The Wish Maker || [On Hold]

By Frootzy_Bootz

2K 45 26

Star light, star bright First star i see tonight I wish i may I wish i might Have this wish I wish tonight ๐ŸŒ™... More

Prologue: A wishing Star
Friend or Foe pt 2
Sweet n' Sour/ Master Chef china

Friend or Foe

439 10 3
By Frootzy_Bootz

3rd Pov:

Mk was in a very complicated position.

All he needed to do was return the vase he borrowed from Monkey Kings stash (*cough* horde *cough*) of mystic items and go straight back home. But His curiosity got the best of him and now he's facing the consequences of his actions, he doesn't even know if he just put the world into doom all because he was nosy. His heart was beating nearly as fast as the thoughts running in his head and his palms clammy from gripping the scroll in his hands too tightly, his breathing was at an uneven pace.

Looking up from the scroll he watched The being that he released just an hour ago was in his room inspecting every little thing he owned.  If he just left the scroll alone back at Monkey king's home he wouldn't have to be in this situation. Casting his eyes down back to the scroll in his hands, Mk's brain ran through the past scenarios of just hours ago.

FlashBack (Start)

Despite saving the city from the enormous giant soup dumpling that Monkey King warned him about from his so called 'food fight', bits and pieces of the dumpling were all over the city which caused another problem for the young successor and his friends.

"Um... i should probably go back and bring the vase back to Monkey King's place"

Scratching the back of his head, mk looked around to see the absolute mess that was all over the place. He spotted his friends and fathers already trying their best to clean up the mushy pieces of the dumpling. his friend Mei taking pictures and livestreaming the aftermath. His Adopted father Pigsy spoke up, with mop in hand.

" Hey Kid, while you're at it maybe find something to clean all this mess up eh? I can't have any customers if this place is in shambles!!"

It was obvious in his tone that he was absolutely pissed from the situation. His mop shaking in his hands from how much his fist was trembling in anger.

" I don't know what that furbrain of a mentor of yours was thinking but I'm gonna tear him a new one when he comes back, Just look at what he did to my restaurant!!!"

Motianing towards his shop, it was covered all over with dumpling dough. His husband, Tang, Mk's step father put a hand on Pigsy's shoulder.

"Calm down Pigsy, I'm pretty sure Mk and I will find something that can fix this. With that said, come on M-"

Before he could finish his sentence Mei rushed past him and grabbed Mk's arm dragging him to the mini hover cycle jet that he and Tang arrived on. Picking Mk up and placing him on the back seat.

"Sorry Mr Tang but mk already chose me we'll be back in a bit OK BYEEE!!!!"

"Wait Mei AHHHHHHH!!!!"

Before Mk can finish his sentence they were already on the way to flower fruit mountain. With a hand reaching out to where the duo was, Tang spoke up in a quiet tone with his husband next to him with an arm wrapped around his waist.

"But i wanted to go again"

His tone a defeated one disappointed he can't go back with Mk to flower fruit mountain to admire all the mystic items his mentor had. Seeing His husband bummed up Pigsy, chimed in.

" why don't you help me clean up then hm? Maybe if you do i'll get rid of that tab yours you freeloader"

Pulling Tang close, he walked to his shop to give Tang a mop of his own. Tang chuckled and shoved his husband's arm lightly.

" Oh shut up you grump"

MeanWhile over at Flower Fruit Mountain

" whoa!!! Monkey King really likes his mystic items huh?"

Mei spoke, while unsheathing a Tai chi Jian sword from its scabbard. Sheathing the sword back in, she spotted from the corner of her eye Mk gazing up at a scroll shelf that contained a single scroll container. The way the container of the scroll was designed made it seem important and not to be played around with, the blue like marble of the container catching the sunlight that was peeking in the cave of the horde of mystinc items. If mk looked a little closer he could see stars swimming around the marble. Mk couldn't stop staring at the scroll container, wanting to get his hands on it and see what type of scroll is inside.

"What do you think it is Mk?"

Mei's question snapped Mk out of his trance and glanced over at her then back at the scroll container.

"I don't know, but we should probably not mess with it, let's go b-"

A minute later


Mei chanted as she watched Mk about to open the container, Mk himself feeling excited. As he opened the scroll container, Mei started to suggest what the scroll would contain.

"What do you think it'll be?! It could be a scroll about the journey he went on with his friends, or maybe how his powers work???"

Mei then gasped in exasperation. She suddenly grabbed MK by the shoulders and started shaking him back and forth.


Mk's excitement was through the roof, if he somehow unlocked a new power then maybe he can fix up the city. But mei shaking him was making him lose his grip on trying to open the container.

"Mei slow down i cant open it if you keep shaking m-"

Before he could finish his sentence the container slipped out of his hand on its way to the floor. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. Both Mei and Mk tried to reach for the container but tripped over themselves. The container came into contact with the floor and broke. The sound of the crash caused a blue sort of sound wave causing The sound to be heard around the island. The scroll that was inside the container landed on the floor still somehow rolled up. Green transparent chains surrounded the scroll with a seal on the middle that looked like a padlock.

Mei and Mk rushed over to the scroll to see it was still intact breathing a sigh of relief to see it wasn't damaged. Mk picked the scroll up as carefully as can and held it in his arms a bit away from him and mei in case it was dangerous. Suddenly a realization came over Mk. he slowly looked behind him to see the container in shambles, navy blue smoke seeping out of the pieces. Mk started freaking out and sweating profusely.

"Oh man if Monkey king see's this he's gonna flip!!"

Mk started pacing back and forth with the scroll in his hands. Mei tried to see what it contained, but failed because of how much Mk was moving.

"What if he punishes me and never talks to me again, or he throws me down the highest peak of the mountain or feeds me to his monkeys for dinner or..."

Mk stops and starts tearing up at the next thought that comes to his head. His knees buckled down to the floor bending down to his face to his arms and started full on sobbing, his tears almost creating a river down to the scroll making it float to mei.


Mk sobs were making his babbling disoriented and incoherent. Mei bent down and picked the scroll up that was wet from the river of tears caused by Mk. Mei inspected the scroll and the chains around it. The scroll was nearly pitch black with white specks that almost acted out as stars, the chains around the scroll were floating leisurely, the padlock-like spell circle smack dab in the middle. Mei walked up to mk and knelt down putting a hand on his back and rubbing it to comfort mk.

"Aw c'mon mk im sure monkey king won't do that, he's your mentor and pretty much your third dad, maybe there's something in this scroll that could prob fix the container"

Mk looked up from his arms and sniffed. Sitting up he wiped his tears and snot coming out his nose off his face and glanced at the scroll. Scooching over to the scroll he felt a sense of caution wash over him. The closer he got to the scroll the more the transparent green chains started getting brighter along the magic seal that was on it.

The moment his hand came in contact the chains chattered almost like glass in a sort of domino effect, the magic seal on the scroll being the last to disappear. Mei and Mk stared at the scroll in his hands, a bead of sweat going down their foreheads, Both looking at each other.

"Well, here goes nothing"

Both mk and mei took a corner of the scroll and unrolled it. The moment the scroll was unrolled a near blinding light shot out of it, the force causing Mk and Mei to be blown back and dropping the scroll. The light continued to shoot out of the scroll, dimming its surroundings. Mk watched in horror to see that the light was acting almost like a beacon. Now knowing that he possibly released something dangerous he started to panic.

Meanwhile in other parts of china

Fortress of the demon bull family

Red son watched in awe and fascination at the beam of light that suddenly appeared, his bull-like ears flicking in interest and tail swaying leisurely. hearing his mother, Princess iron fan, and father, Demon Bull King, approaching he turned to them and questioned his mother.

"Mother, what do you think this means?"

Princess iron fan glanced over at her husband, both making eye contact and contemplating their next move. Walking over to her son and putting a hand on his shoulder she answered.

"It means..."

Princess iron looked at the beam of light in the distance, eyebrows creased and a shadow cast over her face, her husband approaching mother and son. His hulking figure towering over them.

"somethings big is about to happen, and we must prepare for it it the best we can"

Red son stared at his mother in disbelief before looking back at the beam of light, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead.

Megapolis city Theater

On the roof of a theater, a certain black furred monkey with a red scarf and lantern strapped to his hip was watching the beam of light in interest. Staring in shock before Grinning mischievously he walked back in his theater and unstrapped his lantern holding it up close to his face. His six ears flicked the stray hairs away that were on top of them.

"Things may have just gone a little bit interesting~"

Walking in the dark his shadow started to elongate and started grinning on its own.

"Just wait a little more starshine. I just have one more thing to do before we can see each other again..."

In a random alleyway

A mysterious figure was gazing at the beam of light and started chuckling, his voidless eyes shining a dangerous neon blue.

"My lady will surely be pleased of this~"

Chuckling once more he disappeared in a blue mist, only an echo of his chuckle was left in the alley way.

Back in flower fruit mountain

The beam of light suddenly disappeared into the scroll and what was left was writing that was made from the light. Mk and mei sat up slowly from the ground and stared at the scroll in shock. They both looked at each other in disbelief and out of breath from what they just went through. Mk crawled to scroll cautiously to try and inspect it, fearing that he might get blasted with another beam of light. When he saw that there's nothing wrong with it he gently picked it up.

The writing that was on the scroll was in old Chinese before transforming into modern Mandarin Chinese. Mei popped up from behind Mk and asked what it said.

"Mk what does it say"

"I don't know- wait hold on...."

Mk read the words carefully.

"It looks like.. a rhyme?"

Mk questioned. The rhyme looked like the old "wishing Star '' rhyme that he would recite every night back when he was child before he went to bed, wishing for various things from toys, food, and friends.

"A rhyme? Well what is it? read it aloud"

Scooching closer to her friend, Mei looked over his shoulder to see the scroll, the scroll was framed with silver around it and stars were littered in each corner in the frame, the words of the rhyme shining in white.

Mk looked at mei worryingly

"Mei are you sure? we just saw what happened when we opened this, what if we release another powerful demon?!?! Maybe that's why Monkey King had this thing stashed up!!!"

Mk exclaimed with fear in his tone. Mei put a hand on his shoulder trying to ease his nerves.

"Don't worry mk, whatever happens we'll find a way to fix it like we always do"

Mei gave a smile to Mk. He wasn't sure if things would be better or worse if he reads whatever is on that scroll. But one glance at mei he felt his nerves starting to calm down. Suddenly noticing the writing changing he snapped his head down at the scroll.

"Whoa what the hell?"

"Mk what's going on??"

"I don't know, it just started changing!!"

The words on the scroll started to swirl into each other until a message was being written on the scroll.

" every dream and wish you say

She shall grant with no haste

From money, to family, and love that's true

she'll make it happen Through and through "

"Huh? 'She shall grant with no haste'? What is this? a wish making scroll..thingy?"

Mk said in such confusion, he didn't know what's happening. First this scroll blasted him and his friend nearly to bits with that light. Now it's telling him that someone can grant him a wish!? This entire scenario just gets more confusing every second.

"Wait Mk look, it's changing again!!"

Mei snapped him out of his thoughts and pointed at the scroll, the words once again changing.

" But a word of caution to this verse

One bad wish can put you in a hearse "

The last line of the rhyme had the duo speechless. Silence washed over them. Nothing could be said after reading what was written. If both made a wish here and now they would have to be careful on what they would have to say and make sure it was thought out. If not then they would end up dead. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard his phone ringing. Hastily rolling the scroll up and shoving it towards mei he picked up his phone.

"Hey! Mk spea-"


Pigsy's voice was screaming from the other side of the phone, nearly making Mk's phone vibrate from the sheer volume.


Mk replied in a meek voice

"Geez kid..."

Pigsy sighed out a tired breath

" You better have something that could clean up the city, and hurry back home. Tang's on the verge of a panic attack after seeing that light coming from that mountain of your mentor's"

Mk could hear his stepfather in the background crying and panicking while his dad tried calming him down.

"Uh yeah I think I found something, I should be home in a bit"

"Ok good, come back safe kiddo"

With a final goodbye to his dad he quickly tucked his phone in his pocket and turned to his friend.

"Mei we have to get back home now and bring the scroll back with us!!"

Back in megapolis city

Mk couldn't breathe from how tight tang was holding him, his father's hands ruffling his hair.

"Oh my sweet boy, I thought something happened to you!! I don't know what I would've done if you had died!!"

Tang's sobbing was nearly soaking Mk's own face from his dad rubbing his cheek against his, his arms encasing him in a very tight hug. Wiggling his arms out from his father's he pushed his face away and reassured him with a smile.

"It's ok Bābā, I'm fine. See? Nothing happened"

MK gestured his arms to his body then silenced himself.

"Well something did happen but we don't have anytime to talk, we gotta clean up the city"

Mk gently pushed his father aside and walked over to  Mei, who was taking pictures with the scroll in various poses. Noticing mk she halted her posing and gave him the scroll. He hesitated picking it up remembering what was written in it. shaking his head he picked the scroll up and opened it to see an entire new rhyme, this one instructing how to make a wish, but the way it's written seemed..a little off.

" a wish must be true

If it's not i shall not grant

Say it from the heart "

" 'say it from the heart' ?" Mk echoed. The way it was written was peculiar. The words weren't like the others, it's like whoever would be granting the wishes is the one writing them. Mei glanced over at mk and gave him a reassuring smile. After a few moments of hesitance he looked back at the scroll to see once again the words have changed but the same rhyme when the scroll was opened.

Staring at the words written in the scroll in his hands he took a deep breath and a couple steps away from his friend and fathers before reciting the rhyme.

" Star light, star bright, first star see tonight..."

After saying the first line of the rhyme, the stars at each edge of the scroll started glowing in unison.

" I wish i may, I wish i might..."

The glowing stars started to seem to lift from the scroll and float away from it. Mk stared in awe before continuing.

" have the wish..."

The glowing stars started to flashing brighter and started spinning in each other at a fast speed.

" I wish tonight..."

The stars then fused into a bright glowing orb and floated away from Mk. The glowing orb started to spin around before casting a bright light Making Mk and everybody else cover their eyes to avoid being blinded.


Pigsy exclaimed, trying his best to cover his eyes as he clung to his husband. Mk tried his best to answer his father but before he could the light suddenly stopped. Opening his eyes and trying to see what happened he was left speechless to what he's seeing. There in the place of the orb was a girl.

Her silver hair was flowing from behind like an invisible wind was blowing through it. Two small buns were on top of either side of her head with a small golden crown like headband in the middle. She was wearing a white ruqun hanfu top with a dark navy blue skirt. The skirt had a white ribbon tied around it to keep it in place and had a giant sun plastered on it. The sleeves of the top were long and reached near the bottom of her skirt. The most unusual feature about her though was the two pastel circles on her cheeks.

Opening her blue eyes and seeing her new master she spoke. Her voice is quiet, but loud enough to hear having an almost echoey filter through it.

" Hello young master, my name is Xiao Ming, daughter of the Night Star and the wish granter. Whatever wish you desire most i shall grant"

Mk and the rest of the gang were left speechless. Everyone except for Tang. snapping out of his stupor Pigsy looked to his husband who was trembling from excitement. Suddenly grabbing his husband the scholar started sounding out his excitement.

"Pigsy do you know who that is?!?! That's Xiao Ming the great wish granter"

Coming out of his own trance Mk looked over to his father in disbelief then back at Xiao ming. who was still waiting for Mk to make a wish. Mei then spoke up asking who xiao ming was.

"Well i'm glad you asked"

Clearing his throat and adjusting his glasses that now had a white film over it, he spoke about the legend of Xiao ming.

To be continued..........

(A/n) I'm gonna stop this chapter here as I'm passing from my own personal deadline and getting carpal tunnel from how much i've been typing. I'll see you guys in the next chapter with pig pong panic! I'm also gonna be posting a character chapter about xiao ming. See you guys possibly next week.

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