my name came from both sides of me, questions flying, the crowd gathering all at the bottom of the path, right by the parking lot. Some security was trying to break it up, but ended up getting lost. 

"Ainsley! How's Ashley feeling?" 

"Is there a timeline for your sister's return to the field?" 

"Ainsley, did you bail your mom out of jail?" 

I stopped and whipped around, and my teammates lost hold of me. 


What the hell is going on? 

"Ignore. Come on!" Tara said. 

"Did you do it, Ainsley?" 





My head was spinning, I couldn't comprehend anything that was being asked, I felt the tug of Tara pulling on my arm but my feet were cemented. 

I figured she went to jail after swinging at me last night, but how'd she ever get out? 

Tara finally tugged hard enough to get me to snap out of it, and I fell right into Aubrey, who helped me stabilize back onto my feet and keep walking.

I had no idea how they planned to get me though this crowd in front of us. 

Clearly they had no plan, because we just walked right into it and pushed through, cameras clicking left and right, things being yelled, but it was all just a big blur. 

By the time we made it through the crowd, I knew I was finally cracking and about to have a panic attack. I felt my breath shorten, my body shaking, immense sweating though it was below freezing, and I was so scared. 

I also thought I was completely going crazy, because I saw Trinity get out of her car and walk to us. But there's no reason why she should be here. 

"Ainsley! Why didn't you answer your phone?" She yelled from across the street. 

"Hands above your head. Calm down. Calm down." Tara said, putting her hand on my back and forcing me across the street. 

I started to sob into Trinity's shoulder, and I assume she was confused but still comforted me. 

"Calm down, Ainsley. It's okay. We are gonna go see Ashley now." 

I just looked up and nodded, and she opened the passenger door for me. 

I sat down and pulled my knees to my chest, and she thanked the other two before getting into the car and sighing. 

"I know this probably isn't the best thing to tell you...." She said, pulling out of the parking lot. "But your mom showed up at the hospital again today." 

I looked at her so she knew I was listening. 

"I don't know how she got out of jail, but some sources say it was you, which I know for sure it wasn't. You were sleeping  on me." 

She looked at me as if to get a reaction, but I had nothing to give. 

"This is really messing you up, isn't it?" 

I nodded. 

"I'm really sorry this is happening. You don't deserve this." 

"Don't go that far." I said quietly. 

"You've been to hell and back more times than I can even count, Ainsley. You're the toughest person I know. And you're only 18."

She put her hand in mine as she continues to drive. 

That was fucking bold. 

But I was too weak and upset to fight it, and it gave me a little bit of comfort when I needed it. 

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