H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermai...

By haydenchristsenswife

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Leah (you) was a loner until she meet Cleo Emma and Rikki they where on Zane's boat Rikki stole well kinda bu... More

Pool party
Catch of the day
Party Girls
Something Fishy
Young Love
Moon Spell
The Denman Affair
Dangerous Waters
The Camera Never Lies
Sink or Swim
The Siren Effect
The Big Chill
Under the Weather
Bad Moon Rising
Hurricane Angela
Hook, Line and Sinker
Red Herring
Fish Out of Water
In Too Deep
Dr. Danger
A Twist in the Tail

Love Potion #9

451 10 5
By haydenchristsenswife

Leah's POV
"Hey guys, what would be the most important scientific discovery of the year?" Lewis ran up to us with Reed on his tail "somewhere to hold our school dance" Emma answer his question.

"Incorrect." Lewis said.

"Correct, the Marine park double booked the function hall we hired, and know we don't have a venue for the dance" Cleo crossed her arms at Lewis as she started to walk off, and we followed her.

"Relax, someone else will look after it" Reed said out of breath "that someone else is them" I pointed at the two girls in front of us "I'm the chairperson of the organizing committee" Emma said.

"Well, I'm working on scientific way that will make it easier for you guys to be mermaids" I rolled my eyes at Lewis "maybe we can have like a street party, we could cordon off the roads around the school, and have the dance in the street" Emma ignored Lewis.

I furrowed my eyebrows and the bad idea, I looked over at Reed who had done the same thing "I'll call the council" Emma started to pull out her phone "I'm losing it, aren't I" she quickly stopped turning to us.

"How about the cafe?" Reed shrugged his shoulders "brilliant, that's way more intimate than the function room" Emma smiled at Reed in a thankful way "and there's still enough room for dancing" Cleo nodded in agreement "you're a genius, Reed" I turned to Reed who smirked.

"Hey Leah can I talk to you for a second" Reed gently grabbed my hand, and stopped walking "yeah, sure go for it" I smiled at him "well I was wondering if you wanted to go-" Cleo quickly cut him off, on accident "hey, Leah, there's Miss Chatham." Cleo pointed at the women.

I quickly turned and saw Miss Chatham "can't we just wave" Lewis asked, I slightly hit chest and started to walk towards her.

"He sensed you're upset, I sensed it from him" miss Chatham quickly walked staring at the dolphin doing flips "a mind reading dolphin?" Lewis said, I saw Cleo lightly push him, I smirked at Cleo in victory.

"Oh, a lot of sea creatures, it's like a kind of magic, I mean, not the kind where you make things disappear, they'd need a warden for that" Miss Chatham gestured her hands, smiling.

"Fortunately, there's a thing called science to help the magic alone" Lewis told Miss Chatham "Lewis is trying to figure out a scientific way to make it easier for us to be mermaids" Cleo crossed her arms as we stopped at an railing.

"It won't work" Miss Chatham said "well, if mightn't let them mind meld with the jellyfish" Lewis chuckled gesturing to his head "but it will give them a chance to live like normal human beings" he stated to her, I rolled my eyes at Lewis "well, no one can mind meld with the jellyfish...they're jellyfish" she said without care.

"And these girls are not normal human beings" Miss Chatham told lewis, I saw Lewis looking furiously at Miss Chatham "yes, they are, what's happened to them might seem magical, but the cure will be scientific" he got a little closer to her, Reed and I stared at each other in disbelief of what lewis was saying.

"Can science explain why whales sing?" miss Chatham tilted her head at lewis "yes, it can" he shot back at her "can it tell you what they're singing about?" She looked out at the view, then at Lewis, i looked at lewis who looked speechless.

Emma glanced at me, as I smirked at Miss Chatham "anyway, we've got a dance to organize." Emma moved her head for us to come along, and we followed her "good luck" I heard Miss Chatham say to Lewis.

"You have to promise to stick to one rule"  Wilfred held up his pointer finger at us "no early finishing, don't want people saying I laid some curfew on you" I smiled on how cool Wilfred was to let us have the dance at his cafe.

"We can manage that" Emma smiled really big, happy she found a place to hold the dance "good, the go for it" he took a tray and smiled down at us "all right thanks Wilfred you rock" I pointed both my pointer fingers and him.

"Cool idea having it here" Byron looked at Emma "yeah, it should make it a lot easier to organize the drinks" she stepped closer to Byron "and the music and the security which should free up some time for me to help with the food and the lighting" Emma stammered nervously.

"That's a lot of organizing" Byron told her "yeah, whatever it takes, I'm going to make sure this is the best dance ever, nothings going to get in my way, everyone who goes is going to have the best time" I saw Byron's face frown a bit when she talked about it "cool" he said with a forced smile.

It got quiet for a moment between them till Emma broke the silence "so, are you going?" She asked him "don't see how I couldn't with all the work you're doing" I looked at the girls as we smiled at the two "so I'll see you there" he got up from his seat and left.

"What's wrong with you, why didn't you ask him to the dance?" Rikki asked Emma as we walked into the cafe "the guys asks the girl, that's how it works" Emma stood by Rikki "welcome to the 21st century" Rikki furrowed her eyebrows at Emma, and walked over besides me.

"I don't have time to worry about it anyway, this dance is the last time our whole class is going to be together for the rest of the year" Emma tried to tell Rikki, but she was too busy reading the menu "exactly, the main thing is that we organize a great night for everyone" Cleo smiled, Rikki and I had gotten an hint.

"Lewis hasn't asked you either, has he?" I asked Cleo, looked at her reaction, she twitched her lips and sighed, "well it's ok, because Reed hasn't asked me either" I put a hand on her shoulder "aren't you guys going either way, I mean you guys are together" Rikki asked me.

"Well, yeah I know I just want to get asked" I shrugged my shoulders and walked over to sit down.

"Go ask Lewis now, do not make the same mistake certain other people make" Rikki put her hands on her hips referring to Emma "as if you'd ever ask a guy" Cleo put her hand on her arm, I held my hand over my mouth.

"Of course I would" Rikki through up her hands as we started to walk "as it happens Zane's already asked me, so I don't have to but I would have" Rikki quickly said, I rolled my eyes at her lying.

"Hi, guys" Lewis popped up out of no where, I looked over at Cleo for her to say something "Cleo's thinking about not going to the dance, she should definitely go, shouldn't she?" I tried giving an hint to my stupid slow brother.

"We're both worried about getting wet" Emma tried to take up for Cleo "a dog always brings a water pistol" Cleo put her hand on her stomach "no, no, no, Leah's right, you should definitely go, oh, there's something I need to ask you" he pointed at Cleo.

"Really" she got happy "yeah, which I will in a second, now, do you guys remember my research? Well, I can now reveal that I am this close to a formula, that'll make you guys water proof" he said, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Really" I crossed my arms at him "it looks that way, which means that you'll certainly be able to go to the dance, and anywhere else for that matter" Lewis said, he turned back around and was about to leave.

Till Cleo stopped him "wasn't there something else you wanted to ask me" Cleo fiddle with her fingers, as she looked back at us and smiled "oh, Cleo, I was wondering if you would like to give me one more hair sample" he asked her nervously, I made an oh shape with my mouth.

"I just need to do one more test" he said, Cleo nodded her head, as he brought the tweezers up to her head, and pulled out a little piece of hair, as she slightly jumped "ow" she said "sorry, I needed a follicle, bye!" He said and pushed some hair out of his face and left.

I shook my head at my stupid brother as Cleo looked upset "hey spunky, you moved house lately" Nate came up and pointed at Cleo "umm, no" she shook her head at him "cool. I know where to pick you up from, then" i slapped my forehead knowing where this was leading to.

"Does this have anything to do with the dance, Nate?" She asked him "can be if you want it to be" he looked away from her, and pointed both his fingers to himself "yeah, I'm in the market for a chicky to take" he said "no" Cleo straight up told him, as his smile dropped.

"Well, I'll leave you to think it over then, catch you" he pointed at her and clicked his tongue, as he walked off "you're so lucky" I rolled my eyes at Cleo and walked to her "chicky" Rikki played along and pointed her fingers down.

"Well, the dance is tonight so I'm going to need the ice as soon as possible, thanks" Emma spoke over the phone, as we sat on the beach, I sat on a blanket because I hate sand "I can't believe you're letting him get away with this" Rikki looked at Miriam and Byron together.

"If he wanted to take me to the dance, he would ask me" Emma looked over at us while she was still on the phone "no, not you, yeah, I'm sure your too old for me, just the ice will be fine, thanks" I chuckled at Emma as she scrunched up her face in embarrassment.

"And anyway, I'm not letting anyone get away with anything, I'm not even sure I want to go to the dance" Emma stared at Miriam and Byron with hurt "ok, so will it be board games or card games?" Rikki joked with her.

"I want to go, and if Lewis won't ask me, then—" Cleo started but I cut her off "look I think you should give Lewis one last chance" I told Cleo with a smile "last being the operative word" Rikki told her.

Cleo got out her phone and dialed Lewis, with a sigh "hey lewis, Lewis, is there anything you wanted to ask me?" She asked with hope in her voice "really" she got happy and leaned closer to us "and what would that be" she smiled, but that soon dropped when he said something.

She hung up on him and looked at us "he wants a sample of my ear wax" she told us, I looked at the girls as they cringed.

"Right" Cleo through down her phone and got up "take no prisoners" I called out to her, I watched as she talked to Nate I don't know what was said but it didn't look to good.

"Well that was short" Rikki told her as she watched her sit down "and tight" she frowned "well I still haven't gotten asked by Reed" I sighed "hey look Leah" Rikki pointed at her brother who was waving me down

My face started to light up "um I'll catch you guys later, bye" I told them and walked over to Reed "goodluck" Emma told me with a smile.

"Reed, hey" I told him as I pushed some hair away from my face due to the wind "hey, love" he was holding something in his hand "I was wondering um if you..." he looked up at me shyly, I rolled my eyes at him.

"Jesus, Reed, spit it out, it's not like I would say no to you" I put my hand on his cheek "ok, Leah, would you like to go to the dance with me" he told me opening up the box to reveal this beautiful golden bracelet that had an little turtle in the middle.

I squealed and hugged him as he spun me around "aww, Reed, it's beautiful, and yes I will go to the dance with you" I told him as he put my bracelet on my wrist "not as beautiful as you" he smiled, and put his hands on my face, as he gently kissed me.

"See you tonight, love" he told me and let me go, I grabbed his hands as he departed from me, I walked back over to Cleo's house to get ready.

"Are we covered up enough" Emma asked us, as I looked at my purple outfit I was wearing, purple pants, with a light purple shirt, and heals that covered my feet, I looked ridiculous "sure, not even a tiny spray of water vapor, could touch our skin" Cleo got her bag ready.

"Do we look like dorks?" Emma paused, looking at us "no, no way, not a chance" "we're fine" Cleo and Rikki tried to cheer her up "we look like dorks" I told them with both my hands on my hips, I looked at them as I saw them nod their heads agreeing with me.

"So you're definitely coming?" Rikki asked packing her towels "well, I'm the dance organizer, it's my responsibility" Emma walked over besides Rikki, I turned my head when I heard a knock on the door, I saw Lewis as he looked at us.

"You're all here, brilliant!" He said and was about to shut the door when I saw Reed walk in, before he could look at me I quickly hide behind Cleo's curtains, the girls looked at me confused, but I popped my head out, so Reed wouldn't see my ridiculous outfit.

But he cleaned up pretty nice "we're all out of navel lint, Lewis" Cleo crossed her arms leaning on her desk "no I don't need anymore specimens, my research is finally complete" he sat down his bag digging into it.

"What are you doing" Reed pointed at me "I'm not ready yet" I fake smiled at him "Cleo" he pulled out some can bottled "we don't need deodorant either, Lewis" she told him.

"It's not, look I've developed an amino acid feeling derivative compound, that when in contact with skin resists moisture" he gently grabbed Cleo's arm, and pulled up her sleeve, and spray it on her arm.

"You mean it'll waterproof us?" Emma furrowed her eyebrows, as Lewis pulled out something else "how can you be sure" I asked still holding the curtain over my body "he's not" Reed rolled his eyes "but this second bottle, it's full of water" he said and sprayed it on Cleo.

"Lewis, I already packed my towel in my bag! You'd better be ready to catch me when this tail appears" Cleo yelled at Lewis pointing at her legs, as Rikki stood by her side holding her arms shaking her head at my brother.

I looked at Cleo when no tail had appeared "do you see a tail" he said, I started to smile at Lewis "we don't have to worry about getting wet anymore" Emma smiled at us "that means we could wear what we want to the dance" I smirked and started to get dressed.

"Yes!" I heard the girls yell in excitement as they followed me into the bathroom.

Reeds POV
I smiled at the girls, when they didn't have to worry about getting wet "the dance?" Lewis asked confused, I walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me guess you didn't ask Cleo?" I asked him "well I totally forgot, do you think she has a date should I ask her?" He told me "ask her mate" I told him as Leah had came out in a beautiful dress.

Leah's POV

Your dress

If you have straight hair

If you have curly hair

I looked at Reed as he looked at me in amazement "what do you think?" I asked him showing off my dress "you look fabulous" he told me, I smiled at him and hugged him "sounds like a compliment to me" Rikki said.

Reed helped me with my stuff as I saw Cleo and Lewis talking, he doesn't know it's too late to ask Cleo.

"Cleo, someone's here for you!" Mr.Sertori yelled for Cleo, as Reed grabbed my hand, and we walked down the stairs together.

When we walked down the stairs Rikki and Cleo greeted their dates "I thought I said something short and tight" Nate blurted out, Reed and I turned our heads at them "what?" Cleo's dad yelled "nothing" Cleo quickly saved the day.

"Should we get going?" Cleo said looking at everybody "Lewis, you're not coming?" Zane asked Lewis who stood there awkwardly "um, I might get there later" he told Zane "well you'd better bring a hose, then, cause it's going to be hot" he grabbed Cleo by the waist and pointed at Lewis "boom" he said and walked out.

I rolled my eyes at Nate and held onto Reed, Lewis played along and did the same thing "Bye Lewis" Cleo told him sadly, Reed and I stopped in front of him "come on Lewis, you think about it and come to the dance" Reed pointed at him "yeah, and if I don't see you in 20 minutes, I'll drag you over there myself" I put a hand on his shoulders.

"I-I don't know, Leah" he stammered "hey, you're better then that jerk" I put a hand on my brothers face, and pulled him in for a hug "see you in a bit okay" I told him and let him go, while I turned to Reed and grabbed his hand.

Lewis's POV
I smiled at my sister as her and Reed left "you're letting my daughter go with him?" Mr.Sertori came up to me "well, it's not really up to me" I told him.

"Of course it is, she only ever talks about you, come on, Lewis, you're better than that goose" he slapped my chest as I jumped, but my thought was on how she talks about me.

"Really?" I asked as he patted my shoulder, he nodded and walked away.

Emma's POV
I stood by the punch while everyone else danced, I felt a presence besides me and saw Cleo "where's Nate" I leaned closer to Cleo so she could hear me.

"He parked me" Cleo looked up looking for the right word "mates now, dance later" Cleo shrugged her shoulders as we both turned around looking at our class dancing.

"At least someone's having fun" I yelled in Cleo's ear looking at Rikki who was laughing with Zane, and Leah who had a big smile on her face when Reed had spun her around, I looked over at Byron who was dancing with Miriam, I saw Miriam look my way with an evil look.

I bite the inside of my cheek "do you think Lewis would have asked me? If he'd have remembered the dance was tonight?" Cleo asked me, right when she said that Lewis had walked in "only one way to find out" I pointed at Lewis who looked over here.

He was about to walk to Cleo but got quickly cut of by Nate who walked up to Cleo "dance now, mates later" he grabbed her hand, as she looked at me for help.

"I've really messed this up haven't I" he watched Cleo and Nate danced together "you know, there is such a thing as cutting in" I saw him lift up and eyebrow, I gave him a smile as he was about to walk to them.

"Come on, Lewis, I need a partner for this one" Tiffany grabbed his shoulders and led him to the dance floor, as I laughed at the two.

But my eyes where still on Byron and Miriam, who where laughing and dancing together, that's when my smile dropped.

Leah's POV
All this dancing was getting me tired I could tell it was getting Reed tired too "I'm going to go get a drink" I whispered in his ear "I'll come with you" I smiled at him as I grabbed his hands and we went to the punch bowl.

"Hi Emma, can we get two cups" i asked her "yeah" she poured us some cups and gave them to us "let's go sit down these heels are killing me" I told him "want me to carry you?" He asked me I chuckled at him "I'll live" I told him and led him to a booth.

Rikki's POV
I grabbed Zane's shoulders and yelled in his ear so he could hear me "I'm just going to go get a drink" he looked at me and nodded with a smile "you're free, let's dance" I turned and saw Miriam holding on to Zane.

I was about to walk to her but Lewis grabbed me "hey it's uh time for supper" Lewis pointed to my bag, I turned to the two and fake smiled "uh, it's ok, it's really important to top off on your deodorant from this time of night" I walked over to my bag.

"Let's dance, Lewis" I saw Tiffany take Lewis away to dance with her, I quickly got out the bottle and shook it up.

Emma's POV
When I looked over to see who stood by me I smiled "cool, dance, you've done great" Byron told me "lucky I didn't ask you to come with me" I stopped smiling and turned my head at him in surprise.

"You were gonna ask me?" I leaned closer to him so he could hear me over the loud music "sure, but then you said how great you wanted to be and how much work you had to do, and nothing was going to get in your way, and so I took the hint" I shook my head and smiled.

"That wasn't a hint" I told him "it wasn't" he turned to me, I shook my head at him.

Rikki's POV
I sprayed as much of the deodorant I could on me, I looked up to see Miriam and her minions looking at me "well, Zane had enough, I did mention about deodorant" I looked at them up and down.

"Well, maybe you could help me" she quickly jerked away the deodorant from my hands, and started to spray it in the air "give it back, give it back" I said trying to reach for the bottle back, she handed it to her friends who sprayed it around.

When there wasn't anymore they made an stupid face at me "oh sorry, we used it all up" Miriam fake apologized to me "that's ok, you guys needed it more than I did" I pointed at all of them.

"You sure you're not angry, I mean, you really are red in the face" she looked at her minions "no, the smell of body odor tends to do that to me" I shot back at her "well, it looks more like blood pressure" she scoffed and walked away.

I touched my face and it was hot, I looked at my arms and saw that they where super red.

Emma's POV
"I was trying to convince you how great the dance would be, so you'd ask me" I leaned to him, but when he turned his head at me he quickly backed away "right, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you" I looked at him confused.

"I'm not in embarrassed" I told him confused "you look hot, I'll go get you a drink then" I watched him walk off, I didn't know what he meant.

Cleo's POV
I was dancing with Zane's mates as they surrounded me "whoa! You really need to take a break" Nate pointed at me, I looked at them confused on why they where looking at me like that.

Leah's POV
I drunk my drink laughing at Reed, till his smile kinda dropped "Leah..." he said and brought a hand on my head and put it there "you're really red" he told me.

"Am I" I asked him looking at my arms, and they where red, I looked over at Cleo who was also looking at herself, I looked at Emma, and Rikki too, I quickly got up and grabbed Reed out of the booth.

I let go of his hands and walked over and grabbed Emma, Cleo, and Rikki's hands and stopped in front of Lewis.

"This isn't sunburn, Lewis, what have you done to us?" Cleo pointed at her face as we all went into the cool room, with Lewis, and Reed behind us.

Reed inspected my face and turned it side ways to get a good view so did Lewis with Rikki's "Lewis, you clearly did something wrong to make the girls really red" Reed crossed his arms walking over to Lewis.

"Ugh, well— it could be from the formula" he said stupidly "of course it's from the formula" Rikki held up the bottle "what do we do about it?" I told him calmly as he walked over to the opposite side.

"Well, it's probably just like a minor allergic reaction, I'll need to do some more test" Lewis touched my arms "more earwax?" Cleo questioned him with his words.

"Ideally" he cringed his lips "and how is that going to help us now?" Rikki leaned closer so he could hear her "you ruined our night, Lewis, look at us" Cleo pointed at all of us "I say we run for it" Emma turned to all of us.

We went out of the cool room with our heads low, and our hands covering our faces "you can— you can barely notice it" Lewis tried to stop us, "Leah, wait" Reed tried to stop me, but I still kept walking.

"Obviously the formula only reacts with our human skin, now that we're mermaids, it doesn't affect us" Emma slushed her hands in the water "and that helps us how?" Rikki said.

"Just as Byron was about to make a move" Emma smiled at the thought "really?" Cleo cheerfully told her "that's fantastic" I swam towards Emma and swam besides her "yeah, and then I turned into a tomato pizza, and ran out on him" Emma looked up at me with sadness.

"At least your guys is showing an interest" Cleo said, I saw her stare off into thought, I looked at her confused on what had made her so sad.

Reeds POV
Lewis and I walked around and spotted Byron and Zane sitting there with no date, Lewis and I joined them "have the uhh, have—have the girls come back yet?" Lewis asked the boys "would we be sitting here like losers if they had?" Zane told him

"Well, sure they won't be long" i told them "do you think they went home?" Byron looked at all of us, I glanced at lewis and told him to follow me.

Lewis and I ran to his boat, I took off my jacket and through it in Lewis's boat, as he untied it and I tried to get it started "I think I know where that are?" I told him pulling up my sleeves, and starting the motor.

"Something's happened" lewis and I looked up and saw Miss Chatham, walking towards us "oh, oh, let me guess, a little porpoise told you that" lewis told her meanly, I slapped his chest.

"Am I wrong?" she held both her arms up "no you aren't Miss C, the girls are very upset right now, and Lewis here is going to go apologize to them for what he did" I told Miss C, glaring at Lewis "I messed everything up" Lewis walked over to Miss C.

I sat down in the boat and watched Lewis and Miss C speak "I told you, science and magic don't mix" she put her hands together "no, but science works most of the time" Lewis through a fit "can science really explain what goes on in your heart? Especially tonight" She lifted up her head.

"All right, ok" he paced back and forth "just for arguments sake, let's say magic exists, what good does that do me? How can I use it?" He pointed

"Well, who know? It's magic" she held her hands out, Lewis groaned at her "no, but the girls need my help, and if—if science doesn't work and there's no operating manual for magic, then what am I supposed to do?" I frowned at Lewis.

"Be their friend." Miss C smiled at him.

"Though it mightn't seem like much, and you mightn't get it right every time, but those girls need friends like you, two, especially you" she looked to Lewis from me.

"That's it" Lewis put a hand on his hip licking his lips "that's all I've got" she said, and started to walk away "well come on Lewis, you heard her, they need friends like us" I told him and stood up, putting a hand on the motor so we could go.

Leah's POV
We had gotten out of the water, and our skin was looking good "nearly back to normal, just looks like we used too much blusher" Cleo walked over and stood besides me as I smiled.

"They'll be packing up the dance by now" Emma crossed her arms "guys are you there?" Lewis yelled, I quickly jumped and saw my brother "uhh, so it's just about worn off then" he gestured to our skin "just in time to help stack the chairs, Lewis" Cleo said.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea something like this was going to happen..I was trying to help, and I still want to" Lewis apologized and I could tell he was for real.

"Do we get choice of color this time?" Rikki told him rudely, he stood there silent "Em, you might want to know that Byron's still at the dance" I looked at Emma who quickly was waiting for him to say more "he was—he was waiting to see whether you'd come back or not." Lewis didn't make eye contact with Emma after feeling guilty.

"Not anymore he won't" emma shook her head as I turned to her "he'll be walking Miriam home, if he asked her to go to the dance, he'd feel responsible for her" Emma got her hopes up crossing her arms "but he didn't ask her, she asked him" Emma looked at him confused.

"Tiffany told me between handstands" I chuckled and I saw Emma quickly dive into the moon pool, and swam away to the dance.

"So I guess Miriam was able to get a close in to Zane" Rikki sighed in shame "no way, last I saw she was stuck dancing with Nate and his mates" he smiled at Rikki, I saw her face lit up "really?" She said happy "yes, Zane asked them to keep her away from him" I smiled in awe, as I saw Rikki do the same thing Emma had did.

"Well my guess is Miriam found a way to dance with Reed" I put my head down in shame "no, Leah, he's on the boat waiting for you, he wanted to stay out there for you, that's why I'm the only one here, and—" I quickly gave Lewis a big hug.

"Thank you Lewis" I let go of him, and dove into the pool to go and find Reed.

Cleo's POV
When all the girls had left it was just me and Lewis, he looked up at me then quickly looked away "Nate was asking about you" he told me softly "I only went with him because no one else asked me to go" I told him hoping he'd get the hint.

"Am I that no one else?" He said getting the hint "yes....but you didn't seem interested" I fiddled with my hands "which was really annoying, because I'm interested in you" I put my head down, and confessed my feelings for him.

"Really?" He looked at me quickly, as I nodded my head at him.

Emma's POV
Rikki and I had made it to the cafe, and we had gotten to our boys just in time "Byron?" I said as I quickly walked in, smiling at him.

He took my hand as we started to dance, I looked over and saw Rikki and Zane doing the same thing I have no clue where Leah had went.

Leah's POV
When I spotted Lewis's boat I smiled and swam up towards it, I didn't see Reed in there, but I turned my head to see him standing on the beach, I smiled and him and dove back into the water, and swam towards him.

"Reed?" Once I was dried I walked to him "Leah" he smiled at me "I'm sorry" I said, holding on to his hands "you know, you didn't have to run out like that, red or not, your still beautiful, in my eyes, and I will never ever in my life judge you, I love you, Leah McCartney" he put a hand on my face towering over me.

"I love you too, Reed Chadwick" I kissed him, god he smells so good, and his lips are so soft, oh I never want this to end "wanna dance" he asked me "but there's no music" I chuckled "who cares" he smiled.

He grabbed my hand and twirled me around, I laid my head on his chest, as we danced on the beach.

Cleo's POV
"Cleo, I don't know what to say, we'll, yeah I mean I guess I'm interested in you, too" he walked over and sat down by me by the moon pool.

"Wow, umm, is it like, like a friend thing? Like a colleague?" He tried to know what we are "I hope not" I shook my head "I don't think so, that's not what I meant" he gestured his hands, and he sighed.

"Cleo, it's just that, the exact definition, it's not easy, it's not" he sighed shaking his head "you're still trying to analyze this, after everything we've been through" I said, he looked back at the water "you're absolutely right, Ms.Chathams right, no not everything can be scientifically" I smile on how he was understanding.

"In fact, I'm not even going to try to figure it out anymore, I just want to go with the magic" I smiled and held his hand into mine "works for me" I nodded to him, and leaned in, and kissed him, I pulled back as he looked stunned "oh, I think I could get to like this magic" he joked.

"Get used to it, Lewis" I smiled at him, and leaned back in for a kiss, this time he put his hand on my jaw and kissed me back.


Are you guys ready for the season finally because I am!!!???

I also made a tiktok for this book go follow it I uploaded two videos that aren't really good but I do hope I get better, but anyways please like and follow I will be posting more content

Tiktok- h20.just.add.water19

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