Wii Deleted You: Connected Da...

By bix_the_b1tch

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Blair is a robot that was created by a man named named Austin Sanders. He created her knowing he would get fa... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Blair's Intro
Chapter 2: The Incident
Chapter 3: The New Start
Chapter 4: The Meet Up
Chapter 5: The "Coincidence"
Chapter 6: Always Connected
Chapter 7: It's All The Same
Chapter 8: Fuck...They Found Out
Chapter 9: Torn Apart
Chapter 10: I Am Not Like Him
Chapter 12: Insanity Explained
Chapter 13: Welcome Alona.
Chapter 14: Opened up...to ROT
Chapter 15: Partial Past
Chapter 16: Found to ROT
Chapter 17: Tell Us
Chapter 18: Let's Do It.
Chapter 19: The End...?
Chapter ?: ...

Chapter 11: Insanity.

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By bix_the_b1tch

  This chapter contains mention of blood/gore
we looked behind us and saw Iris. But not how she normally is...she had her back turned but when she turned to us...we were shocked. Her eyes were widened as her pupils were extremely small and she had a huge smile. She was laughing maniacally like a psycho. She was holding a knife and she was covered in blood. When she saw us she started walking towards us slowly and got faster each second. "Shit...we gotta go...now." Everyone all got in the car, except for me though. I felt like I couldn't move. I looked around me. I was alone. The only people I saw were Iris, Kassie's dad and everyone in the car. They kept gesturing for me to get in but didn't move even the slightest. I then got the random pain in my chest again. "No please not right now!!" I faintly yelled at myself. I felt paralyzed as I then passed out. *******************************************" "No... dad please I can't be here right now!!" I screamed. "Kiddo what's wrong?!" Austin ran towards me and started holding me close. "There's a psycho murderer chasing me I need to wake up!!" I shouted. "Calm down kiddo, it's gonna be ok. I'm right here. I won't let anyone hurt you." He promised. I felt tears in my eyes. "Before ya go though, I want you to know I love you." When he said that...something happened to him. He didn't look like his normal self. He kept glitching into a robot like being. It had claws and sharp teeth, he was bald and had black eyes, white pupils and a huge scar across his chest. I widened my eyes and stared at him as he turned into whatever this was. At this point I was terrified. "W-what?..." I stared at him. He then tucked my hair behind my ear. "We all become freaks and weirdos at one point in life, and now it's your turn." He said as he smiled a bit. "Thanks kiddo, ya helped me a lot. Now stay safe and don't let that crazy bastard kill ya." He said as I woke up in a panic.
******************************************** "Blay!! Get up!! Now!!" Sam shouted while shaking me to wake up. I quickly got up and got in the car with everyone else. Kassie's dad stayed there though. Kyle was in the driver's seat. "What the hell are you doing?!" I shouted. "Trust me, I know how to drive my dad taught me!" Kyle yelled. "Fine whatever we just need to go now!!" June exclaimed. As the car started we all heard screaming. It sounded like Kassie's dad. We also heard Iris laughing psychotically. Kassie looked through the back car window. "...dad?...Dad!!" Kassie screamed as she started crying. "Kassie what's wrong what happened?!" Sam shouted. "He's...he's dead..." she buried her face in her hands as she started sobbing. June and Nathan were trying to calm her down as Kyle drove to my house. "What the hell happened to you? You look like a busted up power strip if it turned into a person." Kyle teased. "Harsh fights. Don't question." I answered. I then sighed. "I can't believe I trusted my own stupid cousin with a car." I said in a annoyance. "Watch your mouth and you won't be able to trust me with you around water." Kyle said jokingly. "Excuse me?!" I yelled in absolute shock "It's called sarcasm, BlairBitch." Kyle said with a snarky attitude. I elbow bumped his shoulder. "Hey first of all don't ever call me that again and second of all I know what sarcasm is." "You need to learn to take a joke siblings do this all the time." He says elbowing me back. "We aren't even siblings we're cousins also I know." I retorted. "Whatever ya say, sis." He continued being snappy. I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or just saying that cuz we were related and act the same. I just chuckled and rolled my eyes. Nathan and Sam laughed quietly. We got to my house and walked in. "It's pretty empty and quiet I think we'll be alright." I said as I took off my jacket and tied it around my waist. We all went upstairs to my room. "So is Iris just gone now?" June questioned. "Who the hell even is that?" Nathan asked. "Psycho killer that was chasing us." Sam answered. "Well, I guess that depends. Will she find us?" Kassie said while raising an eyebrow. "I highly doubt that." I said while tapping the metal parts on my arms. Right after I heard slow banging on the front door. "No...there's no way she found us..." I tried reassuring myself. "We have to hide. Like right now." Nathan stated. "C'mon let's go!!" June shouted quietly. We all ran to my dad's empty bedroom as I locked the door. "We should be safe in here." I told everyone. "Wait...where's Kassie?"
Kassie's POV
I couldn't find everyone else so I hid in Blair's closet. I heard the front door bust open. As I heard footsteps walking upstairs. They got louder and louder. Then heard Iris's heavy panting. "This is it...I'm gonna die..." I thought to myself. Iris then broke down the door. She looked at me with her widened eyes and huge smile as she grabbed me by the shoulders. She started talking to me "hah...You...thought you could...RUN AWAY? From ME? AHAHAHA YOU CAN BE SO FUNNY KASS..." She looked me in the eyes. I couldn't move or speak. I was scared for my life that was about to end. "I don't think you understand...You really did help me...HE also helped me..." He? Who is he? I then remembered her talking to that older guy. "Now I feel ALIVE...But I feel DEAD at the same time...I feel like I'm gonna pass out at any moment...I don't care anymore, I ended lives as I laughed from being the one causing it...from all the pain they gave me...they got it back...but physically..." I was too scared to listen to what she was saying I was too focused on the fact that I could die any minute now. "But that doesn't matter...it's me and you for now isn't it? Oh Kass...if only I had a little more time to play with you...I shouldn't give you much time...he keeps telling me to kill you..." she said as she basically dragged me to the outside of the room and pinned me to a wall as she stared at me with her insane, psychotic face. "You weren't meant to last long, weren't you?" I was so terrified that I closed my eyes and passed out.
Blair's POV
I was concerned where Kassie was. I heard Iris come in and talking to someone and assumed it would be Kassie. I tried to listen but I couldn't really hear what Iris was saying. I then heard her saying something about killing her. I quickly got up and ran out. "Guys, stay here." I told everyone. "Wait Blair! It's not safe! She can kill you!" Sam yelped. "I know, I'm doing this for you guys." I walked out and surprisingly Iris didn't even notice I was there. I saw Kassie, pinned to a wall by Iris. Iris was holding a knife up to her throat. I saw the rest of the group walk out of the room. "Stay quiet" I whispered. She was about to stab Kassie when I went up behind her and grabbed her wrist. "Gotcha!" I yelled. we all grabbed and pinned her to the ground. As soon as Iris let go of Kassie, Kassie fell to the ground. I grabbed Kassie's colorful choker and flicked it and it slapped her neck. "Ow! What the hell was that f- Oh my god..." she looked at us restraining Iris to the ground. "You know a little help would be nice?!" Kyle shouted. "Oh- right!" She went over and helped us restrain her- never mind that sounds cruel. Iris then slowly closed her eyes. And then we let go of her. "I think she passed out." Kassie said. "Yup she sure did." I answered. "So should we wake her up?" Kassie asked again. "It's up to you I guess." I said as I walked away with the rest of the group.
Kassie's POV
"Alright...hey Iris? Iris? Hellooo?" I said while tapping on her shoulder. "...AH- KASS!" She looked startled by me waking her up. "Do you mind getting up?" I asked. "It's fine I think I can- ...W-why... Why is there blood all over me!? Is that a k-knife!?" "Yeah...about that..."

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