My love

By Gay_b1tch_69

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"Natalia?" "I thought you wouldn't of remembered." "By the way, I go as Natasha now". "I told you we would s... More

•The beginning
•Chapter one~ The battle
•Chapter 2~ Friends
•Chapter 3~ Taken
•Chapter 4~ Emotionless
•Chapter 5~ Breaking the rules.
•Chapter 6~ Wanda
•Chapter7~ Johnny
Chapter 8~ Natasha
Chaptet 9~ Rings and dreams
Chapter 10~ Scans
Chapter 11~Transport
Chapter 13- Baby
Chapter 14~Tony

Chapter 12~The Red Room

44 1 5
By Gay_b1tch_69

Allison's POV

Two days after being transported.
(October 6th, 2006)

I get out of the black car and get pushed to a large black gate, with spikes at the top which stops people from escaping or entering.

"Walk" a guard demands.
His tone infuriates me. The way they speak, treat and look at me is disgusting. I'm only human after all. Just like them.

I follow their instructions and walk towards a rusted old door. The door opens revealing a black and white staircase.

I walk down the deep dark stairs when a retched smell hits me like a football in the face.

There was a brown door that said 'confidential. Do not enter'. I just stopped and looked at it because I didn't know what to do.

"Go on then". The man says in his thick accent in a mocking tone pushing me to open the door.

"Twat". I murmur under my breath.

"What was that little girl?" One of the guards ask me.


"That's what I thought."

When I entered the room, there was a long dark hallway. I walked down it until some lights sudden flicked on scaring the shit out of me.

"Ahhhh, young Allison." A woman with blonde/grey hair spoke to me.

There must've been confusion written on my face because she says"what? it's me. Can't you remember. I'm Madame B. You took my greatest weapon from me. You know, that really pissed me off." The woman hissed at me with venom.

I was terrified but I could never show my emotions. Especially not here.

"I don't even know who you are." I reply calmly not letting her see she scared me.

She lifted her head up high and pointed at me.
"I like this one." She spoke to the guards with an emotionless expression on her face.

The guards hummed and walked away.
"So you've had your memories taken away from you haven't ya." The woman spoke.

I just hummed and kept on walking forwards.

"What can you remember?" Madame B asked me.

"Just a few things from my past that have came back to me. Why?" I responded.

"No reason." She said.
"So you don't remember Natalia then?" The woman asked. A shiver went down my spine from hearing that name. It does something to me.


"Well, your body responds differently." She spoke looking at me while walking down a dimly lit corridor.

I sighed and spoke to her "I don't know who she is."

"Interesting" The woman said.

Me and the woman who I've learned is named Madame B, continues walking until we reach another door.

She opens it and walks in, me leading a bit behind her. It reveals a small box room with red lights and people with lab coats on.

"So I've heard a little secret about you." Madam B says walking into the horrifying room.

"And what is it that you've heard?" I ask her curiously.

"That you've got someone else with you." She answers with looking down to my stomach.

I look down too and sigh.
"How'd you know?" I ask the woman with venom lacing through my voice.

"I know people." She replies with frustrating me.

I sigh and look around. This room is filled with test tubes and has lots of weird science equipment that I don't know the name of. It also has a chair with straps on like the last two places I've been in. I swear they like to experiment on people for fun. It must be a hobby of theirs.

I hear something in my head that sounds like a woman calling out my name.

I look down to see my ring lighting up slightly and hide it from Madame B so she doesn't take it off me.

Wait. It's Wanda. I forgot about these rings to be honest.

"Wanda?" I ask telepathically.

"Yes. It's me." She answers back.
"How's the new place looking?" She asks.

"Uhh.. so far so good. There's an experimental room again." I reply annoyed.

"Shocked." Wanda says sarcastically.

"The woman here... she's called Madame B, she knows about my pregnancy. I'm scared she's going to take it and use it to experiment on."

"That sounds bad. Just keep your head closed off for other people because you'll probably go under mind control again." She sighs.

"Yes I know."
I see Madam B walking towards me
"I've got to go Wands. Please be careful and keep yourself and Pietro safe. That's all I'm asking. I love you so much, bye Wanda."

"Bye Allison. You be safe to, love you."

I take the ring off and put it in my pocket so no one sees it.

"I want you to meet someone." Madame B says standing next to me.

"Okay, who?" I ask.

"Someone." She says mysteriously and walks away and tells me to follow her.

She leads me up to a dark stair case and walks up them. I follow and we get to a door which says 'Dreykov'. I've heard that name before, I just don't know where it's from.

I hear shouting in the room, a deep voice shouting 'do you understand'.

He sounds quite scary to be fair.

The door swings open and a girl with blonde hair with green eyes, a little younger than me walks out looking as if she wants to kill someone. I mean I would if someone talked to me like that.

"Madame B, what a surprise to see you." The man says, his voice is deep and sounds Venomous.

"You've possibly got a new Widow." Madame B says.

The door suddenly opens wider letting me see the man. He had grey hair with grey stubble, black thick glasses, a black suit and a large body.

He looks me up and down and something crosses his eyes as if he was familiar with me.

"You" he spits with venom in his tone.

I look at him confused and asked
"What about me?"

"You took my greatest weapon away from me." The idiotic man says.

I look at him confused again as to what he was saying.

"You really don't remember, do you?" The man speaks looking directly into my blue eyes.

"Well if I knew, then you wouldn't be asking me that would you?" I tease with sarcasm in my voice.

The big man swipes me across my face making me let out a grunt.
"You small weak girl, don't talk to me like that again." He says calmly. It was scary how calm he was because I was always used to people shouting and screaming at me.

I nod and look down feeling defeated by this big stupid man.

"Send her to her room will you." He tells the woman next to me.

"Yes sir." She complies.

Madame B grabs my arm and pulls me to once again, another cell. Wow I'm being kept in a lot of cells.


Hey guys!

Im backkk

I've been gone for about a year💀

This chapter isn't great, I know,

But either way I hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you for reading

Have a great day/night

Goodbye everyone!


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