The Young Queen: Aria Rose Gi...

By Lexibabe111

731K 26.1K 2.3K

When Elena's brother Jeremy was born and arrived home from the hospital Elena's parents were shocked to see... More

2 | T H E G R I L L
3 | W O O D S
4 | A T T A C K E D
5 | D O O M E D
6 | H O U S E
7 | F L A M E
8 | C A R E
9 | O F F I C I A L
10 | F I R E
11 | T W I N
12 | C I V I L
13 | P L A N N E D
14 | P A I N
15 | B I T E
16 | S L E E P
17 | S C A N
18 | N O T E
19 | G L O W
20 | F U N N Y
21 | S T O R Y
22 | J O U R N A L
23 | T E Q U I L L A
24 | D A N C E
25 | O N E S I X
26 | R O S E
27 | W A K E
28 | S E A L
29 | M O V I E S
30 | C H A N G E
31 | B L O O D
32 | B L O C K
33 | E M I L Y
34 | B U R N S
35 | C O I N C I D E N C E
36 | P I T Y
37 | R E S E A R C H
38 | W H O
39 | "F U C K"
40 | S P I L L
41 | C O N F I R M
42 | D E A L
43 | G U L P
44 | R U N
45 | G O N E
46 | S O M E T H I N G
47 | W O R T H
48 | R E A S O N
49 | W I S E L Y
50 | A N Y M O R E
51 | M O T E L
52 | E M P T Y
53 | B R O K E N
54 | P R O O F
55 | C O O L
56 | A L W A Y S
57 | U H O H
58 | B E F O R E
59 | "A R I A N N A"
60 | P R O M I S E

1 | F I R S T D A Y

43.4K 807 102
By Lexibabe111

Aria was in her bathroom looking at herself in the mirror putting on her necklace, It was the last gift she had gotten from her parents before the incident. She would always panic when she couldn't feel it which would lead to the full Gilbert family and friends helping look for the necklace before Aria freaked out. Even though she was Jeremy's twin who had a reputation everyone loved her. She was soft-spoken, always kind, and friendly to everyone. But when the crash happened, she curled into herself and stopped talking. The only replies people would receive were a nod or she would shake her head.

"Ria" Aunt Jenna shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Aria sighed looking at herself in the mirror once more mouthing 'you can do this' before going downstairs where Elena and Jeremy were already sat down at the kitchen island.

"Toast. I can make toast" Jenna said looking at the three siblings. Aria smiled and shucked her head.

"It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna," Elena said looking at Aria her guilt increased. When Elena, Grayson, and Miranda were on the way back home from the party. They had gotten a call from a petrified Aria saying somebody was in the house. Grayson drove faster over the bridge when the tires swerved causing the car to drive straight off the bridge.

Elena's first words to Aria at the hospital were "It's all your fault their dead"

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy questions ruffling his twin's hair, chuckling at the pout of her face trying to fix her now messed up hair.

"Your first day of school and I'm totally unprepared. Lunch money?" Jenna asked grabbing her books and putting them in her bag. When she heard the news of the crash, she was devastated her sister and brother-in-law dead. Leaving the three children orphans with no parents. She was concerned about how much this would affect the siblings but more so Aria. When she was told what happened the night of the accident, she asked Caroline's mom the sheriff to take a look around the house. There was no proof or evidence that somebody had broken in. When she went into the parent's bedroom their room was destroyed. There was a message on the wall 'That was a warning' was written in black ink. Sheriff Forbes and Jenna agreed not to tell anyone what they saw and focused on the siblings.

"I'm good," Elena said as Aria just gave Jenna a thumbs up.

"Don't you have a big presentation today?" Elena added.

"I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at.... now. Crap!" Jenna says running out the door. Elena looks toward her brother "You, okay?" She knew Aria would ignore her which is why she directed her question to Jeremy.

Jeremy rolled his eyes in response and looked at his twin "Let's go" His relationship with Elena was strained, he was furious when she blamed their parent's death on Aria. Sure, the police said there was no proof of a break-in that night. But he believed her, her fear was real, and he made a promise that night he would also protect her from anything even if it was from their own sister.

When they arrived at the high school Aria was curled into her twin's side as they walked to the back of the building to meet their group of friends. Tyler was the first to see the siblings, even though he and Jeremy had issues they tried not to fight as much when Aria was around. Tyler dropped the arm that was around Vicky's shoulder and ran towards the twins. Pulling Aria from her brother's arms and giving her a hug. "Hey Ri," he said already knowing she wouldn't verbally respond. Instead, he saw a soft smile on her face.

"You ready for history?" Vicky asked from behind Tyler. Aria deeply sighed remembering what subject she had first. Looking at her twin she crossed her arms, shaking her head silently saying she was not going. Jeremy knew this would be the outcome when she found out what lesson she had. He looked at his phone seeing thar the first bell was about to be heard.

"Let's make a deal, I'll cover for you if you talk a little more to me" Jeremy had missed his sister's voice, her laugh, her giggles. She was his best friend, and he missed her old self. Not that he blamed her for why she had gone mute. When he saw the change in her face he quickly added "Just one-word answers?"

Aria looks down at her fingers that she fiddles with when she gets nervous after a few moments she looks back up at her twin "Okay" She whispers. Jeremy's eyes light up hearing her voice "Thank you, thank you. Right, you might want to go before the bell" He warned her. Giving her a kiss on her forehead, pulling away from her so Tyler and Vicky could give her a hug as well. Aria waved towards them before turning round and walking near the school car park. Not noticing the forest-green eyes that were looking at her curiously.

Aria had decided to kill time before her next lesson by going to the cemetery. This was her safe space if she wasn't at the house she would be there. Luckily it wasn't too far from the school. When she reached her parent's grave stones. She lay down in the middle of both stones and looked up at the sky. She wasn't sure why but she always had been connected with nature and the Sky.

When things were tough or if she was going through a difficult time. She would look up to the sky. Aria would never say it out loud but it was as if the trees, the grass, the animals the weather, they could all understand her feelings and emotions and help her calm down.

Shaking her head from her crazy thoughts she sat up from her lying position, a black crow flew past her head landing on the gravestone opposite her. Tilting her head, she could see the crow looking directly at her. Slowly she walks toward the crow and carefully starts to stroke it. Strangely her emotions changed from calm and relaxed to pain, sadness, and anger.

"Don''t worry little bird everything will work out eventually" Aria whispers to the Crow watching it fly away. She did talk when she was alone mostly to her parents. She found it easier to become mute when interacting with others. But now she had made a deal with her brother, she felt guilty that she shut him out too, it was her twin, her best friend. He had lost his parents too, she knew they would always bounce back to each other that's how their relationship worked. They could never stay mad at each other.

Smiling at the though of her twin and their friendship rebuilding. She gives one last look toward her parents gravestones before walking back to the school. For the second time that day she didn't notice the ocean blue eyes that had been watching her. Who had been shocked to see her talking to the crow. Shocked at how his own emotions had changed from her words.

Her words gave him something he hadn't felt in a long time.



New book.....

Hope you enjoyed this chapter Xo

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