Walk em like a dog - Aonunett...

By MizzGrace19

33K 1.1K 227

This is Neteyam x Aonung / Aonunete. Im going to follow the complete story line of ATWOW (to the best of my... More

Chapter 1 - Arrival.
Chapter 2 - Learning.
Chapter 3 - Free dive.
Chapter 4 - Freak.
Chapter 5 - Apologies.
Chapter 7 - Outcast
Chapter 8 - Passion
Chapter 9 - Nightmare
Chapter 10 - Seizure
Chapter 11 - Return
Chapter 12 - Celebration
Chapter 13 - Stealthy
Chapter 14 - Gift
Chapter 15 - Loss
Chapter 16 - Start
Chapter 17 - Battle
Chapter 18 - Not so happy ending
Chapter 19 - Happy afterall (AE)

Chapter 6 - Tears

2.1K 79 18
By MizzGrace19

The next day the two boys had met after dawn. They had made plans the previous night. The two were set to meet at the reef, Aonung arriving first. He waited a while until he heard someone jogging behind him, Neteyam.

Aounung didn't move as he sat, listening to Neteyam panting. The other boy had clearly ran from his hut. "Hello, forest prince." The reef boy spoke softly. "Running a bit late are we?"
"Sorry, Aonung, my parents needed my help." Neteyam sat next to the boy, staring at the ocean in front.

The boy sighed as he led onto his back, lifting his hands over his face. "What is wrong forest prince?"
"What do you mean? There is nothing wrong." The boy propped himself up on his elbows, looking over to Aonung. "I may not have known you for long but I can still see that something is wrong with you."

The forest boy's words became stuck, his breath hitched. He sat up completely, caving in on himself.

The metkayina boy shuffled closer to him. "Now tell me forest prince, what's wrong?" Neteyam looked up to him, his glossy eyes meeting Aonung's ocean blue ones. "I miss my home Aon. I miss the forest, I miss my grandmother, I miss my people, I miss everything about that place and most of all I miss fitting in somewhere."
"Oh forest boy. How long have you been keeping all of that in there?"
"Since we left the forest." The boy pulled his knees closer to his chest, wiping his tears with his arms.

Aonung pulled the boy closer, running his fingers through the boy's hair. "You're homesick Teyam, it's completely normal for your situation. Now is there anything else that's eating away at you?"
"Well there's also all of this pressure on me to be perfect. I mean I am the eldest son of a former ole'eyktan and although he may no longer be 'Toruk Makto' the pressure is still there. If it's not from anyone else it's from my dad himself. You understand me right?"
"I understand, trust me I do. Maybe it's not to the same extent but I do understand you Teyam. We have both spent our entire lives training for this life that was made for us and that comes with a lot of pressure."

The two sat in silence for a few seconds, Aonung wiping the tears from Neteyam's face. "Thanks Aon."

Aonung's face heated up. He had not processed the nickname earlier but now it had been drilled straight into his head. His chest had done that funny tingle sensation once again. He looked into the forest boy's eyes, his face had also reddened in the previous seconds.

The reef boy cupped the other's cheeks, pulling the boy closer as he leant in. Their lips crashed together, Neteyam startled by the sudden sensation but they quickly melted into one another.

The kiss was rough and passionate, Aonung trying to drag the other boy as close as he could. Neteyam's hands traveled around the boy's arms and chest, feeling as much of his skin as he could.

The two eventually broke apart, no longer able to hold their breath. Their foreheads pressed against each other as they caught their breath.

Neteyam opened his eyes to meet Aonung's gaze. The reef boy smiled at him, Neteyam quickly returning the look. "You're so pretty forest prince. I've been waiting to do that since I first saw you Teyam."
"Mhm. You have no idea the affect that you have on me."

Neteyam smiled at the taller boy before resting his head against his chest, watching as the ocean moved back and forth in front of them.


I'm so sorry that I haven't posted the last couple of days! I've just had my real health and social care exam today and I've been too stressed to write properly.

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