By 3txr_girl

16.1K 170 823

Robin Arellano fell for his best friends sister, I wonder what he'll think. Set in 1979-1980 More

First day
Shitty first day
A/N again :/
Blood and Tears
"its not as simple as that"
The paper that ruind it all
Bathroom of my nightmares
"What about Robins?"
Pillow Fight

Things never change

1K 17 69
By 3txr_girl


The bell had just rang so I grab my books and put them in my bag

I then go to my locker and grab everything I'm gonna bring home, then head out

I start going to leave the school before hearing my name being called

"Y/n?" I hear behind me

I turn And my eyes light up as I see my best friend

Vance Hopper

I could feel a big smile take over my face

One plastered onto his as well

I run up to him dropping my bag before jumping into his arms giving him a big hug

He hugs back while picking me up

"Hi!" I say as he puts me down

"Hi! How are you?" He says with a huge smile right across his face

"Good! I just got home last night" I say

"Nice! Maybe we can hang out tonite?" He says playfully punching my shoulder

I smile "Of course!" I reply

"Cool! We can hang on that field?" He says

"Sure!" I say going to grab my bag I had just recently threw to the floor

"Ok, yeah! See you at... let's say 4?" He asks

"Sure!" I say ready to go home

I turn around to say bye and see Robin out of the corner of my eye

He had his arms crossed and he was leaning on a wall

He sees me and rolls his eyes before turning and leaving

"Ok I gotta go" I say to Vance

"Cool! Cya soon" he says doing little figure guns

*What the hell is up with Robin?*

I start walking home and get there after around 15 minutes

I take a breath before opening the door seeing Gwen and Finn had already made it home

I also noticed that my dad was awake for once

He saw me, but didn't say a single word

I didn't say anything either before walking into the living room to see Finn and Gwen sitting on the floor

Gwen had he'd head layed on Finneys shoulder

I go to sit next to them, only to see Gwne is crying

"What happened?" I ask sitting next to them and holding my legs in my arms

"Long story" Finn said rubbing Gwen's back

She wipes her tears and sits up, watching the TV

I place my hand on her shoulder for a moment before getting up to go upstairs

On my way to the stairs I see broken glass all over the floor, and my dad cleaning something

I look back to Gwen knowing something really bad happened

I sigh and close my eyes before walking upstairs.

I get to my room and look over at the clock that read "3:52PM"

I grab my bag and take out all the school crap before putting it on and sneaking out the window

I get out without dying and start walking to the field Vance had spoken about

I get there about 5 minutes late at around 4:06PM

I look around trying to find Vance before spotting him

I smile waving at him as he does the same

I run up to him

"Hey!" I say

"Hi!" He says gesturing me to sit down

I sit with him and hold my legs in my arms as I look up at the sky

"So, how have you been?" He asks nudging my arm

"Good" I say smiling

"That's good" he says looking up at the sky

"So how was school? Not this school, other school" he asks

"It was pretty shit to be honest" I say looking down

"Sorry to hear" he says placing his hand on my back

I look up at him and smile

We stay in a comfortable silence after for a little

I place my head on his shoulder and stare into the sky

Me and Vance had been friends since kindergarten when he stood up for me when some kid was Bullying me

He was like my brother

I was the only person he was actually nice to

He had a soft spot for me

I never really knew why, but he did

But we've been best friends forever

Nothing could take that away

It had been a while since either of us had said anything

But behind us, I could hear leaves rustling

I lift my head and turn around only to see Robin standing a far bit away

He sees me looking at him and immediately turns to leave

"Vance, I'll be right back" I say getting up

"Ok" he says watching me get up

I run through the field and try to find Robin

I find him and run up to him


"What!" He says clearly angry

"Robin!" I say grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around

"What do you want" he says rolling his eyes and refusing to look in mine

There's a moment of silence before I continue.

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