Shane and Nicky

By Chloe1367925

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Shane and Nicky from westlife More

Chapter 1
Chatper 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

18 0 0
By Chloe1367925

Once his Tuesday shift began, Shane tried to perk up and leave his troubles behind but Colin aka Santa sensed his low mood whilst tightening his costume belt behind the scenes.

"Come on lad. Did it not go well yesterday? At the hospital weren't ye?"

"No... I lied and consequently lying is what got me into this mess. I've ruined everything Colin... With that guy I told you about."

"Oh? How so?"

"Doesn't matter. I'll be OK, I..." Shane stopped as he looked out the curtain to see the centre's guards for the day. "Wh... Is that... Fuck."

"Huh? Shane?"

"This is the last thing I need." Shane grunted unable to take his eyes of the pretty blonde guard as his colleague made him laugh. "That's him... Oh my god, he's stunning."

"Earth to elf. We open in 10 minutes." Santa chuckled, taking to his thrown to get comfy.

"I can't do this. I can't... No, I'm sorry Colin, you'll have to call Grace to cover all day. I can't be here." Shane began to panic, sweating at the prospect of being laughed at or scowled at by Nicky as he walked past once every hour on patrol of the shopping centre. "I have to go."

"You can't just take off." Colin whined but he could see Shane was distressed. "Go get some fresh air. I'll stall for you."

"Sorry mate. I can't do this. I'm done." Shane threw his elf ears and hat to the floor and ripped off the top half of his suit to reveal a black t-shirt underneath.

Just as Shane broke free from the grotto and began to run to the managers suite to collect his coat, Nicky and his copper friend poked their head in to see what was going on.

"My little helper has spat his dummy out by the look of things. He was mumbling about yesterday not going well and he seemed to see someone then he bolted." Santa explained.

Nicky nodded and clenched his lips tight, assuming Shane had recognised him this time. "Oh dear. Hope he's OK. What you gonna do now?"

"Manage until someone else gets here. Could you let management know please. In case he doesn't explain his actions."

Nicky took on the task and rushed up to the office in search of Shane. The lift was making its way up already so the cop took two steps at a time and tried to race to the top, pressing the buttons of every level in an attempt to stall the lift but when it reached the top, only a security guard stepped out.

"Haven't seen a half dressed elf have ye?" Nicky grinned.

"Think he ran outside. Problem?" the guard asked.

"No it's fine. Thanks. Just tell the boss their elf is unavailable for work today and Santa said he needs cover. Cheers."

As Nicky made his way back down the stairs, Shane had finally got into the lift and they passed on the stairs without knowing. Shane had decided to quit under pressure and blamed himself for creating such a mess. When Nicky accepted he'd missed the brunette he tried to call but Shane refused to answer, letting it ring out twice until he turned off his mobile. He didn't want to talk to anyone, least of all Nicky. So the blonde waited at the bottom of the stairs where Shane had no choice but to come face to face with him.

As the lift doors reopened, a tearful Filan stepped out, wiping his cheeks. When he looked up at Nicky he was like a deer in headlights.


"Yeah. It's me." Nicky smirked kindly. "Shane I'm so sorry."

"Forget it. I have to go." Shane sniffed, trying to swerve by the cop towards the exit but Nicky jumped forward with his arm out. "What?!" Shane snapped.

"Hey, calm down man. It's OK." Nicky softly replied, rubbing his hand down Shane's bicep. "Shane, what's wrong?"

Keeping his head down as the tears continued to roll down his cheek, the man in elf trousers and a leather jacket, spluttered a pitiful laugh at himself. "I'm such a loser. Look at me."

"No, you look at me!"

When Shane reluctantly looked up into Nicky's sparkling blue eyes he was taken away. He was suddenly in heaven and Nicky was his angel. "Wow. You were right. Your eyes are amazing."

Nicky chuckled and smiled. "What are the tears for babe?"

"I've ruined everything. This isn't how we're supposed to meet."

"I've seen you twice before now remember and both times you were perfect to me. You're not worthless Shane. You haven't ruined anything, I promise."

"Look at the state of me Nicky. I've just walked out of my job. I have nothing for Nicole and..."

"So go back up there and apologise. Lie again if you have to. If they think you were at the hospital yesterday, play on that."

"How can you stand there and tell me to lie again?" Shane covered his face in shame as he rested his back against the wall. "I told them to stick their job in the worse way possible. There's no going back."

"I can help you. Please. If you need this job, I'll help you sort this. It's my fault, it's the least I can do. Even if you don't wanna talk to me again and keep shutting off my calls."

"I could always work the street corner " Shane sniggered.

"Not on my watch. We'd both be arrested cause I'd be your first punter and never let you go. Shane, please let me help. I'm sorry alright? I miss you. I miss us."

Shane sniffed and wiped his eyes before staring back at Nicky again. "There is no us. You're better off without me Nicky. I'm a mess, I'm pathetic, unemployed, a single dad..."

"An incredible single dad that dotes on his little girl, strives to do his best and please everyone but himself and someone that knows how to laugh and make me feel wanted too. Don't cut me off Shane, please." Nicky begged, getting emotional. "Look, I won't think any less if you walk away from this job right now, that's up to you. It won't reflect how I feel about you."

"What about Nicole? I can't let her down."

Nicky reached into his wallet and pulled out 50 Euros. "Go and get your daughter some presents and leave the rest to me."

"No way. I'm not accepting your money, I..."

"Shane please. You don't have to pay me back, honestly, you owe me nothing. I've had to accept hand outs in the past myself, it's nothing to be ashamed of. You didn't ask, I offered."

"Nicky, I don't deserve..."

Placing his finger tips on Shane's lips, Nicky silenced him. "Take the fucking money and buy Nicole something. Turn your bloody phone back on and follow the instructions. Got it?"

Shane was slightly scared having the Gardaí tell him what to do. "Are you threatening me officer?"

"Only with kindness." Nicky wanted nothing more than to kiss the elf right there but he stepped back and cleared his throat to save it. "I want you OK? And I'm going to make this right, I promise. Just swear to me you won't bail on me."

"What about Nicole?"

"She'll be at school. Now you're unemployed you'll be free on Thursday right?"

"I guess so."

"Good. Don't let me down Shane. You're totally worth it."

Nicky left Shane to calm himself down properly and got back to work, all the while planning in his head a romantic date with Shane to prove they were meant to be.

As soon as Shane got home he registered for agency firms, determined to find work so he could be looked up to by his daughter and potential boyfriend. Although he walked out of the elf job in hast, it really wasn't something he felt proud of and his mental state was worth more than a job that made him feel stupid just to provide gifts for his daughter. Nicole was so understanding and laid back, she'd have been happy with a Barbie and net of chocolate coins but as a dad, Shane knew he had to do more to make every year magical for the most precious person in his life.

He turned his phone back on and texted Nicky a picture of the gifts he'd bought for Nicole, leaving out the one thing he'd got the guard to say thank you. Nicky was relieved he'd gone ahead and spent the money but he had an even bigger surprise in store as he began to plan the ultimate meeting.

Thursday came in no time and at 9am in the morning when Shane got back from taking Nicole to school, he received the first message telling him what to do.

Step 1. Go to the train station in Ranelagh and ask at reception for the silver envelope. Step 2 is inside. X Nicky X

The festive trail had begun. Nicky had estimated roughly how much time it would take for Shane to complete all the steps to reach his final destination where he would be waiting to greet his best friend.

Once Shane was dressed and done up, he took off to the train station on foot and started the quest Nicky had set for him. It was quite exciting and he felt like a kid again on a treasure hunt. Only this time the prize was more than a can of fizzy pop and a bag of sweets.

As he ripped open the first silver envelope, inside was a ticket to catch the train to the city centre and 2 Euros.

Step 2. By train or by plane I'm not that far. I'm waiting for you wherever you are. Get to the next step, it's at Woolies store, buy 2 rolls of wrapping paper, step 3 tells you more. X Nicky X

"Wrapping paper?!" Shane thought, confused. He'd got paper to wrap Nicole's presents, surely it wasn't for that.

Once at the till of the shop, he asked the cashier if they had an envelope for him and sure enough another silver envelope was presented to him.

Step 3. Grab a butty from Gregg's on Corporation Road, you need to keep fed to stay in the mode. There'll be no charge if you say your name and tell them step 4 is part of your game. X Nicky

Shane chuckled and looked forward to a bacon and sausage bap after being too excited about his day to eat at home. He took a stroll 5 minutes round the corner and sat on a bench outside the shop to enjoy his breakfast before opening the next step. He was loving every minute of the game but had no idea how many steps it was going to take to reach the star prize.

While waiting for Shane to get round some more tasks, Nicky sat with G in Costa's to waste some time. He explained every move he'd set up for Shane and she melted at the effort he'd gone to to impress.

"Wow you really like this guy don't you?"

"Of course. I'm not trying to fix him, I just want to be there for him and make him realise he isn't the loser he thinks he is. He's really special G. I can't stop thinking about him every second of the day. Seeing him upset the other day was heart wrenching. I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything would be OK... I had to do something."

"Nicky, you're incredible and he'll see that. I really hope it works out for you."

"Thanks babe. Me too. But hey if he doesn't accept the main gift then myself and Gia might be going instead." He winked with a grin, hoping Shane wouldn't be offended by the Groupon deal Nicky had bagged as a special gift to Shane and Nicole.

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