Bet on Me

By xutaytay

62.5K 1.2K 200

Ari is a typical quiet girl, only focusing on her studies after a boy plays with her. After that, no boy has... More

New Book


2.1K 45 12
By xutaytay

The next day, I wanted to speak with Jiho and tell her everything that happened yesterday. She will freak out about me and Seungcheol.

We planned to lunch all together, I went to cash out some money and when I returned to our tablet I notice a pouted Chae.

"Who made you pout?"

"Ari can you believe in what they  just told" she told pointing at Hannie and Cheol "They said that pineapple on pizza is a crime and who likes it are disgusting"

"How could you? Hannie I thought you were different... I cannot let you date my child. Jiho you need to break up with him"

"Yes mom. Hannie you heard her"


"I'll order pizza to celebrate your break up" I said

"With a lot of pineapple" Chae added

"I told you to be quiet" Jun patted Hannie back

"Babe I love pineapple" Hannie lying to salvage his relationship

"On pizza?" Jiho asked

"No way"

"I think I'll faint, such a betrayal" Chae falls on Jun who starts fanning her

"It's such a big deal?" Cheol turns to me

"It's a deal breaker"

"If I don't like it..."

"You'll lose the bet."

"Suddenly I love pineapple on pizza"he smiled making me laugh at how fast he change his opinion.

"What bet ?" Jiho asked

"Seungcheol bet that in 2 months he will make Ari fall in love with him" Wait... how Hannie knows?

"You told him?"

"Please, you came running... you wanted to tell them"

"OMG I love this, Seungcheol if you need help come to me"

"Jiho you're supposed to be on my side..."

"And I am, that's why I'm helping him"

"I hate you." I pouted grabbing my phone and seeing a text from my mother "Fuck"

"What's wrong?" Seungcheol asks me

"My mom will do the night shift all week, so I'll be alone"

"I thought she was trying to avoid the night shifts" Chae told

"She was but when the hospital needs her, she needs to go. I understand that she needs to go, but I don't really like to be alone at night."

"You still have nightmares?"

"Sometimes. It's not bad as it was"

"You have nightmares?" Seungcheol asked me with a worried look

"Nothing for you to worry about"

"Do you want me to stay all week with you? My father doesn't mind" Jun proposal didn't seem bad...

"You won't mind?"

"Anything for you Ari"

I have had nightmares since my dad passed away. I dream about that night, I already explain the cause of his death but that night my mom was working the night shift, and it was only me and dad home. It was late but I was on my phone talking with Jiho, dad called for me but I thought it was too nag about me being on the phone so I ignored it, a minute after I heard a loud sound so I went checked what it happened. Opening their room door I could see dad on the floor unresponsive. I felt guilty for not going to him when he called and these nightmares started, they happened mainly when my mom has to do the night shift.

I could see a frown on Seungcheol's face. Is he jealous? No, what am I thinking... he's just trying to have some fun with this situation he doesn't like me.

Jiho noticed the tension in the air and tried to change that.

"I can't sleep all week but Monday we can do an Italian night. I miss your garlic bread Ari"

"You can cook?" Seungcheol asked me

"Yes and I pretty good cook"

"Can you teach me? My mom loves Italian. I could do a surprise for her"

He looks so happy, he must have a good relationship with her, I guess I can help him and show him some dishes. Although my mom is a good cook it was with my dad that I learned to cook, during the long shifts at the hospital, me and dad were a lot of the time alone so we would go to the kitchen and experiment with new recipes to show mom when she arrived.

"I'll teach you, but I have an expensive fee"

"Can I pay with my body?" he winked at me

"Ugh who'd want that?"

"ME!" Chae raises her arm

"See...everyone wants me, I don't know why you lie."

"Because I don't want you"

"Aish stop flirting" Hannie gag "you're making me sick"

"Have you seen yourself with Jiho when you first started?" Jun asked " I couldn't eat besides you, too much tongue in front of me" me and Chae nodded in agreement

"Ok ok, all of us will just up and enjoy this marvelous pineapple pizza...if I see any of you not eating the pineapple you are expelled from the table" I threatened Hannie and Cheol

We started to eat, and we were goofing around and talking, Cheol was next to me and I notice he was taking off his pineapple and leaving it on the plate, he must really not like it.

I took pity on him so I reach out his plate and started eating his pieces.

"Thanks" he murmured

"Consider that payment for the cooking lessons"

"You don't want my body?" he gasped making the rest of our friends look at us "Sorry, when can we start?"

"Monday? I need to buy the ingredients"

"I'll go with you"

"Ok, deal. Now give me that piece."

"You really like pineapple" he giggled

Monday is here and mentally, I'm not ready. The weekend should be longer for students, yesterday I studied all day long, I couldn't enjoy watching some k-dramas or some boba tea....

Taking my phone out of the charger I see a text from Seungcheol


What time is your last class?

5pm why?

Good, football ends at that time can you come to the camp and then we go home together ?

I can go alone Cheol, you can go to my house after training

I want to go with you Ari, PLEASEEEEEE

omg you're like a big baby

I check my fridge and see what I need to buy, Jun is coming so we need to cook 3 4 people, Jiho told me she's coming today. Ok it's done, let's go to hell.

I pass the gate and I feel that I have eyes on me, even the teacher is looking at me differently... Do I have something on my face? I tried a new foundation but it looked good at home.

"Ari... can I speak with you?"

"I have nothing to say to you Bora. Get out my way"

"You don't but I have. I heard Seungcheol and Mingyu fight over you last Friday"

Fuck, someone must have told me about what happened in the club, probably some friend of Mingyu. I need to find Seungcheol to warn him and we need to find a solution, they must think we're together.

"They didn't fight over me. Mingyu punched Cheol because he's a jerk"

"Listen closely Ari, I may have been your friend but don't you dare steal Mingyu from me"

"You were the one who stole him, remember? Bora you can have him, I don't want him"

"He was always mine, you came and try to steal him but you couldn't.... maybe he doesn't like broken goods"

"He likes sluts instead" my remark made Bora lifts her arm to slap me across my face, I close my eyes ready for impact but why don't I feel anything?

I open my eyes and I saw Mingyu grabbing onto Bora wrist not letting it reach my face.

"You ruined my relationship, I won't let you ruin Ari. Turn around and go away"

"But Mi-"

"Go away"

Bora glared at me, if looks could kill I would be already in a coffin.

"Thank you, but you didn't need to help"

"I do, I know you won't understand my request but can you be more cautious around Seungcheol?"

"Again Mingyu? We're over..."

"Ari, I might have finally proved that what happened in the past it wasn't my fault. It was a setup"

"No one force you to sleep with her"

"But someone force her on me, on a drunk me"

Is he serious or he's watching too many movies?

"Even if she's the one who made the first step, is not an excuse for you being drunk"

"I can't explain now but soon I will. You will believe and you will come back to me"

"I need to go to class" I cut him off and turn my back on him. He's making it hard for me, I was doing so well.

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