His Victim. My Boyfriend. (Ri...

By PansexualMango

66K 1.4K 4.2K

When Finney gets kidnapped but it turns out the grabbed has a kid. Robin Allerano. And robin develpoles a cru... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 30

1.1K 27 52
By PansexualMango


No pov
Finn didn't want to get up, he was still laying in Robin's bed half asleep. He started at the roof with drowsy eyes and a bit of messy hair in his face.

After a while of silence and deep thought there was a knock, Finney didn't even turn his head. Robin walked in happy to see his boyfriend awake, but his boyfriend didn't seem happy.

"Hey my love, are you feeling alright?" Robin asked, putting his hand on the other's forehead.

But Finney actually replied this time "yeah…." he groaned.

Robin sat down on the bed looking over his dad boyfriend, he moved the outgrown bangs out of Finn's face.

He tried to get Finn to get up and do something with him, bribing, begging, almost tried guilt tripping but decided against it.

Whatever he did his boyfriend wouldn't move, smile or even talk. So he picked Finney up while the other didn't fight him on.

He placed him on the couch and went to the kitchen to get him some dinner, when he got back Finney had slumped onto the floor.

Robins pov
I stopped, he was just laying there. I put the food on the stool and went over to him once again. He was laying on his side facing the wall, his eyes just trailing the floor.

"Are you tired?'' I asked, I didn't think he would be since he's been sleeping most of yesterday.

He didn't answer in any way, shape or form.

"Finn love, you need to get off the floor." I said but he wouldn't budge.

I sat down with him getting close to his face, there were tears in his eyes. I booped his nose but no smile formed on his cute face.

I frowned, biting the inside of my cheek trying to think what to do. He didn't eat much yesterday, I really needed him to eat something.

He's been getting lighter the past few days and I'm really worried for him and his mental health. I didn't know if this was some sort of breakdown or if I did something.

It's been over two hours and I was pacing in the kitchen when my dad walked in, he left for work earlier so he hasn't seen how Finn's been acting.

He stepped into the kitchen putting a few things away then noticing my stressed face. I think he was about to ask me then saw my boyfriend laying on the floor looking miserable.

"He won't eat or talk, he won't stand up…" I explained to his questioning look.

My dad hummed in response, also trying to think of a solution. I went over to Finn and he obviously still hadn't touch his food.

My dad walked over to the boy as well he moved some hair out of my boyfriend's face, I crossed my arms not appreciating how close he was.

But Finn didn't seem to care he just laid there not looking at anything in particular. It was already past lunch and he needs to eat something, like now.

So I picked him up and he just laid limp in my arms not a care in the world. I put him down at the table, he sat with his hands in his lap .

As he stared at the table I reheated the food and pulled it out of the microwave. I sat beside Finn and put the food in front of him.

"Finn please eat, it's for your health.." I said, handing him a fork.

But he didn't reply, I lifted his chin looking over his cute but sad face. It seemed all happy and joyful emotions had been drained from him.

"Can you eat, please? For me.." I pleaded again. But he still refused.

I lifted the fork trying to get him to take a bite but his mouth was glued shut. My dad walked by and stopped looking over the situation.

"Do you want some help?" He offered, I shook my head not taking my eyes off Finney.

I didn't need my dad shoving the food down his throat and making it worse. But I did need to get my lover to eat somehow.

I've been bribing him for 20 minutes now and my dad was just watching from the kitchen, waiting for me to ask for help. Which I wasn't gonna do.

I was also getting extremely frustrated at the fact that Finn won't even look up at me unless I left his face. I had to get him to eat, I know he's probably in pain from lack of food.

But I've tried everything, maybe I do have to force feed him. I took a deep breath and told my boyfriend to open his mouth, which he wouldn't.

I lifted his face and squished his cheeks together to try and make him open, I usually would have giggled at the cute face but I wasn't in the laughing mood.

I had another idea. I quickly pulled him in for a kiss which he slightly melted into. Then right after he pulled away to breathe I put the fork in his mouth.

He looked at me for a second then chewed it and swallowed, I put the fork in front of his face again but this time he just ate it.

I was relieved that he was eating now, I turned to see my dad, slightly surprised. Finney ate most of the food before stopping and I didn't push him to eat anymore.

I headed to the kitchen to put the dish away and then looked back to see Finn. He had already put his head down on the table , his eyes looked so tierd.

But how could he be tired? He's been sleeping for almost 48 hours straight. I knew he wasn't gonna walk around at all today so I picked him up and put him on the couch next to me.

Then my dad sat on the opposite side next to Finn, I expected Finn to get closer to me. But he just stayed still not caring that my dad was only about a foot away from him.

(1,030 words)

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