Garden Of Hearts

By Geertwim

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It was a chilly autumn eve, the mildew dripping from the dying leaves - they burst in brilliant reds and oran... More

Chapter 1: Call to Adventure
Chapter 2: Utopia
Chapter 3: Untamed Beauty
Chapter 4:Wake at the Break of Dawn
Chap 5: New isn't Much different from Old
Tears go unheard but not Unseen
Trauma lingers like a Ghost
Homemaker, Home is with you
Innocence is either a Blessing or a Curse
Some Things Simply Are
Make a Way
First Heartache
Is Love Fate or Choice
Unresolved Pressure
Another Affection
All Consuming Winter
Warmth of You
Sleep is nice but You're Better
Storm of Isolation
Blood for the storm Gods
Respect your Elders, unless...
In the Safety of These Walls (NSFW)
Slowly but Surely
Jiějiě is the Best
Communication is Key to wants
Mysteries of Self
Time Without
Comfort in Your Arms
Never Alone When you're Here
A way to A Cervitaur's Heart
Song of a Broken Soul
Dear Deer, A lesson in Alliteration
Knowledge is the Key that unlocks all Doors
Make my Heart Grow Still
Inevitable Dread
The Obvious Choice
A Young Faun is full of Stamina
Tell me a Story
A Tale of You
Love Comes with Heartache
Evading Death when He Comes
When I'm Gone, Would I be Missed?
The Sound of Your voice
Escape into the Unknown
Epilogue: New Beginning (1/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (2/3)
Epilogue: New Beginnings (3/3)

Growing Pains Comes In Spurts

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By Geertwim

Chapter 33: Growing pains come in Spurts

The next day Brett woke up and felt strange. His whole body hurt and he didn't feel that good. He whimpered, not wanting to open his eyes. Did Eddy roll on top of him in his sleep? No, that never happened before. So why was he hurt all over?

It took a lot of strength to open his eyes, surprisingly. He blinked a few times and wanted to lift his head, but damn, that thing hurt as well. Now he whimpered again. His voice came out a bit lower... like what?

The faun didn't know what to make of it. He looked at the still calmly sleeping deer and slowly got up. Huh? Why did the den look so small? It didn't look like that yesterday. He flinched when his head exploded because his horn touched the ceiling. What?! Now he couldn't help himself and he let out a painful moan, most likely waking Eddy. Eddy jolted awake when he heard the loud noise. He looked around with tired eyes, his vision was blurred from just waking up, "What's wrong!?"

"I'm hurt, Eddy. Did you roll on top of me? I feel squished and half dead. And my head hurts so much," the faun whimpered when he heard his own deeper voice. That was also not normal? Or did he snore so much in the night that his throat was all raspy? He could use a drink to be true. He laid back down and huffed. This was not a nice way to wake up!

Eddy blinked a couple of times, trying to have it so they weren't so blurry. That was when they hyper focused on Brett, looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

The faun looked definitely different from yesterday! Yes, the pained look was also new, but oh god! Brett was huge compared to yesterday. The horns were way longer, more than at least Eddy's hand length over the hair instead of shyly peeking out of the fluffy nest. Albeit it was a bit difficult to say but Brett's body seemed to be a lot bigger and taller as well. A gentle green hue surrounded the faun, signaling that this was the work of magic. Maybe even Eddy's own magic he used on the bed? He did let it grow and mature pretty fast yesterday. Maybe that was the reason?

Well, regardless of what was the trigger, the fact still stood that Brett was taller and bulkier than before. He was still thin and not as tall as Eddy, but he wasn't the short tiny thing either. He looked more mature to boot. The face was a bit longer, the cheeks not as chubby - much to Eddy's dismay. He liked the poofy cheeks! He liked to nom on it! And now he was robbed of the pleasure of doing so. So unfair!

Also, if Eddy would have to guess, he would say the faun got at least an arm length on top of him. Maybe forty centimeters? Maybe more? It was really hard to tell when the faun was laying down. To get a better view, they needed to go out and check.

Eddy's mouth fell open then closed again as he stared at Brett. He was trying to put the words in his mouth to speak. Slowly he started to speak, "I didn't roll on you... you've gotten bigger!"

He exclaimed!

Brett opened his eyes again to shoot Eddy a disappointed look, "You are cruel to me this early. You probably rolled on top of me. I feel like that one time where the master hit me with the hay cart and accidentally rolled over me. I know I'm tiny so don't be that cruel." The faun was not happy with Eddy's attempt to console him. He was actually disappointed in Eddy. Why would the deer resort to such abstruse exclamation?! He never lied so why... That halted Brett's thought process. Indeed, the deer never lied to him. So why would he start now?

His eyes snapped open and he turned his head towards his lover, whispering in a small voice, "Bigger? You are not joking?"

"I'm not!" Eddy huffed, not appreciating being accused of lying to Brett when he never had before, "You can go look in the stream."

Well, yes, Brett could do that. The problem was, he was still hurt all over. But he forced his body to cooperate and stiffly rolled out of the raised bed. Then he proceeded to crawl out of his den, thankful that the entrance was bigger and not as steep as Eddy's. As soon as his whole body was outside, he slumped down, in unbearable pain and exhaustion. If he was indeed bigger then he would need a lot more food and fluids, both which he kind of neglected yesterday in favor of giving Eddy more. The faun whimpered. He noticed his hands were bigger, the distance between the bed and the entrance was also a lot shorter, so everything spoke in favor of Eddy's exclamation. But still, the faun didn't want to hope for too much.

His throat was parched though. He looked around and saw the bowl they used yesterday. A bit of tea was still in there, so he greedily drank it. It was cold and not very tasty now, but it was what he needed. Feeling a tiny bit better, the geep slowly made his way to the stream. Not only to look at himself but also so he could drink his fill.

Eddy slowly crawled out of the den to watch Brett. He wanted to see Brett's reaction and wanted to see if he was okay. He didn't want Brett to keel over.

The faun finally got to the stream and flopped on his stomach. His back, his legs, his arms and even having thought hurt. To make things even harder, he was thirsty again. So he simply let his head fall into the ice cold stream and drank. He didn't plan on dying by drowning but he was so damn thirsty. Also the cool helped to numb his pain. When the air was getting a little bit low, he lifted his head and decided to take a dip. That was maybe why Eddy liked to bathe ice cold? But then again, even Belle said her brother was a sociopath.

With that in mind, Brett rolled into the stream, laying on his back and letting the cool water rush over him. Occasionally he would turn his head to drink a bit - or a lot compared to before. It took him maybe ten to fifteen minutes, then he was kind of numb all over and didn't feel the pain that much. He got out of the water and sat down. The time out in the stream really helped. Maybe because he also didn't feel like dying from thirst.

He blinked at the stream and saw a very blurry outline of his face. It didn't look that different to him, but he certainly saw the big ass horns he had. Cautiously he touched them and felt a shiver of magic over his back.

With wide eyes he turned to Eddy, "I am big."

"As I said," Eddy nodded triumphantly, and maybe a bit huffily. His features softened though, it was strange to see Brett like this, "Are you okay though?"

He was now more worried.

"I'm hungry, thirsty and still hurt. Even though I'm a bit numb now. I don't feel that good to be honest," Brett said weakly. He was tired as well but his body screamed at him for nutrition and it wasn't wise to ignore that most likely. So he drank a bit more before getting up. Thankfully they got yesterday all the ingredients they needed for the soup to be made and Eddy probably wouldn't have a problem getting him some water, right? Brett got to Eddy and slung his arms around him, partly because he needed the support, partly because he wanted to be close to Eddy.

Together they wandered back to the fireplace where Brett started a fire and looked at Eddy with big eyes, "May I ask you to get water for the two pots, please I will make some food and drink now. I bet you are as hungry as I am."

"I can get the water, do you simply want it from the stream?" Eddy would get it all and maybe mourn the loss of tiny Brett who was no more. It was now big Brett, which was a big change, but it didn't change Eddy's love for him.

Even though Brett was taller, he was still smaller than Eddy for now. Not by much, maybe only five or ten centimeters but compare to before, he was really not tiny anymore.

The faun smiled and nodded, "Yeah, the stream is fine." He planned on making more soup so while Eddy would get the water, Brett would chop and prepare the vegetables. And because his stomach was rumbling so much, he would maybe make a third pot for Ray and Belle afterwards.he had the suspicion that he would eat a lot more now, more close to Eddy than what he ate before.

Eddy took the pots that needed filling and trotted towards the stream. He would make sure they were all filled nicely as to please Brett. He wanted to be good and show that he could do things. He could do things but it never hurt to keep proving it.

In the meantime, Brett chopped the vegetables in bitesize pieces, maybe a bit smaller. He had a bit of trouble with it since his body was not very cooperative. But he got it down, even without an accident, and as soon as Eddy came back, the faun smiled at him, "Thank you very much! Could you please put one pot on the fireplace?"

That way, Brett didn't have to take the heavy pot himself. He was not sure if he could actually lift it.

"Yes, I may," Eddy slowly put one on the fireplace for Brett. He was a very obedient deer who liked to follow suggestions or orders. It was simply how he was taught to be.

And it definitely helped Brett right now. He smiled at Eddy though and when the deer came close, he pressed a kiss on the hands that helped him, "Thank you very much. You are a big help to me."

The geep put in the water all the vegetables he already did. He still had a bit of work to do but it should be fine. Now he waited for the pot to bubble away so the real cooking could start.

"I love being a help to you!" Eddy smiled shyly, he also loved the praise from Brett. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He wagged his tail as he grinned. Brett smiled back and petted on the ground right next to him.

"You can sit down for now if you want. Now we have to wait anyway." And Brett would like to lean against the deer to feel the closeness between them. That he was bigger was a shock to him and his system. Not that he minded of course, it was his wish all along, but he knew that Eddy liked his tiny form a lot.

"I want." Eddy said as he flopped his deer body down to lay by Brett, "How are you feeling?"

Eddy meant emotionally or physically or both. He simply wanted to know. Anything Brett told him, he would listen to content and happily. It would mean Brett trusted him.

The geep stirred the soup before he answered. It was not an easy question after all. Also he didn't want to offend Eddy who took such splendid care of him.

"Well, I'm torn. I like that I am bigger now, I like that I'm not as tiny. I do not like the pain or the fact that my growth spurt makes you unhappy. I bet the pain will slowly fade away. Also I wish I would have known. Then I could have prepared myself. It's a huge difference from yesterday to today."

Not to mention he still couldn't wrap his mind around it properly. So it was a bit of chaos in his brain. The faun shrugged, not knowing how he should explain to Eddy what happened in his mind.

"So yeah, I think I just need a bit of time to accept the fact that I am not tiny anymore. Still smaller than you though."

Brett rubbed his cheek against Eddy's arm and closed his eyes for a brief second. At least Eddy didn't take off or hid away. It meant a lot to the faun that the deer was still at his side. Even though he was not tall enough to protect Eddy, he was now tall enough to pet the deer's head when they were standing. Which was a considerable amount of growing!

"Did you wish to grow bigger? Because it appears your wishes came true then." Eddy asked softly. He was curious if Brett had made any strange wishes. The sudden growth spurt was surprising to him.

"Well, yes I did. Because I am - was - so tiny compared to you. I wanted to be at least your height. Is that weird?" It was not like Brett wanted to be a giant, he just wanted to see eye to eye with Eddy. Was that wrong? But then again, it maybe wasn't because he had this dream. Maybe because...? Brett looked up and whispered, "It's just a theory but what if the good food here, my growing horns and me sleeping in a magical bed was the trigger? Like, you let the moss grow, right? When I woke up, I remembered my dreams were filled with your soft voice and everything was green. Maybe your magic enlarged me?"

If that was the case, Brett would be even more happy! His love fulfilled his wish!

Eddy thought if that were the case, his magic was more powerful than he thought. Ultimate power! Not really but it was crazy to think that he played a part in this, "I think that's a possibility but I am truly not sure."

He looked at the faun, now very curious. Perhaps they would discover something in the archives.

"Maybe it was the combination of all three or even more? Because we certainly did something magical before we went to sleep," Brett grinned and rubbed the tip of his nose against Eddy's jawline, "But anyway, whatever it was, it was nice. Also I am not sure if I can actually walk today. Can we wait after breakfast? Because my body still hurts all over."

If possible, Brett would like to stay in the den and recover, not only from the pain but also the mental shock. He was still not entirely sure if that was a dream or not.

"We can wait after breakfast but Belle may be able to help with some of the pain. She's like a medicine woman after all. I could fetch her for you," Eddy said thoughtfully, he wanted to help Brett anyway he could. It would be nice to help the boy with pain levels.

"Yeah, but maybe let's wait for a bit, okay? Maybe it will go away on its own. It's because of magic after all." Brett knew pain and even when he wasn't a big fan of it - who was really - he could endure it. He had a lot of practice in it after all. On top of that, he didn't want to get Belle to their den and then he was magically healed. Not to mention he didn't even finish preparing her soup! That would be an absolute no go! The next time he wanted to see Belle and Ray was, with a wonderful smelling, deliciously tasting bowl of soup for them!

"I planned on waiting until after breakfast anyways," Since Brett had already asked that of him. Eddy had not planned to go against it. If anything he was taught to be obedient and respect others wishes. If he could not do the bare minimum of respect then he was a terrible cervitaur.

Brett didn't think Eddy was bad or a bad cervitaur. He still thought of Eddy as the best person in the whole world and he doubted that would ever change. Unless Eddy changed to the worse of course.

"Thank you," Brett nuzzled into Eddy' neck and placed a very discreet kiss on it. Yes, Eddy being good was worth the praise! The faun then concentrated on the food again, stirring occasionally. He wouldn't make noodles today since he was still feeling unwell, but he could at least make a good soup. It was not much work anyway.

"You're welcome, Bretty," Eddy wagged his tail a bit. He was happy to make Brett happy, or at peace. Both were good feelings to have and to give. Eddy did his best to give those things. He simply loved Brett and enjoyed other people.

The faun smiled and stirred the soup for a bit before bending forward to taste it. He nodded, "Yeah, it's good. We can eat."

He filled one bowl and gave it to Eddy. The second bowl he filled as well. He missed feeding the deer but his rumbling and churning stomach reminded him that he needed food. It never really happened before. Apologetic, he looked at Eddy, "I'm sorry. When I feel better I will pamper you more." Because he really enjoyed doing that. But he didn't have enough patience or willpower to feed Eddy first and then eat himself. No way he would survive that. So he dug in, promising himself that he would feed Eddy for a whole week.

"It's okay," Eddy said assuringly. He liked being spoiled but he functioned on his own often. So it didn't bother him. He simply sipped his soup with a hum, after he had blown on it a bit. The warmth from it was what made it amazing anyways. Thankfully it wasn't just warm but also delicious. Brett ate the whole bowl faster than ever before and was finished before Eddy! He took another bowlful. He checked the contents of the pot and yes, Eddy still had a lot to eat.

Eddy glanced at Brett, surprised the faun had eaten so much! Brett never ate that much! Eddy guessed it came with his new size. But Eddy now knew they would need to make larger portions to accommodate both of their stomachs! He continued to eat his bowl of soup.

The same thought was running through Brett's head as well. He snickered, "Well It seems that I need grown up portions of food now, right? Don't worry, I will make more in the future so we have more than enough, my dear."

And he would do that! So many new things he could try! It would be wonderful! Because now he had a big stomach so that meant he could make not only more, but also a variety of different things!Noodles, casserole, bread, buns, all the good stuff! And most of the stuff didn't need a lot of ingredients. They could even make their own flour if Eddy could grow their own wheat or rice! That would be perfect.

"Bigger body needs more food for intake. So yes, larger portions will be a must for your growing body and my two tummies," Eddy nodded to Brett with a smile. He would never say no to more food. Food was marvelous and was the fuel for his body to run.

"Yeah. I bet we will eat almost the same amount now. Also, can you grow wheat? If so, we don't need to trade for flour," the faun's mind was running again. If Eddy could do that, they could actually live without trade! Well, not fully, but mostly. And that was a good thing.

"Most likely I could grow wheat. I would need to study it though and its growing habits," Eddy finished his bowl of soup and simply got himself another. He worked with plants and gardening but it didn't mean he knew them all well. He preferred to study them first.

"Well, if you get your hands on a wheat corn can you grow it? We can probably get our hands on a handful. Hopefully." Brett didn't know for sure but maybe the trader, the sphinx, had kernels? She had flour so maybe she still had whole corn. It was worth a try.

"Maybe you can ask the trader we were at yesterday? She had the flour so maybe she has the kernel."

"I think I could do that," Eddy nodded with a hum. He still would do all the studying though. He wanted to try to do his best. To do his best, he needed to know all the information. Then and only then would it be up to standard.

Brett nodded, happy with the outcome and the prospect of not having to trade anymore. Yes, it wouldn't hurt to trade, but also it was easier if they were self-supporting of their food. Maybe he had a growing or plant based magic as well? It would be great! Then he could help Eddy! The faun smiled and filled Eddy's bowl as it was slowly emptying. He helped himself to his third bowl as well - this time only half full. There was still another full bowl for Eddy if the deer was hungry. He would probably lay down a bit after breakfast to try and see if that helped against his pain. If not, then he would probably ask Eddy to help him with pain-reducing plants. But he hoped it wouldn't be the case.

Eddy just ate in silence now that Brett didn't reply. He didn't need a response, he just needed Brett by his side. Instead he filled his mouth with soup. Couldn't talk if he had soup in his mouth!

To both of their surprise, Brett finished his third bowl while Eddy was still munching on his second. How the tables had turned! Brett snickered and slipped his way longer arms around Eddy's human waist and snuggled closer. His body felt a bit better, not plagued by hunger anymore. It seemed that the pain would probably lessen.

"Is there anything else you want? How's your tummy feeling? Since you aren't used to eating this much?" Eddy pet Brett's back gently. He was curious about that since Brett had barely eaten before and now he suddenly was.

"I feel okay to be honest. I think I could eat a bit more even. But I know you need food as well. I will make a big lunch today," Brett smiled to the deer, happy that Eddy was still the absolute same. With his physical growth, his tummy seemed to expand and grow to his original size, not the tiny one it got accustomed to. Not that Brett minded eating a little bit, he found it easier to do actually, but a big tummy was also nice. Yes, they had to prepare more, but on the other hand he could shower Eddy in food!

"I am glad that you are eating more, it shows me you are going to be healthy and maybe get a bit thicker," Eddy thought he would like to see Brett with more weight on his bones. It would protect his organs and bones easier. Which was a plus.

"Hmm, as long as I don't get too thick, I'm fine with it. I don't want to get fat. A bit, yes, but not too much." Brett sighed and soaked in the warmth Eddy willingly offered to him with his body. The faun blinked and raised his head, "Oh? The pain is a lot better now, Eddy. I think the magic wears off and takes the pain with it. That's amazing."

"I am glad that you feel better. I don't like seeing you in pain," Eddy pouted briefly then smiled, "It is good that you do not hurt. Pain is natural with growth spurts though."

Eddy assured so Brett wouldn't feel abnormal. It was completely normal to have pain or soreness. It came with growing.

"It is? Strange, I never felt like that before so I wouldn't know," Brett was indeed very glad to know that tiny tidbit of information. He didn't know! "I mean, it's still there and all but not as strong anymore, which is a huge relief."

The faun snuggled with Eddy. He really loved this! When Eddy finally finished his bowl Brett took it from him and placed it on the side, "Do you want another bowl or are you finished?"

"I think I would like another bowl please," Eddy smiled, he could always go for another bowl of soup. He loved Brett's food, he also loved food in general. But Brett's was the absolute best because Eddy thought Brett was the absolute best.

Brett filled the bowl for Eddy and now he felt better so he even fed the deer. Spoon by spoon the soup was transferred into Eddy's stomach while Brett diligently worked for it. But he had a smile on his face the whole time.

"Anything I should swap or change within the recipe?"

"No, I don't think So. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As some of the cow folk would say," Eddy nodded with a little hum. He had learned lots of phrases or things from other folk. Knowledge was something he craved like food. Something that he craved like love even!

Brett nodded, happy with Eddy being content with the food. It was true what the cow folk said. Brett would still try more things separately though. To bring himself further and beyond what he could do now. But that was for another day. He felt weary. He knew that Eddy wanted to go out and check the books but he rather wanted to stay in bed and not move much.

"Can you get the books and bring them here? Or is that not allowed?"

"Sadly not allowed, since there is no system to make sure they get back. They're magically bound to their shelves. Or at least the underground halls, so they can't leave. It was made by an ancient society of dwarves." Eddy rambled a bit about it. He thought it was actually pretty cool.

"I see. That's awesome. Very not fun for me right now, but absolutely awesome!" Brett chuckled. It seemed that he actually had to get up. What a bummer. But alas, he wanted to learn more! So he got up and held out his hand to help Eddy up as well.

"Let's go then, okay?"

"Are you sure you don't want to rest more before we go?" Eddy asked softly, he wanted to make sure Brett would be okay. It was okay to want knowledge but not okay to push one's body to a breaking point.

"I will be fine, Eddy. I promise. Also I want to know more stuff about the world. It should be mine to live in so I need to catch up on all those years I was not here," The faun smiled and urged Eddy on to get a' going. Also, he could rest his body while he read stuff so it was fine. The mind was something Brett didn't like being calm. It only steered him to the dark abyss he wanted nothing to do with. So it was in his best interest to push through his pain a bit to get a better reward.

Eddy took the offered hand an got up so he could lead Brett, "If you say so. Tell me if anything hurts."

He would make sure to help Brett if he needed it. He could still carry the faun's weight. In theory, since he hadn't tried. But Brett wanted to do that alone. He would feel bad for Eddy if he let the delicate deer carry him! The days when he rode Eddy were over. At least in his head.

"I will, so don't worry too much." The geep knew Eddy wouldn't stop worrying just because he said so - he was the same so he could understand that - so he obliged. It wasn't hard to do anyway.

"On that note, are there a lot of people in the library? I mean, like in the village?" The faun didn't get over his anxiety as of now! If that was the case, then he didn't need to go there anyway since he wouldn't be able to handle that.

"No, not many go there to study. I just go there for fun, not many love books as we do though." In this case it was for the better. This way Brett wouldn't have to suffer too many people. Eddy was happy that Brett wouldn't suffer. And not only Eddy was happy, Brett was as well. Finally something he didn't need to fret about! The smile grew as he looked around, got on his tiptoes and kissed Eddy's cheek. He didn't even need to pull the deer down anymore! That was a huge highlight of his day.

"Good, good. How long will we walk there?"

"About an hour, a little less though. I know the way well, although it isn't traveled often," Eddy smiled when he got a small kiss. Eddy knew more than he showed sometimes, but it was knowledge of his experiences.

"Then we have an hour by ourselves, sounds about right." Brett took Eddy's hand and they started walking. It would be a fun little experiment if he could walk that long. And to no surprise, yes he could. Even though he had a few sharp spikes of pain in his right hoof, he kept going. It would be fine. Probably.

"I can help carry your weight," Eddy commented with a little smile. He would help as much as he could, he was good at helping for the most part. At least he thought so. Carefully he took Brett's hand into his larger one so they could walk together and be happy. Brett's hand wasn't as small in his hand as it had been, but it was still tiny in his hand.

"You are a big boy indeed. A cute big boy." Brett wanted to kiss the deer but he settled with squeezing the warm hand in his. At least his hand wasn't engulfed in Eddy's big one anymore. The faun smiled as he looked down. Yes, it looked much more natural. Speaking of which! He saw something maybe concerning when he relieved himself in the bushes earlier. Should Eddy know of that? It was probably safer to do it now instead of later when they did their passionate adult hugging in the night.

"Oh, uhm, Eddy, by the way," Brett was flustered and had to clear his throat, "I need to tell you something. You can probably guess but everything got bigger when I grew. Uhm so yeah. Just so you know."

The cheeks of the geep burned a bright red and he avoided Eddy's gaze. This was such a strange topic to talk about when they were not actively doing it or when Brett teased Eddy.

"I am not concerned about it," Eddy said simply, then again he hadn't seen how much bigger that area had gotten. He may become concerned once he sees it and perhaps freak out. Or maybe he would simply stay calm and still not be concerned. That was the hoped for reaction. However he would have to see it for himself to make a proper statement.

"Well, that's good then." Brett didn't think about how Eddy had to see or feel it to give it the 'ok', but sadly he thought it was all good. Maybe Eddy was not happy with his previous girth and length? Maybe he was, maybe he wanted something bigger? Well, now he could give Eddy something bigger for sure! Happy with that outcome they continued their way. Thankfully Eddy didn't freak out or something! That would be very embarrassing.

"Yes, yes. There is no need to worry about a thing," Eddy was calm as of now. Who knew how he would actually react when Brett whipped it out or when he entered Eddy for the first time after his biggering. Only time would tell how it all would go down. For now though, their time didn't need to be ruined by such worries or thoughts.

Brett squeezed the hand he held gently and looked ahead. Maybe, if he felt well enough, they could try to see if his bigger stick still fit. On that note, they should make a stop to Belle on their way back!

The faun noticed that he also could keep up with Eddy now! It was amazing! Yes, being bigger was definitely wonderful and he would go through the pain again! If that was the reward then yes, sign him up for another biggering!

Eddy looked around as they walked, he wanted to get them there! He must remain patient though, since he didn't want to run for it or something. Instead he would try to enjoy the scenery and the walk with Brett. Also it was easy to miss the entry of the archives so he needed to keep an eye out. Not rush the journey and miss it. The way was the aim so there was actually no rush. It took them a bit more than an hour to reach the archives since they leisurely strolled around more than actually fast-pacing walking.

Brett didn't have a clue where the entry was and still watched the scenery. It was so calm and nice here!

Eddy looked around for a moment before his eyes came to an entryway. It was hidden amongst the trees and stones. The only thing that alerted to its existence was a circular pane of glass that was as big as the bottom of a bottle. The sun's rays reflected off of it, "The entry is this way."

Eddy gestured with his head, leading to the camouflaged door of stone.

The geep blinked in confusion. What? He looked around but didn't see a door, "Is it hidden? It has to be, otherwise I would see it. Or do you need magical abilities to see it?"

That could also be and if that was the case, then Brett would have a big problem. But he turned his head to Eddy before he fell into the panic-abyss.

"It's hidden, Dwarves are known to make their structures hidden. It keeps out unwanted guests," Eddy found the mechanism that opened it so he pushed the door open for them to go inside, "See?"

Eddy smiled once it was open and Brett could see it.

"Well, that makes an awful lot of sense. If you can't find them, they can't bother you." Brett followed the deer and had to check for the first time in his life if his horn would go through without a problem or not. Since they were taller than Eddy. But only because they were straight up. He thought they looked good. He could spike someone on that.

But thankfully he fit easily through and they stood in the entry.

"Yes, it's a good way to not deal with other creatures," Eddy carefully walked down the steps. He didn't want to trip and fall down stone. It would be very unpleasant to slide down them face first. Luckily it was all well lit, so it made his cautiousness easier.

Brett looked around, not really sure what this was all about. A library underground. Wasn't that super humid there? But alas, the dwarves would know what to build, right? Well, he followed Eddy for now. Thankfully the stairs were wide enough so they could walk side by side.

"You can hold on to me, Eddy. I will hold you back should you fall."

He threw the deer a soft smile. Even though he wasn't that sure about Eddy falling, he could try and pretend to do it, right?

The stairs were lit by lanterns that were snug in indents of the stone walls. Once they got down the grey stone stairs they were in a circular room, with three corridors, each passage on every point of symmetry. The ceiling rose high in the more dimly lit room, doming upwards. This room was not lit by lanterns, but a magical star map that seemed to float up in the dome on its own. It formed all of the constellations that could be seen according to the time of year and hemisphere. The soft glow lit up the rows of shelves that followed the room's circular shape. There was a cotterman ladder that ran on rails if it needed to be moved, so higher shelves could be reached.

A hidden ventilation system lingered and functioned much like a coliseums to make sure everything stayed as it should. Plus magic helped. The dwarves were more technological it seemed when it came to their stone work.

Brett took all that in and couldn't help but giggle softly. It was so dang cool! The books were right, dwarves had a natural charm! Brett looked at the lantern close and could see that the flame inside was lit by nothing. It hovered over the bottom. Magical light even!

Brett wanted to run around and observe everything closely but they were here for a purpose and that was not it. So the faun looked at Eddy, waiting for him to lead the way.

"The corridor to the left leads to the plant section but this one is the magic section. So if you want to read about a faun's magic they should be here. I would like to study those plants that we want to grow at some point. So where I go depends on if you want me to read with you first or not?" Eddy looked to Brett to see what his decision would be.

"I can hang out here with the faun magic and you can go to the plant. It's more efficient that way." Brett took another look around and smiled, "Also there are only two other persons. I am fine. So don't worry about me."

The faun squeezed the hand he held and then released it. They were really faster that way and he didn't mind separating here. Also, he tended to get lost in books so he wouldn't even know Eddy was there or not after three minutes into it.

"If you are okay with that, I will be back or if you need me you can call for me. I will be near," Eddy nodded as he stepped away from Brett, "Have fun."

With that he trotted into the plant section, his comfort area of the library.

"Yes I will," Brett was already turning his head to the books but he threw Eddy a gentle smile before they parted. Now it was time for him to finally learn more about himself!

He carefully read the titles of the books and selected one. He didn't know how many books he could take but seeing that the other patrons also just had one in their hands, he would do so as well. The geep took the book and sat down in one of the chairs provided right next to a lantern. Now the fun began!

The first book read: All faun are born with something magical about them, a deep connection to nature. They have an innate instinct to hear the trees, earth and winds, etc talking. This appears in many different forms and on surface level this will seem normal to any faun if they have not dulled their senses. However, not many creatures can do this.

Furthermore, faun's step into their magic fully when they have matured. This includes but isn't limited to larger horns and a growth spurt, depending on the breed. At this point, a gifting with growing plants will be noticed. As long as the faun is deeply rooted in nature, they can grow almost anything plant related.

It was more of a technical book that explained some milestones and the magic. Like an academic journal or an encyclopedia. So it wasn't too helpful if Brett wanted to learn magic, but it was helpful in telling him that he should be able to do it now.

But it was still the perfect book for Brett since he really had to learn how to be a faun and what that implied he could do. So he eagerly read and read, reading more and more about faun's. Even that a crossbreed like him were natural occurrences and not a rare or ugly thing to be.

fauns were very sexually active from the point on they matured - which he definitely experienced - and it felt so good to know he was a normal faun. Not some strange creature.

In no time, Brett read through the book and brought it back. He would love to take it home with him but he couldn't. Maybe Eddy and he should move closer to the library. It was a fun thought experiment where he would love to move with Eddy. Not that it would ever happen, but it was definitely fun to think about.

The next book he grabbed had a very simple label 'Magic 101 - For faun Beginners'. That was his book to read now!

And what a read it was!

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