One Direction Sad Preferences

By melaniedarling

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*A LOT OF THESE AREN'T MINE!* I will try to write the author if I can :) If you have any short sad stories yo... More

One Direction Sad Short Fanfics
Harry Styles Sad :(
Niall Sad:'(
Short Sad Simple Liam
I'm Crying Don't Look At Me ~Louis~
Nouis Saddd
*Hands Tissue* You Will Cry
Niall... If This Doesn't Make You Cry I Don't Know What Will
Suicidal ~Harry~
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater ~Harry~
Fuck You Cancer
Heaven On Earth
Whiskey Lullaby
Forever and Always
Don't Forget About Me
3 Words
My Last Goodbye
Hold Me
Hit The Pedal Heavy Metal
Airplane Abort
Cuts Bring Tears
Last Call
Break Uppp
Small Bump
New York
World Wind
I Didn't Understand But I Do Now
Black Suit
Close To Nirvana
Last Breath
Proud Father
Darkness Within
The Wheelchair
Never To Be Found
Moniter Of Love
The Note
A Thousand Years
Cutting Larry
A Day Without You
The End Of The World
The End Of The World ~Louis~
Slow Dances and Romances
Blown Away
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room
I Miss You
The Ed Sheeran Serenade
The Last Skype Call
Gone Missing
Forever Young
The Sweet Kind Of Sad
Going Nowhere
Entirely Us
Just Cuz
If You Leave, The World Will Change Forever
Goodbye My Lullaby
Kill Yourself ~Part Uno~
Kill Yourself ~Part Dos~
Kill Yourself ~Part Tres~
They Can't Detain You
The Rollercoaster
Don't You Worry
More Like An Illusion
There Once Was A Boy
The Last Reminder Of You
You Are My Only Sunshine
Breaking Point
Perfectly Impossible
Louis Didn't Die
One Golden Memory
Pleaded On My Knees
Oh Harry
Catch My Disease
So Gone
Remember The Best
You're Not Broken
The Voice
Don't Forget To Remember Me
Ghost Of You
Broken Lips
Lovers Intuition
Saddest Moment Of All
Book 2!

My Own Little Peace Of Heaven

14.7K 145 17
By melaniedarling

I always promised myself that I would be strong enough to walk away from a relationship that only brought me down. Always. My happy-go-lucky personality, constantly laughing and smiling, being care-free; I had to protect that. But that was a year ago, isn’t it funny how quickly things can completely change? That was before I met him. I got too sucked in, he totally captivated my attention. I was young, naive, I didn’t know what I was doing.

Ya see, I started dating Harry Styles. One of the most famous teenagers in the world who’s in the band One Direction. I convinced myself that he was good to me, that it was right. That’s what I wanted. I felt trapped with no where to go in a country that I didn’t fit into.

So that’s why I’m leaving. Right now in this dreary, rainy weather I’m about to board my plane back to America. This is the last time I’ll ever see this place, I’m actually kind of excited about that. I’ll never see Harry or his friends again. It’s probably for this best. But maybe I should tell the story from the beginning…


It all started out three days ago. It was New Year’s the next day but Harry told me he had to be in America for some pre tour promo and he really wanted to go to a Coldplay concert. Of course, I was fine with that. I stayed at home with my roomate, Niall. He’s one of Harry’s bestfriends who’s also in One Direction. It was fine, just like any other day.

I actually went to bed early, I didn’t even stay up to see the ball drop. I was exhausted. If only I had known the pain I would wake up to.

That next morning started out like any other day. As your typical 17 year old girl the first thing I did when I woke up was check my phone. Then I saw it. I had thousands of tweets from girls all over the world asking me if I had seen the pictures. I clicked on some of the links and eventually found a video of what they were talking about. As I watched the video come to an end, tears were pouring from my eyes. Not again. This can’t be real! I saw tons of pictures and links to more and more videos, only joining in on my hysteria. I threw my phone at the wall and screamed. Harry had done it again.

This wasn’t the first time. It was the third. Three times. And that was three too many. The first time Harry just claimed it was ‘for publicity.’ The second time it was because ‘the fans wanted me to.’ I’m sure he’d have another lame excuse for this time. But it wouldn’t matter because I had already made up my mind that if he ever did it again, I would leave him. Three strikes and you’re out. If you haven’t figured it out by now, Harry has cheated on me with a mega-pop star singer back in America.

I laid in my bed and cried for at least ten minutes. I cried hysterically. A million thoughts and emotions were running through my mind. I was sad, angry, and happy all the same time. I thought things like “What do I do now?” “Why did he do this?” “Why doesn’t he love me?” but mostly, “I can’t believe that I actually have to leave him.”

It’s so much harder than I thought it would be. You’d think that after he screwed me over enough I’d be ready to leave, but that wasn’t the case. I got up to get my day started because I had TONS to do now. First I called the airport to get the last flight of the day back to America. Unfortunately it would be until the next day. I couldn’t believe that I was actually leaving. I had one day left. I called my mom and told her what time to be there to pick me up, not giving any details of the events that had occurred.

I heard my phone ding because I had received a text message and my heart dropped. I knew it was Harry. I wasn’t ready to talk to him. Not yet. I ignored his text and began to pack. It would take me a while to get all my stuff packed up. I had been living there for a year now. Good thing I had just gotten a brand new set of five-piece luggage for Christmas.

I didn’t want to explain to anyone what had happened. I had to eventually but I just put it off until absolutely neccessary. I wasn’t sure where Niall was but he spent the night at someone’s house last night after partying. By 6 o’clock I had almost all my stuff packed up and five texts from Harry. I decided it was time.

My heart was racing, palms sweating, and I was so nervous that I was about to puke. I sat down on my bed and began to text him.

“Harry, I’m done.” I typed. I reluctantly pressed send and waited for his reply.

Seconds later I received a “Done with what?” text from Harry.

“You. I’m done with you. We’re over. By the time you get home I’ll already be back home in America. Don’t ever talk to me again,” I cried as I pressed send.

A few seconds later my phone began to ring and I knew I had to answer it.

“What do you want Harry?”

“What do you mean you’re leaving?!” He cried out.

“You know what I mean. I can’t be with you anymore. I told you, three strikes and you’re out. Don’t think I didn’t see the pictures!” I yelled into the phone.

“I can explain!” he pleaded.

“No, I don’t want your lame excuse please just leave me be. This time tomorrow I’ll be gone and out of your life. You can go date your mega pop star you always want to be with instead of me.” I said. “Good bye Harry.”

“Wait-” he tried to say, but I had already ended the call. He called back but I turned off my phone and continued to pack.

An hour later Niall busted through the front door and ran up the stairs to my room.

“Oh my God! You were serious?!” he said in horror.

“I’m so sorry Niall. I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t be with Harry any longer.” I said, crying.

He walked over to me and held me in his arms as I cried. “Shh, love. It’s okay. Please don’t cry.”

“I can’t believe he did it again Niall. He promised me…” was all I managed to choke out between sobs.

“He made a mistake, and I’m not going to say he’s right, because he’s not, but you’re not even going to give him another chance?” Niall asked.

“No.” I said looking at him. “I told him last time that if he ever did it again, it would be the end. If I stay he’ll just keep doing it over and over. I can’t be a pushover anymore.”

Niall stepped back in looked me in the eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek, “I’m going to miss you so much!” he exclaimed.

“Oh love, I’m going to miss you too! Next time you’re in America you have to come see me!” I shouted.

“Trust me, I will!” He said, looking around my, now, empty room. “I guess I’ll let you finish up here. When do you leave?”

“My flight is tomorrow night at 9pm.” I stated.

“Alright, I’ll go make us some dinner. You hungry?”

“Yes! I haven’t eaten all day!” I yelled.

And then Niall walked back down the stairs to the kitchen to start cooking. I was looking around my room and had a change of clothes for tomorrow on my bare bed, and toiletries in the bathroom. The room was completely empty now. Something in the right of the room caught my eye and I immediately walked over to it. I pulled open my night stand drawer saw things from Harry. I had forgotten that I left them there. There was a heart necklace, a picture of Harry and I in a silver frame, and a little note he wrote me a few months ago. I cried as I looked at them but knew that I had to leave behind all reminders of him.

Dinner was finished and Niall and I ate, watching some show on tv. He made small talk but I knew he didn’t know what to say. After dinner I took my last shower in this house, and in this country. I decided to go to bed early, still leaving my phone off. I grabbed a blanket and fell asleep in the couch.


I woke up with a pit in the middle of my stomach. Today was the day. A few short hours and I would be gone. I looked outside and laughed at the sheer irony of the weather. It was pouring rain. One of the things I definitely would not miss about that place.

I decided to get some last minute errands ran and pack my last bit of clothes and then I was done. By this time I was ready to go. I had all my suit cases downstairs ready for the cab. I just had one last thing to do.

I went into my room with a piece of paper and a pencil to begin my last task. With all the items Harry had given me in the middle of my bed, I decided to write him a note. I knew he would come straight up here to check the second he returned home.

After many scratching outs, I finally settled on what I would say. The note read: “To my dearest Harry- I just want to thank you for this past year. It was incredible and an experience of a life time. Not many girls will be able to say that they dated one of the most famous boys in the world. Thanks for the adventure, but now it’s time for it to end. I’m sorry that I wasn’t enough for you. I tried my best but I guess it wasn’t good enough. Here’s all your things back that you have given me. You can dispose of them at your discretion. Please don’t try to contact or see me again, let’s just end this peacefully. Love you.”

And after folding the note and signing it, I walked out of the room slowly. Tears streamed down my face in the reality that I was truly leaving. Niall waited for me at the door and we said our emotional goodbyes. I thanked him for everything and told him to stay in touch. The cab was there and it was finally time to venture back to where I belong. Home. The cab dropped me off at the airport and I quickly went to get my boarding pass and finish all that boring stuff.

This is where I left off earlier, about to board my plane home. I can’t believe it’s really over. But I have to keep my promise to myself. I have to be strong, and mature, and do what’s best for me. Goodbye England.


This portion will be Harry’s POV.


I just received a text from her saying that’s she’s done. We talked on the phone and now she won’t even call me back, the phone just goes straight to voice mail. I can’t believe she’s really leaving me. I can’t believe I screwed it up AGAIN! It was a small moment of indiscretion that will cost me my entire world.

I sat in my chair in the hotel room for thirty minutes crying hysterically. Then I knew I had to try to do something. I couldn’t go down without a fight. At that moment I made the nearest flight back to England hoping that I would catch her again.

When I arrived back at home in the airport, I ran to the boarding side only to see that the plane to America had just left. My heart stopped. Maybe she didn’t leave! Maybe she really does love me! I thought to myself. I took a cab to Niall’s house and ran through the door straight up to her room.

I was too late. I stood there with tears coming down like a waterfall. The room that once held the girl that was my entire world was empty. Every sign of her presence ever being there was gone. Then on the bed I saw some things. AH! It was things I had gotten her all throughout our relationship. Why didn’t she take them with her? I cried even harder. Then I saw the small note folded up with her signature on the front and began to read it.

It said: “To my dearest Harry- I just want to thank you for this past year. It was incredible and an experience of a life time. Not many girls will be able to say that they dated one of the most famous boys in the world. Thanks for the adventure, but now it’s time for it to end. I’m sorry that I wasn’t enough for you. I tried my best but I guess it wasn’t good enough. Here’s all your things back that you have given me. You can dispose of them at your discretion. Please don’t try to contact or see me again, let’s just end this peacefully. Love you.”

I was crying so hardly I could barely read the paper. I couldn’t believe she was gone. I screamed out at the top of my lungs and begin to punch things. I thrashed myself around the whole room and just screamed.

Niall came up there to see what was happening and he just stood in the doorway looking at me. I ran up to him and hugged him so hard. I just wept and kept saying “I NEED HER NIALL! SHE CAN’T BE GONE!”

He kept saying “Shh, Harry, it’s okay lad. We’re gonna make it through this.” and he had tears in his eyes.

All of a sudden we heard the door bell ring. I ran and nearly tripped on the stairs as I swung the front door open. I could hardly believe what I was seeing.

There she was, standing right in front of me. Her face was soaked with tears but her whole body was wet from the rain. She looked at me sobbing and said “You promised, Harry! You promised me!”

I cried, “I’m so sorry! Please, just give me one more chance!” as I took her in my arms never wanting to let go.

I didn’t know how long she’d still be here, or if she’d give me another chance. All I did know was that I had to do everything I could to win back my own little piece of Heaven.


THIIISSSS OOONNNEEE was made by allaboutedsheeranandharrystyles on tummmmmmmblrrrr

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