After the Divorce, the Boss D...

By Maylsuuu3

84.4K 1K 35

"After Retiring the Engagement, the Big Brother Dressed as My Dog" Author: Beauty Wushuang copywriting Mu Yao... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 54 Part 2
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66-70
Chapter 71-80
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 91-100
Chapter 101-106
109: Extra one
110: extra two
111: extra three

Chapter 12

1.5K 26 0
By Maylsuuu3

When I rushed back to the examination room, it was already 10:03, with less than half an hour left.

"Hurry up and get the papers to your seat and start the exam."

The invigilator looked at the time and was worried for the student. There was less than half an hour left for the one-and-a-half-hour exam, how could it be possible to complete it? Moreover, even if there is a shortage of people in the flavor and fragrance major, he failed the written exam. No chance for an interview.

"Thank you teacher." Mu Yao rushed over immediately after getting the school card, her breath was extremely unstable.

The other two candidates in the examination room just glanced up at Mu Yao hastily, and immediately continued to answer the paper. When they got this paper, they almost went crazy, this paper is too difficult!

Didn't you say that the standard will be lowered, and the content of the test is very simple?

The two examinees looked at many exam questions that exceeded the content of their review, and they almost collapsed.

When Mu Yao got the test paper, she probably read it once. The questions on it were basically the basics of spices and essences. It was not difficult, but there were a lot of questions. Without thinking about it, Mu Yao quickly brushed up the questions.

At the end of the exam, the two examinees breathed a sigh of relief. They finally finished the test papers. Even if they didn't know how to do the questions, they had to guess the questions. Compared with the one who was late and didn't have enough time to finish the test papers Girls, they are much better.

"The exam is over."

The invigilator saw that Mu Yao was still writing and answering the paper, and knew that she must have not finished it, so he deliberately slowed down and walked over, "This student, you can't fill in any more."

Mu Yao could only put down her pen. There were too many questions in the test paper, and the time was less than half an hour, so she didn't have enough time to finish the rest of the questions.

After the invigilator collected all the test papers, he was a little sorry to see that many questions in the back of Mu Yao's test paper were empty.

"The results will come out in three days, and those who pass the test will have an interview a week later. Go back and prepare well." The invigilator finished speaking and left the examination room.


"Hey, Brother Yan, why are your clothes dirty?" Chen Qinghui saw a lot of dust and mud on the white shirt behind Jiang Yan, "Did you get out of the mud?"

Jiang Yan turned his head and took a look. He should have found it this morning when he helped Mu Yao go into the flower bed to find her school card.

He hooked the corners of his lips, with a somewhat suspicious smile, "It's just to verify one thing."

In the evening, after eating a fruit plate of cherries, Mu Yao sat down on the bed with satisfaction, picked up Ginger who was lying quietly on the small quilt.

"Ginger, come here, I'll cut your nails." The nails on the little thing's paws are already very long, otherwise, he wouldn't have scratched the servant last time.

"Woof!" Jiang Yan refused.

He didn't want to have such a shameful thing like being cut his nails.

"Be good, don't move around." Mu Yao knew that puppies don't like having their nails cut, so she hugged Ginger tightly in her arms to prevent it from struggling.

Jiang Yan wanted to break free, but thinking of what he was going to prove, he had no choice but to grit his teeth tightly and be hugged by Mu Yao obediently.

Seeing that Jiang didn't move or resist, Mu Yao couldn't help being overjoyed, and lowered her head to kiss the cute little thing in her arms. "Ginger is so good, I will carefully cut it for you."

There was a kiss on the head, a soft and tingly touch came, and Jiang Yan's dog body froze suddenly.

He turned the dog's head away uncomfortably.

Who told her to kiss him casually?

However, the more he wanted to ignore this discomfort, the more sensitive Jiang Yan became. He was hugged tightly, his back was soft, and Mu Yao's arms carried a sweet fruity scent, I don't know if it was because of being hugged, but the fruity scent was a bit stronger than before, and it smelled very good.

I don't know if it's because the air conditioner is not turned on in the room, Jiang Yan only felt that his whole dog body was getting hot, and he moved the dog's **** unnaturally.

"Don't move around." Mu Yao hugged Jiang tightly again to prevent it from shaking.

The embrace tightened, and all of a sudden, the girl's warm fragrance invaded the dog's nose again.

Jiang Yan clenched his dog's teeth unconsciously, his eyes darkened.

Mu Yao grabbed Ginger's little paw, it was short and fat, very cute. She couldn't hold back, and squeezed the fleshy paw, it was a little soft.

Jiang Yan's dog's face was hot, and he endured and endured, but he didn't retract the dog's paw.

Mu Yao lowered her head, and carefully began to cut ginger's nails. The little thing is still small, and the nails on her paws are not very hard, so it will not be difficult to cut.

With a "click", the small nails were cut off.

Seeing that the **** didn't move at all, Mu Yao smiled and said, "My **** is a good boy." After complimenting her, she bowed her head and continued to cut it.

The dog's left ear is deaf. However, in the right ear, Jiang Yan could clearly hear Mu Yao's voice, which was soft and soft-spoken. He even felt Mu Yao's warm breath falling on his ear. His right ear was shaking again and again.

Very itchy!

After a while, after Mu Yao finished cutting Jiang's nails, she also helped him polish his nails to avoid scratches.

Because the dog had wounds, Mu Yao couldn't bathe Ginger, so she fetched a basin of water to wipe the little thing.

Jiang Yan has already played with Mu Yao casually, allowing her to wipe his dog's paws.

"Lie down, ginger, I'll wipe your stomach, it won't hurt you." After washing his little feet, Mu Yao was going to wipe his stomach.

"Woof." Jiang Yan turned his back on the dog directly, and he could still accept washing his paws. How could he allow such a humiliating thing as wiping his stomach.

"Ginger boy, if you don't wipe your body, it will stink." Mu Yao directly picked it up, turned it around, revealing her pink belly, which was round and cute.

Jiang Yan's face turned black with anger. However, he was so small right now that he couldn't resist at all, he could only watch Mu Yao wipe his stomach with a wet towel soaked in hot water.

The puppy's stomach is extremely sensitive.

The moment Jiang Yan touched the hot towel, his whole body trembled, and the dog's paws curled up unconsciously.

Especially when Mu Yao's fingertips accidentally touched his belly, and even rubbed his belly presumptuously, the dog's tail behind him subconsciously wagged.

"It's over."

The little thing's belly is pink, soft, and round, so cute, and it feels super good.

Mu Yao joyfully picked up Ginger, letting it face her, she lowered her head, and pressed her forehead against Ginger's wrinkled dog's head, rubbing her lips affectionately, her red lips curled up, her smile bright, " Why is Ginger so obedient and cute?"

Suddenly, the dog's heart beat violently a few times, and Jiang Yan clenched his teeth tightly.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky outside had just brightened, and Jiang Yan woke up early.

The room is very quiet, with warm yellow lights on by the bedside, and the fruity fragrance of Mu Yao in the air, which makes people feel indescribably comfortable.

Jiang Yan got up, he looked up at the time, it was only six o'clock.

He sat quietly, watching the time with his dog eyes, waiting for recovery.

When Mu Yao woke up, she had just gotten out of bed when she saw old **** sitting beside the bed steadfastly, "Little thing, why did you get up so early today?" She bent down and hugged it with both hands.

The two legs subconsciously swayed in mid-air, and Jiang Yan was easily hugged by Mu Yao.

"You're earlier than me today." Mu Yao nodded at Ginger's nose, the little thing usually likes to sleep late, sleeps after eating, eats after waking up, this is the first time seeing it wake up so early.

Jiang Yan lowered his dog's head and did not hum.

Mu Yao thought it wasn't fully awake yet, so she rubbed its dog's head and put it down.

She went to the closet, which was full of clothes. Most of the hangers are gorgeous, delicate gowns in all varieties.

Mu Yao knew that these clothes were brought back from Mu Xiaoxue by the original owner, almost all of them were dresses worn by Mu Xiaoxue once at a banquet, each piece was expensive and exquisitely crafted. Just like this, the original owner often likes to wear these skirts that don't match her, causing many people to laugh behind their backs.

After she wore them, she only chose trousers and a few shirts to change into. As for Mu Xiaoxue's dresses, she put them aside, and she planned to donate these clothes when she found time later.

It's not that Mu Yao doesn't like dressing up, on the contrary, she loves beauty very much, but she was too poor when she came here, and she didn't have money to buy new clothes.

Now she has the 10,000 yuan she won in the lottery, and she is going to buy some new clothes on the weekend.

Randomly took out a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from the closet, and Mu Yao was going to change into them.

With her back facing Jiang, she took off the pajamas on her upper body.

Unprepared, a large piece of whiteness on his back came into his eyes, and Jiang Yan froze for a moment.

He never thought that Mu Yao would change clothes directly in front of him!

Jiang Yan used to sleep outside the small balcony, but he only slept in the room in the last two days due to injury, but he woke up late and never saw Mu Yao changing clothes.

This time, he happened to meet him.

Because of eating a lot of cherries in the past two days, Mu Yao's facial features have become much more refined, and even her complexion has become much fairer. Under her long black hair, her back is fine and flawless. Black and white complement each other, making her complexion whiter A few points.

The back is slender, the waist is soft, and the back alone is very good-looking.

Jiang Yan immediately turned away from the dog in a panic, can't she go to the bathroom to change?

The heart of the dog's body beat wildly a few more times, and he gritted his teeth fiercely.

Does this dog have a heart attack!


On the big light gray bed, the young man slowly opened his eyes, his dark eyes were clear.

Jiang Yan sat up, thinking of the scene he saw in Mu Yao's room before recovering, he pursed his lips unnaturally, and the small red mole at the corner of his lower lip instantly disappeared into the line of his lips.

Taking the mobile phone next to him, Jiang Yan glanced at it, nine o'clock!

It was 9:30 when he became an adult yesterday, but today is 9:00, which is earlier than yesterday, which means that his guess was right, and his messy thoughts became clear in an instant.

The first time delay happened when he ran away, the second time delay happened when he escaped and was injured, and the third time delay happened after he lost Mu Yao's school card. The first time the time was brought forward because he asked someone to return 10,000 yuan to Mu Yao, and this time it was brought forward because he helped Mu Yao get back her school card yesterday.

After this series of incidents, it is enough to show that the time for him to return to adulthood has something to do with Mu Yao.

Jiang Yanying frowned tightly.

Does this mean that he can only be nice to Mu Yao, and only when he is nice to her, will the time to return to adulthood be advanced, and if he is unfavorable to her, he can only be a dog?

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