Between the Lines || Link x M...


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{This is the 4th book to my 1st book 'Grace and Love'. Obvious spoilers for book 3} What happened in the time... Еще

Chapter 1: A New Normal
Chapter 2: Amounting to Her
Chapter 3: Fears Alight
Chapter 4: Rapids in the Stream
Chapter 5: Dusk Silhouettes
Chapter 6: More Than a Shadow
Chapter 7: Phantom Thoughts
Chapter 8: Ancient Creations
Chapter 9: Aftershocks~Losing Hold
Chapter 10: Aftershocks~Unlocked
Chapter 11: Aftershocks~The Rito Legend
Chapter 12: Forget Me Not
Chapter 13: Waltz of The Dead
Chapter 14: A Ring of Words
Chapter 15: Secret Creation
Chapter 16: A New Side
Chapter 17: Beyond Perfect
Chapter 18: Bait
Chapter 19: Determined Nightmare
Chapter 20: Conforming
Chapter 21: Misunderstood
Chapter 22: Yiga Clash 1/3
Chapter 23: Yiga Clash 2/3
Chapter 24: Yiga Clash 3/3
Chapter 25: Betrayal and Loyalty
Chapter 26: Only Closer
Chapter 27: Thread of Loyalty 1/4
Chapter 28: Thread of Loyalty 2/4
Chapter 30: Thread of Loyalty 3/4
Chapter 29: Thread of Loyalty 4/4
Chapter 31: Doubt your Doubts
Chapter 32: Glimmer
Chapter 33: My Pearl
Chapter 34: Good Sickness
Chapter 35: Nidres
Chapter 36: Heat of the Moment
Chapter 37: Enchanting Tension
Chapter 38: Still 1/2
Chapter 39: Still 2/2
Chapter 40: Callum
Chapter 41: Aftershocks~Success
Chapter 42: Just Like Old Times
Chapter 43: What Really Matters
Chapter 44: Chatter
Chapter 45: Hidden Curse
Chapter 46: Curse the Sealer
Chapter 47: Aftershocks~Broken Curse
Chapter 48: Unaware
Chapter 49: The Gerudo Legend
Chapter 50: Let Them In
Chapter 51: The Princess of Hyrule
Chapter 53: Beckoning Voice
Chapter 54: Possibility
Chapter 55: So This is Love
Chapter 56: Blind Love
Chapter 57: Consequences
Chapter 58: Lust not Love
Chapter 59: The Goron Legend
Chapter 60: Desparation
Chapter 61: It Was You
Chapter 62: Time Flies
Chapter 63: Love is Never Forgotten
~Author's note~

Chapter 52: The King of Hyrule

34 2 1

The morning sun peeked through the window. It shined onto Aven's face. The broken king opened his eyes, the vibrancy and life in them now bleak and dull. The bed creaked as he rolled himself out of bed. He placed his hand on the night stand and studied the small photo of him and his family. His arm wrapped around Zelda, her hand wrapped around him. Their free hands rested on young Alivia's shoulders. He looked away from the photo and gently set it face down.

The floorboards hinged and creaked as he gently stepped down the stairs to his kitchen. As he reached the base step, he noticed his triforce necklace hanging proudly on the coat rack. He took it off of the rack and held it close to his chest as he reached for a box full of forgotten knickknacks. He let the necklace slip into the box, and he traveled over to the counter. He cut a thin piece of bread and spread butter on it, not even having the energy and patience to let it toast in the oven. He took a bite of the bland slice and sighed, already too exhausted to eat.

A small knock came from his door, and as he turned towards it, a thin piece of paper, followed by several more, was slid under the door. He dragged his feet over to the mail and fumbled with them as he picked them up. His eyes scanned over the names, plenty of high ranking officials giving him their condolences. He traveled over to his trash bin and threw all of them away except for one. The one he didn't throw away was a letter from Mipha. His heart ached as he knew that she had no idea. Gyan had said that he would not tell Daruk or Mipha, at least not yet. He gave Aven the permission, however, to tell them if he wished.

Aven slowly opened the letter and read through the elegant handwriting:

Dear Aven,

I hope this finds you in good health. It has been quite some time since I have seen you. I just wanted to make sure that all was well. You never showed to Urbosa's funeral, and I assumed it was because of the remembrance to Zelda. Please do know that I am here if you need me. I know how awful it is to lose someone. It is a pain that never truly leaves you...

Aven didn't even finish the letter before he crumpled it up. He held in the tears burning in his throat. The guilt filled him full. He did not want to tell anyone. He wanted to hope that the death of his daughter would fall into obscurity. He wanted people to forget about it. He wanted to forget about it. Although, he knew how furious Alivia would be. The Champions were a big part of her life. They were like her aunts and uncles. He knew that Mipha and Daruk would be heartbroken to be hearing of Alivia's death so late. They were devastated at hearing Urbosa's death. He would hate to bring them the same pain. At the same time, Valik and Liana had no idea either. They were some of her best friends. He knew how petrified they would be. He needed to save them at least a little bit of pain. Better now than later.


Mipha reread Urbosa's words to herself over and over again. She tried to find comfort in them, but instead they only made her realize more and more how her best friend was gone. It made her angry. She hated falling into these ruts over and over. She wished that she could just avoid them, but somehow no matter how hard she tried, she failed. What made her feel so overwhelmed was that she wasn't just reminiscing over her Gerudo friend, it was also for Revali and Link. Three people that she had grown so close to are now gone. Of course at least one of them is coming back, but would he even come back in her lifetime?

A quick knock came from her door, and she hurried over to open it. It was Bazz. He informed her that Aven was waiting for her in the throne room, and she promptly hurried over.

The throne room was like a portal of gloom. As soon as Mipha stepped through the threshold, she felt that something was not right. Something grim had happened. The Zora princess quickly addressed her father and the other council in the room before acknowledging the Hylian king.

"Aven, you called for me?" She tilted her head.

"Yes, I have...grave news." He looked down at his feet, his voice hurt and low.

"Do tell. I'm sure that there is some way that I can help."

"There is nothing you can do. Not anymore."

Mipha's expression fell, and so did everyone else's. She took a step closer to him. "What do you mean?"

"Alivia is dead."

Everyone in the room gasped. Mipha covered her mouth, tears beginning to burn in her throat. She felt her heart stop. "Wh-When? Where?"

"A week ago on their vacation in the Hebra region. Serdin killed her. H-He had this thing that allowed him to create monsters out of thin air..." he began to get choked up. "H-He destroyed their cabin. Th-They made Anya take Oran and run. Alivia sacrificed herself. She was trampled in a stampede of all the monsters. Gyan described to me every injury in detail. My poor daughter..."

"No... And she just had a child... Oh, Alivia... Why am I just learning about this now? You should have told me immediately!"

"Gyan and I are hurt enough. We don't want to see any more letters of condolences. We're tired of being reminded of it."

"But Alivia meant a lot to me too. And what about my children, my brother? They were so close with her, Aven. They're going to be devastated."

"I know...that's why I came here. I wanted to spare you all the pain of waiting. Her funeral is coming up next week. It'll be in Tarrey Town." The king began to make his leave, but Mipha set her hand on his shoulder.

"Aven, aren't you going to stay and tell the others?"

"I told you and Dorpehan, didn't I? You can be the messengers."

"Then where are you going?" She tightened her grip on him when he didn't speak. "Aven, please. I can already see that your depression has deepened. Stay here. You and I can talk things out. We can work through this grief."

"I don't want to talk. Besides, you're just as broken as I am. What good will you do?"

Mipha loosened her grip, stunned by his blunt response. She watched him leave the room without any goodbyes. The council members muttered to themselves, and Dorephan's voice broke through their chatter, "Mipha, are you alright?"

She turned her head and looked up at him. A tear rolled down her cheek, now letting herself break, "I just can't believe it... Serdin killed another... Everyone I love is disappearing right before my eyes!"


Aven limply walked through Zodobon Highlands. He walked along the cliff-edge, staring into the deep waters of Rutala River. Eventually, he stopped, and he felt a cold breeze try to envelope him. His mind became overwhelmed, and he cried out and fell to his knees. Over and over he repeated how much he hated himself. He should have been there for Alivia. He should have been more aware of the dangers. He had failed Zelda. He promised her that he would protect their little bird with everything he had. He was willing to sacrifice his own life for her. Instead, she sacrificed herself for them. If Zelda were to come back, what would she think of him?

The deep blue water called out to the broken King of Hyrule. It was tempting. It was persuasive. What's the worse that could happen? His people have already lost their queen for who knows how long. Their princess has been erased. Her family is still alive at least. Would anyone even bat an eye if the king just so happened to be lost too? Again, the waters were persuasive. The pain would just go away, would it not? No more turmoil. No more struggle. It would just be nothing.

Aven stepped closer to the edge, but that familiar cold pulled him back. He felt it chastising him. He felt it's persuasive call to him.

Remember who you are.

"What am I doing?" He muttered to himself and took a step back from the cliff-edge. "Come on, Aven. You may have failed your promise, but you need to make it up to Zelda. I need to become a stronger king. My people need a rock more than ever." He trailed his eyes over to the castle. He could see the looming malice even through the trees. "My love, I will keep going."

Light footsteps trailed behind the king. Aven glanced behind himself, and his heart dropped at who he saw. He wanted to immediately lash out. He wanted to kill. Although, he restrained himself. He kept his focus straight ahead now, not even looking at the trespasser. "Serdin, I thought you were done?"

"Almost. See I agreed to not mess with your dear daughter's husband and children." he slid his demon carver to the king's neck. Aven only gave an angry side glare. "You're already broken. Why don't I just finish the job? Put you out of your misery, you know?"

"...If I go with you, you leave my family alone, for good. Not only that, but you leave my people alone."

"Oh, that is quite a big commitment. Let's just say I leave your family alone and cut the killings in half, hm?"

Aven bit the leader's hand, making Serdin yelp and drop his carver. The king took out his sword and tried to slash across him. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE!"

Serdin punched him and shoved him to the ground. Aven kicked him from under his feet and pinned the Yiga Master to the ground. "Oh, so you do have some fight in you," Serdin heaved.

"This is where your line ends!" Aven raised his hand to stab his sword, but Serdin used his magnesis to fling the sword away. With the few seconds of confusion, Serdin knocked the king out cold.


Aven weakly opened his eyes. He was in a dark basement-like room. The cold metal chains seeped into his skin, and he shivered from the comforting cold in his heart. As he studied his surroundings, he realized how it looked like there was a battle in it before. Blood stained floors, and the walls were dented. It looked like it had been there for years. Red Yiga symbols appeared on the wall in front of him, and Serdin entered through a secret door that the magic created. He closed it behind himself and snapped his fingers, torches lighting up and lining the walls.

"Comfortable?" Serdin took off his mask.

"Hardly," Aven scowled. "What do you want me for? Are you here to interrogate me? Torture me?"

"While those sound very fun, I have a much funner plan in mind." An evil smile crossed his face, and he pulled out a demon carver. "Your people is left without a queen for who knows how long. They have lost their beloved princess and are now left with a pathetic prince with clueless children. What more hurt would be done if you were gone? I might as well finish Ganon's work."

"I may be broken now, but I will heal. And when I do heal, I will destroy you for all the pain you have caused not only my family, but my friends and people."

"That's sweet, but wouldn't it be a shame if you weren't ever given the chance?" Serdin rushed over to Aven and placed the carver on his neck. "I haven't even told my people about any of this. Wanna know why? Because I want to get this done quick. I know Ganon has been aching for your time to be over. No one is here to stop me or blurt about your disappearance. I won't even say that I was the one who took your life. You will just simply fall into obscurity. That's what you wanted for your daughter, right? So, any last words?"

Aven was stunned for a moment. For a split-second he tried to think of an escape, but there was nothing. Even if someone knew where he was, they would not get to him in time. So, he breathed in the cool air numbing his heart, "...May the Goddess Hylia find a demise deserving enough for you."

Serdin evilly laughed at the statement. Aven took in another deep breath, ready to accept his fate. It pained him that he was to go out this way, no one to know his demise. He would be leaving his people without a guide. He would be leaving Gyan and his grandchildren without anyone to follow. His dear friends would be left alone.

As he felt the strike of the cold metal across his neck, he cried out in pain. He felt another on his back and stomach. His eyes stayed focused on the bloodied blade. In the last moments of his life, he reminded himself of who he was. He was the King of Hyrule. He was the husband to a wonderful woman, Queen Zelda. He was the father to the most amazing daughter, Alivia, a princess now fallen. He had experienced so much good and so much bad. He remembered every single wonderful and exhilarating moment. He remembered every single heart wrenching moment. And so he wondered if his work was finished. Was it really his time to go? As the memories whirled and the blade fell, he made a comforting realization. Yes, he had fulfilled what he needed to. He was tasked to be there for his daughter so long as she lived. Her time was up. Now it was his.

Aven breathed out a groan as the blade punctured through him. His eyes stayed on the murderer in front of him, and one last realization hit him: his prayer would be answered. This evil man will get what he deserves one day.

Aven collapsed to the ground, his eyes lifeless, his mind barren. His blood seeped into the metal floor. Serdin evilly laughed and held his bloodied blade out in front of him. "Long live the King of Hyrule!"

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