Ariana Grande/You Imagines

By Razznika

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Imagines based on Ariana Grande x reader This will be a girlxgirl imagine. I will be taking requests on some... More

If you're going to act like a child...
Scary Movies
"Thank You"
"Thank You" - Part 2
Drive Home
One Love Manchester - !Warning!
A Day At the Park
Honorable Discharge
Honorable Discharge Pt. 2 - "A Day at Disneyland"
San Francisco
Night Drive
Summer Heat
"I got a boyfriend named Susan"
'You're the locksmith'

Staying or going

1.1K 83 17
By Razznika

There was nothing more that Y/N liked than having a quiet evening in, while her roommate was out partying.

She didn't particularly like the nightlife scene and thought a good series with popcorn was the way forward. Besides, partying was the last thing on her mind.

She was in the middle of watching "The Witcher" when she heard a slight knock at the door.

It made her jump a little as she wasn't sure who could possibly show up at 9 pm.
She quickly grabbed the remote and paused the show, pretending that no one was home and hoping the person at the door would go away.

A few seconds passed before she heard a second knock. Y/N hesitantly got up to creep closer to the door.
'If this is some sort of prank, I'm knocking out whoever is behind that door.' Y/N hyped herself, all while trying to reassure herself

A third knock was heard and since Y/N was close to the door at this point, she looked through the peephole.
To her shock and disbelief, she found herself looking straight at Ariana Grande.

It took a while until all the pieces of the puzzle made sense to Y/N.
'I can't believe that son of a bitch was telling the truth.'

She was always told by her roommate that he was going out with a celebrity, but Y/N refused to believe him since this guy was a compulsive liar.

Tony and Y/N had shared a flat since they started studying together and while they had grown apart over the years of studying, they had still remained good friends, well at least friends enough to share a flat.

Y/N decided to open the door. Worst case scenario, she would get killed by Ariana Grande and that honestly didn't sound half as bad.

Ariana jumped slightly at the sudden door opening. After the third knock, she didn't think he was home.
Her eyes grew wide in surprise when she saw a girl opening the door.

"Oh I'm sorry, I was looking for Tony." She just managed to say to this girl with the most gorgeous eyes.

"Ah. Well, he's out partying tonight. So, he won't be back until probably tomorrow afternoon." Y/N answered, slightly chuckling knowing that Tony was pretty much a party animal.

"Oh." Ariana replied, with a tone that Y/N recognized as disappointment.

"Didn't he tell you?" Y/N tentatively asked. She knew Tony could sometimes be a bit of a deceiver.

"No. He told me to come by any time today and since I was around, I stopped by. But it's fine. I'll have things to think about during my 2-hour drive back." She said, attempting a joke about the future of their relationship.

Y/N knew though, that this was bad news.

"Look, if it's too much of a drive, you're more than welcome to stay here and you can stay in his room. You could even trash it if it makes you feel better. I'll take the blame." Y/N jokingly offered, and she was surprised to feel her heart skip a beat when she heard the petite brunette laugh.

"That's sweet of you. Maybe I should get going, but could I use your restroom before I do?" She politely asked.

"Of course, just down there to the left" Y/N pointed in the direction to go.

With a smile, Ariana disappeared down the hallways.

Ariana felt stupid to think she could show up at any time and that he'd be there. She even texted him on her way to him but got no response. She didn't want to admit to his roommate that she had made the two hour drive just for him this evening.

She had heard of Y/N luckily. At least that's one of the things he hadn't been deceptive about. She had seen her in some pictures and had always thought she was gorgeous.

When she came out of the bathroom, she could smell coffee and it instantly made her feel warm inside. She loved the coziness of the place and she attributed the style to Y/N. No way Tony had this much taste.

"Did you style your whole apartment?" Ariana asked Y/N, who she saw was preparing a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, straight A, ex-design student." She said proudly, joking a bit and pointing at herself in a playful way.

Ariana chuckled at her silliness.

"Well, I get it. You did your teachers proud." She offered a smile and sat at the kitchen counter, on which Y/N was just setting down the extra cup.

Y/N now poured the coffee in her cup and got out some soy milk and regular milk.

"I didn't know which one you wanted." She said pushing the milk containers towards her.

"Oh definitely soy milk, I never really liked regular milk. Makes me feel like a baby cow." Ariana said, slightly shaking her head at the idea of regular milk in any shape or form.

Y/N couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Her laughter was so enthralling that Ariana found herself laughing with her.

"What?" Ariana asked, smiling at the sight of a smiling Y/N

"That is just such a weird thing to say. I don't know. Never quite had that feeling when drinking whole milk, but I can see where you're coming from." Y/N said, still highly amused at what Ariana had just said. "Tony must be miserable at your place. I swear this guy's blood is just milk at this point. He has it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As full meals." Y/N joked.

Ariana laughed at that remark, remembering all the times he would complain about not having regular milk in her fridge and nearly throwing a tantrum about it.

"Finally someone speaks the truth!" She said raising her coffee cup to cheer

Y/N raised her cup in response.

Y/N and Tony didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things and sometimes, discussions could get heated.

"How long have you been together? I'm not going to lie, when he said he was dating a celebrity, I rolled my eyes all the way to the back of my head and called him senile." Y/N said, still in disbelief that Ariana Grande was in her kitchen this late evening.

"Coming up on a year soon." Ariana replied.

"Wow." Y/N said in disbelief. She didn't know how they both did it to keep this out of tabloids. She noticed a hint of sadness in her tone after her remark.
She decided to dig down that road. After all, she felt more on Ariana's side than Tony's right now.

"Yeah." She couldn't help but comment. "He wants to keep it a secret because he said he doesn't want to deal with the paparazzi and honestly I don't blame him." Ariana calmly explained, all while trying to make excuses for Tony.

"You don't sound so happy about it." Y/N tentatively said, trying to pry for more information.

Ariana looked up at Y/N for a brief moment. Their eyes met and Ariana saw the most gorgeous gaze looking right at her. She felt as safe with Y/N as when she was around her friends and family. But yet, a voice in the back of her head discouraged her from continuing.

"I don't know if I should get into all this. I mean, I just met you. Sorry" Ariana said, instantly regretting it. She braced for the worst, as she had many times before when she would express her feelings.

"I get it. Don't worry. No harm done." Y/N said very understandably.

She knew the celebrity had gone through her fair share of struggles and was entitled to her privacy.
"But if you do want to talk about it, I got plenty more coffee, and pretty sure I go some biscuits or some shit like that around. And most definitely plenty of fucking milk too." Y/N kindly offered but couldn't help but laugh at the last comment.

And then it happened, Ariana let out a laugh that came from the pit of her stomach. A type of laughter she had forgotten all about. And it felt good. She saw Y/N smile wide at the sound her laughter, and she swore that she blushed a little.

Ariana genuinely appreciated Y/N not pressuring her into talking, which slowly built her trust with her a bit more with each passing second.

"Have you decided what you're going to do?" Y/N broke Ariana's train of thought.

"With what?" Ariana asked, confusedly

"I mean; if you're staying or driving back." Y/N specified. She wondered what else she was thinking of doing.

"Oh." Was all Ariana could say.

She looked around and saw the place very much lived in, but it seemed more lived in by Y/N than Tony. Which was strange because it's not like Tony was around hers that often.

She looked back to Y/N, who was now staring at her, a bit more concerned than before.

"I don't know." Ariana softly said.

She swore she saw a hint of happiness from Y/N. It made her feel warm.

"That's fine too." Y\N said. "We can chill out here until you figure things out."

She knew it was wrong as it was her roommate's girlfriend, but she had felt attracted to Ariana. Even though she didn't know her so well, she seemed to be someone she wanted to get to know.

"Give me a second" Y/N got up from the counter they were sitting at, with Ariana's gaze trailing behind her. She made her way to Tony's room.

He was never there, so it was pretty much a room he was using at her place at this point.

His room was a total mess. There were empty plates piled up from weeks ago. It smelled like dirty socks and sweat. She cringed at the posters of semi-naked women on the walls.

No way she was going to get Ariana to stay there if she decided to.
And why was she still friends with Tony? God knows.

"Change of plans if you stay though. His room is a mess. But if you do plan on staying you can have my room and I'll sleep on the couch." Y/N said from the corridor, making her way to the kitchen, which also had an opening to the living room.

She saw Ariana had moved from the kitchen to the living room and was now looking at pictures on the bookshelves.

"Is this you and your boyfriend?" Ariana asked flipping the picture around.

"Oh god no. That's my brother." Y/N said laughing.

Ariana laughed wholeheartedly at the remark and felt silly for assuming things.

"I'm so sorry." She quickly put back the pictures and looked around some more.

"How were you supposed to know?" Y/N said, still laughing. She and her brother did not look like each other so she often got the comment.

"How about this?" Ariana said. Y/N didn't have to see the picture to know which one she was talking about.

"My girlfriend. Well...yeah." Y/N said, realizing that no emotion really came across with that statement.


Ariana felt a slight pinch in her heart, even though she knew she had no right to feel this way.
Yet, she noticed the trailing comment.

"You don't seem convinced." Ariana said, hoping it would nevertheless lead to more explanation.

"It's a long story. Let's just say you got a Tony and I got a Sadie. And they are similar in many ways." Y/N said.

Ariana was intrigued now because she wanted to hear Y/N's point of view on what Tony was like. After all, they were friends and roommates. She also wanted to hear about Y/N's side.
If their respective boyfriend/girlfriend were similar to one another, then surely, they must have had similar experiences.

"In what way are they similar?" Ariana asked, placing herself on the end of the couch, which stood next to the bookshelf.

Y/N knew she was going to go down a rabbit hole if she started. Would she want to be responsible for giving information to her about how Tony was acting? Because if she said something about Sadie, she knew Ariana would put Tony in the same basket.

"Maybe it really isn't my place to talk about Tony." Y/N said, suddenly realizing she felt sadder than she thought. She turned around to go to the kitchen but stopped in her tracks when she heard.

"I know Tony cheated on me three weeks ago." Ariana's voice rang from across the room. She said the sentence so softly, yet it felt like she was screaming at Y/N due to the nature of the sentence.

Y/N didn't know what to say. It didn't surprise her though. There were a few times when she had gotten unsolicited snaps of him being next to a girl in bed. Much to Y/N's dismay, it was during the time Ariana mentioned they had been dating.

"I got cheated on too. Walked in on them. This is the reason why I'm hesitant to call her my girlfriend. We haven't talked about it and I don't know what to do." Y/N said. She proceeded to the kitchen and got the cups from the counter and brought them to the couch where Ariana was sitting.

Ariana was looking at Y/N and was grateful to feel the warm cup her hands were wrapped around.

"Truth is, I actually came here to break up with him." Ariana spoke softly, feeling sad for both of them and the situation they were put in by their significant other.

There was a moment of silence between them. Y/N wasn't sure how to respond to that. But she did feel that Tony was getting what he had coming for him.

"I don't blame you. I should probably do the same." Y/N said, staring down at her cup, trying to imagine different scenarios of how the breakup would go.

"But it's not as easy as it seems. I know." Ariana felt bold enough to extend her hand and place it softly on Y/N's hands that were wrapped around her cup.
At the contact of their hands, Y/N felt a slight feeling in the pit of her stomach and blushed a little.

Y/N turned to look at Ariana. Ariana's traits were soft yet her jawline was so defined. Her gaze was one of compassion, yet she could see the passion behind them. Her voice was gentle, yet when she spoke it felt like a melody.

And her skin felt so soft on her hand, yet she could feel every single bit of her skin against her own hand. It terrified her, yet made her want more.

She flinched away at the sudden awareness of her thoughts and Ariana pulled back her hand, afraid she had done something wrong.

"Sorry, I just...emotions are a bit high right now." Y/N could only apologize for her flinching.

"You're good." Ariana's soft voice reassured her.

Their slightly awkward moment quickly got disrupted by a vibrating noise from the coffee table.

Ariana threw a glance at the direction of the phone lying on the table and could read 'Sadie' on the screen. She turned her attention to Y/N and saw a full panicked reaction.

"Do you want me to answer it?" Ariana asked, not in a way to pressure her, but in a way to find out what she was feeling at that exact moment.

"I...I..don't..know." Y/N was at a loss for words. Ariana couldn't help but feel mad at this Sadie girl for turning a confident Y/N that she had seen earlier into someone that was afraid of their own phone. But she also knew the damage that these people do to someone when they decide to play with other people's lives and feelings.

Y/N looked in horror as Ariana picked up the phone and answered. Her jaw dropped but deep down she felt grateful for her answering the phone.

"Hello?" Sadie's voice seemed almost frantic through the phone's speaker, which Ariana had put on when answering.

"Baby, please. It's not what you think...It's not at all what you saw and you're misinterpreting things. Don't listen to your friend, they are trying to sabotage us...You're letting your friends win by pushing me away." 

"Look, listen here girl..." Ariana started

Before she could continue, Sadie's voice interrupted her.

"Who the fuck is this?! And why are you with my girl." She said very angrily on the phone. Ariana knew she was never going to let someone talk to her this way,

"She ain't your girl anymore. You fucked up. And now, she's gonna be with someone who can appreciate her for the beautiful person she is and not have your crusty ass around who sleeps with others hoping to find better. You're never gonna find better than her." With that, she hung up.

Ariana couldn't help but feel bad that she had intervened but at the same time, she needed to hear those words out loud for herself too after what she had been through with Tony.

The phone buzzed again but this time, neither of them actually picked up. They both just stared at it.

Ariana looked over at Y/N to see her a bit lost. She was leaning forward, elbows on her own lap just staring at her phone.

"Are you okay?" Ariana asked quite concerned.

"Actually I am feeling much better." She said quietly as she turned her gaze to Ariana.

"Thank you. I think I needed to hear those words out loud for myself. That she's never gonna find better. That I need to be with someone that appreciates me, for me."

Ariana couldn't help but smile.

"Isn't it weird how, one minute you're at your partner's place trying to find the best way to tell him you're through and next thing you know, you make a wholesome connection with someone else instead?" Ariana said.

Y/N laughed and shook her head in agreement. She rubbed the back of her neck as she stood up to get more coffee.

"So did you decide now?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Decide what?" Ariana said looking at the girl across the room, butterflies in her stomach from the way she was looking at her.

"If you're going to stay, wait for fuckboy to get home and break up with him or make the two-hour drive back and pretend you never planned on breaking up with him." Y/N reminded her of the initial reason she was here.

Ariana didn't break her gaze away from Y/N, and as she sat back on the couch, her mind was made up.

"I'm going to stay." 


A/N : So, it's been a very long time. Really sorry for the absence.

Very rusty at writing so at the moment, I'm just focused on getting my writing back by posting a bit more regular "imagines" and eventually getting back on track with updates, at least for "Do Not Want" and "Meridian" at the moment. I realized that I got a bit ambitious trying to write 4 stories at the same time.

I can only apologize for leaving so many people hanging on for so long and am aware that the story may have lost a bit of relevance over the two years of pretty much not updating. But the stories still all mean a lot to me and just want to make all of you guys happy and give these stories a proper ending :)

love you all and hope everyone is well!<3

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