From The Ashes Of Betrayal (P...

By Cahpical

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Ash Ketchum, a boy from the town of Pallet, had become world champion after defeating Leon in the masters 8... More

Chapter 1: Victory Celebration! Return to Pallet Town!
Chapter 2: Grand Reunion, The Trio Returns!
Chapter 3: Encore! The Coordinator and The Connoisseur!
Chapter 5: Battle! Mentoring To The Max!
Chapter 6: Explosive Performance!
Chapter 8: The Big Day! Celebration Awaits!
Chapter 7: Battle! Calming the Nerves!
Chapter 9: Sombre Realization, Regretful Initiation
Chapter 10: Mission! To Steal 'Em All!
Chapter 11: The Bells Toll Towards The Future
Chapter 12: Dancing with Fate
Chapter 13: Back to the Basics
Chapter 14: From Now On...
Side Story Update and Links!
Part 15: I'm Going To Get Stronger...
Part 16: Meowth's Connection...

Chapter 4: Mysterious Sickness!

74 2 0
By Cahpical

As the Professor closed the door, he would sign in relief as he left the residence.

'I'm still worried, we don't know the cause of the Panic Attack he incurred, it cant be genetics, he wasn't in any bad situations...' Pondered Oak as he went to start his car up before hearing some rattling in a bush nearby, curious and on guard, he'd go to check the bush.

"Who's there? show yourself!" Commanded Oak.

All that would respond is a Meowth coming out of the bushes.

"Team Rocket, You did something to Ash didn't you!" Exclaimed the Professor.

"Meowth? Meow Meow?" Asked the Meowth Quizzically with a half eaten Oran Berry in its hands"

"Oh... oh thank Arceus, its just a wild Meowth, sorry buddy, you enjoy your Oran Berry now" Lightly said the Professor as he'd move back to his car.

"Damn Team Rocket, cant even look at Kantonian Meowth's the same anymore without panicking" Said the Professor as he started the car and started to drive off.



"Coast is clear" Whispers Meowth not wanting to grab anyone's attention.

"That was a close one" sighs James in relief before quickly getting hit in the head by a comically large stick that was conveniently in the bushes.

"You idiot! we're on a stealth mission and you almost risked it to eat a Oran Berry!" Angrily whispered Jessie.

"I was hungry! we haven't eaten in days!" James angrily whispers back.

"Can you two focus on the mission?" Asks Meowth in disbelief.

"Fine" hesitantly replies the two in unison, resulting in a stare-down.

"Now, hand the Radio, we need to report what's happened, this could be very vital news" demands Meowth.

(tuning radio)

*Report* Demands Giovanni.

"Lets get the least interesting parts out of the way first, the twerp's Mother has left for Viridian City, says she's gonna meet up with the father." Says Meowth.

*She is of no concern, who is this father you speak of?* Asks Giovanni.

*No clue, we've never even heard about him before until yesterday, apparently he's a Pokemon Ranger.* Says Meowth.

*Oh well, doesn't matter, what else?* Asks Giovanni curiously.

"This is the last boring thing before the major report, the Dragon twerp and twerp 2.0 have also made an appearance here, its getting too crowded here, we may have to either relocate, or make a tactical withdrawal" says Meowth.

*I'd suggest moving to a better spot far away, I'll have one of my agents go to Pallet Town and give you some equipment for long range reconnaissance* Assures Giovanni.

"Thank you Boss" says the trio gratefully.

*Now, what of this 'Major Report' you speak of?* Questions Giovanni.

"It may be of use, its about the Twerp, he suffered a Panic Attack over what seems to be literally nothing, fell unconscious for hours, even had a Nightmare, apparently Pikachu is in the Pokemon Centre not far from here, it would be easy for us to snag right now" Says Meowth.

*No, Perhaps it would be best if we left it alone for now* Demanded Giovanni.

"Not sure why but... I guess we'll listen to your instructions" Says Meowth not certain if Giovanni is all there.

*If you'll excuse me, I have radio's to tune into* Dismisses Giovanni as he cuts the line.

"Hmm, do you think Giovanni knows what he's doing? we could easily snag Pikachu right now but he doesn't want us to" Asks James in disbelief.

"Think of how many times we have said that and failed, I say we listen to him" Says Jessie.

"You make a valid point, we should change outfits and wait for the boss's errand boy to arrive" Suggests Meowth.

The trio would then start to make their way to the town in search for a place to spy and change.

POV switch to Iris and Goh

"Hmmm" says Goh thinking aloud.

"Yeah, I'm still worried too Goh, unfortunately there's not much we can do but stick beside him right now, if the professor couldn't figure out the cause, I doubt we could" Says Iris in Sadness.

"Sigh... you're right... I just don't like seeing my friends like this..." Says Goh.

"I'll lay off calling him a kid for now until he wakes up tomorrow, in the meantime, we should stay awake until then, Professor Oak did give us the instructions to make this soup of his, lets hope it works when the time comes" Says Iris chuckling slightly.

Goh would continue to ponder for a second until he's respond.

"Yeah, good idea" says Goh still clearly worried.

The two would then pull an all-Nighter in order to keep an eye on Ash.

4 days until Party

POV switch to Ash

Ash would begin to groggily wake up to not only one of the best smelling foods he's ever smelled, and two very familiar voices.

"No-no, you're supposed to chop the onion's finely see?" says the female voice.

"But it says chop into thin slices, not finely..." says the male voice in annoyance.

"That won't help someone who's had a rough night, too big" responds the female.

'Those voices... it couldn't be...' Thinks Ash as he gets up off the couch and starts to walk to the Kitchen.

"I'm hoping your right, I want him to wake up to a perfect soup ya know" responds the male.

"Perfect soup?" says Ash as he walks into the kitchen not expecting to see Iris and Goh, both with bags under their eyes.

"ASH!" Exclaims the two.

"Goh!? Iris?!" Exclaims ash in excitement, getting rid of whatever tiredness he still had.

Ash would hug the two before continuing his question.

"What about a 'Perfect Soup'"? asks Ash curiously.

"We we're making the soup that Professor Oak told us to make you, you had a rough night, we wanted to make you feel better" says Goh.

"Oh... I see, thank you two, really, its nice to know I'm in your hands" says Ash in relief.

"Put chopped onion slices in the pan at medium high temperature" says Iris reading the recipe.

"Hang on, didn't you just say to finely dice them?" Asks Goh in annoyance, prompting Ash to have a look at the recipe.

"I don't remember saying diced onion, you said diced onions? Replied Iris.

"umm you two..." Says Ash trying to get their attention.

"Yes Ash?" says the two.

"It doesn't even mention onion in the soup at all" Says Ash wondering what's gotten into them.

"Huh?" asks the two reading the recipe.

"Yeah, it says use ginger and carrots" Says Ash.

"Oh... I see" respond the two clearly delirious.

"Hang on... how long have you two been here? where'd Professor Oak go?" Asks Ash worried.

"We've been here since last night why?" says the duo, Ash once again noticing the Baggy eyes.

"Did you two by any chance pull an all-nighter?" Questions Ash a little more worried.

"Yep, stayed up making sure you we're okay and taken care off" says Goh.

"...Thanks guys... I'll be fine, you two however, need some sleep, Iris can take my mom's bed, Goh can take mine" says Ash before leading them to their rooms.

"Ash, don't worry we can still help you out" says Iris before letting out a massive yawn.

"Sure looks like it" Says Ash trying not to laugh "Don't worry Iris, I'll be fine, you just get some rest" says Ash.

"...Okay" says Iris entering Delia's room and immediately falling unconscious on the bed.

Ash would leave the door open and lead Goh to his room.

"And here you go" says Ash to Goh.

"Thanks Ash... I didn't know how long I'd last with her hounding me" says Goh chuckling before climbing the bunk stairs and falling unconscious on Ash's bed.

Ash would leave the door open and go back downstairs.

"Hey Mimey, could you please cook the soup they tried to make for me? I want them to have something to eat while I'm gone" Says Ash intent on going to get Pikachu.

"Mime!" says Mr. Mime before grabbing the recipe.

"Thanks buddy" says Ash as he heads out the door.

POV switch to Tracey

"And that's why I'm here, making sure Pikachu is all right, although I see he's as fit as a fiddle" Explains Tracey to the other four as he looks at Pikachu being comforted by Skitty, Pansage, Psyduck and Venonat.

"I can't believe... he..." says Misty sobbing after hearing of Ash's Incident.

"At least he's okay in the end, I'm just hoping he doesn't feel sick after it all, that's the real pain" Explains Brock.

"Still, not even a few hundred meters from us... I can tell why she feels terrible..." Says May patting Misty as reassurance.

"I know Ash, this is nothing to him, He'll get back up twice as strong, knowing him" Says Cilan Reassuring everyone.

"Well, we cant exactly do much about him right now, the only way to help Ash right now is to help Pikachu" Says Tracy with Determination.

Pikachu after hearing the story was on the verge of tears, why Ash? What could have happened to make him have a Panic Attack? Pikachu Pondered before all 10 would hear the doors to the room open.

"Pikachu! Please tell me your okay!" Yells Ash bursting into the room seeing his Long-Time Pal.

"PIKA!!!" Yells Pikachu in Happiness as the two reunite.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" says Ash thinking back to the nightmare, remembering Pikachu's Pokeball get destroyed.

"Ash!" says all 5 before all going in for a group hug, tackling Ash to the ground.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down guys, I'm not dead" Says Ash wondering why everyone's worried.

"Don't even entertain the idea Ketchum" Says Misty crying into his shoulder.

"Fine, fine, but seriously, why all the hugs?" Says Ash confused.

"Tracey told us what happened, we didn't expect you to be up so early" Says Cilan.

"Oh... I see, sorry you had to hear that..." says Ash a little guilty.

"We're just glad your okay" says May.

"Yeah, last thing we need is the world champion being sick right before the big day" Says Brock.

"Anyways, I see Pikachu is safe?" Asks Ash.

"Safe and sound" Responds Tracey.

"I'll go check to see if I can take him home" Says Ash.

"Don't worry about it, I have already covered that" Reveals Tracey.

"He's free to go home, care to stay for a while? perhaps we can all go back to your house?".

Ash would think for a moment before answering.

"Hmmmm, perhaps not right now, Iris and Goh stayed up all night making sure I was okay and as such didn't sleep last night, so they're currently asleep" Says Ash.

"Iris is here? That means the Unova gang is back!" Says Cilan Excited.

"Goh's here already?" Asks Misty and Brock.

"Who and Who?" Asks May confused.

"Iris and Goh, Iris was the other third of Me and Cilan back when I travelled Unova, and Goh was one third of when I went through Galar!" Says Ash.

"Wait... that name... Iris... Oh yeah! That's the name of that girl you we're telling me about on the way here right Cilan?.

"Correct!" Affirms Cilan.

"Well at least you're in good hands from what Cilan tells me about her" Says May smugly.

"Well, I was, before they started to pass out in the middle of cooking a soup" Says Ash still guilty.

The group would stare at Ash silently before bursting out in laughter.

"That's honestly hilarious!" Yells Brock in laughter.

All continue laughing for a good minute, before calming down.

"So Ash, how are you feeling about the party happening? come to think of it, your other friends should be swarming in droves soon" Says Misty.

"Yeah, they should soon, its gonna be hectic once they all arrive, this place is going to be packed, hopefully not too overcrowded, its the only Pokemon Centre in all of Pallet..." Says Ash.

"Don't worry Ash, Professor Oak has specifically requested that only authorized members can get rooms here" Says Tracey.

"Authorized?" Asked Ash Curiously.

"Yeah, Professor Oak has sent out letters that contain special cards to those close to you, besides me, since I stay at the lab anyways" chuckles Tracey.

Upon saying this, Misty, Brock, May and Cilan all pull out their personalized cards.

"I hereby grant "Brock Harrison" to stay at the Pallet Town Pokemon Centre during the week of Ash Ketchum's Pokemon World Champion Celebration Ceremony, signed Professor Samuel Oak" Says Brock reading his card aloud.

"Those close to me..." Says Ash.

"Why yes Ash, and by that, I mean your travelling buddies" says a voice from behind Ash.

"Professor Oak?" Asks Ash.

"I'm glad to see you're doing okay boy, you gave me quite a scare yesterday you know..." Says Oak with a saddened look.

"I... I still don't know what happened... I looked around, no-one was around, and then it just... Happened?" Says Ash in worry.

"Well, enough about that, its over now, anyways, about what I said earlier, you'll find that everyone you travelled with in your earlier adventures will have this special card, save for Tracey since he already lives in Pallet" says Oak.

"Speaking of, when are the rest of them getting here, we have any clue?" Asks Ash excitedly.

"Well, let's just say a whole group of them are arriving tomorrow, and there's... A lot, Most of the Regional Champions, And Professors Elm, Birch, Rowan, Juniper, Sycamore, Kukui, Burnet, Samson, Magnolia, Sonia and Ivy!" Says Oak in Excitement.

"Don't say that name..." Says Brock sulking in the corner of the room.

"Your still pent up about that? We don't even know what happened..." Says Ash and Misty.

"Don't worry about that, let's got on to the important one, your friends from Alola are set to arrive tomorrow aswell" Says Oak.

"Wow! That's a lot of people!" Says Ash excitedly thinking back to his times with the Alola gang.

"Exactly, now, last thing, May's brother Max will show up tomorrow aswell" informs Oak.

"Perfect, I must say, I miss his constant talking sometimes" says may awkwardly.

"Is this the brother you told me about during out walk here? Asks Cilan to May.

"Yep, that's him, he accompanied me when I travelled Hoenn with Ash and Brock" says May reminiscing.

"So, all that's left after them is Clemont, Serena, Bonnie and Dawn" says Ash with Excitement, he always wanted to have all his friends in one spot and its happening, this is the best thing he could ever dream of.

"Yes, although I haven't heard back from them as of yet, however I highly doubt they'd miss this for the world" Says Oak smiling.

"Well, its been long enough, I guess I should get going now" says Ash as he Picks up Pikachu.

"Don't forget, we're coming with you" Says Misty.

"Exactly, I want to make sure what happened yesterday doesn't happen again" Says Brock worried.

"I guess, well we should hurry then, I assume that Iris and Goh are going to wake up soon" Says Ash in a hurry.

"On it!" Says the group.

"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to pass on going with you, I have some work back at the lab, right professor?" Asks Tracey.

"Correct, quite a serious... Subject" says Oak trying not to worry Ash.

"Well, hopefully we'll get the time to talk with you again soon" Says Misty.

"Hopefully, its been fun, albeit worrying considering what happened yesterday" Says Tracey.

"Have a safe day Ash, we look forward to talking again, preferably after the event!" exclaims Oak.

"Seeya!" Yells the group before the 2 leave the building.

Upon seeing them leave the building, they'd start to get ready aswell, they would then exit the building and start walking towards the Ketchum Residence.

"Let's hope your feeling better then yesterday, don't want what happened yesterday to happen again" Giggles May.

"Agreed, it wouldn't be savory to see that happen again, let alone in front of us" Worries Cilan.

"Don't worry, I think the reason it happened was just a weird feeling if being alone" wonders Ash.

"Well, I don't understand it, but its the only working theory" Says Brock.

"We'll help if it does" says Misty worried.

"Thanks guys..." Says Ash.

They'd continue to walk towards Ash's home for the day.

POV switch to Tracey

"Hey, Professor, I know you said we had a project we needed to do, but you never actually told me what it was, mind if I ask?" Asks Tracey.

"Sigh... I guess I should now that Ash isn't listening in..." Says Oak.

"Ash? What dies he have to do with it?" Asks Tracey with a concerned expression.

"I'll start from the beginning... You know how team rocket is a massive criminal organization correct?" Asks Oak.

"Yes, their leader is Giovanni, the old Viridian City gym leader" says Tracey.

"Correct, they've been spotted capturing the legendary birds, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres, we don't know what they're up to, for all we know they could just be trying to make money auctioning them off, but something tells me they're up to something worse, Ash isn't exactly connected to this, I'm just worried that this will cancel the event is all..." Replies Oak worried.

"So, what do you have in mind? We can't exactly stop an entire organization ourselves, and if we can't get Ash involved, who's going to help us?" Asks Tracey.

"So far, I have told all Officer Jenny's in the region to be on the lookout for any Team Rocket members and to get information out of them, I have also contacted all Pokemon Rangers in the Region currently to keep a look out, I'm currently contemplating asking the Johto Region for help as they're our connected neighbour" says Oak.

"Getting another region involved may result in the event getting cancelled..." Responds Tracey.

"That's exactly why I haven't done so yet, an event this important should not be cancelled over something that we don't even know the true goal of" Says Oak grunting a bit.

"So, our plan is to just... Wait?" Asks Tracey.

"Unfortunately... That would be the case" says Oak saddened.

The two continue their drive to the lab, they'd soon arrive at the doorstep and as they enter the lab Oak would then require something from Tracey.

"Tracey, please, Promise me you won't reveal this information to Ash, last thing we need is him getting all worked up over this, this week is for him, this week should be considered one of the best days of his life, only rivalling him becoming a trainer, him becoming the Alolan Champion, and him becoming the world champion" Asks Oak with seriousness in his voice.

"I won't Professor, you have my word" replies Tracey.

"Thank you, I'm going to continue my work on the matter, could you please tend to the Pokemon outside? I'm afraid the Water and Grass types are fighting again over territory" asks Oak.

"Hehe, of course Professor" chuckles Tracey.

POV switch to Ash

"Welp, here we are, hopefully Mimey hasn't burnt the inside if the house down" jokes Ash.

As they enter the perfectly unburnt building they notice a sweet smell in the air.

"Is that... Fried Chicken!?!" Asks Ash excitedly.

"Mime Mr. Mime!" Replies Mimey from the Kitchen.

"Well I must say, this smell definitely deserves praise from a fried chicken connoisseur like me" replies Cilan.

"Do those even exist?..." Asks Misty in a weirded out tone.

"Of course, your looking at one!" Says Cilan.

"That's... Not what I meant..." Replies Misty.

"Girls, Girls, calm down, let's make piece by making a toast to the fried chicken legs" says May.

"I take dibs on the chicken breast!" Says Brock smugly.

"Of course you would..." Says Misty.

"Well, you guys go do that, I'm going to go see if Iris and Goh are still sleeping, I'll wake them up and see if they want some fried chicken with us, actually that reminds me, Mimey, did you end up making that soup from before? Or was it beyond saving?" Asks Ash.

"Mime..." says Mimey.

"Oh well, you did your best, I'll be back in a minute, in the meantime, could you please whip up some food for Pikachu?" Asked Ash.

"Mime!" Replied Mimey happily.

"Thanks, I'll be back" says Ash walking up the stairs.

"Can't wait to see Iris again, it'll be like the good old days back in Unova" says Cilan happily.

"You sure do have fond memories don't you?" Asked the Three.

"Yep, let me tell you all about them" says Cilan.

POV switch to Ash

As Ash walked up the stairs to go wake up Iris and Goh, he'd hear Goh in his room.

"Hey Goh, you awake?" Asked Ash as he entered his room.

"Oh, hey Ash! Yeah, I woke up maybe an hour ago? Where were you at? Noticed you weren't home" says Goh happily looking through the picture album.

"Yeah, sorry about that, had to go pick Pikachu up, he's downstairs with the rest" says Ash.

"The rest?" Asked Goh.

"Yeah, we have some visitors, more importantly, we have fried chicken" Replied Ash smugly.

"Ahh! I'll be right down there soon!" Says Goh as he starts to get up.

"See you down there!" Says Ash walking back towards his mothers room to wake up Iris.

"Oh you will" says Goh with a smirk on his face as be takes the picture album with him.

Ash walked down the hall until he reached his mothers room where he'd peak through the open door to see her still sleeping.

Ash would enter the room and start to shake Iris to wake her up.

"Iris... Iris wake up, we have guests and dinner" says Ash softly trying not to startle her out of her sleep.

"H-huh?" Asked Iris groggily.

"Dinner and guests" said Ash happily.

Slowly waking up she'd soon get out of bed.

"Alright... I'll be down there in a minute, just need put on something other then these dirty clothes" says Iris.

"I remember, you passed out the moment you hit the bed, we'll all meet you down there" says Ash.

Ash upon waking both of them up, proceeds to walk back downstairs.

"They're awake, they'll be down here soon" says Ash to the rest.

"Perfect, Mimey just brought us a whole other tray of chicken!" Says Brock happily.

"Thanks Mimey, best roommate ever" says Ash smugly.

"Mime!" Says Mimey happily.

As Ash would sit down with his friends, they'd soon hear footsteps from the staircase.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Asked Goh upon reaching the Table and taking a seat.

"Hi Goh!" Said Misty.

"Sup man!" Exclaimed Brock.

"Brock, Misty! Long time no see!" Says Goh happily.

"It sure has felt like it, although it hasn't really been that long" says Ash smugly.

"So your Goh, allow me to introduce myself, My name is Cilan and I'm a Pokemon Connoisseur, its a pleasure to meet your acquaintance" Says Cilan as he reaches for a handshake.

"A Pokemon Connoisseur? I have heard about it but I've never seen one in person, great to meet you Cilan!" Says Goh happily as he accepted Cilan's handshake.

"And my name's May, you may not know me personally but I'm sure you've heard if my title" says May proudly.

"Greetings May, also your title?" Inquired Goh.

"Have you ever heard of 'Princess of Hoenn?' Asked May proudly.

"The famous Pokemon Coordinator? Seems Ash has made some friends in high places!" Says Goh happily extending his hand for a handshake which May accepts.

"Well, me and Ash met before I had that title" says May awkwardly.

"Oh, I see" says Goh.

As they concluded their greetings, they'd soon be met with the other set of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Sorry I'm late, had to out on some good clothing!" Said Iris having fully awoken.

"Iris!" Says Cilan Happily.

"Cilan? Cilan!" Says Iris equally as excited as they reunited.

"So how's it been! Champion of Unova" says Cilan smugly but proudly.

"Other then today, its been great! I must say, you also look like your doing fine!" Says Iris.

"While I'm no champion, I have been noted to be a pretty popular topic when it comes to be a Pokemon Connoisseur" says Cilan happily.

"That's great!" Replies Iris.

"Hello, my name is Misty, so your Iris, glad to know someone has been keeping Ash in check from what I hear" says Misty giggling.

"Yep that's me! Great to meet you Misty, ash has told many adventures with you involved" replies Iris.

"Oh? So he has huh?" Asked Misty slightly laughing at Ash, Ash slightly embarrassed.

"My name's Brock, Great to meet you" says Brock reaching for a handshake.

"Great to meet you Brock" says Misty accepting the handshake.

"And my name's May, please tell me Ash wasn't of any trouble to you during your travels?" Asked May.

"Well you see" says Iris chuckling.

"Oh boy here we go..." Says Ash knowing he's about to be embarrassed.

"He was such a little kid when we met in Unova, I'd go as far as to say he's still a little kid now, albeit, a little grown up" says Iris completely forgetting she wouldn't call him a little kid.

"Please, tell us all about it" asked May laughing at Ash's misery.

"Okay! Okay! We get it, I'm a little kid, can we get to eating now?" Asked ash with a pout.

The whole group would erupt into laughter at Ash's misfortune.

"We can, however don't believe this is the end of your misery" informed Goh with a smirk.

"Huh?" Asked Ash worried.

Upon hearing Ash's response, Goh would pull out the picture album for all to see.

"Ahh, so many memories of Ash's, let's celebrate Ash's adventures as we eat" declared Goh smugly.

Ash's head would hit the table as he embarrassingly ate his fried chicken leg.

"But first, a toast, for Ash's achievement of becoming World Champion, as much as we all love teasing you, it should go without saying that we are proud of Ash for his achievements and his growth, and that we wish him good fortunes and happiness from the celebration onwards!" Says Cilan raising a drumstick.

"Cheers!" Says everyone including Ash.

The night would consist of both teasing and reminiscing, of both embarrassment and happiness.

The night would last until finally, everyone decided that it was getting late.

"Hey Ash, I'm glad we all got to hang out together tonight, we all can't wait to see you on stage on the night of the event!" Says Brock.

"Yeah, you get 'em Ash!" Says Misty.

"I may see you tomorrow Ash, since Max is gonna want to see you again after so long" says May.

"I bid you farewell until the night of the celebration Ash, until then, be safe! No more panic attacks" says Cilan both worried and happy.

"That's right, but if you do, get them to call me, I'll be right over!" Says Iris.

"I'm unfortunately going to be helping Professor Oak out tomorrow so I won't be able to visit again, so I guess I'll see you on the night of the party!" Says Goh saddened but determined.

"Thanks you guys, I really do appreciate you all, even if I'm not exactly forward with it sometimes" says Ash awkwardly chuckling.

"Don't worry, we all know you do, your just that kind of person, if you ever want to see us on your own accord, you know where to find us" says Misty.

"Welp, looks like we have to head off, Pokemon Centre's going to shut down soon, gotta get in before it does" says Brock.

"Well then, I'll let you go" says Ash as he bids them all farewell.

"Bye Ash!" Says the group as they begin to walk down the dirt path until they're eventually out of sight.

"Well, can't wait to see the rest tomorrow!" Says Ash determined as he walks back inside.

"Pikachu, I have some messages to read, so I'll be in my room once your ready for sleep" says Ash.

"Pika!" Says Pikachu hopping on Ash's shoulder clearly starting to get tired.

"Well then, guess we'll head up then, but first, Mimey" says Ash.

"Mime?" Asked Mimey.

"Great job, you deserve some rest" says Ash as he heads upstairs.

"Mime!" Says Mimey saluting and giggling.

As Ash reaches his room, Pikachu jumping onto the bed and curling into the blanket.

"Pika..." Says Pikachu drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight buddy" says Ash before hoping onto his Rotom phone to check his digital mail.

"You have four new messages" says the Rotom phone.

"Perfect, let's see".

The screen would show 4 new messages from 4 different people.

1 new message from Clemont
1 new message from Serena
1 new message from Ghota (Father)
1 new message from Dawn

"Hey Pikachu! we have messages from Clemont, Serena, Dawn and Dad!" Says Ash Excitedly.

"Pika..." Says Pikachu excited but tired.

"Oop, sorry, I'll let you sleep now, night buddy" says Ash apologetically.

Ash would then have the Rotom phone read the messages.

*Hey Ash! Its me Dawn! I'm sorry but I'm afraid I won't be able to make it until the day before the ceremony, I'll still make it before so don't worry, just wish we were able to hang out more before then, but other then that, congratulations again for the title!*

*Hiii! Its Bonnie! I'm using my brothers phone to tell you that we're on our way! We'll be here in maybe two days? Right Clemont? Bonnie! What did I tell you about taking people's phones without consent? Sorry about that Ash. Anyways, She is right, we're on our way and will be there the day after tomorrow! See you then!*

*Ash!! Its me Serena! Its been so long since we've actually gotten the chance to see each other properly! I can't wait to see you again, so much has happened since we parted ways back in Kalos, I have a present for you after the Celebration, and no, its not like the present I gave you when we parted ways back then (wink), its a Pokemon, but I'm not going to tell you which it is, you'll see! Anyways, seeya in two days!*

*Hi Sport, as you've probably heard, I'm in Viridian City right now waiting for your Mother, we have a joint present for you, and are just doing extra last second planning for the event, we hope you'll like it, I had to travel quite a bit to actually catch it (hint for you), anyways, I do, however have some... Subpar news... Due to my work I will unfortunately not be making it to the event, I will however be showing up two days later, your mother will bring the present we both planned on, I'm so proud of you for reaching this far, much further then I was ever able to achieve, I'm proud to be your Father, anyways, I must conclude my message, I hope you have a grand celebration and I shall see you later, Love -Dad.*

After hearing these messages Ash would shed a tear in happiness as he once again thinks of his friends, who we're the ones who had carried him this far, and he's happy that he had met them all, more importantly he was excited to see his Father again after so long.

"I wonder what the Pokemon they both got are..." Ponders Ash as he turns off the light and hold into bed with Pikachu.

"I... Love them all..." Says Ash before drifting to sleep.

POV switch to Delia

"I'm here..." Says Delia as she looks over the city.

As she enters and walks through the city, she now understands what Samuel said, this place doesn't feel safe, especially at night, she would hurry towards the place where Ghota told her to meet him at.

Upon seeing the place, she'd see that it was a Coffee Shop, she'd enter through he doors to see an officer Jenny sitting with a man in a trench coat, she knew who it belonged to.

"Welcome Delia, please, take a seat".

END Chapter 4

Omg I am so sorry for the long wait, I have had a serious case of writers block for days, and I have not been able to put pen to paper (figuratively speaking of course)

In the meantime its is back and as such I'm going to start the next part IMMEDIATELY to make up for lost time

For those of you wondering "where's the betrayal?", don't worry, it'll happen in 3 to 4 parts, so please indulge this world building and setup for now, once again I apologize for the long wait, and I hope to get this next part out in 3 days

Once again, please point out grammar/spelling mistakes so I can correct them

This is Cahp, signing off (not really) and I'll be back soon!

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