Unrequited? Air at Sea

By StoriDen

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Please read my ohm and nanon Fanfic story. Unrequited: The Series. It's my very first book. Ari and Tee have... More

1. The end is only a beginning.
2. Clean-Break
3. Missing
4. The Baddie Next Door
5. Messy
6. Weak
7. Lets talk about it
8. I love you
9. Change?
10. Playing Straight
11. Anew View
12. Spooky
13. An Autumn Night
14. Steal me away
15. Bully
16. I got you
17. Breakfast
18. The Creeper
19. Not enough
20. The Pop Up
21. Second & Third Thoughts
22. New?
23. Addiction
24. Trying
25. One-sided? When?
26. Pizza & Beer
27. Community
28. Baby?
29. Silk
30. Punished
31. Dog walk
32. See you soon
33. Cheater!
34. The Pretty Woman
35. Tucked
36. Uncle!
37. De ja Vu
38. Another Ending/Beginning?
39. Parting sorrows
40. Who am I?
41. What am I?
42. Thanks & Apologies
43. -Murder Business-
44. BFF
45. Milk & Honey
46. Hungry
47. Hungry 2
48. A Fugue
49. Sweet Dreams
50. Bickering Brothers
51. Bath time
52. Bath time Part 2
53. Common Ground
54. Who?
55. Wait! What?
56. Stripper?
57. Shards
58. Rage!
59. What do you want?
60. Mind Games?
61. The Air at Sea
63. Revelation.

62. Three's Company

85 4 5
By StoriDen


Arie and I stayed cuddled up in the back of the closet for what felt like hours. But when I checked my phone it was just after 3:30 pm.

I hadn't even noticed that Blue had left us.

"We didn't finish our talk." I say to Arie.

"Hmm." She moans sleepily.

"Do you want to sleep?" I ask.

"No, I want to eat my waffle."

"Where is it?"

"In the fridge."

"Ok, hug my neck I'll carry you." I tell her.

She hugs me tightly as I carry her out of the closet.

Blue is already in the kitchen eating his waffle when we get there.

I set Arie in her seat before walking over to the fridge to get her waffle.

"I guess we can finish our talk now." Blue says as I place the waffle into the microwave.

"Yeah, I was thinking our first step should be all of us getting full STD panels." I say as I pull the waffle out and flip it with a fork before putting it back in.

"I agree." Blue says.

"Me too." Arie says meekly.

I pull the waffle out and grab the butters and syrups off the counter.

"Are you ok?" I ask Arie as I set everything down in front of her.

She shrugs and I sit down next to her so I can look at her face.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask.

"I'm a tramp." She mutters.

"I didn't say we should get checked cause of you. I said it cause Blue is a whore."

"Hey! Before Arie came back I distinctly remember us whoring together Mr. Wingman." He glares at me and I chuckle.

"I stopped. But I distinctly remember you showing up the day we moved Arie covered in puss."

Blue's shoulders droop and his face goes flat.

Arie giggles as she works on drenching her waffle with butter and syrup.

He groans, "Why you bringing that up?"

I raise my eyebrow at him. Arie was right in suspecting he had bedded quite a few strippers. Well, me too-but I know for a fact I wrapped up my dick up every single time. Sometimes I was tempted to double bag but I heard that doesn't work.

"Doesn't hurt to be safe." I say with a shrug.

"I agree." Arie adds and I reach over and squeeze her shoulder gently.

"Don't call your self names like that anymore. You're not a tramp. You're a two spirit remember?"

She gives me a half smile and nods.

"Cool. Next thing is absolutely no cheating. We are exclusive." I say awkwardly.

"I don't want to sleep with anyone besides Arie anyway." Blue says seriously.

"Good cause that comment was directed at you solely. Especially after we get tested. I don't want to get something from you through Arie. Which is somehow worse than getting it directly. Either way you're fucked if I find out you slipped up and not at all in the good way."

"I won't cheat and I have only had unprotected sex with one person." He says looking to Arie as she takes a big gooey bite.

The statement churns my stomach for a moment.

I take a deep breath,
"How do we split the time up?" I ask apprehensively realizing I still hate the idea of sharing Arie at all. Blue looks at me and I can tell we are thinking the same thing.

A death match doesn't sound so crazy all of a sudden.

"That's....." Aries words trail off as she still works on chewing.

"I want Arie to sleep with me at night." Blue says.

"Every night?" I ask.

He nods.

I scoff, "Hell no."

He sighs and looks to Arie.
"Give me back my pills."

"Hell no." She says mimicking me then goes back to work cutting more waffle with her knife and fork.

We are quiet for a minute seemingly considering how much we are willing to give and compromise.

After consideration I decide to compromise first, "We can all sleep together."

Blues eyes flinch as if he didn't expect me to say that.
"Where? We can't all fit in my bed." He says suspiciously.

"We can fit in mine. I'll yield to an extent cause I know you have some sort of sleep issue and Arie helps. At least I don't have to worry about your heart anymore."

"Why do you worry about his heart?" Arie asks.

"He will drink like four Red Bulls and chase it with coffee." I say with a shrug. I smirk feeling satisfied with snitching on him to Arie.

She gasps and her eyes go big.
"When did you do that?!" She snaps at him.

"Like everyday this last year." I snitch more and he glares at me. I don't care I nagged at him to stop every time.

Her eyes go bigger and she drops her utensils onto her plate, " You fucking idiot! Have you gone to the doctor?"

"Don't worry we get mandatory physicals. He was cleared." I quickly say as I realize her complexion is already blushing in outrage.

Arie exhales drooping back into her seat with a hand over her heart.

"Relieved?" I ask her.


"You're that scared for him?" I ask feeling a bit jealous.

"That too but mostly I'm pissed."

"Why?" I ask.

She takes a deep breath and looks to Blue.
"You would put your health at risk just to spite me?"

"I don't know. Would you move 600 miles away just to spite me?" He challenges.

This dynamic is...interesting I think as they both glare daggers back and forth.

"What does making yourself sick solve?" She asks indignant.

"Bring you back maybe."

Arie rolls her eyes, "Next time just stab yourself no reason to pussyfoot. If you're gonna do it go ahead and do it big." She says while moving her attention back to her plate.

Blue smirks, "I'll keep that in mind."

Arie turns her head to scowl at him.

I clear my throat interjecting to disrupt their glare off.

"As I was saying, I don't mind making a reasonable schedule. So you will be able to sleep but also figure out how Arie and I can still have alone time."

Blue crosses his arms and sighs relieving the angry tension he held in his arms and shoulders.
"I'll take my pills on nights you two want to be alone."

Arie gets a strange look on her face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

She looks at me tentatively, "I don't want him to take the pills."

"Not at all?" He asks.

Arie shakes her head.

"Why?" He asks.

"I read up on it. It's not good." She says looking down at her fingers.

"What do you mean?" I ask but she lifts her gaze to look at Blue.

"Sedatives used on people with severe insomnia especially long term are linked to really bad shit. Besides dependency, cognitive issues, increased mortality, and possible risk of developing dementia later in life. You already were on it a long time when you were a kid. You shouldn't take it."

Blue is quiet as he considers her words a moment then  reaches for her hand and locking their fingers against the table.

"I'm sure that doesn't happen all the time." He says softly to reassure her.

"Maybe. But it isn't worth the risk. Just keep doing the sleep hygiene and working on it with your therapist. One day you won't need pills or me."

"I will always need you. The aroma therapy has been really helping with my anxiety. I won't take the pills but I will ALWAYS need you." He says completely submitting to Aries will.

"You like it a lot?" She asks excited.

"Yup. It really works. I was having anxiety yesterday and then I took a shower using the things you left in my bathroom. It was literally the best shower I ever had. Not exaggerating-I was in there for like an hour."

Arie giggles, "Is that why I had to take a freezing cold shower?"

Blue laughs and nods.

"There are so many Aroma therapy tools we can try more of them. I have a book." Arie says adorably.

"The one you threw at me?"


"Yeah...it's big that book."

She giggles cutely, "Sorry."

"Yeah right." He says sarcastically but his smile is warm as he gazes at her.

I have never seen them interact this way and I'm surprised as I get a warm sensation all over.


"If Arie is spending the night with me and the anxiety gets bad just come over." I say all of sudden. The words come out before I even consider them fully.

"Really?" Blue asks skeptically.

I take a deeper breath as I realize I don't regret saying it.
"Yeah, I'll make you a key."

His gaze drops to the tabletop, "Thanks."

Arie places her hand over mine and I look to her.

Thank you, she mouths and I nod.

I pull her hand beneath the table and interlock our fingers connecting us all together.

"Anything else guys?" I ask.

"Dates." Blue speaks first.

"What about them?" I ask.

"I want to take Arie on lots of dates."

"Me too. We can just schedule them."

He nods in agreement.

"Can we sometimes go all together?" Arie asks.

"You want that?" I ask her.

She nods tensely, "Last time we went to the movies I did want Trish to come."

"Why?" He asks.

"We saw the The Great Defender 4." Arie says and Blue nods in understanding.

I look at him quizzically.

"It was our favorite book series growing up. We watched the first three movies together in theaters." He clarifies.

"Oh. Why didn't you say anything?" I ask Arie.

"I felt too guilty to say no to you and then felt guilty to Trish cause I watched it without him." She explains.

"Hmm. Should we all go see it together then?" I ask.


I look to Blue, "You mind?"

"No, we can do that. How about tomorrow night?" He asks.

Arie perks up and I know her answer, "Sounds like a plan."

She's suddenly beaming with happiness and  it spreads to me.

I pinch her cheek, "Cutie."

"Gainsay!" She says with a giggle.

Gosh, that was too adorable. I take hold of her face and lean in to kiss her.

Our lips touch and Blue clears his throat. I kiss Arie until I'm satisfied before sitting back to humor him.

"Don't kiss her in front of me if you won't like it when I do it." He warns.

I raise my eyebrow at his audacity, "Should you be saying that after what you did last night?"

Arie groans, "Don't blame Trish that was my fault."

"I doubt that." I say flatly.

"She literally pushed her naked body beneath me." He says and Arie snatches her hand from his and hits him hard against the arm.

He flinches back and rubs it with his other hand.
"That hurt Arie! I already have a bruise on my face cause of you." He complains and I laugh.

Arie rolls her eyes at him before turning her body in her seat to face me.

"I did do that. I'm sorry." She admits sadly.

I reach over and pat her poofy head, "It's ok, really. I was only joking."

For a few seconds I study her curiously, "Damn that hair is huge. Why don't you ever wear it out like that?"

Aries face falls flat and she looks at me like I'm a moron.

I try not to laugh as I glide my palm against the circumference of it.

"That is an epic afro." I mutter mostly to myself.

Arie slaps my hand away from her head as Blue chuckles.

She pulls her legs up onto the seat placing them against her chest. She wraps her arms around them and hides her face.

"What about sex?" She says into her knees.

"What about it?" Blue asks.

"How do we do it?" She whispers as if we will be overheard.

She's so cute. I sit back in my seat and smile at her, "Be more specific."

She's silent for a while considering it or building courage maybe both.
"When?..With who? I don't want to feel like I'm cheating." She says earnestly.

I hum in understanding.

"That's a good question." Blue muses my exact thought.

"Should we schedule it, like the sleeping arrangements?" I suggest.

Arie lifts her head, "No. That will be like you're....Brother husbands?"

"What does that mean?" Blue asks.

"I just don't want to schedule sex. I like it when it happens naturally." She pouts.

"Me too." Blue agrees.

"Me also." I admit.

"This could get hectic." Blue adds.

"We should probably leave it up to Arie. I don't know about you but I literally want to fuck her like every minute." I say to Blue.

"Same." He concurs.

"Same for me too...When I'm with either of you I want to touch. Touching leads to fucking. But when all of us are together should I not touch you? Should I wait? Should I choose? How do I choose? I don't want to have to. Should I only touch the person that is on the sleep schedule for that day? I don't like that either." She says agitated.

Blue takes a deep breath and tilts his head in consideration, "All good questions." He mutters.

I'm genuinely stumped, "I think we should let you be in charge if that." I reiterate to Arie after a few minutes and the answer still doesn't materialize.

"In charge how?"

"Maybe only you should initiate sexual intimacy." Blue suggests to Arie.

"How? Any intimacy can lead to sex. Are you saying neither of you can try to have sex with me? I have to come to you?"

I nod and Blue shrugs.

"I hate that." She says seriously.

"Caleb and I will always want you at the same time. It's you that has to make clear who you want in the moment."
He sums up my thoughts as-well.

"You'll have to choose." I reiterate.

"No!" She snaps stubbornly.

"Why?" He asks.

"Cause...I want to have sex with both of you just as much as you want with me. Also, I'm going to avoid any situation that involves choosing. I feel like that will make the person left out feel as though I want them less. I desire you both equally."

"All the time?" Blue asks.

Arie sighs, "When I'm with Caleb I only want Caleb. But when I'm with you I have urges. When it's one on one there is no choice. What about when we're all together?"

"Do you ever desire both of us at once?" Blue asks.

Arie looks down at her lap shyly.

"You can tell us." I prompt her.

"Only once." She mutters.

"When?" Blue asks.

"When we went to the gym."

"What about it?" I ask.

"You were working so good together. Laughing and encouraging each other. Then you both got sweaty and took your shirts off." Her skin flushes as she bites her bottom lip.

I reach over and lift her chin so she'll look at me.

"Say it goddess."

"I just daydreamed a bit."

"About?" Blue urges.

"Both your hands on me....at once."

I raise a brow skeptically, "Could you handle that?"

"Probably not alone....But in my daydream you were...enthusiastic towards each other too."

"Huh?!?!" Blue exclaims and I chuckle.

"Naughty goddess." I tease with a smirk and she giggles.

"Who was bottoming?" Blue asks.

I laugh as I sit back in my seat, "As if you could top me." I say rolling my eyes at him.

"You're right, I wouldn't top your big, hairy man body. And I sure as hell would Not, could Not bottom for you."

I blink at him for like thirty seconds before rolling my eyes to look to Arie.

"If we're all together and you want us both, you can have us both." I tell her simply.

"Ok. But I want both of you to touch me as much as you want. I belong to both of you equally. Have me as much as you desire."

"It could get complicated." Blue says.

"You scared Mr. Quarterback?" I ask tauntingly.

"Nope. Just don't touch my dick or my ass."

I smirk, "Feel free to touch my dick-suck it too."

Arie gasps and then bursts into giggles.

To my surprise Blue doesn't look horrified like earlier, "You must be tired of having one. You put it anywhere near me or my face and I'll rid you of it." He says flat faced.

"Not funny." I say.

"Not joking."  He chimes.

His expression is challenging me and I get the urge to tease him.

I lean forward with a smile, "You just made my dick hard- I love it when you talk dirty to me."

He rolls his eyes, "I hate you."


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