Royal Woods Final Hours

By Edeemer17

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This story is my own take on The Loud's Finest Hour by Tale of Interest on The original story... More

Prologue (Morag's plan)/First day of summer/Sisters suspicion
Operation Capture Ace/ Dark Savvy (Old Aggie) is born/The Lockdown
The capture of Royal Woods/Return of the Full Deck/Rita and Lynn Sr captured
An old ally returns/warning Loch Loud/Planing to liberate Royal Woods/Beach day
Forming a resistance movement/Rita & Lynn Sr meet Dark Ace/Ryan's betrayal
Lori's Plan/Lori's trap/ Help from The Loud ancestors (Final battle Part 1)
High Card Vs Morag (Final Battle Part 2)
Lisa Vs Dr Linnaeus/Ryan Vs Jeff/ Carly to the rescue (Final Battle Part 3)
Dark Ace's Defeat/Old Aggies Banishment/Lincoln returns (Final Battle Part 4)
The final battle/Morag & the Doom team's defeat (Final Battle Part 5/finale)
Morag's demise?/A heroic victory/ Epilogue/credits
A not so happy ending? (Post Credit)

The resistance attacks/Captured by Dark Ace/Doubting victory

485 8 2
By Edeemer17

*We cut to the next day as Lisa is telling Lori the news*

High Card: that is not good!

Card Counter: indeed we've only got approximately 48 hours before the invasion begins!

High Card: I'll go alert the general!

*Lori runs off as we see Lisa heading towards Ryan Miller's guest room as she sees him hacking into the computer*

Card Counter: how's progress on the USB

Ryan Miller: so far so good!, did you warn Lori?

Card Counter: fortunately yes

Ryan Miller: that's good to hear, hopefully within 48 hours we can get this decoded and exploit our enemies weaknesses and use them against them!

Card Counter: before I go, I have a question? Why did you betray Morag and you're parents and who's this Dark Ace you keep speaking about

Ryan Miller: *sadly sighs* well dark Ace you see he's, well he's your bro-

*Stella barges in before Ryan to tell Lisa what happened to Lincoln*

Lady Ace: Ryan do you have any communicator?

Ryan Miller: aside from my spy recorder why?

Lady Ace: can you make more of them?!

Ryan Miller: uh no! It takes nearly 9 long and grueling months to actually create tech like this! I'm sorry but it's not physically possible unless if you can pause time I cannot create more of these!

*stomach grumbles* man I haven't eaten anything since yesterday

Card Counter: fear not I'll head to the kitchen and-

*Lily in excitement comes into the guest room alongside Lola Lana Adelaide Scott and Leni*

11 of hearts: *excited* guys you totes won't believe what happened!

Card Counter: what is it? cant you see I was gonna give my associate some nourishment and a cup full of H20!

Scott: care to tell them Lily

Deuce: Yeah Scwot! It's Wela! Her Wabbies have Yatched!

Card Counter: *Shocked* they've hatched! Well we've got to see them and-

Ryan Miller: wait? Who's Lela?

Card Counter: she's a dragon

Ryan Miller: *confused* a dragon? Are you talking about a bearded dragon or a Komodo dragon?

Card Counter: she's an actual European dragon

Ryan Miller: Pft don't be ridiculous dragons don't exist?

Card Counter: what about that red dragon you saw!

Ryan Miller: I think it is a robotic dragon or an android in the shape of a dragon with skin on it, dragons are just mythical folktale creatures that used to scare mankind for centuries

Card Counter: well we can show you her and her babies

Ryan Miller: okay, but can you please get me something to eat before we go!

Card Counter: sure why not! Follow us to the dining room

*We cut to Lucy & Stella in Lucille's room as Stella rambles*

Lady Ace: *angry* I can't believe your sister allowed that monster to stay with us! he took Lincoln away took your family away conquered or home! Mutated my mother into that Tiger Monster!!

Eight of spades: I get why you're angry at Ryan but we need him to figure out the entirety of Morag's whole plan

Lady Ace: *Angry* I know that! But out of all places! Why give him a place to stay in the guest room and not the dungeon!

Eight of spades: first off there is no dungeon here as Loch Loud rarely had any crime when our ancestors ruled, secondly he's a kid like us! We're not just gonna Lock him up in a place

That could make him hate us more than he already does! I feel like you're getting too emotional about this

Look Ryan Miller may have sedated you and punched you, took Lincoln away but it seems like he's very remorseful with his actions

*we cut to the Dinning room of the castle as Ryan has pancakes, some bacon and to his annoyance a bowl of cherries*

Ryan Miller: *Annoyed* I still don't get why I have to eat these!

Card Counter: Loch Loud's peach supply won't get here due to the war delaying the delivery

Queen of Diamonds: besides why do you hate cherries? Haven't you even tried them as a little kid?

Ryan Miller: no not really? Since I grew up with S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E any fruit aside from peaches were forbidden, I would get lectured by my parents how, Apples, Bananas, etc we're bad and not good for you

11 of hearts: how do you know if you like don't like it if you don't even try them

Royal Flush: yeah, I mean look at the Lion king? Simba didn't like bugs at first until he tried it and-

Ryan Miller: alright! I'll try this cherry *he picks it up* oh boy like Simba said, Hakunna Matata

*he eats the cherry chews it up and swallows it and his reaction goes from uncertainty to pure joy* HOLY CRAP!! THESE ARE DELICIOUS!!!

*He grabs the bowl and eats all of the cherries in one bite shocking everyone*

Queen of Diamonds: *surprised* jeez he wasn't kidding about not having any other fruit

Ryan Miller: *Muffled* Oh ho ho! I've missed out on these babies! I can't believe cherries taste so good! I cannot believe my family almost wiped out the cherries in Royal Woods

They tasted like heaven

11 of hearts: well I'm glad you totes love em

Card Counter: anyways what made you betray Morag?

Ryan Miller: well remember when you're sister claimed to have nightmares of her bother being turned into an evil monster

*They Nod*

Ryan Miller: well, it's the truth

*They gasp at this*

Deuce: *worried* Yincoln!

Card Counter: *serious* what did Morag do to Lincoln!

Ryan Miller: *guilty* well, she had him locked up, I do not want to tell you what happened to him!

Scott: why not?

Ryan Miller: because you won't believe me at all

*Soon Lucy comes in alongside Stella after hearing the conversation*

Eight of spades: I believe you, look just tell us what happened to Lincoln?

Lady Ace: *Mad* yes tell us now!!

Ryan Miller: first off Stella calm down you're freaking me out.....secondly *to Lucy/confused* why do you believe in me? You didn't yesterday!

Eight of spades: that was before I say the USB, but the reason I do believe what happened to Lincoln is because of visions and I saw this book

*holds it up and the book says "Loch Loud's spell book or illegal magic"* It had one page that showed how to transfer an evil soul into a body of a living person to be a host

*This makes Ryan feel even ,ore guilty than he already is and he starts to explain what had happened to Lincoln*

Ryan Miller: well, then I'll explain to you what happened to your brother, but you will not like it one bit

Ryan: what happened after Morag got Lincoln was that his unconscious body was dragged into a cell with an Ace Savvy suit but it had a villainous look to it

2 hours later, Taylor and Anderson grabbed him and took him to a chair where he's limbs were immediately restrained as Morag gloated on how she would get her revenge and how she was furious Lincoln costed her everything

Then they put the helmet on him-

Card Counter: what helmet!

Ryan: the helmet used to allow a certain ancestor of Morag to go in and- *Breaking down* and-

Eight of spades: *worried* what happened to Lincoln?!

Ryan: *Guilty* He-He-He Got possessed by old Aggie!

*This shocks the everyone*

Ryan: *guilty* I'm so sorry!

Eight of spades: *Worried* I was right? Lincoln's body has been compromised *To Ryan* you did the right thing telling us this and-

*Ryan gets up scared and feeling guilty at what he had done*

Ryan: *guilty* Stay back!

11 of hearts: are you okay?

Ryan: No! I caused you all great suffering, you give me kindness and I took your brother away!

Scott: yes you did but you can undo the damage you did by helping us-

Ryan: Maybe it's for the best I'm locked up in the dungeon!

*Stella upon hearing what happened to her potential boyfriend she gets angry and says something that she'll never be able to take back*

Lady Ace: *angry* how about a better idea! LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK!!!

Eight of spades: *mad* Stella!

Ryan: she's right! I'm a monster and I can't do this anymore!

*He runs off*

Card Counter: Ryan no! We still need you and- *angry* Way a go stella!

Lady Ace: *angry* why are you mad at me?

Card Counter: *mad* because you could've gotten rid of our biggest advantage to not only free Lincoln but to save everyone! This has to be without a doubt the worst thing you've ever done!

Lady Ace: *Angry* oh the worst thing I've ever done! He took your brother away and got him possessed by that witch's ancestor! you seriously still see him as an asset?!?!

He & his family should be locked up for life in jail!

Eight of spades: come on! We need to get him back or Lori will throw a fit!!

Card Counter: *angry* right! *to Stella* you go train the Loch creatures!

Lady Ace: oh now I can't help out with the Recapturing of that jerk! why can't I help now?!

Card Counter: *angry* you've done enough damage for one day! Me & Lucy will have a word with you later!

But for now we need to get him or else Lori will be mad at all of us!!

Lady Ace: Fine!

*Stella walks off and she starts to feel a bit guilty for snapping at him like that as we cut to Lori who's telling general Fergus what she heard*

General Fergus: have you bloody lost your mind! We can't finish their training in 48 hours?!

High Card: we don't have a choice, it's either now or never and-

*sees Ryan running off*

High Card: what in the? *Realizes* HEY!!!

*she chases after Ryan, the young Miller boy not knowing where he's going ends up in the dragons cave and sees that Lela is gone however he's pounced on by three shadowy figures

As we cut to Lisa, Leni, Scott, Lily, Lucy, Lana and Lola arriving at the cave as Lori catches up to them*

Card Counter: hope Lori doesn't find out abo-

High Card: LISA!!!

Scott: too late

*Lori catches up and proceeds to scold lisa*


Card Counter: he wanted breakfast and after eating he told us some, sad and unfortunate but crucial information until Stella snapped at him and told him to leave Loch Loud and to never return

I honestly don't get why she cant just tolerate his presence with us for the time being he's gonna go to juvenile prison after all this is sed and done and-

High Card: *realizes* I can't blame her for getting upset at him, he was an accomplice for Lincoln's kidnapping and us being tranquilized

But yes I Agree with you a bit, she needs to accept that he's living with us but only until the war with Morag is over

Card Counter: me & Lucy will talk to her later and-

High Card: no you need to calm Ryan down I'll go talk to her,

*Lori heads into the castle to talk to Stella as we cut to The others arriving in the and hear laughter*

Scott: what is that sound?

Card Counter: I guess Ryan's met Lela's babies

*They see two of the babies running around him while the third one is licking him*

Ryan Miller: *laughing* stop it! Stop it that tickles!! Hahahahahahahah!!

Deuce: *clapping her hands* more puppy drwagons!

11 of hearts: indeed Lily

Card Counter: I'll check their genders *picks up a scanner* right after I talk to Ryan

Ryan Miller: *stops laughing/a bit saddened* oh hey Lisa! Came to chastise me for running off?

Card Counter: no, look I'm sorry for Stella's actions I really am but we do appreciate that you told us what happened to Lincoln, thanks to that crucial information we can now

Figure out on how to free him from this mind prison of his, and since what got Aggie into his body was a mixture of science and magic well not to put those two real world physics together

Eight of spades: yeah since Lisa is a scientific prodigy and I'm interested into magic we can work together with you to figure out a way to get him free

I just gotta find the page with the opposite of soul transfer/possession and then we'll go from there

Ryan Miller: I really am sorry for what I did to your brother! I understand if you're mad at me

Card Counter: we're more happy we got the information we need but yeah we're still kinda mad at you for capturing or elder brother unit

But for once I'll let bygones be bygones

Ryan Miller: but you're right, these babies are actual real dragons, and their so adorable was their mother this cute when she was their age?

Deuce: yep!

*Lisa goes over and opens each dragons cloacas confusing Ryan*

Ryan Miller: uh what are you doing?

Card Counter: checking their genders

Ryan Miller: isn't this dragon a female

11 of hearts: yeah?

Ryan Miller: haven't you ever wondered why she laid eggs without getting any chromosomes from a male dragon?

Scott: that I'm actually surprised to hear?

Ryan Miller: it seems Lela's kind can asexually reproduce or-

Card Counter: the scientific name for this parthenogenesis

Queen of Diamonds: Partheno-what?

Card Counter: Parthenogenesis! It's the process in which a female animal can have offspring without the need of the opposite sex I.E a male individual of sed animal species

mostly the offspring are female but surprisingly enough I've found that one of Lela's offspring is male

Royal Flush: so Lela had two girls & a boy?

Card Counter: yep!

Ryan Miller: so where'd you think Lela went?

Card Counter: probably on her patrol of the Loch

Eight of spades: look guys Lily's about to name them

*we see Lily name them*

Deuce: *to the Dark Red baby* Wleo! (Leo!), *to the Golden Baby* Lolo, & *To the lime colored baby* Yady (Lady)

Everyone: awwwwwwww

Eight of spades: *sighs* I hope Lori is having a good time with Stella

*we cut to Stella in her guest bedroom now looking extremely guilty*

Lady Ace: *thoughts* what if Lisa is right, did I just cost us an advantage to win this war? If I did then I really blew our chances of winning

*she soon hears knocking as Lori enters*

High Card: hey Stella can I have a talk with you

Lady Ace: *pretends to be asleep*

High Card: Stella I know you're not asleep

*Lori walks over to Stella's guest bed and sits on it as Stella sits up*

Lady Ace: *guilty* let me guess you're gonna bash me for almost costing us a chance to win this war?

High Card: no I'm not, look I understand why you're upset if I wasn't willing to give him a chance I'd be enraged to figure out Lincoln's predicament was even worse then expected

But I have a feeling that this is more than simple anger Stella, please tell me what the issue is because ever since Ryan came yesterday you'd been furious and angry

Lady Ace: you want me to tell you how I feel?

High Card: yes Stella I do, after all Clyde's doctor named Dr Lopez told me it's literally not healthy to bottle up your emotions

In fact it nearly costed me my relationship with my sisters, my parents took me to her and I expressed my anger and frustrations of being a teenager

Lady Ace: okay I'll tell you, It's Morag! Ever time I see him I imagine he plans on betraying us and allowing Morag to secretly capture all of us!

I only heard Morag through Lincoln's story about what happened at Loch Loud a year ago but now seeing what she did and is capable of! It's mentally breaking me!

When I saw my mom as a Tiger Monster, I felt like breaking down until you saved me I froze because not only did my own mother suffer probably a painful and excruciating experiment to become that monster

I saw what I could've became had I didn't decide to join you! And when I heard what happened to Lincoln? I thought he became Darcy from Amphibia but without a power line to free him from 

I've barley got any sleep last night I was in and out of consciousness, I doubt we can win this war

*breaking down* I just wished things would go back to the way they were!

*she breaks down crying as Lori embraces her in a hug*

High Card: it's okay, we're here for're literally not alone in this

Lady Ace: *crying* I want my mommy back! I want my dad!

High Card: that's it Stella just let it out,

*Lori then begins to softly stroke Stella's hair to calm her down a bit*

High Card: it's okay Stella I'm here and we will literally let nothing bad happen to you or our home, it's a promise

Lady Ace: *sniffles* I just want to go home, be with my family and friends! And-

High Card: shhhh just let it out Stella it's literally better out than in

*Lori texts Bobby and Luna that they're temporarily in charge of the army and she sends messages of their strategies

As she goes back and softly strokes Stella's hair and slowly rubs her back to calm her down*

Lady Ace: *sniffles* I really am sorry Lori

High Card: don't be Lori it's okay to cry, for both men and women it's okay to cry and release your emotions, it's not healthy to bottle them up

Lady Ace: okay Lori *yawns* I think I'm gonna take a nap you can go back to training the resistance and-

High Card: actually how about I join you

Lady Ace: are you sure?

High Card: don't worry I put Bobby and Luna in charge, besides you need me more than ever since I know how you feel when we both got sedated that day

*Lori moves the covers off and she gets onto the left side of Stella's bed and lays down as she embraces Stella*

Stella: *yawning*

*Soon she and Lori are fast asleep as we cut to Luna & Bobby training the resistance alongside general Fergus*

El-falcon: Come on! You can do this!

Night Club: that's it dudes! You can do this!

Scottish man: I'm exhausted!

Night Club: are you a scot! Or a turkey!

Scottish man: I'm a scot! YAAAAHHHHH!!!!

*We see them go trough an obstacle course, where the citizens in the resistance crawl through barbed wire, soon pass over a field of tires

And quickly dodging fire from Lela who had just returned from her patrol of the Loch although she's kinda mixed on Ryan, she's happy her kids like her but at the same time

He was one of the people who helped her enemy, but she held no hostility to him since he was just a child,

We cut to Dark Ace who's getting some bad news on the Zero Point energy like prison upgrade*

Dark Ace: *angry* what do you mean it'll take three more months?!

Dr Linnaeus: we don't have enough resources for all 10 girls, we only have enough for 5 of them if you want to choose which set of loud kids you want to add to the collection then take your pick

Dark Ace: *Angry* that could take days! Anyways have your robots find the traitor Ryan Miller yet?

Dr Linnaeus: unfortunately not so far

Dark Ace: Dang it!!

Dr Linnaeus: but we have good news in the invasion plans

Dark Ace: well?

Dr Linnaeus: the Army is fully ready for combat and to help conquer the Loch

Dark Ace: Excellent! How are mr and Mrs loud?

Dr Linnaeus: don't worry Dark Ace me & my Robots have been keeping them alive, we've been feeding them, giving them beverages, and don't worry we haven't tampered with the food or drinks

Dark Ace: which is why I'm going to get a blood sample from each of them and if I find anything that is a drug, poison etc

I'm coming for you!!

Dr Linnaeus: you don't have to, I'm telling you the truth!

Dark Ace: how are Mr & Mrs Miller doing after their son's treachery?

Dr Linnaeus: not so well I'm afraid

Dark Ace: I get Taylor to check up on them later

*Dark Ace begins to leave as Dr Linnaeus mutters this*

Dr Linnaeus: *annoyed* Tyrannical Scottish Hag!

Dark Ace: *Mad* Treacherous Scientist Bimbo!

*We cut to The Mutated monster-people being held down as Armor is being applied to them, as The other villains watch in glee except for Carly Miller

Ever since her son left her, she began to have second thoughts, her husband had practically disowned their own child

But Carly however having more of a strong bond with her child, began to think on what Ryan had said to her before he teleported to Loch Loud

She felt bad for betraying his trust when she chased him*

Carly: *thoughts* what the heck am I even doing?! What if our son is right! What if Dark Ace isn't what he seems to be?

What if he's using us for his own benefit? I need to see if he is right, because if he then boy do me and Jeff owe him a big apology

Later on I'll investigate this but for now I need to play it cool

*As she looks on with a hint of regret we cut to two days later as the portal pegs open revealing the army of Morag and Dark Ace, comprised of S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E agents, mind controlled Royal Woods citizens

The mutated monsters, and Dr Linnaeus's robots as Dark Ace breathes in and out*

Dark Ace: ah after 400 years it's finally good to be home

Morag: indeed it is for you and soon you'll have the rest of your trophies

Dark Ace: indeed, but I have yet to pick which set of 5 sisters I want to trap first!

Dr Linnaeus: don't worry about a thing! I three months it'll be complete to House all 12 of them

*as she says this boats and planes fly over them but unbeknownst to them Ryan's robot fly records all of this and he gets up and to tell everyone*

Ryan: Guys! They're here!

High Card: alright everyone we've been planning for this! *to Luna* get the general! *to Luan* set up traps! *to Lily* get Lela! *to Lynn* get the resistance ready to fight the army!

*to Lisa & Ryan* assist Luan and Lynn the best you can with your technology!

Ryan: can do!

Card Counter: precisely elder sister unit!

Ryan: where's Stella?

Eight of spades: she's with the Loch creatures, preparing for the water ambush

*We cut to Stella on the back of her Loch creature until she sees the army from a distance*

Lady Ace: they're here! *to her creature* Alright Fang! It's time to fight gather all the pods!

Fang: *Roars In agreement *

*Fang roars for the other Loch Creatures as they swim towards them Stella and Fang lead them to Loch Loud

To fight as we cut back to Lori, Lela Lily Bobby Clyde the Scottish army and the resistance hiding behind buildings as the army of Morag approaches*

One eyed Jack: who knew her army was this big!

High Card: well we literally can't quit now Clyde! We need to do this

General Fergus: she's right laddie, we can't let that witch win!

*the Army gets closer as some of them fall into the traps Luan had set up earlier*

Suspense agent: AAAAHHHH!!!

Suspense Agent 2: it's a trap!

*As he says this the resistance charges with Lily and Lori on Lela who growls at the army she grabs them with her talons

As we cut to the boats in the Loch as Stella and the Loch creatures hide underwater*

Lady Ace: *muffled* wait for it!, *They get closer* wait for it! *They get close enough* NOW!!!

*The Loch creatures then attack the boats surprising the marine forces of Morag's army*

Robot 3: Release the fish monster now!

*They release the fish monster from it's cage and dives into the water as Stella and Fang dive under to make sure it doesn't attack the pods*

Fish Monster: *Roars*

Fang: *Growls*

Lady Ace: *Muffled* FOR ROYAL WOODS!!!

*The Loch creature and the fish monster begin to fight each other as we cut to Ryan with the baby dragons*

Ryan: I don't get how feeding you all would make you fully grown within a day or two but hey it's the best thing I can try

*Ryan lowers a whole bunch of food and after eating it the dragons become teenagers shocking Ryan*

Ryan: well I'll be danged,

Leo: *Roars Happily*

Lolo: *Roars happily*

Lady: *Nuzzles Ryan*

Ryan: you know if you weren't the guardians of this Loch I'd keep you lady as my pet, anyways you need more food!

*Ryan goes into the kitchen and with a heavy hard dumps all the cans of cherries*

Ryan: *heavy Heart* goodbye my new favorite fruit, you're sacrifice will not be in vain *Salutes the cherries on the cave floor as they're eaten by the dragons*

*then the dragons reach full size as Ryan gets onto Lady*

Ryan: alright you three let do this!

*The Dragons fly out of the cave to join the battle as we cut to Lily Lori and Lela flying as they see Morag on Nimrod*

Morag: *laughs* I've been waiting a long bloody time for this moment!

High Card: *angry* us too!

Morag: I've been waiting for you to say that Loud! *to Nimrod* KILL THEM!!!

High Card: *to Lela* ATTACK!!!

*The two dragons charge into each other and begin to fight it out*

Deuce: ya gonna pway for what you did to our home and Yinky!

Morag: *angry* we'll see about that stupid baby!

High Card: *angry* ooh you literally gonna die now!!

*The two Duke as we cut to Ryan and the dragons arrive as he yells to the resistance and Scottish army*

Ryan: Need some help!!

General Fergus: glad you and our new guardians came to arrive!

*The three dragons grab the suspense agents and put them into cages meant for the resistance of Loch Loud*

Ryan: I'm glad I choose the right side! *Grabs more agents* WHOO HOO!!! THIS IS FUN!!!!

*We see Dark Ace and Alex watching the battle from afar in chairs while Dr Linnaeus is completely annoyed at the two*

Dark Ace: as much as they're clearly loosing the fight this is actually pretty entertaining to watch it all go down! *eats popcorn* it's like a movie!

Alex: agree dude! This is pretty fun *Holds two candy bars* want one?

Dark Ace: eh what the heck! *grabs one and begins to open it up to eat*

Dr Linnaeus: ugh! Ingrates!

Dark Ace: *to Dr Linnaeus* you don't have to stand here and watch! Go into your mecha and do something!

Dr Linnaeus: oh yeah! *to robot 1* get my Mecha suit ready!!

Robot 1: Roger that creator!

*The spy fly robot catches this and Ryan yells to lisa*

Ryan: hey Lisa! why don't you use a Mecha!

Card Counter: why?

Ryan: I have a feeling Dr Linnaeus will come after you before she fights in the war!

Card Counter: okay! *she goes over and presses a button on her card as it transforms into a Mecha in her costume* thank you Lucy!

*gets in* let's do this!

*We cut to Stella & Fang fighting the fish monster*

Lady Ace: *muffled* come on fang we can do this! for my mom! For Lincoln! For Great Lake City! For our country For our friends and FOR ROYAL WOODS!!!!

*Fang manages to subdue the fish monster knocking it unconscious as Fang and Stella drag it to shore as Lisa arrives *

Card Counter: Stella! How's the aquatic forces doing and- *sees the unconscious fish monster* dang! How'd you overpower it?!

Lady Ace: courage and hope! Now can you please take samples of this things DNA so you can start working on an antidote!

Card Counter: sure! *The Mecha grabs the unconscious creature* I'll take it to Loch Loud castles courtyard and study it the best I can!

*Lisa drags the unconscious body as Stella & Fang go back underwater as we cut to Luan making puns to the trapped spies*

Joker: looks like you'll no longer be a Ro-dent! To our victory! *Laughs* get it?

Night Club: *laughs* for once that joke is actually funny now!

Joker: thanks sis

Night Club: no problem dude *high fives her*

Agent: *groaning* make her stop!

*We cut to Ryan and Lady charging towards many planes*

Ryan: *Furious/excited* YYYYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

*Lady grabs one plane with her talons and with her fire breath destroys the Propellers and she slams the plane into another causing them to both crash land into the Loch*


*we cut to Dark Ace*

Dark Ace: how about we make things a lot more fun!

*he presses a button and releasing a flock of mind controlled Wyverns one of them being ridden by Jeff Miller*

Dark Ace: surely the Loch hasn't heard about the Wyverns of the Loch! *Laughs manically*

Alex: that's even better to add to this real life movie! You're a genius!

Dark Ace: shucks I'm just the genius behind the genius! Besides they've never heard of the former guardians of the Loch!

*We see Lady and Ryan flying until they see the wyverns*

Ryan: Wyverns exist to? Eh my surprise was already gone when I found out that Nimrod wasn't a robot dragon and that dragons do exist! *notices the mind control devices on them*

Lady don't kill the Wyverns they're being mind controlled by the enemy! Free them from their devices!

*Lady nods and they come up with a way of freeing them, we cut to lady freeing one Wyvern from its trap and it's stares at the two in confusion*

Ryan: Mr Wyvern Listen to me! You've been mind controlled by Morag I can help you free you're flockmates but you need to listen to me on our strategy when you see another Wyvern

Take it down and free it! We're taking them down one by one!

*The Wyvern seems to understand this and flies to another mind controlled Wyvern and frees it and it screeches to its friend of Ryan's idea and fortunately it gets it

And soon the two Wyverns, Ryan and along lady use the take down one by one strategy slowly but surely freeing the wyverns from their grasp

All except one who charges towards them with Jeff*

Ryan: *glares* Dad!

Jeff: *angry* so former son? We meet again!

Ryan: *angry* you made a big mistake controlling me my whole life! And joining a traitorous old hag!

Jeff: *Angry* oh I'm the traitor?! you stabbed me and your mother in our backs when you took that UBS from us!!

Ryan: *angry* that's because Dark Ace plans on betraying all of you! I choose the right side when I overheard his conversation! with Mr & Mrs Loud! And you know what I'm glad you disowned me!

Jeff: *angry* Blade ATTACK!!!

Ryan: *To Lady* Lady Let's tire them out!

*Lady Nods and leads Jeffy and his Wyvern on a wild goose chase as we cut to Lela and Nimrod fighting*

Lela: *Roars angrily*

Nimrod: *Roars furiously*

Morag: I gotta say Lori Loud! You're tougher than I thought!

High Card: *angry* thank you for the compliment!!

Morag: if we weren't enemies I think we could've been friends!

High Card: oh yeah friends with you that'd never happen literally in a million years!!

*we cut to Dark Ace*

Dark Ace: I think I've made my pick! *To Robot 2* make me a zero point energy remote on the double!

Robot 2: Roger that Dark Ace and *realizes* why am I taking orders from you? I take orders from Dr Linnaeus and-

*Dark Ace grabs him and speaks*


Robot 2: *a bit nervous* R-Roger that Dark Ace

*The Robot goes to make the remote as Dark Ace smirks at the fight*

Dark Ace: soon victory will be ours! If those incompetent S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E agents know what they're doing! if an 11 year old boy can beat them to surely a whole Loch can!

*as he says this we cut to Carly Miller in her Camouflage suit on heading into Dark Ace's Computer room*

Carly: okay this is the place, hopefully with the battle distracting everyone I can actually see what Ryan was trying to tell us? 

*She clicks on the computer as it says password, she remembers the password Dr Linnaeus would use and she types it down as the computer opens up*

Carly: *Smirking* Gotcha! Now let's see if my son is right about Dark Ace betraying us! 

*she checks the security footage from three days ago to her shock her husband is talking to Dark Ace*

Jeff: *Recording* so why are you trusting me and not everyone else?

Dark Ace: *Recording* because I see you are the most loyal one out of my entire group now I have a very serious question? 

Jeff: *Recording* well spill the beans already I don't have all day! 

Dark Ace: *Recording* would you be willing to betray your own wife and son to help me with my goal 

Jeff: *Recording* well, yes! 

*This causes Carly to gasp in shock* 

Dark Ace: *Recording* tell me why? 

Jeff: *Recording* my mother & father founded suspense to have peaches be the only fruit in the world and our goal was to drive all other fruit to complete extinction 

But ever since that Lincoln Loud foiled our plans I've secretly blamed my wife & son's incompetence 

Because instead of stopping that kid they just stood their until he stopped our cherry-killing machine! 

And ever since that day, my parents have disowned me! Saying "You've ruined the Miller Name by marrying that stupid girl!" And "you're son is so stupid like his mother!" 

And you don't need to play dumb with me, I already know of your plan to dethrone Morag when she becomes the duchess again 

Dark Ace: *Recording* so you finally saw me deception huh? 

Jeff: *Recording* oh yes I have I've seen it since you took Lincoln's body from him, and don't worry I won't betray you at all, if we make a deal

Dark Ace: *Recording* what kinda deal? 

Jeff: *Recording* I become your right hand man, you're second in command and I'll make sure you secretly have a cherry farm in Loch Loud by building a secret greenhouse for you 

I'll even kill my own family to make sure you'll succeed! Heck I'll even dispose the unloyal minions of yours! So do we have a deal? 

Dark Ace: *Recording* yes we do, but don't kill that Alex Pingrey it's kinda fun to have him as a playmate for this child body of mine but everyone else is free to be your murder Victim 

*The two laugh manically as Carly stares in shock and horror at all of it*

Carly: *Shocked* I don't believe it, my son was right! Dark Ace is double-crossing us! and my husband betrayed us all!! 

Looks like my son joined the right side after all! 

*She quickly gets a USB and downloads the security footage of that day alongside its conversation with Dark Ace & her soon to be Ex-husband*

Carly: *Glares at her husbands recording* you'll pay for stabbing your own wife & son in the back! 

*The Door to the computer room opens and she quickly shuts off the computer and goes into Camouflage mode and quietly sneaks off 

As Dark Ace comes in* 

Dark Ace: *Happily sighs* this war keeps getting better and better it's actually like a good war film!  

Now I can actually get to see how the if the upgraded prison-trophy room is ready to Handle, that Leni, Lola, Lynn Jr, Lily, and Luna Loud! 

*he sees the security footage* Ugh! That treacherous scientist! when I get my hands on her I'll melt her robots down to aluminum! And I'll make sure she's in critical condition!! as that Beast Wars Megatron would say 


*Soon Dr Linnaeus's robot comes in* 

Robot 2: Here you go, One Zero-point energy remote made

Dark Ace: finally! Now to capture those Loud girls! 

*he gets a jet pack on as We cut to Carly grabbing her son's camouflage suit* as she quickly escapes the base to help her child in the war she notices a Wyvern glaring at her* 

Carly: look! I know we ended up on a wrong term but how about we make up for this and fight Morag & Dark Ace's forces! 

*The Wyvern gives her an annoyed alright look and she gets on its back as it flies into the battlefield 

As we cut to Morag and Lori still battling* 

Morag: *Furious* WHEN WILL YOU BLOODY GIVE UP!!!! 

High Card: *Angry* Never! We're Loud's and "Loud's never quit!" and I ain't quitting until you surrender! you've lost the element of surprise and most of not all you're forces are either being injured, captured or killed! 

Morag: *Furious* I WILL NOT LOOSE!! I REFUSE TOO!!!! 

High Card: *Angry* I honestly thought you would've just got over Lincoln beating you but you couldn't at all! I honestly pity you! Not because of what happened or your actions 

But because you're refusal to act like a lady! a mature woman would just accept her loss and take the punishment and consequences like a woman 

But you! You're more like a man child! Refusing to give up even when you're army's practically been defeated 

You want to be just like Aggie McLaughlin but unlike her you're kinda of a moron! I mean you could've literally gotten away with it temporarily had you not revealed you're betrayal to Loch Loud itself! 

In fact you could've been a good caretaker that Loch Loud and we could've had but instead you like Old Aggie choose treachery rather than forgiveness and compassion!! 

And all because you literally wanted peace and quiet! All of this is literally your doing! And you're own fault!! 

*The Enrages Morag* 

Morag: *Enraged* NOW YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS!!!!! 

*As Morag fights Lori with their dragons Lela sees an opportunity and bites down on Nimrods wing breaking it 

Nimrod roars In agony as he crashes he unfortunately lands on the crunch roof where his neck immediately is impaled on the cross killing him instantly 

Morag falls off the roof as she lands on a apple cart breaking her fall As Lela lands on the ground*

Morag: *Enraged* MY DRAGON!!!! 

High Card: *gets off* it's over MORAG! you have lost! Now surrender now or face wartime brutality! 

Morag: NEVER!!! *Grabs a nearby sword* DYYYYYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! 

*Lori sees another sword and grabs it* 

High Card: *To Lela & Lily* go help Stella! 

*The two nod and fly off as Lori & Morag begin to duel with their swords, as Dark Ace gets closer to the town*

Dark Ace: soon my trophies will be mine! 

*We see Stella and Fang being pulled onto a ship with Suspense agents ready to kill them on sight*

Suspense agent 3: any last words Zhau? 

Lady Ace: *sees Lela/smirks* yeah I do

Suspense Agent 4: oh yeah what is it

Lady Ace: Duck! 

*Lela grabs the men and tosses them into the water where some of the Loch Creatures proceed to maul them much to their pain and horror

Stella cheers on Lily & Lela* 

Lady Ace: WHOO! Way to go guys! 

*We see two suspense agents ambush Carl whom cowers in fear* 

Suspense Agent 5: gotcha now kid! 

???: *offscreen* HEY! 

*They see pandalaide looking angry at them* 

Suspense Agent 6: awwww that's actually a cute panda costume little girl 

Suspense Agent 5: yeah you actually look like a real panda 

Pandalaide: *smirks* well this panda has bamboo numb chunks! 

*She uses them and knocks the two unconscious as Carl goes to thank her* 

Pandalaide: BAMBOYAH!!!! 

El-Pollito: Wow Adelaide that was amazing! 

Pandalaide: I know, now let's fight together! 

*We cut to Luna & Leni* 

Night Club: okay dude we've gotten most of the army of Morag on this side of the War! 

11 of hearts: I like know right! And *sees Dark Ace* uh Luna! 

Night Club: what? *Dark Ace* Ryan was right after all! 

*Dark Ace sees the two and lands* 

Dark Ace: *Smirks* so we finally meet at last Luna & Leni Loud! 

11 of hearts: we're not Luna and Leni we're totes different people

Dark Ace: *annoyed* I know who you two are I ain't a moron! 

Night Club: *angry* so Old Aggie it's a real shame to meet you! Because we were expecting our baby bro! Not you 

Dark Ace: well too bad! you've got me to deal with 

Night Club: *annoyed* well we're gonna stop you and free our brother! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* oh really, you really think you and this dumb blond think you have what it takes to stop me? 

Night Club: yes we do! 

Dark Ace: isn't this nice two teenaged girls ready to risk their own safety and lives to save a brother that probably doesn't care about them anymore 

11 of hearts: Like what are you talking about? 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* don't you remember the time when he posted embarrassing videos of yourself to win a trophy 

*Leni starts to feel guilty* 

11 of hearts:  *guilty* yeah, 

Dark Ace: ooh you do don't ya! I honestly thought you were completely stupid, well Lincoln had wished he had killed himself at least a day after the incident 

*This shocks both Luna & Leni to their cores* 

Dark Ace: In fact you guys had made him make embarrassing videos of himself as an apology due to you disowning him like he committed murder or terrorism and you make fun of him rather than feeling grateful 

And gave him a stupid trophy what was it called again? Oh yeah "The most improved brother" you all do realize that being a good brother isn't really a skill 

It seems that you did and still do want him stuck in your shadow to feel overlooked and overshadowed by you! what kind of sisters disown their brother for a simple mistake? 

I highly doubt you ever cared about him at all

11 of hearts: *upset/guilty* that's not true at all! I love Linky he's been the light in my life ever since he was totes born 15 years ago 

Dark Ace: *demonic laughs* 15 years ago?! hahahahaha you are a moron! You're brother was 12 years old not 15 years old! You missed your claim by 3 years 

from that claim it really has proven my claim of you not caring about him at all! 

*Leni begins to break down crying but Luna sees through Dark Ace's psychological warfare* 

Night Club: *Angry* Leni! Don't listen to this monster! 

Dark Ace: *to Luna* oh Luna Loud, you're calling me a monster when you actually were a jerk to your brother as well 

Night Club: *Angry* oh really how so?! 

Dark Ace: well you literally flung him out of your room with your own speakers when you searched for money! A normal sister would've been panicked and worried about what they had done 

But you just didn't care at all 

*Luna starts to feel guilty and sad* 

Dark Ace: and that's not the only times you've done something this horrible! I also remember when you and Luan threatened to pummel him when he tried to fix Lori & Leni's fighting during 

That sister fight protocol of yours 

Night Club: *gasps* 

Dark Ace: and there's also the time where you wanted to punch him for taking Luan's side when your fog machine warped her stupid puppets head 

and didn't you even care about him when he was accidentally locked out of your own father's restaurant the night he convinced you to go to Scotland? 

I think not! I may be an evil Scottish hag but even I thought the Loud family wouldn't become this horrible to each other after the pure royal ones were banished by me 400 years prior 

I mean you care more about a rocker girl named Sam Sharp then you're own flesh and blood! It's no wonder why he wanted to be the Duke of Loch Loud 

And it's no wonder why he was easily so captured by my direct descendant had you truly cared about him he wouldn't of been possessed by me at all 

*This gets Luna to cry* 

Night Club: *crying* you're right! YOU'RE RIGHT ABOUT US DUDE!!! YOU GOT US WHERE IT HURTS!!! 

Dark Ace: *taunts* awww you want to see you're mommy and daddy again? So they can comfort you on the truth? Well don't worry you'll be joining them *Holds out the remote* 

11 of hearts: *sniffles* like what's that? 

Dark Ace: Monstrous Loud's meet my Zero-point energy remote! 

*He fires it but they don't run instead they take it and they float, frozen in the air as he holds onto the remote* 

Dark Ace: *Demonic Giggles* oh this is gonna be so easy, 2 down 8 more to go 

*We cut to Lori & Morag sword fighting* 

Morag: *Furious* I must admit you really are good at this! 

High Card: *angry* well I've literally had time to practice at my college and Carlota's Fencing training! 


High Card: *Angry* I don't think so! as long as my family is with me fighting by my side I still have hope to win this war and take you down once and for all!

Morag: *Smirks* well unfortunately for you, the look of this "hope" can be quite deceiving *laughs* 

High Card: *confused* what are you talking about? *gasps in realization* what did you literally do?!?!?! 

Morag: you'll see soon enough but anyways  *Furious* LETS GET BACK GO THIS DUEL!!! 

*we cut to Dark Ace as he spots Lela & Lily, He grabs a tranquilizer gun and shots Lela out of the air knocking her unconscious Lucy fortunately saves her*

Deuce: *worried* WELA!! 

Eight of spades: *To Dark Ace* so Ryan was right all a long! We meet at least old Aggie 

Deuce: *angry* what did ya do to wela! 

Dark Ace: *to Lily* oh noting she want sleep off, *to Lucy* it's a pleasure to meet you descendant of Lucille Loud! 

Eight of spades: *grabs her shovel* let's do this! *sees Luna & Leni frozen in the air* Luna! Leni! What did you do to them!! 

Dark Ace: Frozen in my new toy *shows them the remote* it's my Zero point energy remote and they were the first victims of its power 

Now anyways  *Manipulative* before we fight it out Lucy & Lily do you two want to hear what you're brother thinks about you? 

Deuce: what are ya talking abwout? 

Dark Ace: well I'm glad you asked *He uses the remote and captures Lily* 

Eight of spades: LILY!!! YOU MONSTER!!! 

Dark Ace: *to Lucy* I'm not a monster or that evil you know  I wouldn't hurt a baby both mentally or physically you'd really think I'd go that far?! I'm evil but not that evil like Morag 

Anyways *Manipulative* you really think you can stop me? 

Eight of spades: yes! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* remember the time when you said to him after yeh recorded you're embarrassing moments? 

*Lucy gasps in horror* 

Dark Ace: what did it go like? Oh yeah I have no brother! I say that a lot but this time I mean it! why would a sister in anger say that to her own older brother who already feels guilty about the damage he did 

It's like you never cared about him didn't you? 

Eight of spades: *Denial/guilty* that's not true at all! I care for my brother unlike you! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* if you really cared about him then you guys would've helped him win that video trophy but instead you gotten him a trophy for being a good brother 

That's not really a talent you gothic cretin! and you knew it so to keep him in his place you gave him a trophy that looks like it came from a dollar tree! 

That's not how sisters are supposed to treat their brothers, they're supposed to forgive and forget the mistakes they do but you are willing to disown him from you're life from a simple mistake 

I even recall a memory from his diary stated that he planned on killing himself because of what you had done to him and all the bullying he went through that school year 

*Lucy gasps in horror* 

Eight of spades: *guilty* w-what?! He planned on committing the Axe on himself! 

Dark Ace: that's right but he didn't because he wanted to maintain the peace that you cretins would surely destroy if he went through with it

You need him as a lighting rod to channel your anger, hatred, and rage towards and you never apologize for it 

In fact you are a coward, remember when he took the blame for clogging the toilet when it was you that did it because you were scared of a little heckling from your own sisters? 

He missed an Ace Savvy Convention because of you! Instead of owning up to your mistake he takes the blame and ends up suffering a punishment that you should've gotten 

Oh sure they're was that fan made Ace savvy comic you made him but again it's fan made meaning it's non-canon to the actual franchise it's based off of, 

In speaking of conventions their was the convention with the Racist and Sexist judges, when Lincoln & Clyde were being unfairly mistreated by them you & you're just pranced around 

In your costumes of the full deck, you didn't even try to defend him when he & his friend were given the task of pooper scoopers for a clearly psychotic cat 

Instead you cared about fame and fortune rather than family or fun, it's clear that I'm not the enemy here Ironically you think I'm the enemy when in reality you are you're own worst enemy 

If your great grandma Harriet or even worse  Lucille heard all of this they would definitely would want nothing to do with you

*Lucy breaks down crying* 

Eight of spades: *crying* I-I-I-I can't believe it but you're right, You're right about everything we're horrible sisters!

Dark Ace: *pretend pity* don't worry you'll be with mommy and daddy soon and once you are

*he fires and captures her as she floats frozen alongside Lily, Luna and Leni* you'll have all the time in the world to reflect upon your selfish and horrid actions 

*gloats* by being my trophy for the rest of your natural born life! 

*Lynn sees what's going on and is furious* 

Strong Suit: *Furious* HEY JERK!! *Races towards him* 

Dark Ace: it seems capturing Lynn will be easier than I thought

*Lynn stops and confronts him* 


Dark Ace: *Manipulative* oh you're calling me the devil? thats surprising coming from you, 

Strong Suit: oh really then tell me why! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* with pleasure! Remember that softball game back a year ago? With that team what was it called? Oh yeah the Royal Woods squirrels 

Strong Suit: *horrified* you know about that incident?! 

Dark Ace: indeed I do, I remember also that Lincoln wanted some time to himself but you stopped him from enjoying himself and told him that he needs to come to you're softball game 

He told you rightfully and in a mature way possible he couldn't come, but you threatened him with a baseball bat saying with a smug look in you're face  *In Lynn's voice* "sure you won't reconsider?" *Normal voice* 

He did but when you're team lost, you blamed him and you said to him *in Lynn's Voice again* "Stay back! You're bad luck!" *Normal voice* 

Strong Suit: *worried/guilty* no! NO! NO! NO! 

Dark Ace: *manipulative* and that's not all Lincoln called you out for this ridiculous assumption but you said to him *In Lynn's Voice* "My team has been dominating all season, then the one time you show up, we Lose!" 

*in Normal voice* Lincoln although yes was in the wrong for lying about being bad luck but he didn't mess up as big as you did 

First you don't allow him to see a movie, then you sell his furniture and board up his room, lock him outside *Angry/Manipulative* when he tries to convince you that he isn't bad luck you say this to him! 

*In Lynn's voice one last time* "if you're not bad luck, then how come after I banned you, my team won our doubleheader, and now we're going to the playoffs? Huh?" 

*Normal voice/Furious* I can let the other loud kids slide because they made honest mistake by oh boy Lynn Marie Loud Jr 


*Calm/Manipulative* you are to blame for his capture, his possession, my return, Royal woods being taken over, you're parents captured, and soon you're defeat 

*Lynn soon breaks down crying*


Dark Ace: *Evil Smirk* this is so easy to use psychological warfare on you lot! 

Strong Suit: *Sniffles* A-Are you gonna kill me? 

Dark Ace: *gloats* nah! But you'll be my prisoner/trophy for the rest of your life 

Strong Suit: *Sniffles* wait wh- 

*before she can say a full sentence Dark Ace captures her joining her sisters in the zero-point energy prison wave*

*we cut to Luan Lola Lana and Lisa looking for the others as the resistance, Ryan, and the Scottish army fight Morag's dark forces* 

Joker: where are they! 

Queen of diamonds: I don't know?! 

Royal Flush: that's why we're looking for them Lols 

Card Counter: they couldn't have gone *Dark Ace Grabs her and Lana* FAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!! 

Joker: *glares* Dark Ace!! *to Lola* You go find Lola I'll find Lisa! 

Queen of diamonds: right! 

*Dark Ace ties Lana up to a lamppost away from the army as Lola catches him* 

Queen of diamonds: *Gasps* BUSTED! 

Dark Ace: *Innocent* looks like you caught me! 

Queen of diamonds: *angry* let Lana go! 

Dark Ace: *Innocent* whatever you say *Mockingly* you're majesty

*he unties her and they confront him* 

Royal Flush: *to Dark Ace* don't move!

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* oh here they go again with the whole hall monitor sthick again, then again I'm not surprised 

You two are actually the worst when together 

Royal Flush: *confused* what are you even talking about? 

Queen of diamonds: *confused* yeah? 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* oh you know exactly what I'm talking about? *to Lola* how about we start with the pageant Queen herself Miss Lola Loud 

Queen of diamonds: *blushing* stop you're making me blush

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* yep I'm starting off with you and how you are the worst one out of the twins 

and oh boy you're so bad you make your eldest sister Lori look tame in comparison, firstly when Lincoln overthrew Lori as babysitter temporarily 

He told you to guard the door and let no one in, 

Queen of diamonds: *confused* yeah why? 

Dark Ace: but when Lincoln regretted his decision when he saw how the house was beginning to fall apart without Lori 

He told you to let him pass but you refused and so when he rightfully charged towards the door you smashed his head with a golf club and tied him up

I mean what kinda a sister does that to their big brother who's supposed to help guide them throughout childhood 

*Lola feels a bit guilty* 

Queen of diamonds: *guilty* yeah that was a little uncalled for even for me 

Dark Ace: but it gets even worse! when Lincoln had noise-cancelling headphones to enjoy peace and quiet with you barging in and annoying him 

When you found out instead of trying to confront him on the matter or ask him why he has them in the first place you decide to prank/blackmail him 

Into making him believe he forgot a promise you  made him think he was supposed do something for you 

and when he realized it was a prank, then you confronted him I mean is that how siblings are supposed to do stuff? 

Queen of diamonds: *Guilty* they're not supposed to 

Dark Ace: and there's the time you used a microphone on your tiara to hear everyone's biggest secrets and blackmailed your entire family to do what you wanted them to do 

Queen of diamonds: *in Denial/guilty* that's because I wanted to join their club! 

Dark Ace: *manipulative* that's not an excuse for bad behavior Mrs Lola Loud oh sure you did take the blame for all of their mistakes for them and got grounded of a month because of that 

But you told their secrets to stuffed animals! I mean you couldn't of just told them I tell my secrets to my stuffed animals it's not like I would tell them to our parents 

in fact in Loch Loud you mistook his duking for him crapping his pants and laughing at him 

And you also spent all your parents hard well earned money to whiten your teeth to a glistened look good little girls don't do that at all 

Oh and remember what S.U.S.P.E.N.S.E almost did to the cherries of royal woods? Lincoln went to stop the extinction of the cherry 

But you ratted him out! Sure breaking and entering is illegal but he almost got grounded and cherries would've gone extinct all because of your tattle tailing mouth 

It's a miracle that his walkie Talkie was at the right place at the right time otherwise you would've been blamed for the extinction of the cherry and everyone in Royal Woods would've hated you and your family 

For it, and that reminds me you are a terrible little sister when it comes to your brother Lincoln 

*Lola begins to tear up knowing it's all true* 

Dark Ace: when he went to the mall to get his book signed by Rip Hardcore you gave him a hard time by being the Queen In a section of the mall 

Told him when he was bad luck *In Lola's Voice* "You're bad luck Lincoln! You can't come!" And *Do you mind fur ball?" And lastly but *deviously in Lola's voice* but not least! 

"Lincoln put the head back on or we'll get stung by a jellyfish" *in Normal voice* all of that was you're doing Mrs Lola Loud

*Lola breaks down crying as Lana confronts him* 

Royal Flush: *Angry* hey! You better apology to Lola or else! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* or else what? I thought you cared more about the fauna of this world more than your own family 

Royal Flush: *angry* what's that supposed to mean? 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* I recall that you forced Lincoln to save frogs that were meant for dissection?  

Sure you got to save the frogs and make them classroom pets since they can't survive in the wild but you got your brother two weeks of detention and then he was arrested and sent to prison for two months for helping you steal ducks from a local restaurant 

Lincoln took the blame and got grounded for 7 months that year and 

Just to protect domesticated waterfowl that were specifically bred over thousands of generations specifically for human consumption 

Now I will give you some credit and a bit of praise for saving endangered sturgeon but it still doesn't excuse you for all the "Animal lives over human lives" mentality you made yourself do 

I mean when you went to scratchy bottom campgrounds and when a grizzly bear raided your food you let your brother nearly get killed by a hungry grizzly bear 

I mean is that what a sister is supposed to do? 

Royal Flush: *guilty* no, not really 

Dark Ace: *manipulative* I mean really think about it? If you care for your animal friends so much then why didn't you stop Lincoln from preventing those wild animals on that island 

You were stranded on from eating all of your food? It is honestly clear that you love animals more than you own flesh and blood your big brother Because you cared more about that vicious 

Ace Savvy cat then you're brother was gonna be mauled to death by it when you saw him for the first time

Sisters should trust vicious animals that can kill their own family's it's no wonder why your brother was captured you probably were so busy being with your wild and barnyard buddies 

To notice his disappearance and in fact you are to blame for his suffering right now 

*Lana finally breaks down crying*

Royal Flush: *Crying* I can't believe Lols he's right! He's right about all of this! I cared more about school frogs that probably could've helped Lincoln's classmates save lives 

Then my own brother 

Queen of diamonds: *crying* we are the worst twin sisters in the entire world! I mean if I blackmailed him, slammed a golf club on his head! WE ARE HORRIBLE TWINS!!! 

*The two embrace each other as they cry* 

Dark Ace: *Pretend Pity* don't worry you two, you'll be able to tell your mommy and daddy about what you've learned soon 

*He gets the remote and captures them frozen in a crying embrace as they join their frozen sisters*

Dark Ace: okay 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, I've got seven out of ten! okay seven down three more to go and my collection will be complete! 

*We cut to Stella and the Loch Monsters fighting the boats they're are some causalities from this as some Loch monsters are dead floating in the water*

Lady Ace: we can do this fang! we've already lost 188 Loch creatures but we've still got at least 20,000 on our side still 

Fang: *roars in agreement*

*The two knock an agent into the water as we cut to Dark Ace finding Luan and a Freed Lisa* 

Dark Ace: Bingo! 

Joker: are you alright Lisa? 

Card Counter: yes I am and- *Sees Dark Ace* oh boy 

Joker: what is it? 

Card Counter: it's dark Ace and it appears he has our sister units in some sorta prison frozen and floating above him! 

Dark Ace: well well well, the Brainiac and the Clown, Luan and Lisa Marie Loud 

Joker: *glares* well well well, we meet finally dark Ace I've been saving a stink bomb specifically just for you! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* let me guess you're gonna say ain't I stinker after that? 

Joker: *Nervous* how did you know that 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* you're ancestor did that to me 400 years ago, and I have a lot of funny things to say about you 

Such as, oh yeah you're April fools pranks, you think they're so funny as heck but no one in your family find them funny at all 

In fact they think you're a psychopathic monster every April fools day 

Joker: *nervous* they don't think that! *to Lisa* do you? 

Card Counter: *sadly sighs* unfortunately yes, yes we do 

Joker: *guilty* then it's true then, I-I guess I take my April fools pranks way too far 

Dark Ace: *manipulative* too far is an understatement compared to what you've done every April fools day 

First you trap your siblings in jello, then make the house into a literal chicken coop those two pranks so far are very dangerous I mean 

What if you're family drowned in the jello? Or you all caught the avian flu from the chickens? You'd be 100% responsible for either bad thing to happen to them

Joker: *shocked/Guilty* oh my god! I didn't even think of that! 

Dark Ace: and what's more and I mentioned this to Luna before I captured her, you threatened Lincoln with stupid puppet what was it's name? oh yeah  Mr Coconuts  *In Luan's Voice* "I wouldn't be to hasty slick, my cousin's a baseball bat!" 

*Luan gasps in shock at that revelation* 

Joker: *Guilty* oh my god! What was I thinking?! 

Dark Ace: *Normal voice* probably nothing at the time! I can see why Lincoln sees you as a vicious monster! And when that sister fight protocol after Luan heard Leni's side of the story 

Lincoln tried to calm you down but you raised your fists intending to punch him or beat him up to a pulp before you grabbed his collar in a furious rage

I mean what kinda of sister does that to their baby bro? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to take their brothers advise instead of saying *Luan's Voice* "we told you, if you just butted out, we'd resolve it on our on" 

*Normal Voice* you loved that Lincoln was gone because you cared more about the protocol and your unfunny puns and jokes more then him! 

And then theres that one April fools were you made the stun doubles that the family hired to take the pranking instead of them to embarrass themselves ruining your family's whole Careers  and popularity within a single swing, thus they almost decide to leave Royal Woods for Florida 

And I gotta say *Sniffles* that's the most evilest thing I've ever seen 

*This makes Luan break down*

Joker: *Crying* I can't believe it! I am horrible!! I'm bad a jokes! I'm bad at being a role model! And I'M A TERRIBLE SISTER!!! 

Card Counter: *angry* all right you manipulative cold hearted witch! You may be able to manipulate the others into breaking down but you will not be able to do that to me!! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* who? Me I'm not manipulating anyone I'm just telling them how they are in definition "Horrible Sisters" 

In speaking of which, you Lisa are the most soulless human being I've ever seen! I mean you're willing to hurt a baby for the sake of science 

*Lisa begins to feel guilty*

Lisa: *A bit guilty* yeah, I can't believe I almost did that, 

Dark Ace: and you used all of your family including your brother as guinea pigs rather than using actual guinea pigs or rats for your studies 

I've heard of human trials but jeez lady! you actually make an A.I. Look "Human" compared to you  

I have a lot of time to explain how bad you are, in speaking of which you tired to alter your parents wedding by replacing their vase with a toaster but then you and your siblings 

Royally screw up and make a timeline where Rita & Lynn Sr decided to never have kids as they saw them as and I quote *In alternate Rita voice* "The Most annoying creatures" 

*Normal Voice" and you all nearly vanish from existence all because you didn't want to suffer the consequences of your actions 

And there's the time where you used a little innocent girl Named Darcy to get an A+ in social skills and that's honestly screwed up! 

I mean what kinda of girl or sister does that to someone 

*Lisa feels guilty*

Lisa: *Guilty* yeah you do have a point there and-and Normally I don't not show human emotions but- *breaking down* b-but-but *Crying* OH HO HO!!! YOU ARE RIGHT!!!! 


Joker: *crying* were horrible sisters! We didn't see it until now! you're right Dark Ace you are 100% right! 

Dark Ace: yes I am! Now prepare to be my trophies!

*They embrace each other with tears still in their eyes as Dark Ace Captures them*

Dark Ace: *laughs maniacally* 8 down! One more to go 

*we cut back to Lori & Morag sword fighting* 


*She's kicked by Bobby* 

El-Falcon: you okay? 

High Card: yes I am boo boo bear now *grabs Morag's sword and points both of them at her* in the name of Loch Loud! You're literally under arrest Morag McLaughlin 

El-Falcon: I'll get the handcuffs 

High Card: now Morag stand up and put your hands up in the air! 

Morag: *groaning* 

*Morag sees Dark Ace approaching* 

Morag: *devious Smirk* I think not! *Releases a smoke bomb* 

High Card: Hey! *coughs* 

*Morag sees this as her chance to escape and she does Dark Ace arrives just as the smoke dissipates*

High Card: where'd you go Morag?! 

Dark Ace: oh she's far away! 

High Card: *sees him* Dark Ace! *Gets into a fighting pose* alright you jerk it's literally just you and me now! I'll literally get Morag later and *sees her sisters frozen* GIRLS?!?! what did you do them! 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* just told them how they were terrible sisters to their brother and speaking of which I've  saved the last for you  

*Stella sees Dark Ace and is horrified* 

Lady Ace: where are the other sisters and- *sees them in the Zero-point energy bubble* oh no! *to fang* Get me to shore now!! 

Fang: *determined roars* 

*The monster swims Stella to shore as she yells to the others* 

Lady Ace: *yelling* BOBBY LORI'S IM TROUBLE GO NOW!!! 

El-falcon: huh? *sees Dark Ace* NO! 

*he runs back to the spot where Lori is as Dark Ace begins his manipulation Tactics on Lori*

Dark Ace: *manipulative* I saved this bit of criticism for last but I know a lot about you, 

High Card: oh really? 

Dark Ace's oh yes Lori, I've heard you've been a tyrant to your own family when you babysit them, and Lincoln over threw and before you were locked in your own room you said this to him 

*In Lori's voice* "You won't last five minutes!" and you gloated to him when he came to you for help and you said this to him "I knew you wouldn't last five minutes"

*Lori feels ashamed*

High Card: *ashamed* that was uncalled for me to do? I was being a tyrant 

Dark Ace: *Normal voice* and then they're was the time when Lincoln was playing his VR headset and when he accidentally stumbled into your room 

Instead of being worried for him because he could accidentally hurt himself you say this to him 

*Lori's voice "There's only one rule in this house! Stay out of my bedroom, and if I catch you in here again I will literally turn you into a human pretzel!!" 

*Normal Voice* I know teenagers can be moody at times but that was a bit uncalled for and going a bit overboard don't you think Lori? 

High Card: *Guilty* I think so, I shouldn't have yelled at him 

Dark Ace: *manipulative* and there's the time he told Ronnie Anne off for her bullying but instead of taking his side of the story 

You yell at him and call him a monster telling him he made *in Lori's voice* "Ronnie Anne CRY!!!" *Normal voice* all because her precious Bobby boo boo bear broke up with her 

That doesn't sound like a healthy relationship at all, 

*We cut to Bobby running*

El-Falcon: you're not taking her away from us!! Not now!!

*We cut to Dark Ace p* 

Dark Ace: *Manipulative* and you only cared about him and him alone, Although Lincoln tried to explain his side of the story, I mean how are you this selfish and irredeemable? 

Lori Marie Loud cares more about a Mexican boy than her own brother! More about her boyfriend than her own brother! 

*Lori begins to break down as she gets into the ground* 

High Card: *breaking down* y-y-you're l-l-l-literally right! I-I-I-I- 

*before Lori breaks down she hears this in her thoughts*

Lori's thoughts: "Loud's never quit! Loud's never quit! Loud's never quit!" 

*Lori composes herself although tears fall from her and she gets back up and gets back into a fighting pose* 

High Card: *sniffles/firm* I know what you're trying to do! But it won't work on me! You may have captured my sisters through manipulation but you want do the same with me!

Dark Ace: *disappointed* aw man! I thought I could get you like the rest! *smirks* oh well prepare to be a trophy my dear 

*Lori sees the remote and screams as Bobby arrives just in time and I'm slow motion pushes Lori out of the way as the remote fires and he's capture instead of her

As the slow motion ends* 

High Card: ugh! *Sees Bobby frozen* NOO!!!! 

Dark Ace: huh? You're boyfriend must've been determined to save you all well I can always capture now! 

High Card: Ah! *closes her eyes*

*Dark Ace presses the button but I doesn't work* 

Dark Ace: *shocked* WHAT?!?! What in the?! *presses it again* why isn't this working! 

Zero-point energy Remote: *computer voice* maximum capacity reached 

Dark Ace: *enraged* when I get my hands on that tin can I'll! *realizes* wait a minute *devious smirks* so Lori you want your siblings freed? 

High Card: yes! 

Dark Ace: well how about we discuss this? You give yourself up and I'll free your sisters and boyfriend heck I'll even stop this war! 

*Lori is unsure about this*

Dark Ace: oh I see you want some time to think on this well then, You exactly have 5 days to think over it, if you don't, I'll destroy Loch Loud and kill everyone on sight 

Oh and if you're ready to talk you'll know where I'll be 

*as he says this a massive portal opens revealing the base now flying in the air and it shocks everyone* 

Dark Ace: cool huh! My base is now completely mobile to make it easy for world domination 

*Dark Ace gets his jet pack and flies off as Stella arrives alongside, the army, the resistance, Clyde, Carl and Adelaide as we cut to Ryan and his dad fighting* 

Ryan: you know dad if you didn't support Dark Ace and his cause then maybe I would've never left the bad side! 

Jeff: well you're gonna pa- 

*his head gets bumped by Carly's wyvern* 

Jeff: what the *glares* Carly!! 

Carly: *angry* I can't believe you! You're willing to sell me & your son out for this monster! 

Jeff: *angry* of course I am! And- *Sees Morag's signal of retreat* ugh not now! Never mind you two will pay for this treacherous act! 

Carly: *angry* oh before you leave! I wanna a divorce! 

*Jeff leaves in a huff and Ryan is shocked of his mom helping him* 

Ryan: I'm surprised mom why are you on- 

Carly: you're side, look let's land and I'll discuss it later oh here's your camouflage suit! *tosses it to Ryan as he catches it* 

Ryan: thanks mom! 

Carly: don't mention it 

*we cut to them landing as they join the group*

Ryan: what happened?!?! 

Lady Ace: it's the loud sisters, they have been captured by Dark Ace along with Bobby and *glares* why is your mother here! 

Carly: look I'm not fighting for Morag anymore! Or dark Ace! He plans on double crossing all of the Loud's rivals and his own descendant! 

General Fergus: at least we won this fight 

High Card: yeah we may have won the fight but we have yet to win the war against them, let's all head back to the castle and take our prisoners with us! 

So we can rest and lick our wounds I have a feeling they'll be back soon! 

*We cut to Leni, Luna Luan Lynn and Lucy being attached to the Zero-point energy prison as they're parents watch in shock*

Rita: *shocked* kids?! Why are they crying? 


Dark Ace: *Gloating* just manipulated them into by using their own flaws against them 

Night Club: *sniffles* he's right mom, Pops, we are horrible sisters 

11 of hearts: *sniffling* yeah, we totes are horrible! 

Dark Ace: indeed you are! Now if you'll excuse me I gotta go check on the younger sisters! *he laughs manically*

Eight of spades: *guilty* I can't believe I let him manipulate me! 

Joker: *sniffle* Lucy don't you get it where terrible sister 

Eight of spades: no we're not! He tricked us into thinking we are and I fell for it, had I not let him get to me I could've been helping Lori and the others

Rita: *reassuring* Lucy it's not your fault, Aggie manipulated you

Strong Suit: I'm surprised you're not angry at us for this

Lynn Sr: why would we be? I mean you stopped Morag before, we weren't surprised you went to Loch Loud to get help 

Rita: either way, we're not angry at all of you, in fact we're the exact opposite, we're proud of you 

*Lucy smiles at this as we cut to the younger siblings and Bobby in a cage* 

Queen of diamonds: what are we gonna do Bobby! 

El-falcon: look we shouldn't panic now, panicking will lead to us not being able to help Lori and the others at all

*Soon Dark Ace comes in* 

Dark Ace: *smirks evily* welcome to your new permanent home! 

*He Laughs manically as we cut to black* 

Edeemer17: hello guys and holy crap! 12,937 words that's impressive by itself this is my first and longest chapter for this now I hope you all enjoy the chapter 

Anyways this is Edeemer17 signing out

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