A diamond hidden within the g...

By Spiky314

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Imagine a alternate world where the mario universe has a modern feel to it, and is full of action. Full of se... More

A diamond hidden within the gray line introduction
Chapter 1: Uneasy ground towards a new beginning.
Chapter 2: New experience.
Chapter 3: The best first day. Part one.
Chapter 4: The best first day. Part two.
Chapter 5: Unique reunion between childhood friends.
Chapter 6: Max's ballsy stunt and his new room.
Chapter 7: Examining a new room and a new morning.
Chapter 8: The phone call leading to concern.
Chapter 9: Magical emergency.
Chapter 10: Pivotal memories, and a challenge issued by roy and morton.
Chapter 11: Handicap battle and mike's request.
Chapter 12: Wholesome bond.
Chapter 13: Kamek's reveal and a wholesome encounter.
Chapter 14: Tutelage for max.
Chapter 15: Bizzare encounter.
Chapter 16: Strange memories and a agonizing temporary transformation.
Chapter 17: Bowser's reveal and max's bombshell.
Chapter 18: Updating mike on what's going on and a clever idea.
Chapter 19: Subtle guidance and the arrival of the magishadow.
Chapter 20: Unavoidable choice.
Chapter 21: Mike's reveal and larry's suspicion.
Chapter 22: Tense trip, max's prowess against the odds and marx's surprise.
Chapter 23: The return of fawful and a bloody sacrifice.
Chapter 24: Roy's rage max's acceptance and fawful's blunder.
Chapter 25: Brutal fury, a undeserving end and a strange name.
Chapter 26: The encounter within the darkness, the dollhouse and the barn.
Chapter 27: Seconds make a difference, and max's awakening.
Chapter 28: Max's surprise and reveal leading to kamek's realization.
Chapter 29: Rising emotions.
Chapter 30: Mike's grief and rylie's arrival.
Chapter 31: Uncanny likeness, roy's emotional turmoil and familiar eyes.
First a/n
Chapter 32: New feet to stand on.
Chapter 33: Unique discovery and a familiar number.
Chapter 34: Touching reunion and a hilarious memory.
Chapter 35: Unexpected media, the offer, lemmy's idea and marx's gift.
Chapter 36: Strange but useful gift, unintended melancholy and max's grief.
Chapter 37: Uraveling the bandages and max's new shades.
Second a/n.
Chapter 38: Comforting support and marx's advice.
Chapter 39: Scattered puzzle pieces and the second visit.
Chapter 40: Candymaker's arrival and wrath, and the key to the first vision.
Chapter 41: First vision and larry's curiosity.
Chapter 42: Mad dash for home, and larry's helpless horror.
Chapter 43: Silent admiration.
Chapter 44: Recapping events, and important clues part one.
Chapter 45: Recapping events and important clues part two.
Third a/n.
Chapter 46: Heated conversation and future uncertainty.
Chapter 47: Unique revealations.
Chapter 48: Max's brief trip down memory lane and the intense encounter.
Chapter 49: Puzzling questions and a nightmare's beginning.
Chapter 50: Nightmare's mercilessness and a unexpected assist from the shadows.
Chapter 51: Prideful avoidance, and bowser's gift.
Chapter 52: The airship, mike's gift and a familiar face.
Chapter 53: Reporter's lucky day, the clown copters and marx's prediction.
Chapter 54: The view from the sky and jasper's recording for later.
Chapter 55: Bowser's airship and surprising information.
Chapter 56: Song of the past, and mike's challenge to max.
Chapter 57: Max vs mike, unexpected result and the ominous feeling.
Chapter 58: Bowser's castle and a ominously creepy encounter.
Chapter 59: A wholesome moment and the grand tour.
Chapter 60: Raw emotions, max's rememberance and ludwig's reveal.
Chapter 61: The burning question and the dread that knocks.
Chapter 62: The encounter and the dark power's wrath.
Chapter 63: Chilling words, thunderous vengeance and digging deeper.
Fourth a/n.
Chapter 64: Bombshells and revealtions. Part one.
Chapter 65: Bombshells and revelations. Part two.
Chapter 66: Kooky's letter, mike's heartache and max's wisdom.
Chapter 67: family ties and junior's turmoil.
Chapter 68: Tyson's theories and offer.
Chapter 69: A haunting feeling and the second vision inside the dollhouse.
Chapter 70: Kooky's surprise and rememberance of the past.
Chapter 71: Max's crazy ideas and bowser's offer to mike.
Chapter 72: Junior's frustration, ludwig's realization and a partial memory.
Chapter 73: Rite of passage, max's mask and unexpected visitors.
Chapter 74: New outfit, intense meeting, improvised name and a familiar smell.
Fifth a/n.
Chapter 75: candymaker's return and the whisper only they hear.
Chapter 76: Kylie's new assignment and helpless horror.
Chapter 77: Marx's warning, subject change and a unexpected reunion.
Chapter 78: Unforgtten memory, nate's secrets and max's first mission.
Chapter 79: Personal family matter.
Sixth a/n:
Chapter 80: Max's return, the burning scar and zöhm's words.
Chapter 81: Nate's letters and gifts and the starlight crystal's purpose.
Chapter 82: Mixed reactions and the box.
Chapter 83: The box's contents, kooky's history lessons and a week to prepare.
Chapter 84: Preparations and max's encounter leading to unexplained guilt.
Chapter 85: Conflicting emotions, mike and marx's worry and max's theory.
Chapter 86: The starlight saber's history and mike's silent theory.
Chapter 88: The rematch and bowser's phone call.
Seventh a/n:
Chapter 89: Jasper's interview and the phone call with a familiar voice.
Chaper 90: Recap, aftermath and the same stare.
Chapter 91: Unspoken guidance and mike's phone call.
Chapter 92: Old yet familiar and max's unintentional hilarity.
Chapter 93: Ghostly encounter and the warning that sets off raw emotion.
Chapter 94: King boo's true form, max's raw emotional speech and admittance.
Chapter 95: Emotional reunion, a haunting revelation and a promise to keep.
Eighth a/n
Chapter 96: Shouting match and max's verbal admittance.
Chapter 97: Memory lane, the letter, emotional response and mike's explanation.
Chapter 98: A father's assurance and a familiar smell.
Chapter 99: Mike's realizations and bowser's speech before the encounter.
Chapter 100: Unexpected surprise, marx's return and zöhm's sudden appearance.
Chapter 101: Candymaker's departure, family bond and raw tension.
Ninth a/n
Chapter 102: Baron's thoughts, brotherly confrontation and nate's text.
Chapter 103: Max's change.
Chapter 104: A scarf's legend and arrival at the gate of the abyss.
Chapter 105: The eventual meeting and max's crazy entrance and unmasking.
Chapter 106: Situation of horror part one
Chapter 107: Situation of horror part two, and pauline's heartbreaking choice.
Chapter 108: Nate's arrival, and max's crazy moment.
Chapter 109: Kylie's shocking texts and a journey of horror, blood and fire.
Chapter 110: The horror in the dark and arrival at the station.
Tenth a/n
Chapter 111: Dead silent and a horrifying situation.

Chapter 87: The saber's ignition and special training.

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By Spiky314


"Well? What are you waiting for? Get the saber of yours and fix it!" Bowser says to max impatiently even though he knew all to well that max is on the same page. "I was just about to head back to my room and get it." Max says with a chuckle before heading back to his room and he slowly takes what he saw as a necklace off. He had always seen this as a good luck charm during his stay at the bridge of hope adoption home whenever something bad happened even though he never witnessed it himself or even knew just what had happened. He couldn't help but wonder if that was a good thing considering the fact that the magishadow were once taking kids in and having them join their cause. However, he knew that they were wanting to kill him, but..over a crystal? Something about that made no sense to him. He felt that him having this crystal was just a small reason to an even bigger reason. Maybe..maybe he could meet someone who has the answer? Before that day comes, max needed to remain firmly within what he can do now.

-Max pov-

I held pico's saber hilt in my hand while holding the starlight saber crystal in my other hand. The hilt itself looked somewhat small in my hands and i can only imagine what it looked like in pico's hands. Just by holding this...i felt as if i always had this...ugh, i can't get invested in these thoughts now! I felt as if i were guided by invisible hands without an aura for me to sense as i find myself taking the hilt apart and find a small compartment inside where the crystal can be placed. "Huh..didn't know it was that easy to take apart..." I mutter before placing the crystal inside and made sure it was firmly in place.

It feels so weird not having it around my neck and holding it in my hand while saying a quick prayer...something i did often during my stay at the bridge of hope. "Ok..that's in...just gotta put it back together..." I say while trying to put it back together. "You certainly don't waste time." I hear mike say with a chuckle. "Heh..yeah..it was surprisingly easy for me to take it apart...not exactly easy to put it back together though..." I answer, ultimately annoyed that it was taking me a few frustrating minutes to put it back together.

-Mike pov-

A few moments ago, i decided to see what max was doing considering that bowser was beginning to get impatient. Heh..big guy ought to show some patience. Although ..the fact that i decided to come up to max's room out of impatient curiosity makes me just as bad. "Finally!" Max says after i hear a click. The elation in his voice became evident. "Nice! So..you gonna activate it?" I ask him. "Not in here! Gonna do that outside..." He answered before he starts walking out of his room.

                      Oh, boy..this ought to be good!


Max and mike go downstairs where bowser, kamek, ludwig and tyson are all waiting anxiously while max had the saber in his hand and no longer had the crystal around his neck. "Finally got it fixed, eh?" Bowser asked max upon seeing the hilt in his hand. "I must say...it looks rather small in your hand." Kamek says, looking at it closely. "Well, yeah..but if i can modify it somehow, then i..-" Max started to say while looking for a way to activate it before finding a switch near the top of the blade and presses it, and wasn't expecting to see it turn on so quickly. Especially since it was close to his face. "WOAH!!" He yells while everyone in the room steps back in total surprise. The blade itself glowed orange and the blades' hum sounded unlike anything any of them have ever heard of before.

// Credit goes the star wars in terms of its sound and credit goes to the one who made this quick video.

-Max pov-

Holy shit...aside from it sounding lower pitched than a certain lightsaber (if that even makes sense...) this thing sounds like the actual thing...it unfortunately doesn't sound like the one vader uses, but that's ok, i'll work with that. Iggy is gonna freak out!

-Mike pov-

Ok..that sounds...wow...not even my dad has seen anything like this before...

-Ludwig pov-

The sound that thing makes...the orange glow...i have never seen anything like it before! Ugh, iggy is gonna have fit...

-Kooky pov-

Orange...just like pico's....it can't be...it's becoming more and more obvious to me...but...HOW?!

-Bowser pov-

"Turn that thing off!" I demanded. The fact that he switched it on when it was close to his face is what aggravates me even though it's his first time activating it. I don't want that thing destroying everything it touches! That, and there's no doubt in my mind that the other koopalings, ESPECIALLY iggy, will be ecstatic about it...


Max presses the same button he pressed to activate it in order to shut it off and in doing so, the blade instantly goes back in the hilt with a soft 'shhh' sound. "Ok...DEFINITELY gotta be careful with this thing..." Max says with a sigh. "Gee, you think?! You just about burned your face off, you knucklehead!" Mike says with n annoyed sigh. "How the hell was i supposed to know it would activate like that?!" Max protested.

"It matters not. What matters now is that you must undergo training in order for you to use your new weapon." Tyson says with a sigh before turning his head to mike. "You must also undergo training. After what happened in bowser's castle, it is a necessary step."

"...Me? But..I already know how to use my sword." Mike looked confused, having no idea what he did when zöhm revealed that the magishadow were the ones who killed his parents. "Do you know anything of gorochu?" Tyson asked. "The hell..? W-what are you talking about?" Asked a very confused mike. "Yeah, he definitely doesn't know." Max says in a somber tone.

"KNOW WHAT?!" Mike yelled, having no idea what he did. "Yeah, um..you turned into this 'gorochu' and actually landed a blow against zöhm." Max says to mike. "I did..?" The look on mike's face was of genuine confusion. "It would seem that you blacked out during that brief moment. Very little is known about the gorochu other than there was once many of them and that each one shared a special bond with another.

It is a shame that, for now, we will never know what happened to them knowing that they all vanished without any trace." Tyson explained. "Hmph..what a shame." Bowser said with a huff. As long as it didn't involve mario in any way, then he hardly cared about it.

"You and max have that bond, and you must be trained to use it without losing control. And for max...he must learn to use his starlight saber." Tyson said in a serious tone. "And to not activate it while it's close to your face..." Mike says while roughly nudging max with the end of his sword hilt by simply using his sheathed sword to reach the back of max's head. "OW..ok, i get it!" Max mutters while rubbing the back of his head.

-Mike pov-

I vaguely remember my dad talking about a legend, but...i was so young. Did he know? Did mom? Knowing my dad, he likely had secrets of his own and as much as i want to find out for myself, i highly doubt now is a good time to do that...not when zöhm and the magishadow are around.

-Tyson pov-

The legend of gorochu has been around for nearly as long as the legendary pokemon themselves and most, if not all of them know nothing of what happened to them. Then again...perhaps they do, but were never asked? That question will be answered, but not now...


"Where are the others? I'm surprised none of them heard any of this." Max says, becoming curious to how they would react. "Knowing them, they're outside at the pool. Just, just be careful with that thing..." Bowser answered. "I will." Max says, before heading to the backyard.

At this point, max couldn't help but feel excited about what's going to happen. Perhaps..perhaps it won't be so bad? Or perhaps he's ultimately naive and has no clue?

           All max can do, is take it one day at a time.

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