Dangerously Close

De nerdyflirtykari

58.5K 3.8K 1.1K

"Are you scared?" What's the use of playing a game and not receiving the best prize? It started out as a savi... Mais

Author's Note


1.6K 96 26
De nerdyflirtykari


It didn't take long for the tears he held up valiantly to fall, seconds after Neil left. A self-deprecating laugh escaped his lips as he ran his shaky hand through his hair. The tears flowed harder when he recalled his father's words. Old insecurities he swore he chased away came back. It wasn't very smart of him to think that he was healed after being shown love by an incredible person like Eros. Jaejin knew now he had to work harder on himself. How can he allow simple words bred in disgust and arrogance to affect him like this in the future?

This is what Eros was worried about. He voiced these worries to Jaejin but he set them aside and said he was fine with everything.

Jaejin's sobs became louder when everything became clearer to him. It ached him from the inside and was heard through his muffled sobs. Was it this much he hid from everyone? The pain of being used and neglected by his father, the highest want of having an actual family life, the tying down of his true self, the verbal abuse and mockery from his family home, and the helplessness he felt when he took note of the situation of he and his mother. All of this was bottled up. 

                'How did I create such a worthless and disgusting being? A fucking disgrace to my family line!'

Those words cut the last string he had towards his father and like a dam, all his bottled feelings were released. He was no longer Min Hanjool's first son. Jaejin was now himself, the filial son of Han Eun-Kyung.

Standing at the door was Isla. When she returned from sending Neil off, she found her young master in this state. She didn't disturb him, she quietly watched on, allowing him to grab a hold of himself. From their talks and gaining friendship with Adam, she learned more about Jaejin.  Sometimes it's the ones closest to you, who know you better than yourself. Adam made her promise to keep a close eye on Jaejin's emotional well-being. He sensed how deeply his best friend was hurt and chose to silently stay by his side. This is what Adam asked her to watch for. The young man knew that one-day Jaejin will break down after being pushed too far. Today was that day. Whatever the short call to his father did and Neil's actions pushed him over the edge.

When his cries subsided, Isla slowly made her way over to him. Not caring for proprietary, she knelt by his side and dried his tears with the paper napkin from the table. Another sad laugh was heard from him. "I... I didn't expect this to happen," he said in a hoarse whisper.

"It's best that it happened today. How do you feel now?" Isla asked.

His eyes were red and the tear tracks were prominent on his face. The tears made his black eyes shine as they pooled; a single droplet hovered on his long lashes and dropped heavily on his hand. He was trying so hard not to sob louder than expected that his lips trembled in protest. He took a deep breath to compose himself. 
"Relieved?" It sounded like he was questioning his present state than answering her.

"That's good. Don't doubt it."

"I wasn't silly to think that he would have a change of heart, right?"

Isla smiled and pressed the napkin against the corner of his eyes when the well of tears broke. His innocent questioning eyes nearly broke her but she kept calm. 
"No. It wasn't silly to think so. It's the greatest test to remove such relations from your life. You did well, young master."

"I should give my mother a heads up. He will take his anger ...."

"The second young master has a team watching over the madam. Everything will be alright. Let's clean you up. You don't want him to worry about you right?" she interjected.

 Jaejin laughed again, this time it was out of realization. His body felt light at that moment. Raising his head he let the sun warm his face and took a deep calming breath. "I have to focus on myself more.  With me no longer needing his validation and acceptance, I feel really good now."

"That's great, young master. Go freshen up, I will meet you back inside then we can leave."

"Thank you, Isla." Jaejin gave her a thankful smile and left her on the balcony.

Watching his disappearing back, Isla sent a quick message to Eros's aide and best friend, Jian. Everything was in play, and by the end of the day, the media world will find another nail to place in Min Hanjool's coffin. 


The time it took for Jaejin to wash his face and return to Isla's side was enough for Jian to set the ball rolling on his part of the day's scheduled plan. His boss was in an important meeting and couldn't personally tend to this matter. On his order, the expected angry and jilted posts from the three ladies were found on four media sites. Photos of their overnight bedmates were included in those posts along with their name; the media team reposted each one under different usernames and a water army was hired to make disparaging comments and be lazy gossip. As they say, bad news travels faster than good news, the hotel escapade flooded newsfeeds. Users who knew the three families didn't hesitate to repost and tell their families. It was obvious that this wasn't regulated to Pasadena and New Mexico, it reached very far, including a teenage girl who was very involved with her brothers' love lives. 
Rejeanne Delacourde found the name Neil Min awfully familiar and did her own social media investigation, that's when she saw a media house dumping the entire Min family's dirty laundry to the public. This is where she saw, for the first time, her older brother's partner. The photo was of him four to five years younger but she didn't care.

"Mama! I got it!" Her shout can be heard on the lower floors of the Boston Delacourde mansion. The staff chuckled at the little princess's outburst while the indoor guards shook their heads in amusement. Arianna was catching up on her shows in the family room when she heard the ear-piercing shout. "This child! I swear!" she grumbled. It wasn't long after that the teenage daughter of Raizon and Arianna came sliding into the room. Her green eyes were bright with excitement, she now had straightened hair piled into a messy bun on top of her head and an oversized hoodie hanging off her body. Arianna glanced her way but refocused on her show. 

"What is it?" she asked.

Rejeanne rolled her eyes at her mother. "It wouldn't hurt to be in the know about your sons' lovers, ya know?" she complained.

"As long as their partners do not cause them stress or be an unnecessary burden, I'm hands-off on their love lives," Arianna replied.

"What about getting a quick look at them before they are officially introduced? Who knows how long we will have to wait? Reese is a lost cause at the moment. Luke was out of the picture a long time ago. That only leaves little Rose." Her voice was filled with temptation, Arianna recognized this tactic, she used this many times to trick her husband and also to get information out of traitors. Shifting in her seat, she gave her daughter quick glances. It would be a lie that she didn't want to see a picture of the guy her son chose as his partner. All the little brat gave was a name and Luke forbade anyone from getting intel on the guy. Well, their baby sister broke that promise.

Rejeanne waved the phone in her sight. 

"Why are you so mean?" Arianna complained and grabbed the phone from her daughter's hand. Smiling in triumph, she waited for her mother to comment on the photo of Min Jaejin. "When did my children get a taste of exotic food?"

" ...... " Rejeanne couldn't respond to her mother's comment. If she did then she will be teased relentlessly about a certain Italian CEO.
Arianna laughed in high amusement when she peeked at her daughter's ugly expression. It felt good to have an upper hand over her kids. Turning back to the photo, she can only smile at the image of the solemn Min Jaejin standing opposite of his mother in the traditional family pose. His then-long hair was in a sleek ponytail showing his delicate features. If one didn't see the tailored suit before his face, he would be mistaken for a girl. "He inherited a lot of features from his mother. How pretty is he right now?" Arianna said under her breath. She then turned to her K-pop-crazed child with narrowed eyes. Rejeanne felt a chill down her spine from that look.

"No posting of him when he's officially introduced. No K-pop fan fiction with him as inspiration."

She gasped in shock when Arianna made her order. She was just thinking of a yaoi fanfiction of him being a pretty seme. With her mother intervening in her plans Rejeanne can only click her tongue in stubborn defeat.


In the same way, the scarring post was found by the Delacourde household, it reached the monitoring desk of the Macallis Company. This was reported to Chairman Josef Macallis. It was natural for him to berate his business partner's incompetence. With his bastard child in the media on the tail of his family's disgrace in Korea, the media will dig deeper and his investors' trust will plummet further. If this goes on, their source of extra income will be revealed. They were already in a chokehold with the local overlord placing pressure on them, this type of publicity wasn't needed. 

"Sir, I think it's best to step back."

This suggestion came from his most trusted secretary, Kyle Lanley. This man was on the same level as Min Hanjool's Administrator Cho, both men were privy to their bosses' black marks and had the job of covering up every blemish they made.

"I was thinking the same. Send a probing email to Chairman, it should be based around the marriage of our children and my fear of having my daughter being worried because of the recent development," Macallis commented. 
Kyle silently scoffed at the fatherly part and the worries of the spoiled heiress. Playing on the duos' public image was the best way to gain great sentiment from the masses. It won't be long before the media ties the Macallis with the Min family. As he drafted a letter on his tablet, an email came in from the monitoring department. His eyes froze upon reading the attached file. They were too late. As a related article about the Min family, the marriage deal between Sherida Macallis and Min Jaejin was exposed. The reporter spun their words skillfully, placing both families in a bad light. 
                                        Chairman Min sells his son to business overlord Macallis.

The article clearly stated the agreement of both parties and the details of the signed contract. The reporter even included Min Jaejin's lack of knowledge of such actions and his impromptu 'lifestyle training' given by his father, Chairman Min while the bastard son lived in luxury. It may seem like a petty article but it tugged at the heartstrings of the public, especially mothers and softhearted women, these commenters were of the majority. Between the criticism were two sympathetic female commenters who are 'in the know' of New Mexico high society. The treatment of Han Eun-Kyung was revealed but only surface issues. This raised the hatred level towards HW Financial Group's Chairman and like the great domino effect, more investors pulled out of their contracts. 

Kyle digested all of this information and relayed it to his boss. Macallis was livid. "Sue that media house now!" What more can he do? If he asked for a retraction it will be denying the truth after all everything was laid out in black and white along with 'sources.' He can only use the threat of being sued. 
"I think it's best if we used Miss Sherida at the moment. If we use the story of love at first sight on their college campus it with dissuade some of these believers. It will be changed to an act of a doting father," Kyle suggested.

Macallis sighed. In truth, he didn't want to hear about that daughter of his. He lost face with the Italian Don, the termination of the work contract made him lose a good chunk of money and her overbearing display of arrogance lowered the credibility of his modeling agency. The little bitch even pulled her mother into the mess she created. They were two migraines he couldn't get rid of. 
"Do as you wish, also, let the men move the latest shipment to Las Vegas. A new buyer is there," he said calmly.

"What of Chairman Min's merchandise?"

Macallis gave him a cold smile. "Don't you think I need compensation?"


The game pieces were all moving under the master's steady watch. Every action was met with a counterattack from the gamemaster. Under his keen eyes, everything was revealed and moved at his whims. In the basement-level control room of his company, Eros gave his last orders and left his team to meet an important guest who just arrived. By his side was Jian who was fixing his suit jacket and skewed accessories. "Are you going to reveal to him his father's black nature?"

"After I evaluate his mental clarity then I will decide. Today was an unexpected breakthrough for him. From Isla's report, he's still shaken. I must tread carefully," Eros replied, letting out a nervous sigh.

"Good. You're getting better at emotional analysis. Remember to balance both logic and emotion," Jian reminded him.

"Yes. Thank you." Eros was thankful he had his best friends at his side. It did him well that they can adjust their mindset between friends and subordinates.


"That was an excited response. What is it?"

"I'm getting to meet your partner before the others. How can I not be excited?" Jian hummed a happy tune as the elevator reached the lobby. 

"Be nice," Eros warned softly. His friend glanced his way and saw the little sign of being nervous. Why was this second little devil nervous? 

Stepping into the lobby, the front desk and the employees who were either leaving or coming from lunch were surprised to see their boss lingering in such a public area. They knew of his personality of being reclusive, his appearance piqued their curiosity. Standing at the end of the lobby security check, Eros's attention was on the group making their way up the stairs outside. His heartbeat began to quicken when he saw Jaejin looking at places of note whenever Isla pointed them out for him. He was surrounded by his security detail but wasn't fully enclosed, he had space to stop and stare before moving once again. "He had a haircut," Eros commented.
Jian heard what his friend and gave an unbiased look at the guy approaching the front door. Tall, slender frame, his good looks couldn't hide behind the shades on his face. His style of dress was bold and neat, the slim-fit chinos and boat shoes suited him, even the yellow, black, and white mosaic shirt he wore. 'Seems like brother-in-law will fit in nicely with the fashionistas in the family,' he thought to himself.

When the entourage entered the building, Jaejin's attention found Eros right away. Everyone can see the smile on his lips and the brightness that action caused around him. He didn't rush to Eros, he followed the security procedures and paid attention to the process. They were extremely thorough. These little things said so much about Eros. 
Isla led the way, bringing him within ten feet of his partner before stepping to the side.

Eros stepped forward, meeting Jaejin halfway. The latter's shoulder fell in relief like a big weight was thrown off by the former's worried gaze. Long fingers reached up and brush his cheek before pulling him into a gentle embrace. Jaejin released a shuddering breath upon getting a whiff of the cologne he became familiar with. Warmth enveloped him when he placed his head on Eros's chest, hearing the tempo of his heartbeat speed up made him smile.
"You did well." 
Those three words were whispered against his ear before a soft kiss was placed.

Oblivious to their surroundings, excited whispers were in the making and Isla and Jian being the cheering team were taking numerous photos of the two with gloating smiles on their faces. 

Eros came back to his senses after a while and looked up. His vulnerable state was gone but he didn't remove his arm from around Jaejin, plastering their bodies together in a very intimate manner. 
"Two hours," he declared to the two.

"Yes, young master," they said in unison. Hiding their phones they watched as the couple made their way to the private elevator. 
"He's not afraid," Jian commented when the elevator left the lobby.

Isla knew who the comment was pointed at and replied with a smile on her face. "He understands what he wants and who he needs. Public affection will come naturally when one comes to a realization."


On their way up, Eros couldn't resist his partner's presence. He stole kisses and held him, hostage, in his arms for the entire ride to the top floor. Jaejin didn't object, he loved being pampered by Eros. 
The two shared no words, they were content with the harmonious silence between them. There was no discomfort or worries about what the other may think. Stepping onto the top floor, Eros locked his fingers through Jaejin's and led him into his office space. No tour was given, he allowed Jaejin to look around on his own. From Jian's front office, private conference room, and personal rest area, to the main office which was separated by security-locked frosted glass doors. When they reached the doors, Eros did something unthinkable in Jaejin's eyes. From his phone, he was added to him to the list of approved entrants.
"You are free to visit me, whenever you like. As soon as you register your fingerprint here, you will become an SS-class entrant of my company. Only my immediate family is at this grade. You're my partner, you are now part of everything I am. Are you willing to be part of me? It's not an easy life, even if it looks like that on the outside." Eros's words meant a lot of things but there was a main point Jaejin heard and understood. 

This was it. 

He was being asked to place his trust and life into this world that was opened up to him. There was no more 'heir of the Min family', no more chess pieces of his father, and no more hiding himself to survive. He was now given a chance to be himself along with being by Eros Delacourde's side.

The hand that Eros held was slightly shaking, he can feel how nervous he was. Jaejin looked at their connected hands and then at the man who wanted him in his life. Those amber eyes were soft and filled with apprehension, even if his expression was calm, his emotions were clear in his eyes. Not knowing why Jaejin's eyes began to burn with tears. Why was he so emotional today?
Eros saw the runaway tear sneaking past the sunglasses he wore and removed them completely.

"Jin. Why...."

Jaejin waved off his words with a tearful laugh when he saw his Rose fuss over him. Removing the space between them, he tilted his head up to have his lips a hair's breadth away from Eros's. 

"Wasn't I always yours? I'm your prize, Eros Delacourde. It's my right to always stay by your side."

"Ah!" The sudden cry from Eros shocked him, Jaejin was confused by this outburst of emotion but it was temporarily shelved when he was caught in a desperate kiss from him. He was locked against this warm, muscular body and branded by each touch of his hands. All he can do, not to fall because of his weakened knees was to lock his around Eros's neck and ride this emotional wave along with him. It wasn't hard to understand that this always-confident man had some hangups. All he can do is wait until he fully opens up. For now, he will enjoy the feel of his soft lips against his and follow the trail his hands were making under his shirt. His own fingers held onto Eros's back when his body reacted perfectly to this intimacy. He groaned and pressed his lower half against Eros's to get some comfort.

"Jin.My Jin. Let's go inside. I'm... I will lose it if you continue." His voice was strained when he spoke. He forcefully held Jin's waist and pressed his hardened cock against Jin's.

Jaejin chuckled against Eros's shoulder and backed down. He didn't look up. He can feel the heat on his face. This was further than their normal makeout sessions. He felt soft lips against his neck followed by the word that is always said when he was flustered. "Cute."

Under Eros's lead, Jaejin was registered into the system and escorted into the main office. 

The entire top floor made use of the natural light from outside, placing glass walls and windows brought in spectacular views and a welcoming atmosphere. For privacy, frosted glass was placed in strategic areas, especially Eros's private office which held the main hub of the company. To access this part, one had to receive entry permission from him and enter through the private lounge area. 
In the main office, an intricately carved desk stood in the middle, boldly stating who was the definite boss. Waist-high bookshelves lined the right side of the office with a nook created at the end stopping against the wall. On the left side was a small coffee bar with all his needs for overnight work. On the counter was Jaejin's food order. Eros left him to his own devices and tended to their lunch.

Throwing his coat on one of the guest chairs, Jaejin roamed the office and lounge area before returning to Eros's side. He watched on as their plated meals were placed on the desk, followed by Eros removing his jacket and then unbuttoning the suit vest. 
A frown formed between his eyebrows when he recalled something earlier.

"Your body felt firmer than before. Why? I don't think you can build that much muscle in a matter of days," he questioned.

"Your observation is very clear. This is one of my deterrent suits."

"Deterrent?" Jaejin reached out and felt the vest. Under his touch, he felt something like a metal sheet and foam.

"Each of my suits is duplicated along with my coats. They are all lined with military-grade bulletproof material that was designed for our daily wear. It's lightweight and cushioned with various materials for comfort."

"Wow. That's... a lot." Jaejin couldn't find the right words because he was thinking of how forward-thinking the family was in terms of security.

"The Delacourde Empire is known as both real estate and food industry moguls to the public. There are some industries we are in but not as outstanding as those two. We are also connected to families who have equally infamous industries in major countries. Beneath it all, we have the stagnant power to affect the countries we are based in. Putting aside the sole businesses of my brothers and cousins, I am now at the forefront of an industry that put everyone on guard. We are at a technological age where one can infiltrate any business, any company, and peek into any document. I have that ability. I have the resources, the talent, and a shield. Given that basis of my personal profile, aren't I a threat on many levels?"

"Sssi!!" Jaejin sharply drew in a cold breath. His partner was a real enemy of the state.

"Exactly," Eros said with a soft laugh. "When my brother and I made our debut to the public, mother gave us our first bulletproof jackets. I even remembered the solemn look on her face as she dressed us. If I can recall clearly, our older brother was attacked months earlier on his way to school by some religious nuts. They claimed our family was the incarnations of the devil." A cold smile was on his face when he said that last bit. His eyes became fierce upon that memory.

'Maybe they are right,' Jaejin thought to himself. Even he couldn't resist that chill running down his spine.

Eros smiled at his partner's wide-eyed look. "Still staying by my side?" he asked as he sat in his chair.

"Yes!" His answer was resolute.

With a nod of his head and a bright smile tugging at his lips, he gestured for Jaejin to eat. 


The small smile on his lips never left his face during their lunch date. Poring himself another glass of wine, Eros leaned against the bar and found the most spectacular view across the room. His warm gaze was felt by Jaejin as he strolled around the private lounge area with a glass of wine in his hand. Lunch was over and the two were in their own bubble. Their companionable silence was only broken by the ongoing sitcom blaring on the television. 
Eros took that time to make note of his partner's minute changes. He looked more relaxed and that tired and strained look was no longer in his eyes. He was now barefooted, carefree, and vulnerable before him. Before today's episode, Jaejin didn't let down his guard this much. Eros thought back to the intensity of his kisses and realized how much pressure his Jin was carrying on his shoulders and mind. He was happy about this development.

"What is it?"

"Hmmm?" Eros was confused by his quiet query.

"What have you so deep in thought?" Jaejin asked, slowly making his way over.


Jaejin stumbled due to his clear answer. He chuckled and stopped before Eros. "Care to share?" His voice was teasing yet had a hint of concern. His dark eyes were now hooded as he gazed at Eros's full body on display. In his state of subtle undress, this man can tempt any innocent being. His dress shirt was unbuttoned and his tie was loose around his neck. Even without the closefitting vest, his slim waist can be envisioned under his shirt and pants. Jaejin's eyes moved from Eros's chest and moved slowly down to his waist and thighs. Who is his tailor? How can simple pants fit so perfectly? He knew how muscular Eros was and loved how firm his body was. Seeing his pants molded against his thighs made the blood rush to his head. 

Both of them.

Eros Delacourde was sinfully sexy.

"I can."

"What?" It was Jaejin's turn to lose his train of thought.

"I can share my thoughts about you."

Stepping closer, Jaejin placed his reply on pause and plastered his body against Eros's. Amber eyes locked onto him, watching every move and not intervening. He was given permission to do as he liked. Taking that invitation, he brushed his lips against his before licking the remnants of wine of them. Eros didn't move. His body was warmed by Jaejin's sensual action. He couldn't tear his eyes away from him. Both their eyes locked at that moment. Slow kisses followed. Curious, Jaejin probed with his tongue during their kisses, he was testing himself inch by inch. Leaning to the side, Jaejin removed the wine glasses from their hands and returned his focus to Eros.

"What are your thoughts?" he asked.

Eros didn't answer. He couldn't answer because he was controlling himself.  Jaejin was tugging his shirt out of his pants and unbuttoning it slowly. A kiss was placed on his neck before the shirt was pushed apart. Eros looked down at the pale hand resting on his chest and followed its every movement. His tattoos were traced, his waist was caressed and his chest was touched reverently. 

Jaejin repeated his question. Eros swallowed harshly when four slender fingers disappeared under his belt. His eyes flew to Jaejin's.

Those eyes.

Those black onyx eyes glittered with temptation and boldness. His innocent Jaejin wasn't before him.

"My Rose. Why aren't you answering?" he asked softly as he worked his other hand. The zipper on his pants was loud to the ear followed by his belt.

"I...." Eros released a harsh breath when Jaejin's cool fingers were now on his bare skin, beneath his briefs. His pants were now on his hips. The cold air hit his covered cock; he groaned when it reacted to the double touch of Jin's fingers and breeze. "I was admiring you."
His words stopped Jaejin in his actions.

"Admiring me?"

Eros kissed his parted lips without moving his body, leaving Jaejin in control. "I was admiring how relaxed and unburdened you are right now. You look so happy that I couldn't help but stare. I'm proud of you, baby."

He didn't reply with words. He returned Eros's kisses with unbridled intensity. His hand went lower and found the warm veined cock that pulsated by that one touch. He began to move his hand along its length, in his mind he calculated its width and trembled when his thumb and fingers didn't meet. 

"It's best if you continue, my sweet Jin. I'm hanging by a thread," Eros whispered against Jaejin's lips.

He felt proud knowing he can make this intimidating man weak like this. His confidence spiked. He tore his lips away from Eros's and created a trail to his neck. The mixture of his warm breath and tongue made Eros moan with satisfaction. His hand moved slowly around his cock at first and with the help of the cotton brushing against it, he succeeded in weakening Eros even more. 

"Jin." His whisper was both sweet and mind provoking. 

Eros forcefully grabbed Jaejin's hair and brought him into another round of kisses. His tongue invaded his mouth, following the movement of Jaejin's hand. He smiled when he heard Jin's whimper and desperation for more. He couldn't stop himself. He tore the shirt that was blocking their bodies from Jin's shoulders and unfastened the pants. 
Jaejin chuckled and sped up his hand. This only spurred Eros faster. 

Parting their bodies for a moment, Eros got his fill of Jaejin's state of undress. Seeing this, Jaejin stepped back and got rid of his now-tattered shirt. His pants were on his hips and the state of his cock was now in Eros's view. 
"Forgive me, baby."

Jaejin was confused.

Without warning, Eros closed the distance between them and threw him over his shoulder. "Rose!" His scream was of fright and amusement.

He was carried to the bed and thrown gently to the center. Eros stood above him and slowly undressed then helped him out of his pants. "I will go as far as you wish," he said softly. Jaejin's face was now red. He couldn't believe how far they'd come.

Eros placed his gaze back on Jaejin's naked state and released a sigh of contentment. He had the most beautiful man his eyes ever laid on in his bed. This man was his partner for life. Black onyx eyes, lush pink lips, unblemished white jade-like skin, and ebony hair. His slender body was well-toned and every move he made was smooth, elegant, and unpracticed. 
He knelt on the bed and positioned himself between his thighs. His large hands moved smoothly on the pale skin and moved their way to his waist. He pulled him towards his body. The sound of their skin connecting was low but meaningful.

This was another step they took. 

His cock ached. It leaked with precum as it bounced against his lower stomach. Jaejin's eyes were focused on that junction. Eros can see his quickened breath and the heat in his eyes was now fire.

"Continue." His order was forceful but gentle. 

Jaejin knew what he meant. He threw out every inhibition and swiftly moved his body and went to his knees.
Eros took a deep breath. He knew what he was about to do and braced himself.
A teasing tongue started. That first lick was hot and curious. The second one became bold and the third was filled with excitement. Jaejin licked the length of his cock; in one move, he covered Eros's cock with his mouth, eliciting a sharp intake of breath and a low curse from above. The feel of his tongue along his cock was heavenly. Back and forth Jaejin moved, he was clumsy at first but created his own motion bringing heavy pleasure to him. A low hum was heard from below; Jaejin went faster and deeper. The head of his cock met a soft resistance before a slight giveaway. It disappeared and was found once more. Eros looked down at his once innocent Jin and wondered where he learned that or if was he a natural. Soft gags were heard now and the tempo was faster.

"Shit," he cursed lowly. He placed his hands in Jaejin's soft hair; he loved the way they stuck to his fingers. He held his head and thrust gently into his mouth. His cock ached even more and was pulsating violently. He wanted to fuck this delectable mouth harder but this was his first time. Eros held back and allowed him to discover his own tempo. He looked down Jin's slender back all the way to his fleshy ass. The need to mark it was there. His eyes caught a new action. His baby was pleasuring himself while he sucked on his cock. What a view!
Eros moved his eyes to Jaejin's hidden face. Gently he moved his hair and fucked his mouth a bit faster. Jaejin looked up and matched his speed. That torturous tongue was now wrapped around his cock, tracing every protruding vein, he wanted more. 
He moved his hand to Jaejin's jaw and whispered one word.


Jaejin obeyed. He kept his eyes locked onto Eros's. Those warm eyes were now predatory. With his jaw held tight, Eros thrust into his mouth wilder and faster. He was fierce. Upon instinct, Jaejinopened his mouth wider and placed his tongue against Eros's cock.


 The low hiss was heard. He was proud to please this man. His hand tightened on his own cock and met Eros's fierce actions. His release was near but he held back. 
Eros saw this and gave him a cold smile.
"Let go, my sweet Jin."
Jaejin gagged around his thick cock. The taste of his precum on his tongue and his words were intoxicating. Eros tugged at his hair and grinned. His eyes were demanding. Jaejin couldn't hold out any longer. A muffled groan was heard, it caused Eros to shudder and a pleased smile was on his face when he threw his head back in pure bliss.
Thick warmth was released; upon reflex, he swallowed. Jin felt a similar warmth on his hand and his body went lax. 

Eros looked down and slowed his tempo. Gently he pushed Jaejin to lay back on the bed. He held his cock and removed it from his mouth. "Such a good boy," he commented, placing a kiss on Jin's lips. He moved down his body, placing kisses as he moved. His hand clamped around Jaejin's cock causing him to flinch at its sensitivity. He chuckled and placed his against it, holding them together. He wrapped Jaejin's legs around his waist and began to thrust. He moved his hand between them and used Jin's release as lubrication. Using his middle finger, he teased his tight entrance as his thrust became wilder. The look on his sweet Jin's face was memorable. His cries of pleasure filled his heart. He wanted more days of this. 

His body now had a film of sweat from his swift actions. He went faster, bringing about Jaejin's second release. A glimmer of tears formed at the corner of Jin's eyes due to the slow teasing below him. 
Eros stopped and quickly placed his legs on his shoulder. His waist was lifted from the bed and Eros's cock was between his thighs but still bonded to his own cock. A sharp bite was felt on his thigh. He brought his focus back to Eros. 
The slapping of their connecting skin was loud but Eros thrusting was at a breakneck speed; he was chasing both their release. 

Who knew...

Who knew behind your knee is an erogenous zone?

Eros placed kisses and his mark along his thighs and behind his knee. 

"Rose! Please!"

That devilish smile was on Eros's face when he heard the shout for release. "Yes, my love."

He pushed harshly, triggering both their release. Jaejin's legs fell to the sides, giving his partner a view of his fully sated state. The combination of their release was on his chest but he didn't make any headway to clean up at the moment. Jin eyed Eros. The former's face was red while the latter had pure adoration on his face. 

"I promise to keep you happy for the rest of our lives."

Jaejin laughed and shyly hid his face. His face became redder after hearing those words. He couldn't stop smiling.

"I know you will, baby."

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