Touched by the moon

By MissReaper14

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Follow Harry on his new journey as a werewolf. Lots of fun and angst await him in his journey to become even... More

Chapter 1: Meet the Pack
Chapter 2: The moon called and I answered
Chapter 3: Wolves just love pets
Chapter 4: A new beginning
Chapter 6: Unanswered Questions
Chapter 7: The secrets out, Harry's gone and Voldemort cares?
Chapter 8: How to break a spirit
Chapter 9: The Chaos begins.
Chapter 10: Allies within the eye of the phoenix
Chapter 11: Broken minds
Chapter 12: Blood is so pretty when red!
Chapter 13: Abnormally large beasts incoming!
Chapter 14: A serpentine looking bastard?
Chapter 15: Sneaky bastards and muggles
Chapter 16: Fuming man meets meddling old man
Chapter 17: Sass is the best weapon...

Chapter 5: The new name and the first moon

649 21 0
By MissReaper14


The ministry is stressed,
The Order is in shambles,
The packs first full moon is stressful,
And Fenrir is pleased.



Chapter Text

Rufus Scrimgeour was stressed.

The previous minister of magic was an absolute imbecile! How did he expect the Aurors to find them if they don't get any days off! He devided the department of missing witches and wizards too find two different people, one a wanted werewolf the other a missing wanted minor.

"Minister? With what can we help? If it's about Potter and Greyback, we are yet to find new information," a wizard called Philip greeted him smiled at the young man and greeted him. "No, it is not Philip. In fact, I have come to tell you something important," "Sure what is it, Minister?" Philip asked curiously. The minister smiled at his curiosity, as he knew this was the only thing that had happened these last couple of months that was worth being curious about.

"I want you and the rest of your apartment too continue only searching for Harry Potter. I want him found soon, as I fear that we might completely lose him this winter. The department of creatures will be searching for Fenrir Greyback. I also want you to take next weekend off and de-stress. Your work hours will be shortened to a minimum of 6pm and a maximum of 8pm. Oh! Starting from tomorrow you will come in at 8am. Is that agreeable?" Phillip looked relieved at the mention of his new working hours and the break he will receive next weekend. Even if it is only two days, he knew that the following holiday he will get another break.

"Yes, Minister. It is doable, is there anything else?" The minister looked pleased at the fact that he agreed and smiled, "Yes please tell the rest of your department as I need to speak with the department of creatures." Phillip agreed and excused himself to go tell the rest with a smile on his face.

When he reached their office and told them they all cheered and worked further with huge smile or grins on their faces. And depending on who you looked at you could maybe just maybe see hope in their eyes at the thought of finding the Potter boy.

The minister smiled at the sound of his workers cheering at the thought of their new hours and their upcoming break, his yellow eyes had a twinkle of delight in them much like Dumbledore's. He walked further too the other side of the ministry building to go talk to the next department. Upon his arrival his smile faltered the members of the creature department were all looking exhausted and severely stressed.

There was no doubt about it, Fudge had probably given the department of missing witches and wizards the job on finding their last whereabouts and given this department the job of searching the places they were last supposedly spotted.

When they realized he was there they greeted him with half smiles on their faces and this made Scrimgeour all the more willing on telling them the new arrangements. "Hello, I hope all of you are doing good?" He continued speaking after they nodded. "That is good. I have decided that the department of creatures will be searching for only Greyback while the department of missing witches and wizards will be searching for only Harry Potter. And I want you all too take the following weekend off too\ relax, I also want all of you too come in tomorrow at 8am and go home between 6-9pm. These will also be your new working hours."

Alexander who was leaning over the chair of his brother too look at a report of a supposed sighting of Harry Potter in Brazil, was now standing upright with a big smile on his face while he asked with his eyes if he was speaking the truth. At the look that Alexander was giving him he nodded and smiled then turned around and walked away. The department of creatures were processing the new development and after a few seconds of silence they all had huge smiles on their faces.

They all silently thanked the minister. They dropped all reports on Harry Potter and picked up all the reports on Fenrir Greyback and focused only on him. Almost immediately they were all hyper focused on the reports on him, some of them were understanding the information better and others felt liked his location was on the tips of their tongues.

Scrimgeour felt the change and smiled but his smile dropped when he reached his office and began his paperwork, most of it was in regard of the maybe whereabouts of Potter and Greyback. He decided that he would begin with those.

He was getting frustrated, most of the reports on sightings of the two were getting ridiculous. Harry Potter in a muggle bar he thinks not. Greyback in a muggle town he believes not. The people were getting scared and anyone that looks like them were reported as a sighting when most of the time it was not them and led to a dead end. But they had to send out Aurors to check it out as the law stated they had too no matter how ridiculous it sounded. He was two hours in when he was startled by knocking on his door, he made a face as he remembers he told his secretary that he was not too be disturbed.

"Come in," the knocking ceased at his order and his secretary appeared. "Sorry to disturb you sir. But Albus Dumbledore wishes to speak with you about something of great importance." He frowned at the new knowledge; he did not wish to see this fool. "Thank you, Heather, you can call him in and leave." He said with a smile, Heather nodded, and Dumbledore entered, and she took her leave and shut the door behind her.

"Very well Dumbledore what was so important you couldn't leave it with my secretary?" Scrimgeour went straight to the case and didn't except any small talk Dumbledore tried to start. Dumbledore sighed this was going to be a difficult talk.

"Very well, I have some information on Harry Potter," at the mention of Potters name he had Scrimgeours attention what information does he have that they don't, was the first thought that went through Scrimgeours head. "We believe mister Potter has passed away." Dumbledore said with no twinkle in his blue eyes, and it looked as if he was still in the middle of grieving. Scrimgeour didn't agree and made sure Dumbledore understood he didn't believe him.

"I really doubt that Dumbledore, but tell me why I should believe this? How did the boy who did not die at the hand of he-who-must-not-named die and what made you believe such nonsense?" Dumbledore flinched at the ministers rising voice and doubting tone. "Well, you see minister," Dumbledore faltered, was telling the minister this really the right thing when he could be wrong? But he couldn't, the spell doesn't lie. No spell does.

"We have been performing the tracking spell every day since his disappearance, we always found his location and went there immediately but by the time we got there he was long gone. What made me believe this, the spell we used is the one that only works when the person is alive. Well, we used it this evening and the spell failed. We tried five more times and it failed; I believe you understand why I believe this now?"

Scrimgeour was in disbelief, Harry Potter was truly dead. Then the realization hit him, the only hope they had to defeat the dark lord was now gone. How was he going to tell the people this? There will be a huge outrage and when the dark lord finds out he will come after them as soon as possible. His thoughts were once again interrupted by the urgent voice and knocking of a female by his door. "Come in!" What he saw shocked both Dumbledore and him. In front of them stood a bloody and beat up Nymphadora Tonks and she looked both devastated and absolutely frightened.

"There- The- death eaters... Harry!" They stopped listening as they didn't understand what she was saying. "Tonks dear, please slow down we can't understand what you're saying." Dumbledore stopped her and calmed her down. When she finally calmed down and told them what had happened, they were shocked and devastated. Dumbledore paled; Voldemort found out so quickly?! And he did what they were worried he'd do.

Harry was sitting in the middle of the circle that his pack mates made around him. They were choosing a new name for him.

"Fester?" Felix asked Harry shook his head no and gave a small growl indicating that he hated that name. Felix held up his hands and fell on his back from his sitting position.

"Blackie?" Harry bit Jeffrey on his foot as a hard no. Jeffrey yelped and yanked his foot away, at least he knew Harry disagreed.

"Veldora?" Harry looked at Sam curiously and nodded and licked his hand. "Okay, your new name is Veldora. What about the surname Pendragon?" Again, Harry nodded. His new name was Veldora Pendragon. And he liked it.

Fenrir could feel the moons as it slowly rises, they were all restless. The moon was covered with clouds, and they knew when the tiniest beam of light from the moon reaches them, they would shift.

The night was cloudy and dark not really the first moon the pack wanted together, the night will be cold and dark. They would be unable to see the threats that lies in front of them. The moon lit up the dark forest when it escaped the clouds that tried to smother its light. Fenrir and the others all fell to their knees and groaned, their bones were breaking and shifting into a new form. For non-werewolves it would be a gruesome sight. Seven full grown men all on their knees with various bones in their limbs all twisted and broken some even breaking their skin. Their once dirty and scarred skin was now covered in blood and had bones sticking out, a gruesome scene.

Their bones now broken shifted into place and caused more pain to shoot up. Now that the bones were in place their skins began to grow thick fur all around and their skins each stretched to cover all their bones and their bodies all shrank. Their skin grew thicker, and the fur covered every piece of it. They grew snouts on their faces and their eyes shifted into place and soon their groaning turned into small pants and soft whimpers. The shift is completed.

Veldora stood helplessly as his pack mates all groaned in pain as the shift started, though he was relieved that the groaning soon turned into soft whimpers. He looked away as their bodies contorted and bones broke, how there was blood all over them and how the bones pierced through their skin, he did not see it.

The pure black wolf of Fenrir stood up as soon as his limbs allowed him too, he must check their new member too see if he was alright.

When the black wolf of Fenrir came up to him Veldora looked up from where he was playing with the little balls of light, fireflies were fun to play with. Fenrir snorted as Veldora looked up from where he was playing with the fireflies. When he reached him, he walked around the wolf and sniffed at him. He gave a growl at the two newest wounds the wolf has; they were about two days old the alpha wolf thought.

He pushed Veldora on his side that did not have a relatively new wound and sat down behind him to lick his wounds clean. Veldora lied still as his alpha licked the bullet wounds clean. The one on his upper right thigh was licked clean and the fur around it, then his alpha licked his ear clean and Veldora let himself doze off as he was safe here.

Fenrir finished cleaning his wounds and let the wolf doze, he would leave a pack member with him as he and the others would need to go hunting. Sam stayed with Veldora as the rest went hunting. He woke the wolf up from his little nap and they played in the safety of their clearing where the snow did not reach them. Veldora was left behind for the fact that he could not really run as fast with his wound on his right leg, Sam was left to look after Veldora and because frankly he didn't really hunt that good as he was very clumsy. When they heard a howl, they knew that the pack had found food. They continued to play with each other pouncing on the other and then nipping their ears though careful of Veldoras injured ear.

They perked up at a rustle in the bushes, Sam stood up and went in front of Veldora, the pack has not yet signaled they have caught the prey and were returning, so what was that all the creatures strayed away from them as they were rather noisy. He looked in the direction the rustle came from with his head low and his tail down. They both tensed up as they heard a twig snap and heard a faint curse.

Veldora stood up and full on growled, he recognized that scent, a hunter and one he injured rather badly. At Veldoras growling and menacing stance Sam knew that these were hunters. He was frightened, yes, he faced hunters before but that was when he had the upper hand now, they were surrounded by people with guns. Veldora heard Sam's small whimper and he stood straight and went closer to him. He had to protect his pack mate as he had never faced hunters without their alpha and didn't know what to do.

Eight hunters stood in front of the forest with dogs. They were going to get that wolf tonight, the lead hunter, Seth, was out for vengeance the mutt bit four of his fingers off and he had to amputate the hand as it was infected badly and mauled beyond repair. And his brother had died in this forest while hunting the wolf they dubbed, the little demon. His brother was on call with him when he was hunting the little demon. He heard a shot go off on his phone and heard a yelp, his brother hit the mutt in the flank. A series of shots went off after that, but none had hit it till there was another yelp.

His brother had shot the mutt's ear he was soon in formed. He turned over too video call as his brother's phones was strapped to his upper thigh, and he saw the ugly mutt and smiled as the shots were getting closer as the mutt. The mutt suddenly took off, it took them a few seconds too spot him again. He was panting as he stopped and looked around behind him and in front of him.

"There might be something dangerous ahead. Be careful." He told his brother. His brother shot at the mutt, the mutt yelped and decided to go forward. He smiled in glee as he saw the wolf was tired and got shot again

He remembers that day vividly. The mutt had bolted and jumped over some bushes after it landed six people jumped out with knives and guns while one ran to the mutt. He told his brother too run and he did but the biggest of the six men had stabbed him and left him there to die. His brother died of blood loss that day. And now he was going to kill the mutt and give the police the location of the forest in which his brother had died.

"Well come on we don't have all night. We have to be out by sunrise too not run into the killers." He huffed out and loaded his hunting gun and walked on the others hot on his tail. They searched for two hours but they heard a howl and knew that that was the signal in packs that they have found food and will be hunting. And they will howl again as they were heading back to the main pack. They needed to hurry.

They walked in the opposite direction of the howl and walked about forty minutes before he heard something. "Shh!" He held up his fingers and pointed in the distance as he shushed them. There was faint growling and light yelps. They walked closer and saw two wolves. One the mutt and the other a beige color they seemed to be playing. So, the mutt has found himself a pack?

They surrounded the wolves and quietly got in place to shoot, when one of the men accidentally stepped in some bushes the wolves instantly stopped playing and looked in the direction the noise came. The beige wolf stepped in front of the mutt as if to protect it. Seth smirked, the mutt was injured and was not as fast most likely.

He cursed softly as he stepped on a twig, the mutt sprung up and looked directly at him and growled just then the wind direction changed and carried his scent towards the mutt. The mutt took a threatening stance and growled menacingly at him, so the mutt recognized him?

The beige wolf gave off faint whimpers, judging from the lack of scars it has never encountered hunters before, was probably always protected by the Alpha, Seth thought bitterly. He aimed his gun at the mutt first and shot. It yelped, he shot it in the ear, the same one his brother shot. The wolves bolted, the beige following the mutt.

Veldora heard Sam's whimpers and knew the hunters did too, Sam didn't know what to do when hunters appeared while in wolf form as Fenrir was always there to protect them. Veldora however did know, he stood in front of Sam and looked at the direction where the real threat was. When hunters hunt in big groups, they tend to wait for their leader too shoot first. So, this man was the real threat and because his aim is better than most hunters, but he still struggles to accurately shoot moving targets.

A gunshot went off and Veldora yelped, he didn't waste any time and nudged Sam too follow him. Sam was in shock the hunter had shot Veldora again and now they were running, he now knows how Veldora must have felt whenever the hunters were after him. How he had run so fast while being injured and severely malnourished Sam does not know but all he knew was that Veldora knew what to do and he should just follow him.

Another gunshot went off and barely grazed Sam's hind leg, he yelped as another went off and separated them. He went in the direction of Fenrir and the others; he howled loudly as to signal for help. He could only hope that Veldora was safe.

Veldora yelped as he was shot in his left shoulder. This man was out for vengeance it seemed; he was outrunning them rather nicely when he heard the barking of dogs behind him. He really needed to get away now! What could he do?

The dogs got closer, and he saw there was eight of them, all of them were rather hostile. He ran faster and saw a herd of deer in front of him, he ran towards them, and the herd took off with him running in between them. This way the hunters won't be able to shoot him, and the dogs won't reach him, he just has to keep up. Which proved to be rather hard with his new injury and the previous one on his flank. Soon the dogs are called back with a whistle, and he heard the barking stop as well as the gunshots, they had lost him.

When he could no longer smell them or hear them at all did, he breaks off from the herd, but not without being kicked in the ribs and face. He was dizzy and didn't know where he was. He knew he was still in Fenrir's territory but didn't know where the rest of the pack was. He heard Sam call for them when he was separated from him but did not hear an answering call.

Sam kept running and howling when he finally heard an answering howl, he ran towards them and panted. They had killed two big deer but were looking at him in worry and confusion as Veldora was not with him. Sam pulled Fenrir's ear to show him to follow him, Fenrir, Jake, Jeffrey and Oliver followed him while Luke and Felix stayed get the food back to the clearing.

When Fenrir heard a loud howl from Sam, he was hesitant to howl back afraid that he would be found by whatever was after him, after the third howl he howled back and soon he appeared and panted. He came to Fenrir and pulled his ear in the to follow him, he and his three best betas followed Sam while the rest stayed behind to drag the stags back to the clearing. Sam took off sprinting and the rest followed him.

Fenrir became worried when he heard dogs barking and gunshots going off. They went ahead, the hunters all ran away when they saw the beige wolf along with three other wolves running towards the direction the mutt disappeared in, they needed to run before the wolves come back to get them. They were probably the pack that the mutt joined.

Sam ran ignoring the hunters and dogs as they all ran away. He needed to find Veldora. They kept running. Suddenly Fenrir gave a loud howl to locate him as they were getting very worried. They heard nothing.

They then heard a herd of deer running off in the distance when they heard the most pain filled howl and took off towards it. They slowed down when they heard heavy pants and faint whimpers and whines. They saw their pack mate lying down on the grass with blood pouring down his ear and left shoulder.

Veldora faintly heard a howl as he lied down to catch his breath. It took him three attempts to give the most pitiful howl in return. When they finally reached him, they slowly crept forward, when Fenrir reached him, he started licking his wounds clean. He whimpered and gave a small growl only to get one in return to tell him to shut up. And he did, all that was heard were whimpering and whining.

Slowly they nudged Veldora too his feet to get up. When he finally got irritated, he sat up and was then continuously nudged to stand up. When he eventually got to his feet, they slowly made their way back to the clearing. They got there when the moon was at its highest, the other two wolves were happy to see them all return safely but soon grew worried as Veldora limped towards them but fell down halfway and just lied there. The pack brought him food, but he refused to eat. After they all ate, they lied down around him to keep him warm and to be close to him while he slept. The moon was beginning to set and only when Fenrir was sure there was nothing wrong with him did, he too fall asleep.

The sun was up rather high when the first member awoke, Felix stood up and made a fire then he worked on getting the rest of them awake, though he left the sleeping wolf.

Fenrir was displeased too be woken up and made that known by hitting Felix over the head. He apologized and told him that they should boil water to get the bullet out of Veldora. At the reminder of what happened last night Fenrir looked next to him and saw that the wolf was sleeping peacefully. Slowly but surely, they all woke up and ate then they started boiling water when they heard bone break and silent whimpers. They looked towards Veldora and saw that he was shifting back. The damage and exhaustion was just too much for him and he shifted back.

Though they were happy that he has shifted back it soon vanished when they saw all of the scars littering his body. Sam went to go get some extra clothes for him as the boy, they now realized was wearing nothing.

He was lying down on his stomach, and you could see all of the scars on back and they were sure there were more.

On his face was the long scar that went from his left eye over his nose and down his right cheek. On his right cheek also was what seemed to be a patched-up bullet wound. He had two bullet wounds on his left shoulder one was fully healed while the other was last night's bullet. He had a stab wound on his right shoulder as well as two bullets wound on his right ear, both bullet wounds new.

There were faint white lines on his back that was not undoubtedly gotten through a whip. There was a stab wound on his left hand and another scar on his right hand that read 'I must not tell lies'. All over his upper arms there were random cuts that were all but faint lines by now, those must be old wounds. On his left hip there was the word 'slut' carved in. And under the stab wound on his right shoulder blade there was the word 'Evil' and 'Devil' carved in.

Along his spine there was the word 'Monster' carved in and on his lower back there was also the word 'Freak' carved in. The last scars they could see was the branding on his right hip, the branding read 'VD/PD/DD' most likely the initials of the one one who did this to him.

But aside from all the scars Fenrir thought the boy looked pretty. With his raven hair falling down to his shoulder and his heart shaped face with that shocking green eye and those full soft looking rose lips.

Veldora slept peaceful not knowing that he has shifted back, and his new wound being properly cleaned. Sam worked fast pushing the wet cloth with warm water on his wounds to clean them, all he got in response was a small whine, but he did not wake. After cleaning the wounds, he set to cleaning the boy's face, hands, arms and back the rest can be done later.

Now all they had to do was wait for him to wake up.

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