My Forever Crush

By Zika_writes

21.6K 2.8K 86

#Book 1 of 'Best friends' series Kamso is a shy highschool girl that had always had a crush on Michael, the h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59 A
Chapter 59 B
Chapter 60
Chapter 61 A
Chapter 61 B

Chapter 56

332 30 0
By Zika_writes


I stirred in my sleep when I felt the bed depress. I thought back to yesterday's events and felt peaceful. She's here I told myself,

I had already checked up on her twice this night to make sure it really happened. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw Kamso beside me. I blinked to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. She was looking down my body witha smile on her face and that alone sent a warmth all over me.

"Mgbo." she looked up at me and smiled, then she pushed up so that we were lying face to face. I frowned and brushed my knuckles over her face.

"Were you crying?"

She shook head and covered my hand with hers then brought it to her lips and kissed my palms. Somehow, that simple gesture left my throat dry and yearning for that lips to be on mine.

"I had a dream that's all." I waited for her to tell me more but she stroked my beard instead. Her eyes were fixed on my mouth as she touched my face. She moved closer, her eyes still trained on my lips. Then she looked into my eyes.

"This is real isn't it? I'm not dreaming this up. Us."

"Come here baby." I said and pulled her to my chest, I hugged her and kissed her head.

"This is real." I stroked her back slowly and I loved it more than anything, the way her breath fanned my neck. She snuggled up deeper into my body and I smiled, yeah she's back.

"What happened when you found out I'd left." She said and moved away from me to have a better look at my face.

Still rubbing her back while I tried to recall the bleakest moments of my life. "I didn't realize that you'd actually left. I mean, we were okay at that point, we talked that afternoon. So when I didn't find you at home like we planned, I called your mum but you weren't home as well. Joseph, the gateman said you left in tears."

"So I suspected something might have happened , because Sophia was the only one home at the time you were there. But I wasn't sure. When you didn't show up a week later and none of your friends could reach you, I felt.... I think the word to use is empty. I just felt dead inside."

She trailed her fingers on my sides "So where did you go to?" I asked the question that has always been on my mind.

She lay on her back and draped my arm across her waist. I stroked her sides and pecked her neck. "I stayed with Muna, here in Lagos."

"So you came all the way here. Without anything?You're crazy, you know that don't you."

"You drove me crazy. Literally." She said and chuckled. "Thinking back now, that was a really impulsive thing to do. I could've just waited for you to come back, and then shout at you, break up with you and maybe make up a month later or something. Like there were a thousand other options. I could've spared us four years of heart ache."

She turned again to face me and we just looked at each other. Her eyes searched me face and settled on my lips. She leaned and gave me a quick peck.

"What was that?" I whispered and she giggled. Now when was the last time I heard her laugh like that.
I carried her up and then turned so that she was on top of me.

"Small kiss like this, you've turned it to something else." She said and I smiled.

"I like the something else. So. Where were we?" I changed to a sitting position, with her still on my laps.

She looped her hands around my neck and lowered her face until her lips ....... then she rubbed our noses together.

It was so unexpected that I burst into laughter and she joined me. "Be serious you." I said and she smiled. Her lips finally flitted on mine softly, she tilted her head and coaxed my mouth open. I let her lead and when her tongue finally met mine, I heard her sigh. She deepened the kiss her hands tightening around my neck.

When she broke the kiss she licked her lower lips while her eyes remained on mine as if she wanted to commit the kiss to memory. She leaned in again for a slow lazy kiss. Again and again each one longer than the last. She buried her face at crook of my neck finally and I ran my hand on her back.

"Tell me about when you travelled. How did you meet Amanda?" She asked and my neck tingled from her breath.

"Okay, hold that thought.... First I want to make it clear that nothing is going on between Amanda and I." I stated and she chuckled.

"I'm serious. Nothing at all." I said further when she merely looked at me.

"Okay. She likes you though."

"I didn't notice at the time."

"You never notice these things."

"Because I'll ever be busy looking at only you. You're all I see." I said and she snuggled closer and wrapped her hands around me.

"Tell me anyway. I'm genuinely curious."
So I did. She laughed when it got to Kanayo and his tactics. I told her of my stay and studies, after a while I heard soft breaths and looked down to see that she slept off already.

I smiled and continued to look at her face. "Mgbo." I called softly and her eyelashes fluttered open. "Lie properly."

"I wasn't sleeping, I'm listening." She said but still got off me and went under the duvet. I rubbed my thumb over her eyebrow and she pouted.

"You're such a baby." I said.

"I'm your baby." She mumbled and I chuckled and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes you're my baby. But go to sleep love. We'll continue tomorrow."

"You'll be here when I wake up?"

"I will." she nodded and relaxed more. I kept talking to her though and minutes later, I heard her soft intakes of breath and knew she was asleep.


"Mr Michael, someone is on the line. One Mr Okafor."

"Put him through."


"Mr Achusi, this is Mr lkenna Okafor."


"I'm Jacob Uchechukwu's lawyer" I felt my jaw clench at the mere mention of that name. My hand tightened on my phone and gripped the arm of my chair.

"Why are you calling?" I was surprised at how calm I sounded because I felt far from calm. Inside, I was raging. The devil of man after beating her up is refusing to give her a divorce.

"My client wants to sign the papers. But he will only do so if he's assured that his wife is well off."

"Well off? The idiot abuses her and you talk of her being well off."I chuckled and imagined my hands around that man's neck. He's going to sign if he knows she's well off?

"She's well off without him." I said gritting my teeth.

"My client wants the best for his wife." The lawyer continued and I felt a strong urge to bury my fist in someone's face.

"I learned from Mrs Uchechukwu's lawyer that she stays with you, so we, my clent and I would like to meet with you."

"Place and time."

"At his place, 2:00pm."

"Fine. I'll be there." I loosened my tie and tapped a pen on my desk. I really hoped he would come around, because until he signs those papers, there'd be no us. I drove into their compound at exactly 2:00pm and went in to their house.

"Achusi." his lawyer greeted with a handshake and I walked in and sat down. Jacob walked out few minutes later and he looked miserable. Older than he appeared the last time I saw him, and if I wasn't
mistaken there was something else. I couldn't place my hand in it but it was between regret and remorse,

"How is Kamso?" he ashed when his lawyer placed the file in front of him. Can we skip the small talk and get to the part where you sign the damn papers. I thought.

"Better than she'd been for the past two years."

He sighed and looked away from me to a picture on the wall. I followed his gaze and saw their vwedding pictures. She didn't look happy though, she would have leaned to him if she was.

"I loved my wife. I still do."

"Then trust me, this wil be the best thing you'd ever do for her he scowled at me but went on to Scrawl his signature on the papers in front of him.

He sighed when he was done and handed them over to his lawyer who took them and put in his briefcase. He smoothened his jacket and patted Jacob on the shoulder.

"You'd feel better with time Jay, you did the right thing. You had to let her go." he said. He shook my hand and left.

Finally, my heart sang. Finally I could kiss her
without wondering when she'll become mine. Finally, I could think of building a future with her. I could hold her and tease her and kiss her senseless. I can wake up every morning staring at her face I got up and looked at him one last time before turning to leave but his voice stopped me

"How could you stay there and look at me with judgement in your eyes. Do you know what it feels like to be in my shoes?" I stopped and clenched my fists trying to control my temper.

"Jacob, trust me I'm not judging. I'm sure your conscience does a better work at that."

"Of course, Kamso is playing the victim right
now filing for divorce and all that. I was hurt too the only thing I ever did was love her." I walked calmly to where he was and pulled him off his chair by his collar.

"You ever mention her name again and I'll show you." I pushed him and he stumbled and fell on
one of the chairs. He stood up with anger and faced me.

"I put up with her. For two years I put up with her. I just couldn't take it anymore and that was the only reason I beat her."

"You're a lousy loser." and suddenly, all the anger that I've been working so hard to keep in check broke loose. The image of Kamso lying unconsciously in that kitchen weeks ago flashed my mind. Of her in the hospital with those bruises and wounds.

I couldn't stop myself as my fist connected with his face in a punch. He bended over in pain and held his cheek. He stood and wiped the blood off his mouth with the back of his hand.

"She was cheating on me." He said and I merely looked him over. Piece of garbage.
Yeah right. Kamso is not like that.

"With who?"

"Her ex." he said with venom dripping in his voice. I frowned and looked at him, this man has to be sick.

"She was cheating on you with her ex." I repeated to make sure I heard right. I was the only ex Kamso had.

"And you have proof of this?" he had a faraway look in his eyes.

"I just know. She calls out to him every night in her sleep. I'm tired of people only seeing how I treated her, how about how she treated me? What kind of wife calls the name of her ex lover in her dreams every night? What kind of wife forgets how much her
husband hates ginger? The skin on my head is sensitive and I hate it when l'm touched there but Kamso forgets over and over again. Forgets our wedding anniversary, I thought women don't forget those dates. She was unfaithful to me from the first day we got married."

I stood frozen to the spot where I stood as he made those revelations. I noticed all the things he mentioned were things I loved, I was obsessed with the aroma of ginger, I loved it more than anything when Kamso strokes my head and pampers me.

But no matter what. That was why he beat her? These things sounded insignificant as to the reason to beat someone. Not that you should at all.


Achusi. I felt off at first when he looked at our wedding pictures. There was something in his eyes, I couldn't place it. But now as he stared into space after I had finished talking, not saying anything, a thought struck my mind but I still couldn't place it.

Achusi. Achusi. Why does it sound like I've heard that before.

I miss her. These few weeks without her in the house were filled with pain and despair. l recalled the first time I met her in the school library. The first time l had asked Muna to help me with her.

wait, wait.. Achusi.

I remember now.

****YEARS AGO***

"The fair one?"

I shook my head and looked at the girl that had captured my heart from the first day I saw her. She was looking at her phone and smiling.

"Kamso?" So that was her name. I smiled as I mulled it over in my head. Kamso.

"That is not possible, if it were lj, I would have tried but Kamso.. Nah."

"What is wrong with her?"

"Nothing. But she has a boyfriend, and I'm quite sure he's the one she's chatting with right now."


"Are you still buying me the food though?"

"Yes, you big foodie." I said nudging her slightly.

"Can I invite my friends?"

"Of course." She walked over to them and said something then pointed to my direction. My beauty shook her head no but the fair beside her said something and then hooked her hands to hers and started walking towards me.

"Jay these are my friends, Chikamso and Ijeoma. My cousin Jacob." They both smiled and shook my hand and we all walked to the eatery. With Muna and lj by my sides and Kamso beside Ij with her eyes still glued to her phone.

When we got to the eatery, we all placed our orders and just when the food arrived, her phone rang, She looked at the screen and her face practically jumped with joy.

"I'm sorry I have to take this."

The three of us started eating without her and I tried to listen to snippets of their conversation. She bit her bottom lip and smiled as she replied to something he said. I returned my attention to my food, my appetite lost and when I looked up Ij was looking at me.

"I apologize for her behavior." she mouthed with a smile. I shook my head and mouthed back

"No, it's fine. I understand." she nodded and turned to Kamso.

"Kamso." she pried her phone from her and when Kamso frowned she glared at her and mouthed "eat."

"Achusi Michael Chukwuebuka leave my bestie alone." she said into the phone. She smiled at something he said and shook her head. What's so funny about the guy anyway.

"No. No Michael, You can call her later tonight and you two can stay up till whenever you want. But for now bye SP" she chuckled.

"I'll call you whatever I want. Mike goodbye. I'll tell her. Yes... I'll tell her that too. Sure. Bye." Muna cleared her throat, her face full of mirth

"Hmm, someone is going to get it hot later."

"I fear no evil." lj replied and both of them started laughing while Kamso just ate.

****Back to the present******

It was the first time l heard the name but it was far from the last. I wonder why I hadn't recognized it immediately.

I looked up at the man whose name l've always heard and finally placed the name with a face. He wasn't so extraordinary, tall, light skinned. He wasn't out of the ordinary at all, so what did Kamso like so much about him that she didn't see in me.

"You're Michael."


"You're Michael." I heard him say suddenly the hurt in his eyes was quickly replaced by anger. He got up and walked to me "You're her fucking ex."

"At least you're not as dumb as you look." I wasn't expecting the punch or the one that followed and I doubled in pain from the impact and my vision blackened for a second. He has a good arm.

"Just one question Jacob." I said standing upright.

He was huffing "When you hit her, do you use such force?" I was blinded by rage. If his punch pained me this much I wondered how Kamso took it for two years.

Her delicate face came to my mind. I threw a punch at him and he staggered backwards.I pulled him up and sent him down with another punch. Just before he recovered,

I kicked him hard on the stomach and watched as he struggled to get up. He started chuckling and got up holding the wall to support him.

"Why so angry? Eeh Mike, I've spoiled her for you haven't I?" I held him by his collar and we looked at
each other eye to eye.

"Shut the fuck up you bastard." He continued laughing and I knew he was irking and goading me intentionally, but I couldn't help my anger.

"You must be angry that I had her first. Should I tell you about our first night? She was a virgin you know, so after all those years you never touched her. Thank
you for the gift, her innocence was..."
I hit his stomach but he didn't stop laughing I hadn't felt that angry all my life.

"I'm quite sure of who she had in mind that first time." I said and he stopped laughing but I didn't stop.

"It must have burned your heart every time she called my name." I was caught by surprise when he rushed to me and smacked his head right into mine.

God. Good God.

I held my head from the sudden splitting headache. I swear I saw stars. He held my shoulders and rammed his knee hard to my stomach. He stood above me and laughed.

"Did she tell you?" he kicked my stomach and I rolled on the floor. I held the chair and supported myself as I stood.

"About the times I raped her?" We stood opposite each other and I felt a vein jump in my neck.

"Her sweet voice screaming my name as I forced myself into her, begging and crying. Now that, she won't forget that in a hurry." That was the final
straw, I saw red.

I ran into him head on and we both fell to the ground. I got up quickly and cupping his head in my hands, I hit it hard on the floor and then again. He gritted his teeth in pain and tried to roll away but I wasn't done with him yet. I dragged him back by his
legs and brought my fist to his face. I hit him continuously until his face was bloodied up but I still felt this raging anger like I've never felt before.

I wrapped my hand around his neck. I was so
blinded by rage that l considered itjust for a
moment. Just for a moment. I left him and rested my back against the wall to catch my breath. When I was calm, I knelt beside him and pulled him up.

"That was for ever laying a hand on my woman. Next time I see you near her for any reason at all, If you at all breathe around her, I promise you it won't end like this." I whispered and got up.


I looked at the car mirror at my busted lip and bruised eye. Great. Now Kamso was going to be so worried and that was the last thing I wanted. I heard her sweet voice even before I entered the sitting room and I felt calmness wash down all over me.

"No Maya. I'm returning in a few days. It's been refreshing I can't deny. No. No one is spicing anything up." she started laughing and I smiled.

See I love this girl, I'm just crazy about her. I pushed away from the place I stood watching her and entered the sitting room she looked up with a smile which quickly turned into a frown as her eyes searched my face.

"Maya I'll call you back later ok? Yes." she dropped her phone beside her and swung her legs off the chair. She slipped her feet inside her slippers and rushed to me.

"What happened to you?"

"Nothing just...." I winced when she pressed her finger gingerly around my left eye. Her eyes full of
worry, continued to look at me.

"Nothing? Your entire face is bruised and bloodied." her wandering fingers touched my lips gently and I couldn't tell if the tingles I felt were from pain or pleasure. I took her fingers in mine and kissed them.

"I'm fine. I'll have a bath and join you." kissed her forehead and walked up the stairs. The door to my room opened just after I had finished putting on some clothes and Kamso walked in with a first aid box.

"Baby that is not necessary." I told her when she stopped a few steps away from me.

"Sit." she said in a no nonsense voice motioning to bed.

"Yes ma." I smiled. this must be serious I thought when she didn't even smile. I sat down and watched as she climbed in beside me and opened the box.

"Care to tell me what happened?" she focused on my eye and I knew there was no two ways about it. She was going to keep asking until I tell her, so damn stubborn and persistent as hell.

"I just had a misunderstanding with someone."

"And this is how you settle misunderstandings?" her face told me she wasn't buying it at all.

"Fine. I got into a fight with Jacob" she stopped, her hand hanging in mid air. See? I hate that the name still affects her like this. The anger I felt returning.

"You saw Jay?" She asked, resuming what she was doing earlier, even though I could tell that her mind wasn't in it.

"Yes." Why does she still call him Jay?


Why did I meet him? Why did we fight?

"He just said some things that's all." I stood and walked towards the window. I looked back at her and she was looking at me already.

"Things like what?"

"Just stuff Kamso."

"Stuff like what? That's what I'd like to know." So damn stubborn and beautiful. Fine. I went ahead and told her leaving aside the part about him raping her.

"So you got angry."

"You would too. I mean how could you put up with that fool for so long! how could you let him treat you like that Mgbo? So fuckin-

"I'm sorry." I said and ran my hand down my face in frustration. I turned back to the window and sighed, the last thing l wanted to do was raise my voice at Kamso. But my temper was really not cutting it for me.

I felt her hands snake around my stomach and her head on my back. She pressed her mouth on my back through my clothes and her hands moved up to my chest. She sighed and kissed my back more while her hands caressed my chest until I felt the anger slowly
seeping out.

"You do know he was just taunting you don't you?" her voice came in a whisper. Her hands still moved over my chest.

"It's all in the past Mike."

"Is it? Because every time his name is mentioned you react to it"' she moved away from me and I turned to see her expression but it wasn't anger, somehow her love for me shone in her eyes. That stripped every anger away.

"You know Mike, I had this same problem with Jay. Even though I didn't love him from the beginning, I was willing to try with him but he was just so hung out about you. I told him every single time that I was with him and not you. He was convinced that I hadn't gotten over you."

"Was he right?" she locked her eyes with mine and I wanted to take her in my arms. I knew she loved me and I loved her back


"But that is besides the point. My point is that I'm with you now. I'm with you Mike so stop worrying about him."

I turned away from the window and took her hand and walked to the bed. I sat down and patted my laps. She sat on one side and I sighed and carried her astride, so that her legs were around my waist.

"How are we going to have meaningful conversation like this?" She asked. I just ignored her and laid my head on her shoulder.

"I'm not worried about him. Yes, he did succeed in goading me. I'm just worried about you."

"About me? Why?"

"Because you're too calm. Why are you not angry? Kamso that man hits hard, like my face hurts right now, and mind you, we were fighting. I just can't help but think of how it was for you."

My voice dropped notches and I gripped the sheets because I felt my anger returning "That man abused you for years Kamso. And since leaving his house, I can't shake the picture of you bloodied lying on that floor. Kamso....

My voice broke because I just couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to hit something, and at the same time, I wanted to hug her. "How do I make it better for you." I whispered. I kissed her shoulder and trailed kissed over her collar bone.

"How do I make it better Mgbo? I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." My voice was shaking at that point and I was kissing any bare skin my lips met.

I felt her hands hook around my neck and
brushed the back of my head. She stroke my head softly. "Baby." She whispered. She raised my head and stroked my beard, all the while looking into my eyes which I'm sure we're bloodshot.

"I just want to be with you." She said and I shook my head and rested it on her chest. She held me until I calmed down a bit.

" shouldn't be kissing anyone yet with those busted lips mister."

I chuckled and nuzzled her neck "Good." when she raised her brow in question I laughed. What? I was just agreeing with her.

"Well you're not just anyone." she smiled and rolled her eyes. She loved it though. I lowered my head to kiss her but she blinked repeatedly and moved away from my arms.

"Wait wait. Jay knows you're Micheal? He knows you're my ex and I'm staying with you? Surely he's not going to sign the papers and we have to go through a longer process in court, then-

"Shhh." I put a finger to her lips but her eyes were darting around filled with concern and then fear.


"You don't understand Mike. Jacob is just..
surely you know there'd be no us until he signs those papers." She got up from my laps and paced around.

Now it was her turn to stand by the window and mine to snake my hands around her waist. I kissed her neck and the back of her ear.

"He signed them Mgbo."


"The papers. He signed them before he found out who I was."

She took out her phone and dialed a number in her phone. She covered her mouth and I noticed the slight trembling of her bottom lip. I put my arms around her waist and she leaned back into me. It was her lawyer she called and I listened.

"Hello. Mike tells me that Jay has signed the divorce papers."

"Yes, I was going to call you later. I have the papers here with me. You're literally single right now. Congrats."

"And it's official? Like there's no going back?"

"Yes. It has been finalized." She nodded even though he can't see her and I kissed her neck again.

"Are you doing fine dear?" the lawyer went ahead to ask.

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you John."

"You're welcome." she ended the call and put her phone back inside her pocket. I turned her around to hug her fully and she put her hands around my waist.

"Am I evil for feeling happy and relieved right
now?" her voice was dropped to a whisper but I heard.

"Baby look at me."

"Mgbo." l urged when she didn't look up. I cupped her head and lifted her face to mine. There were telltale signs of unshed tears in her eyes and I sighed.

"You're not. In fact you're very far trom that Mgbo, None of these is your faut." she closed her eyes and nodded.

"You really are beautiful." I whispered. she smiled with her eyes still closed and my heart started a new
beat. When she opened them, she eyed me silently then her eye dropped to my chest almost in a shy manner. Now what was she thinking of.

"You don't seem so happy about it..I mean how do you....." I smiled when I understood her thoughts.

"How about I show you exactly how I feel." I leaned down and covered her lips with mine the way I'd always wanted to since I saw her in that restaurant. Without holding back.

"What was that for?" she murmured with a smile and a look of satisfaction.

"Just after he signed those papers, the only thing I could think of was you. I can now propose to you, get married and build a family with you. I can kiss you the whole day if you'd let me. How I could stay up all night talking with you and staring into your face." I
trailed kisses down her neck

"I'd love that too." she said and I kissed her one more time.

"I love you Mgbo, don't ever doubt that." she nodded and stood on tip toes and kissed me.

I knew then that I would make her mine and nothing can stand in my way. They shouldn't even try.

"Have I told you how sexy you looked while tending to my wounds?" I said holding her waist so that her body was pressed against mine.

She rolled her eyes but still smiled, "Stop fooling around."

"No seriously. I have this thing for intelligent women, pharmacists to be precise" I carried her up bridal style and she draped her hands around my neck.

"Why do you keep doing this?" she asked and I turned my head to her and feigned surprise.

"You don't know? I'm practicing for our wedding." she bit her lip to stop a smile but nah. Soon she was smiling. Quite widely if I may add.

"But your wish is my command Mgbo. So if you really don't like it tell me and I'l put you down." I smiled inwardly when she didn't reply, why can't she just admit that she loves these things.

"Well I won't be the one to stop you from practice." she mumbled and I burst into laughter. Nice one love.

I dropped her gently on the bed and climbed in beside her. I just kept smiling when she started fussing about my bruised eye again.

"I love you." I said interrupting her. She stopped and looked past my bruised eye into my eyes. I was surprised when her hands went behind my neck and pulled my head down for a kiss.

"I love you too." she said in between the kiss.

"I thought you said my lips aren't ready yet for pulse shattering kisses like this." I said when I broke the kiss to catch my breath. She smiled and fondled my ears.

"That was an exception."

"Hmm."I nodded before leaning down again.

"Any room for another exception?" she giggled and licked her lips. My eyes followed that small movement and I wanted a taste of that sweet mouth again and again.

"Maybe one more." she whispered before
kissed her again.

Vote and comment.
love you guys so much 😘😘😘
Just a few more chapters and it's a wrap,
thanky'all for staying with me through out all
these while. You're the best!

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