Across the Dimensions (A Disn...

By publisher14

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Across the extreme universe of Disney and Dream Works, there are lots of things that us fans love to fantasiz... More

Authors Note
Part One: Accidents and Magic
Part Two: Corination Day
Part Three: The Girl with Golden Hair
Part Four: Dreams and Changes
Part Five: Journey Strong
Part Six: Cold and Dark
Part Seven: Earn her Trust
Part Eight: Feeding on Lies
Part Nine: Beginning of a Dark Age
Part Ten: Aquainteces and Sibling Rivalry
Part Eleven: A Daring Escape
Part Twelve: Find the Holder of the Cure
Part Thirteen: Going After Jack Frost
Part Fourteen: The Island of Berk
Part Fifteen: Beware Her Frozen Heart
Part Sixteen: The Rosetta Shard
Part Seventeen: Horrible Fates
Part Nineteen: Make Things Right
Authors Note

Part Eighteen: Together we are Strong

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By publisher14

There was still silence between everyone in the cave. No one dared move or make the tiniest sound. While Elsa was still confused, everyone else wondered how Elsa was let free from the statue of ice.

The ice Queens hair was back to it's platinum blonde now, and her dress was its original ice sequin blue. It was as if the ice had cleansed the evil from Elsa, leaving her weak and vulnerable.

Jack was stunned to say the least. So many emotions were running through him, but one out powered them all: relief. As much as he wanted to run out and hug his lifelong best friend, he found he couldn't. His feet resisted to move as his brain told them

"Jack." Elsa had said again, this time not so questionably because she knew it was him. "Where's Anna?" And then slowly, the Queen glanced around at the group of misfit people. Most of them looked strange to her except Jack. "Who are all these people?"

Along with the cleansing of Elsa's being, it had seemed to take the dark memories away. She looked lost and unaware of almost everything. And even though the question had been asked, no one, not even Pitch had something to say.

Jack didn't have the heart to answer her questions. To tell her the happenings over the past weeks would take forever and shatter what was left of her own heart. He didn't have the willpower to show her the cold hard truth. So instead, he looked past Elsa with sad bearing eyes, as did everyone else behind him. Pitch was standing off to the side, waiting for Elsa's recognition so he could end her.

Elsa was confused as to why no one was talking, or for that matter answering anything she had asked. This made her scared and she feared the worst. Slowly, she attempted to stand up on her weak legs. And then, when she was being supported, she took a shaky movement to turn around. Right there, frozen in a hugging position, was the statuette of her sister. But Elsa didn't say anything. She just stared at the ice with curiosity.

This couldn't be Anna. Elsa tried to reassure herself. Anna was somewhere else, safe from her ice magic. The way it should be.

Elsa reached her hand out, and allowed her fingers to glide along the ice surface then fall back down to her side. The tense silence was getting suffocating.

"She's gone Elsa." Pitch suddenly said with a big twisted smirk. He swiftly circled over to the right side of the ice statuette and glanced up at curious Elsa. "A sister's terrible tragedy really. The tale of how the older sister was afraid to hurt her younger sister, so she ran away. In the end, it only led to the downfall of one of them. The one who tried to make things right and never gave up. The one who loved her sister no matter what..." Pitch smiled then, pausing for great effect. "And do you know who that tale is based off of? No?" Pitch stood up, one hand in a fist behind his back, and the other hand also in a fist up to his mouth as he cleared his throat. "Queen Elsa, and Princess Anna, of Arendelle."

Elsa stared at the ice statue in silence before saying, "That's not true. I would never hurt Anna intentionally."

She turned around and looked at Jack for confirmation. Elsa was stunned by Jack's silence. He should be right there with her, confirming what she'd said. But instead he said nothing.

Elsa knew she was going to have to ask then even though she already knew the answer was, "No".

"Right, Jack?" Elsa asked. "I would never hurt Anna internationally."

Elsa stared into Jack's eyes awaiting his answer but was greeted with more silence.

Pitch gave a deep chuckle at the Queens stunned expression. He stroked the statuette in slow admiration.

"It's alright my Queen. She looks more at peace this way." He looked up with an evil grin. "She doesn't have to try to win your love anymore because you're too far gone to save. Elsa this is your fault."

Jack's temper instantly rose and he stepped forward in rage. "SHUT UP PITCH!" He screamed.

"WHY JACK?!" Pitch shouted back in the same volume with his twisted smile. "DOESN'T SHE DESERVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH?" He motioned to the dumbfounded Queen.

Elsa watched as the two fought, her anxiety rising with every word. And everyone knew that when Elsa was stressed bad things were bound to happen.

But deep down she already knew the truth. From the first moment Elsa had looked at the ice statue she knew it was really Anna. She had felt it in her heart. The two had a connection that nothing could interfere with. Not even death.

Elsa was in denial. The first stage of grief. She continued to deny the fact that her sister was dead. Elsa could still not remember what had happened but she knew Anna was gone.

It was like a nightmare really. To suddenly wake up and see the one you love most dead in front of you.

And Elsa knew for a fact that she had something to do with Anna's untimely demise. The fact that ice was involved in it told Elsa all she needed to know.

This Pitch person was telling the truth. Elsa had killed Anna. Elsa did not know how but it was an undeniable truth.

Anna was dead and it was all her fault.

Elsa swallowed as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want believe it but the cold, hard truth was standing right in front of her.

Everything else was blocked out now. The only thing that mattered was getting to Anna. Elsa walked closer to ice statue as if in a trance and embraced it in a tight hug. Her tears were freely falling now as she held onto the the statue with dear life.

To Elsa letting go would mean certain destruction. And besides, she'd been there to comfort Anna before.

And she would continue to do so, even in death.

"Ah look,". Pitch sneered. "She has finally realized this whole mess is because of her. Bout time." To this,Jack leapt at Pitch with a scream like an animal in rage. The two were on the ground, thrashing around, I've and black magic loose everywhere. Hans, Gothel, Merida, Rapunzel, and Flynn got in on it too. Soon, the whole cave was engulfed with the sounds of war. But it was all in the background.

Elsa was far too upset to even pay attention. She just stood there, embracing her frozen sister and refusing to let go. But then, there was a sudden wet feeling on Elsa's fingers as she kept holding onto the statue tight.

Elsa paid no attention to what was going on around her. Anna was the most important thing on her mind right now. But the continued wet feeling on her fingers bothered her.

Elsa assumed she was feeling the wetness from her tears, which refused to stop.

"It's fine, Anna. I've got you. Nothing can separate us." Elsa repeated those same words over and over again like a mantra.

"I know you do..." Came a weak whisper into Elsa's ears. There was a sudden tightening around the Queen as she was embraced back. "And I've got you too."

Everyone didn't bother to acknowledge the sisters moment as the fought like cats and dogs. Fire, ice, dark magic, fists... Anything they could use as a weapon.

"They were so innocent! Why'd you have to destroy them!?" Jack screamed in anger as he vigorously battled with Pitch, stick and staff clashing.

"Why does anything innocent turn scorn? The world will never know!" Pitch shouted back with his smirk.

"You evil low life!" Jack screamed at the same time that Pitch had managed to rebound him back. Dramatically Pitch gasped.

"Jack! That was very rude." Pitch took his staff and in a quick flash, he blasted Jack. This caught everyone off guard as the ice boy was thrown back into the back wall of the cave. Then there was silence. No one dared speak or move as Pitch made his way toward Jack.

Elsa knew that voice from anywhere. But that was impossible. The only person that that voice could belong to was gone.

Maybe Elsa really, truly had lost her sanity. Even she believed that until she felt someone returning her hug. And only one person could hug Elsa in that way.

Elsa couldn't find her words. She stood in confusion not sure what to say or do.

Everything was telling her that it was Anna who had spoke to her and was returning her hug. That was impossible though. Anna was gone.

"I'm sorry Anna. I'm sorry... For shutting you out... And... For everything..." Elsa whimpered, her tears flowing faster now.

"Shh. Don't apologize." The voice commanded gently, moving Elsa back so that the two were facing one another. Anna grabbed her sister's hands delicately, intertwining them. "Take my hands and forgive yourself. We can't be strong if your heart isn't." Something has changed in Anna's eyes. She looked more wise and determined. Her hair had turned back to its natural red, but her white streak still remained to mark her as a gifted individual.

Elsa was in disbelief. Anna was alive. How Elsa wasn't sure. But at that point she really didn't care. Her tears turned into ones of joy until she realized she was holding Anna's hands.

Elsa tensed up remembering what had just happened less than a minute ago and that she was responsible for it.

"A-Anna... I don't think..." Elsa trailed off panicking a little as she desperately tried to free her hands. She was determined to never let such a thing happen again.

"Stop." Anna snapped. "It's fear that makes your powers harmful. Not you." Anna gripped her sister's hands tighter. "If you can control yourself, then you can live knowing your powers will never hurt me, or anyone else ever again." Still know one paid attention to the sisters as Pitch advanced closer to Jack with his twisted smile.

Elsa paused for a moment. Her sister's words echoing in her mind. She thought long and hard about it.

Maybe Anna was right. If Elsa could control her powers then she could always be with Anna. They would never have to be separated again.

Elsa bit her lip looking away from Anna. She could do this. For the first time since that night, Elsa would be in her sister's company without fear.

"The past is in the past..." Elsa whispered looking back to Anna.

She stopped her struggle to get away and began carefully squeezing her sister's hands to show she was ready to take the first step.

"It's time to see what I can do... To test the limits and break through." Elsa smiled as she gazed at her sister.

"No rights, no wrongs..." Anna said back, a smile beginning to widen on her face as her tired eyes began brightening up and energy began to flow through her once again.

Elsa smiled, tears of joy brimming in her eyes. She was finally going to be able to be with Anna with no fear.

"No rules for me...." Elsa continued with another smile.

"Now we're free..." The girls said together, their power suddenly bloomed to full capacity. They could feel the magic flow through their veins and connect them as one.

Anna pulled back but still held Elsa's hand gently coaxing them to look onward. Both Elsa and Anna were stunned at what they saw.

Pitch was slowly creeping up to Jack. Elsa didn't even know if Jack was alive or not but the sight spurred something deep inside her.


Elsa's sister had already died today and she wasn't about to let her best friend die too.

"Anna." She said looking to her sister with anger in her eyes. "We can't just stand here. I already lost you once... I can't lose Jack either."

"And we won't lose him. Not him, not anyone." She said back to Elsa with just as much anger. "Hey Pitch!" Anna shouted. "Why finish him off when you haven't even accomplished your real goal? Which was to kill us!" The sisters firmly held hands and stepped forward.

Pitch slowly turned around, his eyes ablaze in frustration. "Don't you two ever die?!" He groaned, seeing the sisters side by side. It sickened him. "This whole magic thing is really getting on my nerves. What with all the loopholes..."

"You can try to eliminate us,". Anna had cut Pitch off. "But we always bounce back stronger than before. You should know. It's happened before." Instantly everyone knew she meant when the Guardians had made him retreat into the dark with love and happiness. And the same thing was happening. And Pitch knew it.

"Love is stronger than all evil. No matter what anyone says!" Anna shouted. She stepped forward again, her anger only rising. "And now it's time to end you." Both Anna and Elsa raised their hands simultaneously, power beginning to swell in their fingertips. Now everyone surrounded Pitch and he was forced into the corner of the cage. He suddenly chuckled, a dark smirk playing on his lips.

"Now, the numbers are a little unfair don't you think?" He asked mischievously. " Id'e much rather finish this when the odds are in my favor." Anna followed Pitch's every movement finding the right time to strike, but it looked as if Pitch wasn't intimidated at all. "It was nice to see everything work out for you all. I think my reign of Chaos is done... Until next time. Maybe I might actually accomplish what I had wanted...." And then the next second, black swirling sand engulfed him and he was gone.

There was tiny groans of pain coming from the other side of the cave, but Anna was too shocked to noticed. She stared at where Pitch used to be in a dumbfounded state.

Elsa also stared for a few moments until she remembered about Jack.

She quickly released Anna's hand and ran to Jack's side and knelt beside him.

"Jack? Are you okay? I'm here for you." Elsa said as she gently grasped Jack's hand. He was at first holding his chest, but then the pain had seemed to go away. He squeezed Elsa's hand back with a wak smile and used her to help himself get up.

"I'm just fine." He assured. Anna let her shock pass and turned around quickly to find that her once imprisoned friends and enemies lay on the solid ice ground, gaining their colors back ms looKing normal once again.

"Rapunzel, Flynn, Merida." Anna gasped rushing over to them all, helping them sit up. There was a sudden tug on her arm sleeve and she turned around seeing Hans.

"What about me?" He asked weakly and attempted getting closer. Anna let out a yelp and swung her arm back, then caught him on the side of the face. He fell unconscious. Kristoff slowly came up beside Anna and knelt down next to her.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side." He joked lightly, and it caused Anna to smile and giggle. But then she stopped and got up, looking around to see if everyone was okay.

"We have to see if the other Dimensions are . thawed." Anna commanded. "Then, and only then, can Elsa and I Return to Arendelle." She concluded.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Jack spoke up weakly, pulling a snow globe from his pocket. In curiosity, everyone moved forward and crowded around Jack.

"Show me Corona and Arendelle." He said, and the snow globe did just that. At first it was where Flynn and Rapunzel came from. The sun was shining once again and the Kingdom was lively and festive, like had never been frozen, or the whole incident all together had not happened. And then Arendelle appeared. But it looked frigid and gold as ever.

"Oh Arendelle,". Elsa moaned with despair. "Why is it still frozen?" She looked to Anna, hoping she could supply an answer.

"Because you were the one who set off that winter. Pitch set off Coronas. You need be the one to make things right in our beloved Kingdom." Anna replied. Elsa nodded in determination then stood up from her kneel.

"Well then, let's go home."

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