Sword Art Online's Assassin

By tankiss01

68.5K 1.3K 2.9K

(y/n) was about to celebrate SAO day when suddenly he is put into the world of SAO itself. Now fighting for h... More

information (edited)
Welcome to a new world of life and death
Floor 1
New friend's
Welcome to the brotherhood
The Moonlit Black Cats
Legends never die
The Dragon Tamer
Thanksgiving Special
The Master Blacksmith
The Black Swordsman and Lightning Flash
The Blue-Eyed Demon
Welcome to The Knights of the Blood Oath
Girl of Morning Dew
Can We Go Back
The Battle To End All Battles (The end of the Aincrad arc)
Christmas Special
Welcome To The Dessert of The Real (The beginning of the Fairy Dance Arc)
Welcome to Alfheim Online
Thank You
New Allies And New Enemies
A Duelist's Opponent
Truth's Revealed
Truth's Revealed Part 2
You Reap What You Sow (The End of The Fairy Dance Arc)
Fun Facts
The World of Guns (Beginning of the Phantom Bullet Arc)
The Assassin Returns to Gun Gale
Death Gun
Welcome to The Warzone
Laughing Coffin and Past Trauma
The Assassin vs. Death (The End of The Phantom Bullet Arc)
Thank you 2
(y/n) vs
Excalibur ( The Calibur arc)
Duel of The Fates (The Beginning of the Mother's Rosario Arc)
The Sleeping Knights
The Absolute Sword's Resolve (The end of The Mother Rosario Arc)
Sachi's Return
The Assassin's and Their Skills
Welcome Back, Assassin (The beginning of the Ordinal Scale Arc)
Memories and Dreams
Walking Into the Vipers Den
"And I Count My Sins" (The End of The Ordinal Scale Arc)
Street Racing Online
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
There's Still A Job To Do (The Beginning of The Alicization Arc)
"You Got To Be So Cold, To Make It In This World"
Welcome To Another World Of Pain
Truth's Revealed Part 3
Time to Run the Gauntlet
Time to Run the Gauntlet Part 2
The Final Push
The Most Important Fight of Our Lives (the End of The Alicazation Arc)
Truth Or Dare
A Reunion With An Old Friend
Returns and Confusion
Introducing New and Old Friends
The Formation of a Brotherhood
Truth or Dare Part 2
Can't Help Falling In Love
Our Job Isn't Done Yet (The Beginning of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Character Profile
An Assassin's Playground
The Spirit of a Warrior
The Calm Before The Storm
The Return of A Hunter
Night Time Fun
An Animal is Always Most Dangerous When it's Cornered
Sī Vīs Pācem, Parābellum
(y/n) Vs. Part 2
History Is Written By The Victor
Choices Have Consequences
The Rules Have Changed
I Make My Own Luck
One Last Dance
Finale Part 1 (The End of The War of The Underworld Arc)
Boy's Night
The Good Kind of Payback (Night Time Fun Part 2)
Finale Part 2
The End

Back In Black

646 17 22
By tankiss01

There is supposed to be AC/DC's back in black on here but it doesn't want to work right now so it will be here.

(y/n) POV

December 14th 2025

(y/n): Hey guys.

Sinon: Oh good, you're still alive.

(y/n): *jumps down* Happy to see you too. *sets up Barret*

Sinon: I didn't know you could snipe.

(y/n): It's what I use to do before I got my other 2 sets of hand guns because I already had the Deagles.

Sinon: Oh.

(y/n): So what's the situation?

Sinon: Dine is being chased by Pale Rider.

(y/n): Gocha.

Sinon: I'm going to take one of them out.

(y/n): Wait till one kills the other.

Sinon: Fine. You stealth skills are pathetic.

(y/n): Actually there was someone behind you that I took out without you knowing.

Sinon: Oh.

We watch as Pale Rider walks onto the bridge. Dine starts shooting and he starts dodging and using acrobatic moves to get on the large wires that support the bridge while Dine starts shooting at him again. He uses his speed and agility to his advantage but doesn't have any other weaponry so he probably doesn't have much strength. He jumps of and does many flips and dodging bullets. Dine runs out and starts to reload while Ridder charges and shoots him with a shotgun, knocking him back. He gets near Dine and point-blanks him with his shotgun. He puts another shell into his gun and point-blank headshots him, killing him. While watching him he goes down because of a stun bullet.

Sinon: Did you hear a gunshot?

Kirito: There wasn't one.

(y/n): It's most likely a suppressed rifle.

Sinon: Yeah.

They start talking about if anyone was around and I was barely listening and looking out. Kirito then notices the stun bullet. I look out and see him, Death Gun.

(y/n): There!

Kirito: How longs he been there?

Death Gun: *walks forward*

Sinon: That's a Silent Assassin.

(y/n): Accuracy International L115A3, .338 Lapua Magnum chambered.

Kirito: That's his rifle?

Sinon and (y/n): Yeah.

Sinon: *explains the rifle*

Death Gun: *pulls out his Type 54*

Sinon: Why would he use his hand gun to finish him off?

Death Gun: *signs a cross with his hand*

Kirito: Sinon, (y/n), shoot.

Sinon: Which one?

Kirito: *panicking* It's the guy in the cloak, there's no time shoot him hurry, don't let him fire that gun!

Sinon: *fires*

Death Gun: *dodges*

(y/n): *fires*

Death Gun: *dodges again*

(y/n) thoughts: Shit, this guy's good. Sinon won't be able to rack the bolt fast enough. *fires again but at Pale Rider, killing him with a head shot*

Death Gun: *talks*

Kirito: It's him alright.

(y/n): Death Gun.

Sinon: That's him?

(y/n): (some anger) Yeah.

Death Gun: *walks off*

Kirito: Where'd he go?

Sinon and (y/n): *watches go off*

Sinon: Kirito, watch the bridge. I'm going to check the scan and see what name he's going by.

Kirito: Ok.

Sinon: This is our chance.

Kirito: Hu?

Sinon: You pall in the cloak is not showing up on the terminal, my guess it that he jumped in the river. If I'm right he had to disable his gear like you did.

Kirito: What about his handgun, he can still move under water with that right?

Sinon: Even if he could it's just one little hand gun.

(y/n): *puts rifle on his back* You can't! *grabs her wrist* Do you want to know what nearly just happened. He would have used that little hand gun to fucking kill Pale Rider. It only takes 1 bullet, 1 bullet and you are dead! DEAD!

Sinon: Yeah well, I'm not buying it.


Sinon: *shocked*

(y/n): This is real, this is not a game, the stakes are real, life and death.

Sinon: *zoning out*

(y/n): Sinon. Sinon! *grabs onto her shoulders*

Sinon: *snaps out of it* I'm alright, just a little freaked out. We should probably get out of here, people are gonna think were fighting.

(y/n): You have a point then. We'll split up here then.

Sinon: Wait, what are you going to do?

(y/n): Find and kill this son of a bitch, alone, what you 2 do is none of my concern but stay away from him. Thanks for hearing us out.*starts to leave*

Kirito: (y/n)...

(y/n): *jumps down*

Sinon and Kirito: Hey! *follows*

Kirito: Wait for us.

(y/n): *stops*

Sinon: We're coming with you.

(y/n): No both of you need to stay out of this.

Kirito: But-

(y/n): But nothing, you have the most to lose, not me. *starts to walk away*

Kirito: *grabs his wrist* Why is this so personal?


Sinon: Yeah but you need help with this-


Sinon: I'm not a fan-


Kirito: We don't have a choice.

(y/n): There is a choice, the choice being if I should shoot both of you and get you out of this tournament.

Sinon: And we don't know where he will pop up next. So it will be dangerous whether we are together or not.

(y/n): I'm use to walking the razor's edge between life and death.

Sinon: *slowly grabs his hand* Please, don't do this alone.

(y/n): * takes a deep breath* Ok but me and Kirito will take most of the risks with this. And I'm sorry for yelling at both of you, it's just-

Kirito: It's ok, I get it.

Sinon: Yeah.

(y/n): *turns around and draws sword* Get behind me.

I see multiple bullet lines and the person starts firing and I used my sword to cut all of them moving at an incredible speed. The person starts to reload and I told Sinon to snipe this fool. The person starts firing at me with his M16 with a double drum mag. I block every shot moving somehow even faster creating sparks with every bullet. I continue until he runs out and Sinon shoots him, killing him.

(y/n): He'll be heading north, up the river, towards the city.

Kirito: Yeah.

Sinon: I agree.

(y/n): He's a sniper like me and Sinon so he would want open sight lines and cover.

Sinon: Yeah.

(y/n) Let's go. *starts playing AC/DC's Back In Black*

We all walk off while I am lessening to the song and we head towards the city. Thankfully I can listen to a song while I am here and hell they have songs that I like, even American too.

timeskip brought to you by chibi (y/n) being held back by chibi everyone so he doesn't rip of chibi Death Gun's head off

We all walk into the city and don't see him at all.

Sinon: Where did he go?

(y/n): He's one slippery bastard I can tell you that.

Sinon: Did we pass him?

Kirito: We didn't, I kept an eye on the river.

(y/n): He'll be in the city then.

Kirito: When his name pops up in the next scan, we'll rush him.

Sinon: That's a good plan.

(y/n): And we know what name to look for. (thoughts) Unlike last time.

Kirito: Let's move.

Sinon: Though, his name is a little obvious.

(y/n): Only to people who understand German.

Kirito: Aren't avatar names usually simple and obvious? I mean mine is a variation of my real name, and yours?

Sinon: Yeah, same here. And (y/n)?

(y/n): It's my actual name.

Sinon: Got it.

(y/n): Let's move and wait it out. If I get paralyzed, don't panic, just get into position and snipe this fool.

Sinon: Aren't you worried I'll shoot you too?

(y/n): You're more honorable than that and you would not give up a good fight.

Sinon: *blushes a little* Thanks for the complement.

(y/n): No problem, let's nail this fucker. *pats her on the shoulder*

Sinon: *shakes head* Ok but after, all bets are off.

We all walk into the city and then hide behind a car and wait for the scan.

Sinon: *activates scan* Kirito, check the north side of the map.

We all check every person that showed up and we didn't see him at all.

(y/n): Where is this little shit? Wait, let me check something, I'll be back. *activates hide in plain sight*

I walk off and then I sensed something and turn around to see Sinon and Kirito on the ground paralyzed.

(y/n) thoughts: Damn it. He waited for me to leave and his himself with a cloak that can remove himself from the scan.

Death Gun: (y/n), where ever you are, it's time I find out your the real deal or a fake. I remember how you fought back then, all fury and rage. If I kill this friend of yours and you go berserk like I remember, then I'll know its you. Come on (y/n), show me, let's see you fury, your rage, your insane sword. Show me, for old times sake. *signs the cross*

(y/n) thoughts: I have to come up with a plan, I can't carry both of them but I have to get them out of there.

Sinon: *goes for her Glock*

Death Gun: *draws his Type 54*

Sinon: *see's the gun and panic's*

(y/n) thoughts: I might have a plan, throwing knives first and the Phantom Blade if needed to stop him then a smoke bomb and give him my only adrenaline shot and carry Sinon. It's go time.

I quickly pull out 3 knives and throw them into his arm with the gun causing him to flinch and using the opportunity I shoot 2 Phantom Blades into the same are causing him to drop the Black Star (it's the improved Phantom Blade that allows 2 to be shot before reloading). After getting him to drop the gun I throw 2 smoke bombs and quickly give Kirito the adrenaline shot, negating the paralysis, and pick up Sinon. Me and Kirito rush out and head down the road to find some motorcycles and a horse.

Sinon: Pick the bikes, he horse is fast but very hard to control.

(y/n): Ok. *puts her on the bike and then rig's the horse with C4* Let's go! *drives off*

I quickly take off and when I look in the mirror I see Death Gun getting on the horse and perfect, he didn't see the C4 I planted but he was gonna catch up. The C4 needs to be about 100 yards (91.44 meters away) at the farthest and the detonator will detonate it. While I am driving he starts shooting at us with the Type 54, I can tell by the sound, and Sinon is panicking badly because of that gun and what it means to her, a demon from that past. One shot gets close and she yelps and hugs onto me tightly. I wait and once I get to the jump I press the denotator of blow up the horse but the crafty son of a bitch jumped off at the last second but we have some breathing room now. I continue to drive into the desert and I stop in a cave and we take a breather. Sinon hops off of the bike and sits down while Kirito keeps watch.

Sinon: I-is he dead?

(y/n): No, that crafty bastard jumped off at the last second but I think we lost him for now and I think I gave him a bit of a scare. You ok? *sit's down*

Sinon: I-I-

(y/n): Sinon?

Sinon: *silence*

(y/n): Well, I'm going out. *gets up*

Sinon: Your going after Death Gun, are you.

(y/n): Yeah. Alone.

Sinon: Why?

(y/n): To right the mistakes I have made in the past. He'll be difficult.

Sinon: So your scared.

(y/n): Maybe a little but I have walked on the razors edge between life and death many times before so it doesn't bother me. I probably have more to lose now than I did back then but I still do it with out hesitation. Hell I still don't really fear death, I didn't back then and I don't now.

That's another one done with and the build up to the final confrontation of Death Gun. I hope you have enjoyed the story so far. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment. I would love to know which book I should write next so please look the the second thank you part to see what I am referring too. I hope you have a good day or when ever you are reading this. Goodbye for now.


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