The Young Queen: Aria Rose Gi...

By Lexibabe111

731K 26.1K 2.3K

When Elena's brother Jeremy was born and arrived home from the hospital Elena's parents were shocked to see... More

1 | F I R S T D A Y
2 | T H E G R I L L
4 | A T T A C K E D
5 | D O O M E D
6 | H O U S E
7 | F L A M E
8 | C A R E
9 | O F F I C I A L
10 | F I R E
11 | T W I N
12 | C I V I L
13 | P L A N N E D
14 | P A I N
15 | B I T E
16 | S L E E P
17 | S C A N
18 | N O T E
19 | G L O W
20 | F U N N Y
21 | S T O R Y
22 | J O U R N A L
23 | T E Q U I L L A
24 | D A N C E
25 | O N E S I X
26 | R O S E
27 | W A K E
28 | S E A L
29 | M O V I E S
30 | C H A N G E
31 | B L O O D
32 | B L O C K
33 | E M I L Y
34 | B U R N S
35 | C O I N C I D E N C E
36 | P I T Y
37 | R E S E A R C H
38 | W H O
39 | "F U C K"
40 | S P I L L
41 | C O N F I R M
42 | D E A L
43 | G U L P
44 | R U N
45 | G O N E
46 | S O M E T H I N G
47 | W O R T H
48 | R E A S O N
49 | W I S E L Y
50 | A N Y M O R E
51 | M O T E L
52 | E M P T Y
53 | B R O K E N
54 | P R O O F
55 | C O O L
56 | A L W A Y S
57 | U H O H
58 | B E F O R E
59 | "A R I A N N A"
60 | P R O M I S E

3 | W O O D S

22.5K 690 61
By Lexibabe111

Aria was annoyed. more than annoyed she was furious with her sister. Elena had told Jenna that they were going to the party together. Aria knew once she had gotten to the woods, she would be able to leave Elena and do her own thing. When she had gotten to the woods with Bonnie and Elena, Aria was starting to regret coming and wished she stayed home she thought she was going to puke when they started talking about dead vibes dude.

"Just admit it, Elena," Bonnie says to her best friend.

"Oh okay, so he's a little pretty" Elena confesses to Bonnie. She didn't look at her sister's face knowing she would see the normal glare if she did turn around.

"He has that romance novel stare," Bonnie states. She did feel sorry for Aria, she could tell the conversation was making her uncomfortable but there was no way she would try to fix the sisters relationship. If Bonnie was honest, she would be on Aria's side of the argument with the way Elena grieved it wasn't fair at all and especially to Aria.

"So where is he?" Bonnie adds looking around at her surroundings trying to see if she could spot him.

"I don't know. You tell me, You're the psychic one." Elena replies. Aria's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at what they were talking about.

Bonnie nods her head "Right. I forgot, okay so give me a sec. Grams says I have to concentrate."

Elena shakes her head "Wait you need a crystal ball"

Aria rolls her eyes and goes and gets herself a drink. On the way back to Bonnie and her sister, she gets pushed from behind into Bonnie who grabs her hands to stop her from falling. What the sister's didn't see what that when Bonnie grabbed Aria's hand, she saw something. Bonnie who was scared of what has just happened pulls her hand away from Aria as if she was hot like fire.

Aria who was confused at her reaction raised an eyebrow silently asking 'what'. While Elena who looks at her best friend in concern asks.

"What was that?"

"That was weird." Bonnie mumbles trying to process what just occurred.

Aria starts to type something in her notes getting frustrated at why Bonnie looked so scared touching her. Finishing her message, she shows Bonnie 'What was weird?'.

"When I grabbed your hand I saw a black crow, then a Black Crown" Bonnie explains to the sisters.

"A crow? A crown?" Elena questions confused which increases seeing Aria's eyes light up at Bonnie's Words.

Aria types out another reply and quickly shows Bonnie 'Oh. That's my new friend Cosmo the crow."

Elena's eyes snap to her sisters "Since when?"

Aria had enough of her sister already and typed out another reply 'I'm leaving to find Tyler and Jer'. Giving a small smile to Bonnie before she left to find her twin and friends. While to walked away from the two girls she could hear her sister speak.

"She's still ignoring me like I don't exist"

Bonnie sighs "You didn't just insult her Elena. You blamed her for the death of your parents. Not just that, she was terrified at the hospital, whatever happened that night in the house really freaked her out, and instead of supporting her and being there for her. You turned your back on her and stopped being her sister."

Elena rolls her eyes "Carolines mom even said there was no evidence of a break in"

Bonnie looks at Aria's retreating figure and then back at Elena "Maybe instead of blaming Aria remember that you lied to the cops that night"

"That has nothing to do with it" Elena states.

Aria didn't want to listen anymore to their conversation. She knew no one would believe her that's why it was easy being mute. She hated thinking back to that night, So many things happened that she wished she could have changed. Shaking her head of the recuring nightmare she didn't realise that there was a person in her path making her walk straight into them.

"Sorry" The guy states. Aria looks up to see the person she was into was Stefan.

"Great. It's dead vibes dude" She whispers.

"You speak?" Stefan blurts shocked from hearing her voice. Aria was looking at him in disbelief at how he had heard her.

"Aria?" Stefan realizes his mistake when he looks at her shocked expression.

"I'm going insane" Aria mumbles walking past him and going deeper into the woods. Finally, after a few minutes, she arrives at a tree. For anybody else, they would think it was just a regular old forest tree. But for Aria this tree was her safe zone, her peace, climbing up to her signature branch she swings her leg over the side so she could sit down on the branch, leaning her head back she takes a deep breath.

All her worries, Anxiety, and nightmares dissolve into dust. She knew Jeremy would be worried that she hasn't met up with them yet. But for right now she needed to take a moment to breathe in the quiet and watch the stars.

Ten minutes had gone by when Aria heard a Scream from down below. Looking down she sees Vicky with a guy in all black. Her eyes widen she Vicky fall's to the floor limbless. Aria does something she hasn't done in nearly a year.

She screams.

"VICKY" Not caring about her safety she jumps down from the breach. In too much of a worry to realize her own actions. Looking up at the guy who was wearing all black with blue eyes.

"What the hell did you do to her?" She pushes him out of her way to get closer to Vicky when he grabs her arm.

The guy with blue ocean eyes look directly into hers "You will forget you saw me. You found Vicky alone" The guy states.

Aria glares at the man and yanks her arm from his graps "Not a chance in hell. You're crazy"

The man was confused and slightly surprised that his compulsion didn't work on the human.

"Who are you" The man mutters.

Dumb Dunn dunnn

Compulsion doesn't work on Aria.

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