By booksbybrookk

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𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺.... 𝘸𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘇𝘆 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢�... More

𝗼𝗻𝗲 .


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By booksbybrookk



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Sehkani held Lena and Alisha hand as they entered the club. She always held someone hand when in large crowds so she wouldnt lose them - or herself.

The club was indeed packed, Bitches and niggas everywhere. Money flying in the air for atleast 8 seconds before reaching the ground, Strippers dancing for guys who teased them at front. Bar tenders walking around with trays and low supply of shots as multiple people keep getting some.

"Surprisingly it don't stink, Yeah our city ain't got nothing compared to this." Alisha laughed, looking around in amaze.

Before she met Damari and his friends, She wouldn't go anywhere like at all. Sometimes she would go to small gathering like kickbacks or block parties but would end of leaving within a hour, being that Nykeira had to be home at a certain time and the parties started late. That was her only friend, So her curfew was Alisha curfew.

"That shit jiggling." Lena gassed, looking at the girl on stage doing a few tricks before sliding into a middle spilt and twerking. Multiple cheers erupted around her and all she could do was smile, She earned more tips by doing that.

"Did the boys ever come yet?" Sehkani mumbled, again not liking large crowds just like Mekai. She was slightly better at it then him but still.

She knew that a lot of people would be in a club, Especially in Miami. She would just have to adapt to it, but for now? she's gonna be shy shy and shy.

Lena did a quick look around before shaking her head, "Not that I see of, Buggs wasn't even dress when we left. It'll be another 20 minutes." She replied, adjusting her attire.

"Let's get drinks, Im excited." Alisha squealed before the trio walked toward the bar, They'll earn stares as they approach the bar but neither of them cared, well Sehkani did a little.

"How may I help y'all fine ladies tonight?" The bar tender winked at the girls, pouring shots for previous ordered customers.

Sehkani tapped Lena softly before leaning up and whispering in her ear, "How and what do I order? I never been to a club." She whispered before returning to her normal height, listening to Alisha order their popular drink of the night.

don't got a clue in the fucking world either.

Lena smiled before shrugging small, "The more you order, The faster you'll figure out what drink fits you. I'll just order us something I usually get and see from there." She explained before telling bartender a weird drink name.

Sehkani grew nervous as she looked around watching people interact with strippers walking by, Some cat called while others would try to touch them but security would back them off. Sehkani couldn't lie, She did not see herself being a stripper. Especially with her PTSD, these males would scare her out the club quick.

"Hm." Lena held out a shot glass before holding it up to her mouth, Giving Sehkani a visual instruction of what to do, "Swallow quick and boom." She spoke before drinking the shot and slamming it on the table.

Sehkani did the same thing besides slamming it on the table, She gently placed it down before holding her throat, "Tryna kill me Stink." She frowned at the weird feeling that was in her throat, but it was slowly fading away.

Alisha giggled, "It'll go away soon and you'll want another one. It's just because it's your first time." She explained and grabbed another shot, "Why I wanna twerk?" She questioned before laughing.

Lena high-fives her before nodding her head, "Me too. I wanna see if I can compare with these bad bitches in here."

Sehkani remained silent, she never twerked before in her life. She was in a mental asylum her whole life, Why is she twerking in a asylum? Plus, She never really enjoyed the whole thought of twerking. She would stick to hyping her friends up.

"I mean they ain't here yet.." Alisha giggled before pulling their hands to the middle of the dance floor, not before Sehkani grabbed another shot and drinking it. Still feeling a slight burn she just ignored it and placed it on a nearby tray.

FREAK HOE started playing, Making all the girls yell before running toward the middle of the dance floor, It got a little tight but the three still had enough room.

Lena began twerking as she held her hands on her knees and moving with the beat, Alisha joined in and started twerking behind her, Slightly moving to the beat. She was too tipsy to catch up.

Sehkani just giggled as she hyped her friends twerking by slapping their butts and screaming 'yesss' and 'these my friendsss'. She was abruptly stopped as a person approached her with a tray full of shots, They didn't look like the ones she took previously but Lena said try new things so she grabbed two before drinking it quick and placing it back on the tray.

"Whew.." She mumbled, adjusting her vision back to normal after taking them shots. She returned hyping her friends up before she felt herself get tugged, Alisha then bent her over and Sehkani just stood there.

"Bitch twerrkk." Alisha screamed, tapping Sehkani butt as she still stood there. She was nervous, What if she looked a fool?

"You got it Stink." Lena smiled before twerking again, Sehkani watched her intensely before slowly copying her, After several seconds she finally began doing it correctly and started twerking.

"Damn bitch you doing it better than me." Lena gassed, grabbing some money out her purse before throwing a few on Sehkani as she twerked.

Sehkani smiled before deciding she should add a little sprinkle into it, She started doing tricks she didn't even know she could do, She just looked around and noticed other girls doing it so she tried.

"WHAT THE FUCK YESSS." Alisha yelled, slapping Sehkani ass hard before twerking beside her, Lena joined in after she took another shot.

They felt flashes and murmurs around them but they ignored it as they was enjoying their time. Especially Sehkani whom was still amazed at what she was doing.

She held the bottom of her dress the whole time, Being that it was short and she didn't wanna flash these weirdos around her. She was still fucking it up, According to some words she heard a few people say.

She felt someone behind her, but she ignored and increased her speed, Seeing if the stranger could manage. She then began whining her hips slowy before bouncing back into the guy. She heard a soft groan but she just ignored it.

quite familiar.

After the song cut off, She stood up adjusting her attire before turning around meeting her eyes with Mekai low hooded eyes. He was definitely zooted being he didn't drink.

"Oh hey bestie." She smiled, embracing him into a hug before pulling away, "I missed you, Why'd you leave me.. Alone in this crowded space."

He chuckled before rubbing her waist softly, "Buggs was taking a shit and then he wanted to shower and then he was indecisive of his outfit. Besides that, I seen you doing yo shit out here and I wasn't gonna let no other nigga get behind you." He smirked.

She blushed looking away, "I was good? That was my first time, I just went off of looks really." She fiddled with the bottom of her dress, awaiting for Mekai answer.

"Hell yeah, Then you had a nigga groaning," He paused before grabbing her hand and placing it on his print, "How ima fix this shit?" He mugged before moving her hand away.

She smiled, "I did this to you Bubba." She spoke seductively before rubbing her soft white and gold acrylics over his print, Feeling his breathing hitch.

He groaned before moving her hand away again, "We're in public, Cut that shit out." He warned before sending a mean slap to her ass, She yelped quietly before rubbing her ass.

"Ouchie Kai." She pouted, tears forming in her eyes, Unlike other people when they get drunk, Sehkani emotions went everywhere. Especially her sensitive self.

He frowned before pulling her into his chest and rubbing her exposed back softly, "I'm sorry Mama, I'll kiss it later." He mumbled, watching a smile grow on her face.

"How many drinks you had?" He questioned, holding onto her waist as he observed his surroundings. He noticed a strange selection of men stand out from the crowd but he just pushed his negative thoughts away and resumed his conversation with Sehkani.

"I don't drink Kai but I had three." She held up three fingers, proving to him she wasn't that drunk.

"I know youn drink Mama, Did you throw money on some bitches yet?" He smirked.

She sighed heavily, "I was so wrapped up on my new skill that I forgot, You think they'll still allow me?" She mumbled, rubbing his chest softly.

He nodded before pulling her over to the VIP section the boys rented out previously. They planned on coming here themselves but it was 10x better now that the girls were here.

"Oh that's a fat one." She mumbled, watching strippers walking toward their section. Mekai pulled out a stack before spilling it in half and handing it to Sehkani.

"Now, Don't just throw it on them. Make 'em work for it. Make sure they get what deserve, If she does a bad job then don't give her as much, Feel me?" He instructed.

She nodded before looking over at him, "How do you know so much?"

He shrugged nonchalantly, "My uncle used to work for a club back at home, Before I got sent away he would give me tips and walk me around the club but only when it was empty." He explained, eyeing the average pretty girls enter the section.

they didn't look like Sehkani.

"Y'all ready?" One of the strippers, Kandy spoke, walking up to Sehkani. She been eyeing her since she came in here - Not in a sexual way but a friendly way.

Sehkani glanced over at Mekai before looking back at Kandy and nodding, She watched as Kandy bent over and began doing tricks, Better tricks than Sehkani was doing on the floor.

"Do I throw yet?" She leaned over and whispered in Mekai ear, He was just sitting there smoking a blunt keeping his distance with the girls. He honestly was only here because Sehkani wanted to, he didn't want anyone dancing on him besides her.

Mekai chuckled before nodding his head.

Sehkani smiled before throwing the money exactly like Mekai taught her. She was happy she could cross this off her bucket list, She noticed that Mekai wasn't really interacting with the females but she didn't care, She wouldn't have to worry about him leaving and marrying one now.

After 10 minutes go by, Kandy finally stopped dancing before picking her money up. The other females left a while ago because they had to get ready for stage, Kandy stayed because she already went up and she wanted to talk to Sehkani.

"Did I do good? It's my first time actually." Kandy chuckled nervously, picking the remaining of her money up and throwing it into the bag.

"Yeah, Thanks for the experience." Sehkani replied, standing up and looking over at Mekai who looked tired and high.

"Anytime, I was wondering if we could be friends? I just moved to Miami and I don't have any friends and you and your girls looked pretty cool on the floor." Kandy questioned, playing with the rim of her bag.

Sehkani smiled before nodding, "Of course we could be friends, No catching feelings though. Ion swing that way ma'am." She spoke before pulling out her phone and handing it to Kandy.

Kandy laughed before typing her instagram in, "Me either girl, I gotta boyfriend back in Atlanta but he handling business." She handed her phone back.

"Say swear, I live there too. We just on vacation.." She smiled, "Well I lived there, We're moving down here in a month."

"Great, Just lemme know when you move back here and we could hang out. Do you know when your leaving?"

She nodded, "We head back in 2 days, Mekai gotta visit his family and want me to come along so we won't be able to see each other within those 2 days but when we move down here we most definitely will."

"Mekai?" Kandy tilted her head.

"Oh that's my bestfriend, He sitting behind me and the girls I was with is Lena and Alisha. Lena boyfriend name is Buggs and Alisha boyfriend is my cousin, Damari. Dino is also apart of our group but he a single father and his daughter came along so he at home with her."

"Oh okay.. Well I should get going. I'll text you on instagram." Kandy waved before leaving out the section.

Mekai fluttered his eyes open before adjusting them onto Sehkani, watching her type away. He stood up before yawning, "What's going on Fats."

She jumped before grabbing her chest, "Boy you scared me, I made a new friend." She smiled wrapping her arms around his torso.

"I heard a luh' bit. Where everyone else at? How long a nigga been sleep for?" He mumbled, wrapping his arms around her.

"Uh, Lena went home with Buggs a while ago. Alisha is somewhere dancing with Damari and you've been sleep for 15 minutes."

He nodded before grasping her hand and pulling her out the section. He looked around before landing his eyes on the same group of boys from earlier, Now moving closer toward him clutching their guns.

"Oh hey Stinka, We was just looking for y'all." Sehkani smiled before hugging a half drunken Alisha. Damari stood beside Mekai as he noticed the boys as well while him and Alisha was dancing.

"Yo what's good with y'all?" Damari spoke, as the boys now stood in front of them. It was 4 of them and they were wearing red, Bright red. Their ages varied as one looked real young and the other looked around Mekai and Damari age.

"Nigga you know what's happening." One of the boys spat, making direct eye contact with Mekai but he wasn't affected, Mekai just observed the boys tryna piece some pieces together.

"Nah we ain't even from here, So like I said what's up." Damari spat back before stepping closer to them. Sehkani and Alisha just stood back talking, Not aware of the situation.

"Yeah but Mekai know me." The same boy spoke, now smirking toward Mekai. This also caught the attention of Sehkani as she heard someone say Mekai name.

Mekai just looked back at the boy with a bored expression. Yeah he knew exactly who was behind that ski mask but he ain't care. He knew exactly what Henry wanted.

"Kai how does he know your name.." Sehkani mumbled, now standing beside him as she grasped onto his tensed hand.

"Oh this you? I've been eyeing her all night. Damn, I wanted to fuck her." Another boy spoke, dapping up the other boy.

Mekai chuckled darkly before punching the boy jaw, Sending him on the floor. Everyone started crowding the intercourse.

"Wanna say that shit again?" Mekai spoke, hovering over the boy who was holding his face.

"Aye i'll handle him, He ain't mean that shit he on drugs." Henry covered up for his friend.

"Ion give a triple fuck, I'll kill this nigga and send his dead body to his parents doorstep." Mekai stood up, now looking over at Henry.

"Ima handle him, We finna be on our way out." Henry held his hands up in surrender before helping up the boy on the floor, "Get yo pussy ass up." He mugged pushing the boy ahead of him.

"Dont lemme catch y'all asses while i'm still down here." Mekai warned before walking off. Damari looked Henry up and down before following after Mekai.

"Kai what the fuck was that?" Sehkani caught up with him, as they made their way into the parking lot.

Mekai just ignored her and opened the driver door before sliding in. Sehkani huffed before getting in the passenger seat. Alisha and Damari rode in the other car.

"Stop ignoring me Mekai." She looked over at him.

"I obviously don't wanna talk." He spat, Pulling out the driveway before speeding down the streets.

"Well I do, How did he know your name? Is he family, Old friend? Elaborate." She mugged.

"Sehkani, Shut the fuck up sometimes." He huffed, pulling into their driveway and hopping out the car. Sehkani frowned before hopping out after him.

They both silently made their way inside the house and up the stairs, Sehkani gathered a few things before moving into the guest room. She placed everything on the bed before walking inside the bathroom and and starting up a hot shower.

She got inside before standing directly under the water, letting it drip onto her skin. She began breathing a little differently but she quickly kept it under control as she traced butterflies on the wall.

Did he really mean what he said? Do I really talk too much? My voice is probably annoying. Is that why my father gave me up? Was I talking to much for him? Is that why my mother kill herself? Because of me.

Out of all the thoughts that ran through her head, Only one really stuck out the most.

Mekai hated me.

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call my bitch sensitive, go ahead.


should mekai tell her/us the truth? or should he lie... and keep it a secret.

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