Touched by the moon

By MissReaper14

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Follow Harry on his new journey as a werewolf. Lots of fun and angst await him in his journey to become even... More

Chapter 1: Meet the Pack
Chapter 2: The moon called and I answered
Chapter 3: Wolves just love pets
Chapter 4: A new beginning
Chapter 5: The new name and the first moon
Chapter 6: Unanswered Questions
Chapter 8: How to break a spirit
Chapter 9: The Chaos begins.
Chapter 10: Allies within the eye of the phoenix
Chapter 11: Broken minds
Chapter 12: Blood is so pretty when red!
Chapter 13: Abnormally large beasts incoming!
Chapter 14: A serpentine looking bastard?
Chapter 15: Sneaky bastards and muggles
Chapter 16: Fuming man meets meddling old man
Chapter 17: Sass is the best weapon...

Chapter 7: The secrets out, Harry's gone and Voldemort cares?

540 14 2
By MissReaper14



Lovely reading too all❤

1300k = 51 048.45 galleons
1300k = 10 212,90 pounds (GBP) 1980'S

Chapter Text

"How the hell do you keep getting outsmarted by a wolf! Wolves aren't even that fucking smart! Get out of my sight!"

"Yes boss."

Seth quickly left the room; his boss was absolutely pissed at him. He came back empty handed, and got outsmarted by a damn wolf. It's all the damned wolf's fault. If it wasn't so damn smart his life would be so much easier. But it escaped again and again! Last time it was saved by people! This time it actually used its fucking brains and outsmarted him.

It's almost as if it can understand them and thus can predict their moves. But wolves aren't supposed to be so smart. In fact, the gunshots should have sent it running away to a new territory and not stay in that one. Do wolves even live in mountains?

Come to think about it what happened to the people that saved it? And where the hell did those other wolves come from? There aren't supposed to be any wolves on that mountain it is too cold for them there. He needed to do some research.

With a new goal in mind Seth went to the library and walked straight to the wolf section. First he took a book named "Wolf nature", it basically just told him that wolves usually run away after hearing loud noises such as gunshots, explosions and so forth. He was just starting to get irritated when he saw a strange book covered in black leather and had no title. Must be a journal then, he mused. He decided to take the book to his room and read it there as it was pretty late at night.

Upon reaching his room he sat down by his small desk and set the book down to begin reading. 'Velzezard Thornston' must be the owner of this journal. 'This journal contains the experimentation and research of I Velzezard Thorston. If thee find this journal helpful and interesting thee must contact the Organization of Research On The Abnormal. All my research and documentaries shall be written in the language of my soul.' What the hell. What language is this!

Throwing the book down he looked around his small room in frustration when he saw his dictionary on all the languages in ancient history. His eyebrows raised and he went and got the book, after four hours of searching he found the language. This journal was written in, Scottish Gaelic. Just great. The answers he wanted was in this book but now he has to translate it word for word. Just great. Just great. Oh how life hated him. Without much further complaints he set to beginning the translation, but it may take an awhile.

Some wolves seem to be smart and very intelligent. These wolves are dangerous especially around the full moon. You might be wondering why these wolves are so peculiar? That is because these wolves are not normal wolves. We did an experiment with one of these abnormal wolves and with a normal wolf. The abnormal wolf, no matter the sub-gender does not submit to the Alpha wolves we introduce them to. In fact, the Alpha wolves we introduce them to submit to them or cower away from them. Either way they dislike each other but for what reason we do not know.

These wolves do not submit to humans easily. You have to break them beyond repair and then and only then can you train them too follow your every command. Be warned this is not meant for someone who has a hero complex or sense of injustice.

To make them submit to you, you have to get them attached to something or someone and then destroy or kill it. With the males you have to get them attached to a child or woman. When they have become properly attached you have to kill them. This effectively breaks the male down. But if this does not work you would have to find their mate and threaten them, but do not kill them as this act would kill the male too.

The females are easier to break. You get another male too rape them and then they would get pregnant. Now these females have a pregnancy of four months. Once they reach the last two and a half weeks of pregnancy, you shall force abortion and kill the baby by fire and make them watch. They get attached to the unborn monster really fast. The males can smell the pregnancy immediately and the females feel the pregnancy immediately.

After breaking them you have to control them with pure silver. Silver causes these beasts third degree burns and even though they have enhanced healing it takes months for those burns to heal.

How do abominations like these live? They should all be killed! What are these wolves called anyway and how do you tell when you have come across one? Seth was disgusted, how could creatures like these monsters be allowed to live? And where is this institution?

Signs of a Werewolf:

Inhuman strengthUnnatural healingBigger than normal wolvesHigh intellegenceLack of fearUnnatural speedEnhanced hearingEnhanced sense of smellHigh aggressiveness

So these abominations are werewolves? Could the wolf actually be a werewolf? Let's see, it is very intelligent, it is super-fast, it does have a lack of fear, it is bigger than normal wolves and it is highly aggressive. Seth's eyes widened, the dammed wolf was a werewolf! Who should he contact too locate it? Aha! The OROTA, he should definitely call them to track it.

="Hello this is The Organization of Research On The Abnormal. How can I help you?"=

="Hi, this is Seth McGinnis speaking. I would like to report a werewolf sighting. "=

=" Mr. McGinnis, where was the creature last seen? And how many? And could you give a description please?"=

="It was last seen on Mountain Nivei Montis. And only one the rest are normal traveling wolves. The beast has black and grey fur with an emerald green eye. It has quite a bit of scars and is severely malnourished. The most noticeable sign that tells you it is this beast is the scar going down its left eye over its snout and down the right cheek it also has two bullet holes on one of its ears."=

="Thank you for reporting this Mr. McGinnis, I'm assuming you will be hunting the other wolves, right?"=

="Yes, that is correct."=

="Have a nice day sir."=

="You too."=

With that Seth hung up. He was tired. He stayed up for more than 36 hours. Now that the beast will be taken care of he can finally relax. Seth went to his bed and laid down and within seconds he fell asleep.

After the call with Mr. McGinnis, Gunther called his boss and told him they have found a new werewolf. Upon receiving the order to send out a team too mountain Nivei Montis and bring the beast back. But first he must do some research.

This is interesting, this particular werewolf caused the death of 16 people. Three of them was the boys own blood relatives, six of them police officers and seven random people. The boy's name is Harry Potter and he was the nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, the boy's parents are unknown and is said to have died in car crash while drunk driving.

Not much is known of the boy, he is a sixteen-year-old male, that goes to a boarding school a few states away. But after the Dursley's deaths he was not seen again. It is unknown whether or not he knows or he is a runaway and died along the way as he was a rather scrawny and malnourished boy.

The Dursley's died on the night of the Blood Moon, hence the brutality of their deaths same with the officers. He has a bounty of about 1300k on his head. And is regularly sought out by hunters. In fact, he is the cause of the lift on wolf hunting. They better catch him soon the full moon just passed so he should be recuperating and if he is so severely malnourished, he should take about a week to recuperate.

Gunther stalked towards room 378, their best tracker. "Oi! Get up you have a mission!" He yelled in his deep scratchy voice effectively waking up the inhabitant of room 378.

Alec stood up on wobbly legs he was still sore after last night's full moon. But he had a job to do, he walked towards the door and exited the room following the warden of his floor to the equipment room. Once they reached the equipment room the warden shoved him towards the steel table making him stumble and almost fall hitting the table. He sat on the table and waited for him to put in the tracker and put on his silver collar. They probably want to get too this wolf while it was recuperating from the moon. They only send him out when they want to track a werewolf.

He flinched when the cold steel of the gun that puts the tracker in pressed against his neck and tore a loud groan of pain from him. That never got better neither did the painful burn of the silver collar. Once done, he shifted and walked out of the building he had five days to find a scarred black and grey wolf. He was one of the few wolves that could shift at will. Only wolves who turn for the first time on a Blood Moon could, and this wolf could be one of them.

And so his long journey to Mountain Nivei Montis began, oh how he missed the wizarding world.

Slowly Veldora woke up to hushed talking and someone playing with his hair. Slowly he opened his eyes and saw that it was about midday now and he was in Fenrir's lap, and he was the one playing with his hair, this caused him to blush and hide his face even more in Fenrir's neck. This caused them all to laugh at him.

This was just too cute for them, Veldora was embarrassed and was hiding himself in Fenrir's neck. But their smiles fell a bit when they remembered what they were talking about. He surely would not like it, but it was mandatory, even if the moon just passed, he would still have to do this in order to be considered pack.

"Hey Veldora?" Jake asked nervously.

"Yes, Jake what is it?"

"Um... I know the moon just passed and your still sore with your wounds... But you need to do something if you wanna be part of the pack officially and you might not like it." He was growing more and more nervous, no one wanted him to do it but he had too.

"Um. Okay? What is it?"

"You have to stay 24 hours alone by the edge of the territory to officially be part of the pack." Fenrir got tired of the nervousness and ripped the band aid right of. This was something that had to be done now that he shifted back.

Veldora froze and tensed up, he had to stay alone for 24 hours by the edge of the territory to stay. If he did this, he would get food every day and he would have people who can look after him but if he didn't he had to go back to eating every once in a while and sleeping in the cold especially now that it was winter. He really wanted to stay but didn't want to be alone especially while so vulnerable.

But he had too, he would do this and then never leave their sides again, and he made sure they understood this before he shifted and walked off slowly to the edge of the territory. Once he reached it he was tired and collapsed right away, those kicks really didn't do him well. Aside from the freezing cold and the feeling of his stomach trying to eat itself he felt as if something bad was gonna happen and soon.

But he was physically too tired to go hunt something, not that he was in any condition to, or cared for that gnawing feeling that something bad was gonna happen, all he wanted to do was sleep. He fell asleep seconds later forgetting to eat something and that bad feeling and he also somehow forgot about all the pain he was in and the cold.

Alec finally reached the mountain and could immediately smell a werewolf nearby, but what confused him was there was only supposed to be one, but he smelled eight. But it doesn't matter as long as he got the one they wanted.

By the time he found the first werewolf it was night time, and he could also smell that this was a pack and that the wolf lies somewhere along the edge of it. This will be easy enough. He walked through three-inch snow and trees that look so similar that you could swear your walking in circles. Once he got close to the scent of the wolf, he ducked low to the ground and stalked towards it like it was his prey, as silent as the nighttime sounds.

Once he got close enough, he could see the wolf was the one he was looking for, but he wasn't in too great of a condition. He was panting and whimpering in pain. He could see the two bullet holes in his ears and the nasty scar down his face. But what fascinated him the most was that he was just like him, they could shift at will. So they might be roomed together once he was checked in. But a new problem arose how was he going to get him back? The wolf was clearly passed out and wouldn't wake for a while. Suddenly a great idea came to him, he could shift and apparate them back. Yes, that could work.

Once he finished shifting he hoped that someone would find them soon after they arrive as he didn't think he would have enough energy left to walk back in. He walked towards the wolf and put it in his lap and thought about the laboratory and he focused his energy and apparated just in time to be missed by the suddenly flying wolf that was aiming to bite him. They landed with a loud pop in front of the laboratory, and he shifted back to prevent splinching himself.

Fenrir didn't like not being able to see Veldora and make sure that he was safe and still living especially in the condition he was. He spent the rest of the day pacing back and forth in his wolf form when he smelt an intruder in Veldoras direction. He took off running and was just too late to stop the asshole from apparating away.

He gave a vicious snarl and ran back towards the pack too tell them that Veldora got kidnapped. He was absolutely furiated by the time he reached them, they could all smell the fury rolling off him in waves and got worried. What happened with Veldora?

After Fenrir shifted and told them they all got angry. Why the hell would a wizard kidnap a fucking werewolf! And how the hell are they going to find him! Logically they came up with the assumption that someone specifically wanted him and that was why they came tonight as he was still recuperating after being shot at twice and being kicked by a herd of deer and of course after last night's moon.

Fenrir knew they would never be able to get him back without another wizards help. But who? The only person he could think of was Voldemort it was certainly better than Dumbledore as he never really found the Potter boy and declared him dead just months later after he disappeared.

"Get your wands and knives, were going too Malfoy manner." Fenrir ordered. They all silently nodded and knew that the only way they were going to find Veldora was by working with Voldemort. This was a serious matter, and they should trust their Alpha now more than ever.

''Sir, Greyback and his pack wish to speak to you he said it was urgent."

"Thank you, Malfoy, bring me too them."

What could Grayback want now? And why was it so important he had to bring his whole damn pack. When he entered the meeting room and could almost taste the anger rolling off of them, he knew this indeed was very important and he felt it involved the Potter boy. Did they finally find out the boy lied to them and has come asking for forgiveness? Or has the boy caused more problems than he is worth?

"Now out with it Greyback, I do not have all day." He said with venom in his voice. Greyback looked at him and his face twisted into confusion and then back into anger.

"My new pack mate has been kidnapped by a wizard. And I have come asking for your assistance in finding him. As the people who took him are working with muggles." Fenrir spat with venom lacing his every word.

This shocked Voldemort the boy has been kidnapped but then the shock turned into anger when he realized that the muggles are working with wizards. This meant they have found out! Now muggles will be knocking on their front door with war calls if they really do know of their existence. "Very well, I shall help but only because I do not wish for the muggles too find us. Come let's go to the ritual room."

He would have to use the finding ritual again. If the boy has truly been taken by muggles, then only he should be able to see him. Once in the room he set the necessary runes down and started the incantation. But instead of Harry Potter he used the boys new name Veldora Pendragon. He approved of the name change.

He felt the familiar tug and found himself in room of white and the boy he was looking for but what he saw was absolutely disgusting. He looked away from the whimpering and crying boy and saw that muggles dressed in all white with black face masks were looking at the scene and taking notes. Truly how sick could muggles be? Looking back in front of him he saw that the ugly tan wolf dismounted the boy and walked out of a small door almost as if this was normal. It probably was.

The muggles left soon after they gave the boy a water bowl and some strange looking food. He walked up to the boy and softly stroked his head. Veldora startled and looked up at him in fear and backed away but stopped as he was in too much pain. "Do not fear, I only wish to get you back to Greyback and his pack." He explained and looked up when he heard the door open and then close again looking up he saw the men dressed in white reentered and put a silver collar around the boy's neck. Affectively keeping him in his wolf counterpart as he was in to a critical condition too shift.

"I will try and find this place then I will send a horde Death Eaters and Greyback and his pack here. These people will all die. No muggles should know we exist." With that Voldemort left the boy who had passed out from his traumatic experience.


"It will take a while. I could only see a white room and Veldora in the middle with another wolf mounting him while muggles scientists looked on and took notes. But we will find him soon. Those muggles should all die and all those creatures they have kept there; they are beyond repair if they have suffered the same fate."

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