Danny Phantom: Finding the Lo...

By LittleFishy333

36.7K 1.2K 115

Danny Phantom, the soon to be crowned Ghost King, is caught by the GIW along with his adoptive daughter Danie... More

The Beginning
That Is One Way To Get Someone's Attention
What Was Once Lost, Has Now Been Found
Authors Notes
Look At What We Found
I Am Sorry!!!!!
Teen Heros In Spandex Enter Stage Left
Don't Touch The Collar!!!!
One. Two. Wait!
Shockingly Painful
Now We Can Leave
Oh.........The Stars
Now That's An Exit
Spot the Difference (because we have been stuck in a lab for so many years)
Home Sweet Home, or What's Left of it
A Wild Lancer Appears
They broke us, we only know pain
How the Hell did they get it out of the Basement?!?!?

Facing the truth, even though we don't want it to be true

1.3K 47 8
By LittleFishy333

In the early morning the town was quiet as Danny walked along the sidewalk, head down and hands stuffed in his pockets. Long and matted white hair fluttering in the breeze, Danny walked with no direction in mind. Just simply letting his feet guide him while his mind was pleasantly blank of all thought. He didn't think about his next move or where to go from here, since Dani and him couldn't stay at his old home. That would be the first place they would look. Danny didn't worry about his daughter, and how broken her mental state would be once she woke up. Can't really blame the girl, not with what they had to go through at the facility. Danny didn't ponder as to why his and his families room looked untouched while the rest of his home had been ransacked and stripped of nearly everything. He also didn't think about how he was still in his Phantom form and didn't know if he could turn back into his human form.

Nope, no thoughts going around and around in his head, just an empty mind.

Breathing out a deep sigh that Danny could feel all the way down to his toes, he rolled his shoulders back and picked up his pace as he continued walking. His feet taking him through town, past the Nasty Burger and Casper High, and eventually out of town and through an iron gate. Danny blinks slowly when his legs come to a stop at a set of stones buried in the earth.

Legs giving out, Danny's knees planted themselves firmly into the ground as he knelt in front of the three stone markers, eyes staring at clenched fists resting in his lap. Danny stayed kneeling, eyes downcast for a long time. He doesn't know for how long he had stayed in that position, not moving an inch, only that by the time the sun had set, and the moon is high in the sky does the young man raise his head and faced the truth that sat in front of him.

Staring back at him is three tombstones, all with matching last names and the same death dates.

Jack Fenton

Madeline Fenton

Jasmine Fenton

Danny finally broke.

Gazing at his family's final resting place with vacant eyes, the young man let go of all the anguish, the bitterness, and the hollowing sadness he had kept inside of himself. With the faintest of hope in his heart, Danny wanted to believe that his family was alive and waiting them to escape, to returned to their side. To be honest, he never wanted to believe when the scientists or agents taunted the father daughter duo with the knowledge of their family's brutal murder. Danny never wanted to acknowledge that his parents and sister had sacrificed their lives to try and protect him and Dani.

But here he kneels, facing the stone-cold truth of what he had been told all those years and Danny can't hold back any longer. A broken sob escaped the ghost as he lurched forward and buried his face into the ground. Body shaking, Danny pressed his face further into the grass and dirt while he screamed and cried and screamed some more, his hands clawing and slamming against the ground. Not knowing what to do with the pain and emptiness he was feeling, he gasped brokenly for air only to wail back into the earth. His mind felt numb as tears streaked down his face and his body turned cold, his core pulsed painfully in his chest.

As the young man broke down in front of his family's resting place, a thick fog spread though out the cemetery, laying heavily on the ground. Frost started to climb up the graves and trees, and a light flurry of snow fell to the ground. As Danny cried, the temperature slowly fell one degree at a time, and glowing green ice spread out from were he lay on the ground.

Noticing the change in weather, Danny lifted his head and looked around at the ghostly winter wonderland he had created. Calming down slightly he rubbed his chest where his core is located and sat crossed legged on the grass, an occasional sniffle escaping him.

Danny sat and stared at the grave markers, no longer sobbing and screaming, just gazing as silent tears fell down his face. Soon enough the moon disappeared, and the sun was peaking over the horizon. When the sun was fully in view and making its way into the sky did Danny decide that it was time to head back. Just as Danny was about to move to stand, the soft crunching sound of shoes meeting snow could be heard echoing through out the graveyard. Turning slightly in the direction of the noise, he wondered who would disturb him in his time of mourning if not the GIW. Standing now and fully turned towards the footsteps, Danny readied to defend himself. Only to come face to face with someone he never would have thought he would meet again.

"Great Gatsby! Fenton is that you?"

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