From Mine to Ours

By Nxxmx70

119K 5.2K 562

Betrayal. That's the only way to describe the feeling his boyfriend of 5 years has brought him. What does i... More

Prologue: Who's he?
2: You're him!
3: He's so...
4: I got you.
5: "They"
6: Unexpected
7: Expect the Unexpected
8: Memory Lane
9: Startling Day Off
10: We Got You.
11: Unexpected Invite Plus One
12: Right here, right now.
13: Nice to meet you, but...
14: I pay attention, but I can't handle it.
15: Why with them?! Why?
16: That's a Wrap!
17 - Part 1: Let's Party!
17 - Part 2: Let's Party!
18: Admitting These Things Called: Feelings
19: Too close for comfort...
20: Need some help with that?
21: I got you.
22: Showing More of Me.
23: I'm So Ready.
24: You want us to what?!
Bonus: The Realization
25: Meet the Family?!
26: My Sexuality.
27: Date Number Eight
28: Invasion of Privacy...
29: We're Done.
30: Spring Festival
31: Our Summer Plan.
32: They Can't Know.
33: Thank you, Sir...
Chapter 34: Exposed?
Bonus Chapter: Blast To The Past
Chapter 35: Let's make it official.
36: No More Comparisons
37: A Few Steps Forward
38: Until Next Summer
39: Keeping Her Hands Clean.
40: Headstart
41: I need to talk to him.
42: Past Meets Present.
42: Home.
43: Awkward...
44: Betrayal.
45: So, that's that.
46: Stay for Dinner?
47: Bring out the Coats
Chapter 48: Newcomer
49 - Part 1: Conclusions
49 - Part 2: Conclusions
50: Thank you.
Epilogue: Little Bee
What's Next?
New Story is Officially Out!

1: Invite Me to Dinner First

3.5K 137 21
By Nxxmx70

"Nice work today, Noah!" Lucy, one of my closest colleagues from my new job, calls out, "joining us for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, probably," She gives me a smile and I nod in return.

I wave my goodbyes to everyone else still remaining in the building until I reach the sliding doors at the ground floor, enjoying the crisp winter air biting at my nose.

It's been a couple months since I left Tyler and Lucas, in the end, we ended up staying 'together' for another month or so before I left. I thought it would get better, I really did, I even confronted them the morning after their date, telling them how I felt so left out. They said they acknowledged it and took me out on a date that same night, but ended up keeping a conversation between themselves leaving me little room to talk.

It went from secret dates without me to snuggling on the couch right next to me without inviting me. Feeling uncomfortable in my own home just wasn't right and my Dad called me the day I was preparing myself to break things off with both of them.

"Son, your mother and I are worried about you,"


"We may live in another state, but we're still the people who raised you," my mother' s voice rings out from somewhere near the phone, the sound resembling metal clattering on the floor makes me pull the phone away briefly. "Darling, I told you to leave the cooking to me..."

"Anyways, Son, you've been off lately, is something going on?"

I pause briefly, not sure how much to share, but ultimately decide to let everything out. So, I ranted. Telling them about Tyler and Lucas, and eventually outing the news about my new job.

"So, what I'm getting from this..." my Dad's voice trails off as my mother and him begin recounting the recent events of my life.

"You got a new job,"

"At the same company you really loved doing your internship with,"

"Found an open apartment nearby,"

"You'll get really good pay from what I heard,"

"And you're finally going to start living your dream life..."


"Sounds to me, Son, that leaving this relationship of yours would do you some good."

"Hey Noah, the regular?" Jasmine, one of the many employees I've befriended lately at this new café I've been coming to daily for the past few months.

"Yes please,"

"How was work?"

"Really good, they  got me to start a new social media account for them today,"

Her brown ponytail whips around, "that's so exciting, I'll make sure to follow it later!" I smile in response, grateful for the new supportive friends that I've made lately.

"Anything new around here?" We move over to the pick-up counter as she finishes making my drink.

"Oh, we've got a new employee,"


"Yup, he's honestly so funny," she shakes her head, handing me my drink as I take a seat near the counter so she can serve the next customers while holding conversations with me.

"When does he start?"

"He'll be here tomorrow," she hands over a bag of cookies to the kind lady before turning her attention back to me. "He's really cute too, make sure to come by tomorrow," she sends a wink my way, ignoring my gaping mouth at her comment.

"I never told you-"

"My gaydar is never wrong."

I open my eyes the next morning bright and early, ready to take on the day. Preparing my tea that I always take with me to work and enjoying a warm shower to wake me up a bit more.

I have no clue why I'm in such a peppy mood this morning, but I'm not complaining. One thing I've been loving about my mornings lately is how open my apartment is. The kitchen and dining area are connected, my bedroom door is visible further down the hallway from the entryway and the living area is behind the dining table. The design lets all of the natural lighting flow throughout the entire apartment, filling it with life and I always end up waking up with a small smile whenever I sit on the sofa sipping on my tea in the mornings.

Passing all the rooms, I rush out the door with a smile gracing my lips. Once I reach the very tall building with our company's logo standing proudly in bold letters at the top of said building, I immediately head upstairs greeting people left and right as we politely say our 'good mornings' to each other.

"Hey, did you see how fast our numbers skyrocketed on our new account practically overnight?" Jack, the head of our team, approaches me. He's a physically vibrant person, always wearing colorful clothing and changing the color of the front pieces of his hair however he pleases. They just so happen to be purple right now.

"I knew that the latest collaboration ad with her would be a great idea," we share a high five and he stalks off to share the news with everyone else.

It's been a couple hours, and I just finished an email confirming our next meet-up schedule with Alexis, the model who we've been working with mainly for promotional purposes, and her team. We have a rather big meeting tomorrow with them and everything needs to go perfectly to keep our contract with her going. She's been a huge help for our company and we'd really appreciate some long-term work with her.

I eat my lunch in my cubicle, wanting to get as much done as possible before the weekend. Future me will thank me for that.

I have one last thing to finish as one of the main spokespeople of our company before the sun goes down. Heading over to one of the vacant rooms with a nice backdrop, I set up my work phone on a tripod. I've been asked to manage some of the stories on our new account and seeing as one of our new Holiday special events is coming up with a few artists, I have to make a short video in today's story to subtly bring up the subject, along with posting the latest promotional video our editorial and media team just finished.

I want to get this done and sent to the editors tonight for them to be able to finish it next week. It'll be easier for them too if I get this filmed before this weekend, I'm sure they'll appreciate it and it totally has nothing to do with the fact that I don't want to get another earful from Rylen.

"3, 2, check!" I clap my hand together for a small sound check and clear my throat, shaking the awkwardness away from my voice as I stare at myself on the screen for a few seconds. Yeah, I'm still getting used to this...

I call Rylen on the office phone on my desk, his office is a couple floors above me, so I'll save us both the trouble. "Hey, just sent over next week's videos, we'll post my video and your promo vid next Wednesday, right?"

"Yeah perfect, thanks," he hangs up and I stretch my arms out, ready to leave for the day.

"See you later," a small hand claps my back and I lean my head back to smile at the bright blonde. Lucy is one of the other social media representatives ever since she was seen pranking Jack in the background of one of our video ADS. Don't know how the editorial team missed it, but people thought it was hilarious and practically fell in love with her. So, she'll usually be one of the faces for our posters and online banners. Her naturally round face and freckles gives her a really adorable vibe and people can't get enough of her, which I think is the sweetest thing ever.

"Sure, text me when you're on your way there,"

She nods and heads out, I don't follow far behind her. I stop by the café again, of course, taking in the comforting caffeinated aroma as I step into the warm space. I run my fingers through my dark hair with a deep sigh of relief as the warmth hits my prickling skin and leave my coat to hang off the rack by the door.

"Noah, come meet Asher!" My rings adorning my fingers almost snag in my hair as I whip my head up, catching sight of an unfamiliar face.

I walk up to the counter in a haze, my eyes never faltering from him. His brown hair with heavy red undertones shining in the lighting above him. His wide smile and small dimple on his right cheek sends a jolt of joy through me. The oversized pale yellow hoodie that he manages to pull off really well as it looks absolutely amazing on him and matches his bright smile perfectly. The mandatory apron hugs him tightly enough to give off a hint of lean muscles hiding beneath the baggy clothing. I barely manage not to trip over my own feet as I make my way over to them in a daze.

"Asher, this is Noah, a regular here," Jasmine's voice shakes me out of my gawking and I feel heat rise to my cheeks as I notice a glimmer of amusement in his eyes once I snap out of whatever trance that just was. "Noah, this is our newest team member, Asher,"

"Nice to meet you, Noah," he extends his arm over the counter and I take it with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, too," his hand is warm. It would be very comforting if he wasn't a complete stranger to me.

"They've told me about you this morning, I'm glad you could make it," he continues.

"You talked about me?" I glance towards Jasmine and she raises her arms in defense.

"Hey, only good things were mentioned of course!"

I laugh with her and she starts preparing my drink, leaving me with him as it's not too busy in here right now.

"You guys seem pretty close,"

"I mean, it'd be a bit odd if we weren't with how often I come here," I manage to chuckle a bit, feeling some of my nervousness ease up a small bit as he smiles in response.

"Which is literally everyday,"

"Thanks Jasmine," I playfully roll my eyes and he snorts at our antics.

"Anytime." She grins at me over her shoulder.

"How was your first day here?"

"Pretty confusing not gonna lie," he wraps a hand around the nape of his neck, "I tried to keep up the best I could," his toothy grin shines my way as he begins to wipe down the counter.

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon," I try to reassure him.

"Thanks, I hope so too," I nod at him and grab my drink from Jasmine, taking my usual seat near the counter again to resume the conversations with them both. I find myself feeling at ease as our conversations start flowing really well the longer I sit and talk with him.

"Our shifts almost over by the way guys,"

"Do you guys wanna join my team and I later for dinner across the street?" I find myself asking, surprising myself as the words fly out of my mouth once I notice Asher starting to clean up for the night. It's not too shocking though, this wouldn't be the first Alexis would be joining one of my outings like this, so she nods rather quickly.

"Um, well someone's picking me up soon, I'm sure he'll want to come with us though, if that's okay?" He turns to me with another bright smile and I nod wordlessy, trying my best to snap out of it.

I almost want to admonish myself for the way my heart swoons a bit at his response. I shake off the feeling immediately, frowning slightly before getting myself back together. I decide to help them push in chairs and sweep the floor to speed up the process once the last customers leave.

"Thank you for helping us," his voice reminds me of a bright sunny day as cliché as it sounds. Hearing it right beside my ear as he sweeps the corner next to me only makes me think of the warm sun rays as he talks.

"Of course, no need to thank me," I manage to get out, ignoring the fluttering feeling in my stomach as his arm brushes against mine briefly.

"He always helps us clean up whenever he can," Jasmine bumps her hip with mine as she rushes past us to finish final check ups.

"I couldn't just sit here and watch you do all of this without feeling guilty,"

"Just admit it, you're a nice person," Asher walks past me with a sly wink and my cheeks start to heat up.

The sound of the door opening saves me from any more embarrassment and Jasmine already makes her way to the front. "Excuse me, sorry, we're closed,"

A man steps through the door, gracefully stepping into the room with an apologetic smile. Long, blond hair, carefully braided to the side, takes my attention as I admire the soft-looking locks. His slender fingers run through his beige topcoat covering the rest of his outfit other than the dark slacks emphasizing his long legs. He takes off his silver rimmed glasses, carefully placing them in a case in his pocket revealing soft, brown eyes. He's so... pretty.

"Oh sorry, Alexis, this is my boyfriend, Julian!" The word 'boyfriend' snaps me away from my admiration and I turn to the other stunning guy behind me right as he leans the broom on the wall.

"Hello, sorry if I'm intruding, I wasn't sure if I should wait outside or not," he trails off, hugging his boyfriend once Asher reaches him, and I notice his light brown eyes soften even more than I thought possible at the sight of his partner. His voice is sweet, gentle and oddly just as comforting as the warmth Asher's hand let me feel for a few brief moments earlier. Julian's noticeably taller than the excited brunet and he's a bit more slender in build from what I can tell.

"No no, it's not a problem at all, sorry about that," Jasmine continues to finish up and I follow after her in hopes of not walking into anything as my head is still turned in their direction. I walk past the couple as they get lost in conversation. I accidentally make eye contact with the beautiful man, his eyes lock with mine for what feels like a few minutes. He smiles at me kindly before turning back to their conversation.

"I think that's all for today, thanks again, Noah," she pulls her apron off, untying her natural brown hair in the process, effectively hiding her half blonde dyed underside.

"Oh yeah, anytime," I turn to her, ignoring the slight tinge of envy snaking its way around my heart. They really are a sweet-looking couple...

"Ready to head out guys?" she yells toward the other two still standing by the door and I busy myself with my phone, responding to Lucy's text letting me know she would be leaving her apartment soon.

"Oh yeah, would you maybe want to go have dinner with them?" He turns back to his boyfriend with a hopeful smile and I see the wheels turning in the man's gaze.

"If you want, Seb might not be able to join us though," I wonder who Seb is...

"He has that meeting to prepare for, right?" The pretty blond helps his cute partner tug on his coat as he nods, eyes rising to meet my own iridescents in passing again. I quickly cut off the brief eye contact, not wanting to seem creepy at my consistent staring.

"It's tomorrow, make sure to message him good luck," he spins Asher back around, leaving a fleeting peck on his forehead.

"Already did this morning!"

"Alright loverboys, let's go, I'm so hungry," she grumbles jokingly, making the two in question snicker as we leave.

I notice the man's eyes on me as I walk past him to exit the café, failing to ignore it as I find myself looking up to meet his observing gaze. A hint of confusion is noticeable within his darting eyes, wandering over my face in an almost scrutinizing gaze. "Um..."

"Oh, sorry!" He jumps back slightly as I look back at him with furrowing brows. "It's just- you look kind of familiar..." he admits, his hand running over his braid as he eventually follows after us outside.

"That might be because you've seen his face lately on 'Starlaxy's' main social media account," the blabbering half-brunette chuckles and walks up a bit to walk with Asher, leaving me with a shocked Julian.

"It's Noah, right?"

It's my turn to look more than a little shocked that he actually recognizes me enough to remember my name, "wow, didn't expect you to know my name, too..." I feel heat on my cheeks again and I quickly place the back of my cold fingertips on the sides of my face.

"How could I not, you're all my boyfriend has been talking about lately," he lets out an airy laugh, making me turn to take in the small smile gracing his elegant features.


He shakes his head, "no, our other boyfriend, Sebastian," ...well, now I know who 'Seb' is...

"Oh..." I cringe slightly at how awkward I must sound, I just don't know how to react. I still don't have anything against poly relationships whatsoever, as long as you're not hurting anyone then what do I care. In my case, I was emotionally hurt when I got myself involved with that and I don't know how things are going for their relationship, but I'd rather not get too into that.

"Sorry," he sighs out, making me almost crack my neck at how fast my attention goes back to his profile.


"Making you uncomfortable," he shows me an almost sad smile and I immediately regret being so obvious with my response.

I wave my reddened fingertips in front of me, "no!" The two in front of us turn around with curious gazes and I look back down to my feet in utter embarrassment.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable, I just didn't know what to say..." I whisper as honestly as possible, kicking a stray pebble onto the side of the pavement in the process of distracting myself.

At the silence, I presume he couldn't hear my quiet response, but a subtle laugh quickly makes that idea dissipate.

"Love the honesty," he shakes his head and I watch as his dangling earrings glisten in the overhead shops' lighting.

We reach the restaurant, saving me from having to give a verbal response and I think my sudden wave of relief is heavily noticeable if that knowing smirk coming from beside me is anything to go off of.

"You made it!" I spin around to a waving Lucy who immediately starts making space for all of us. I made sure to message her earlier about the additional company and they could thankfully adjust the seating placements. However, that also means I'll be sitting next to Asher and diagonally across from me is his boyfriend...

Once we're all seated and starting up conversations in the middle of our favorite restaurant, Lucy brings all 7 of our attention to her as she has the brilliant idea of us all introducing ourselves for the new faces.

"Oh right, I'm Cadence, part of the editorial team," she raises her dainty hand in the air to grab their attention.

"Lucy, I work on media and marketing with Noah,"

"Rylen, managerial position for editorial," he mumbles behind his menu, despite his rather stark appearance, he's pretty quiet around people outside of the company or his general social group.

"Nathaniel," he cuts himself off there and I resist a snort at his usual stand-offish vibe.

"Man of few words as always," she shakes her head, making sure to pat him on his shoulder as reassurance that she's not making fun of him, "he's ironically head of the communication department..." She trails off briefly as the short guy pushes further into his seat. "Make it make sense,"

"Wow, I almost feel overwhelmed with all of these fancy titles," Asher runs a head through his shiny locks "I'm Asher, a new employee at the café with Jasmine,"

"Well, you already know me, but Jasmine, employee at your favorite café," she laughs at herself and I join her until she kicks me under the table with a playful grin.

"I'm Julian, I'm a veterinarian," it might just have been the flicker of the candles set up in a row across the table, but once the word 'veterinarian' left his mouth, his eyes seemed to sparkle for a moment.

"Vegetarian?" Cadence jokes and we all turn to her. "What?" With a shake of our heads we focus back onto the introduction round.

"I think that's really cool," I manage to get out, trying to ignore Cadence's comment. I really do think it's amazing what he does, I hope I could maybe hear more about it... I couldn't quite tell, but in the dim lighting it looks like his eyes widen a bit at my words and I almost think to take my words back in case I may have offended him somehow.

"Really?" His words hold uncertainty and I quickly nod to confirm my words. "Thank you..." I go to continue our talk, but I'm quickly interrupted by a certain reminder.

"Your turn, Noah," Jasmine, oh so kindly, reminds me.

"Right," I glare at her through my lashes and she shrugs at me, "I'm Noah, part of the media and marketing team," I mumble out with an almost incoherent speed.

"Not to mention the spokesperson of the company part, but sure, be humble," Jasmine continues with a genuine smile, showing her actual support behind her jokes.

"Thanks, I'm sure they're aware by now," I smile back at her, sarcasm leaking through my tone, and she shrugs again. Leaning my back into my chair I nod in Lucy's direction to get the attention off me. "So is Lucy by the way," Jasmine and Lucy both laugh at my behavior and I cross my arms in fake defiance. We've honestly gotten really close and I'm glad to have them as my friends, that also means they have free reign to pull these kind of stunts whenever they feel like it and I'm not too sure if that's working in my favor right about now.

I take a chance to turn to the new faces and they both look at me with a certain look in their eyes that I'm having trouble deciphering. I really hope they don't think I'm bragging or anything...

The dinner turns out to be really pleasant. It's always a great time being social during the week in the evenings, hanging out with people I've actually befriended and become really comfortable with has quickly become one of my favorite things to do ever since the break-up.

I've been so pinpoint focused on all of the job applications after college, that most of my friends kind of gave up on even asking me to go out anymore. Some of the others simply moved state, so hanging out regularly just wasn't possible. I honestly hope they're all doing well now though, I know some of them are working in similar office occupations like me, that's about it.

We split up the bill as we always do and make sure to leave the best tip we can for their hard work. We're always more than happy to come here for our regular dinners and we can tell how difficult it can be to serve a party of up to 10 or even 15 sometimes.

"Thanks for inviting us out with you guys," Asher runs up to me as we all split ways for the night and I find out that the couple are heading in the same direction I am.

"You guys are free to join us whenever you'd like," I remind them with sincerity, they were really fun to talk with and since I was sitting closest to them, our conversations mainly stayed between the three of us.

"Are you always this... inviting?" Asher asks me, intertwining his fingers with Julian as they match their pace with mine. I swiftly avert my gaze and shake my head.

"Not really, I just had fun talking with you guys tonight," I mentally slap my hand over my mouth at my blunt speech, wanting to take back my words as soon as they slipped past my lips.

"You really are an openly honest guy, aren't you?" Julian continues the interrogation and I shake my head again.

"Not always..." I think.

"Right..." I can tell it's Asher's snickers reaching my ears and I can feel the tips of my ears go red from more than just the cold this time.

"Anyways, um, this is me," I quickly changed the subject as soon as I notice the familiar building beside us, taking a mental note at how I almost missed my own apartment since I was starting to lose awareness of my surroundings as I spoke with them.

"Will you come to the café again tomorrow?" I turn to him with wide eyes, nodding at him before getting a chance to mull over his words.

"I go there almost everyday," I add.

"Wow, you really are the picture perfect definition of a 'regular'," he chuckles and I take in the grin hiding behind the back of Julian's raised hand.

"Yeah yeah, you guys make good tea and I like going there, sue me," I joke back before turning on my heels to head inside. "See you two around," I wave at them, hopping up the staircase and closing the door behind me. I lean against the doorframe with a heavy heart, turning around again as a knock startles me back up. The two of them wave back at me and head back down the stairs on their way to wherever their home is.


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